Origins PDF

Title Origins
Course Christian Worldview
Institution Grand Canyon University
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Origins assignment for Christian worldview through grand Canyon....


Name: Klaryssa Smith-Mccown Course: CWV Date: 2/20/2021 Instructor: Wilder

Origins This is a worksheet assignment (not an essay). You are not required to include an introduction or conclusion. However, you are required to cite the Bible and at least twofour additional scholarly sources with in-text citations. Include a reference page at the end.

Section One - Christian Beliefs. In 250-350 words, summarize the Christian beliefs about the following: origins, Genesis 1 and 2, general and specific revelation, and the three Christian approaches to creation. Include citations.

Genesis 1: In genesis 1 god created everything there is in a perfect way. In three days, god created many things. On day one god created light for the earth. On day two god created the heavens and the waters. On days 3-6 god created dry land and the inhabitants for these places and the sun and the moon. The fish and the bird, animals and humans were also created in this time. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light (New international version, BibleGateway, 2020).

Genesis 2: n, Genesis 2 tells the story that the first human is formed from earth and then filled with the breath of God, and, when those two elements are brought together, this mud-made, Godbreathed creature becomes finally a living being (Jackson M, 2017). Genesis 2 is more focused on god’s relationship with the things that were created. This presents the story of Adam and eve and the garden where god dwelled with his people in peace. The garden of Eden is ultimately where the first man worshipped god. Adam and eve were meant to work and take care of this land. Eve was made to help Adam. She was created from his rib. God had only one rule and that was to not take part in the tree of good and evil.

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General Revelation: General revelation is defined in more recent theological works as "the selfdisclosure of God,"7 and "God's communication of himself to all persons at all times and in all places."8(Howard D, 2010). This is a way that god has revealed himself to man. General revelation is how we know of gods power through the universe and all that was created by him. Psalm 19:1-4 declares, “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands (Bible gateway). Specific Revelation: Specific revelation is how we know god exists through means not occurring in nature. These means could include dreams, visions, and written word of god itself. God ultimately had a specific revelation through Jesus Christ when sent down from heaven to spread his word. Three Christian Approaches 

Name of First Approach: The first approach is young earth creation. This approach reflects that god made the world in six days. This belief also states that the world is around six to ten thousand years old.

Name of Second Approach: The next approach is the old earth approach which states that the earth is four and a half billion years old. It also states that god did not have everything to do with the creation of man.

Name of Third Approach. The last is the theistic evolution approach. This simply states that life came from god himself and he created all.

Section Two - Current Understanding. In 250-350 words, explain and support your current understanding of the origins of the universe, evolution, and age of the earth. Explain whether or not your view can be reconciled with the message of the Bible and science. Include citations. How I believe the universe began: I believe that some kind of higher power had to have created all of this. I do not believe in random happenings. The universe is too perfect and beautiful to be a random scientific occurrence. A higher power caused the beginnings of all that is and all conciseness.

My belief on Evolution: I believe that animals began here as very small possible microorganisms, and through long evolution more and more beings were formed over time. Man came from these beings and adapted to our surroundings and evolved over time to what we are today. Science and the bible can explain how we may have evolved. Adam and eve could have also been the start to all mankind we very well know. I am open to both of these theories.

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My belief on the age of the earth: The earth has to be billions of years old for it to have formed and be working as perfect as it does. The bible cannot be proven or disproven with my beliefs. Science is in the same category. I feel that science and the bible can go hand and had with each other in harmony. The Bible contains accurate scientific facts related to the fields of astronomy, geology, astrophysics, mathematics, medicine, physics, biology, hydrology, climatology, biometrics, anthropology, and other fields of research (Мirko R, 2018). In this matter the earths age can be explained by science. Humans explaining the age of the earth does not disprove god or the bible in any way.

Section Three - Impact of Current Understanding. In 250-350 words, express how your current understanding of the origin of the universe impacts or supports your worldview, specifically your view of the nature of God, the nature of humanity (human value, dignity, flourishing), and the responsibility to care for the earth. Include citations. My understanding of the universe still has a confused look on the impacts of the nature of god. Gods nature seems to be missing. With so many bad events that happen it causes me to think that the universe is just running the way it should with no interference in any way. God created a beautiful universe full of great humans and animals. If the universe originated mostly by a creation of mutations and evolution of animals, then god created it that way and does not interfere with this world. Due to humans having the freedom of choice we are inherently good. Human beings have the capability to do evil or wrongdoing because of this choice. Gods nature is to not interfere with the choice that was given and knew what would happen. Humans have dignity and can flourish but choice can take that away. Humans share this earth with all other living things, so it is a responsibility for us to care for it. Humans were given the earth to work on it and live-in peace with the creatures. This is our home given by the higher being that is god. Every human is important and has value and dignity. It is a human’s life purpose to find these things and learn what is right and wrong on earth. The higher power made this possible with responsibility and consequence. Nature, god, and science could very well keep the balance that we all know exists. Without some kind of balance, we could not live the way we do on earth as people.

© 2020. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.

References Howard, D. (2010). A critical analysis of general revelation. Criswell Theological Review, 8(1), 53–75. Jackson, M. A. (2017). Ruth 1 and Genesis 1: Two sermons in a time of ending and beginning. Review & Expositor, 114(2), 284–291. New international version, Bible quicksearch=genesis&version=NIV Accessed 20, February 2021. Мirko R. Dejić. (2018). Science in the Bible. Inovacije u Nastavi, 31(1), 1–12. ZQ%3d%3d#AN=edsdoj.fec5ce8c7bbc4524a79fc9edd8235411&db=edsdoj

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