Cwv-101:Religious Paper Assignment On Origins Reflections PDF

Title Cwv-101:Religious Paper Assignment On Origins Reflections
Course Christian Worldview
Institution Grand Canyon University
Pages 3
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Kelcee Cramer CWV-101 5/25/18 Greg Kappas Origins Reflection In Genesis account of creation, it discusses the 6 days that in which God created all that we know of the physical universe. Each of the 6 days God created something new on this earth that contributed to the world today. He created the heaven and earths (The Holy Bible), light and day, water and sky, land, sea, and vegetation. He made sure that the earth had everything it needed to multiply and expand (Gen. 1- NIV Bible, 2018). There was light and dark for day and night, separation of water from everything else to create water and the sky, create water and dry ground for sea and land, creation of lights (sun and moon) and stars for the seasons, sea animals and birds, and land animals and mankind. There was water to drink and air to breathe. There was vegetation for roaming and civilization. Animals for food to live off of. Six days of work and one day to rest. He wanted mankind to be created in his own image. He created the garden of Eden for Adam. Adam was created from dirt breathing the first spark of life into him. Eve was created from one of Adams’ rib and dust creating the bond of man and woman in marriage. God finished off each day with his creations were made for good. He wanted people to grow and love in the way He does (NIV Bible, Genesis 1, 2018). My interpretation of the origins of the universe is that it was created in 6 days sunrise to sundown (NIV Bible, Genesis 1, 2018). As I am Christian, in Evolution, Christians base beliefs of creation and beginning of the world on Genesis 1. They also examine the Big Bang Theory and relate the description of creation from the Bible to the events of the scientific theory. The

belief that Evolution is stemmed from God and His creations. This ties into the age of earth and whether I believe in young and old earth or the theistic theory (LoudCloud, 2018, Lecture 2). I believe in young earth as it is based off the fact that God created the world in 6 days exactly with the 7th being his day to rest. Hence why Sundays are days of church and worship for him. I do believe this can be reconciled with the message of the Bible through my interpretation of reading Genesis 1. There are other readings in the Bible as well that can back this up as well as understanding the word. Through reading the word itself, one can receive fullness (2 Timothy 3;16-18). My worldview shapes the way that I view God, humanity, and the care for the earth through my relationship with God, my interactions with others, and my thankfulness for the world that He created. I view God as holy and righteous for what He has given me. He is the creator of all and created us to live in his image. To spread and share love in the way that he did. As a Christian, it is my duty to love God and love others around me. To fulfill everything that I can and to give back and prove that I am capable of anything with Him as my guide and source. He is mighty and powerful, so why can’t I be? I can, and I will. I choose the choice in life to have joy or to not have joy. Although I can’t control the outcome of everything that happens in life like I wish I could, I can still choose joy. Common courtesy and deeds make such a difference even when you don’t see it. Little things with helping the community around you like picking up trash, donating clothes to Goodwill, giving a homeless person a dollar, giving at church even if it is the smallest amount. Showing love and compassion to the people around us is living for God. My understanding of the worldview reminds me and has shaped me into a child of God, child of the Creator, and one who serves the Holy Trinity. God has a purpose for every one of His children, as it states in Jeremiah 29:11. This purpose and following out the calling He

gives to all of us is our responsibility towards society and how He will use us each individually to make up the kingdom. Adam and Eve were made in perfection and commanded to multiply. Their purpose was to reproduce God’s people and to follow Him. That same truth is true today, stemming from my understanding of the origin on the universe.


Genesis 1 - NIV Bible - In the beginning God created the heavens and the...... (n.d.). Retrieved from

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