Lecture 3 Harbingers of Zionism 9 5 19 PDF

Title Lecture 3 Harbingers of Zionism 9 5 19
Course Modern Israel
Institution Yeshiva University
Pages 3
File Size 49.4 KB
File Type PDF
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Professor Jesse Olson...


Zionism First used around 1890 In German by journalist Nathan Biernbaum Self-Determination Physical, actual land with boundaries that is recognized Language History Connection back to ancient people Practical how-to on paying for all this Must be a major shift in the reality of the world for this to happen 1820s-1860s No Reform movement yet really in 1820s By 1860 the Jews of territories that will become Germany are entirely integrated Period of intense reaction in Europe Monarchies have doubled their power over the countries Result of Napoleonic Wars Massive revolution spreads through C-S Europe in 1848 Brings down French govt Nearly brings down Austrian govt Some civil rights start coming back again People start demanding rights as a national group Greece in 1829 Serbia Hungary almost separates from Austria People’s connection to their nation is deeper than “I was born here” It’s in our blood, I was meant to speak Hebrew Massive religious revival Movements gain new life Charismatically driven Same idea as nationalism It runs deep Chassidism explodes Mussar gets big R Yisrael Salanter Jacob Katz Nachum Sokolow Yiddish/Hebrew writer Adolph Boehm German Jewish historian Murdered by Nazis in 1941 Shabbetai Tsvi False messiah, many believed him Converted to Islam, said it was part of his role

Exiled to island Return to Israel required a Moshiach Sold houses, had a prophet Not really a harbinger of Zionism, because there was no plan Too fast George Eliot Novelist from England Wrote Daneil Deronda in 1876 Has some major pro-zionism Religious, romantic Devout Christian Laurance Oliphant Plan for Gilead Golan, Galil areas should be purchased, set aside for Jewish settlement Mordechai Emmanuel Noah American Mormonism explodes here during his time Mount Ararat Wants to establish Jewish state on island in the middle of Niagara River Ingathering of the exiles Got permission from Rebbeim in Europe, who didn’t really understand Doesn’t really go anywhere Pragmatic, has a plan Legit figures in articulating Zionism R Yehuda Alkalai Serbian Sefardi Made aliyah in 1860s Active in settlement community Restoration of Hebrew Advocated for settlement in Ottoman Palestine Practical messianism Gradual process Must lay groundwork for messiah This is a chiyuv Major contrast with Shabbetai Tsvi R Tsvi Hirsch Kalisher Polish Yeshiva culture Immersed in learning Focus on agricultural labor and funding for yishuv Wrote Drishat Tzion in 1853 Unique interpretation of idea of messiah and redemptive process Thought bringing of korbanot would bring the messiah

Contrast with Reform who say the tefilot replace korbanot...

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