Legal Maxims - Lecture notes 54 PDF

Title Legal Maxims - Lecture notes 54
Author Priyanka Nair
Course Law of Agency
Institution National Law University, Delhi
Pages 10
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legal maxims fofr indian law...



1. Ab initio – from the very beginning Contracts- Minor’s contracts agreement- void ab- initio 2. Actio Personalis Moritur Cum Persona- the rights of the person extinguishes/ dies with the person. 3. Actionable per se- actionable without proof of damage. 4. Actus Non Facit Reum Nisi Mens Sit Rea – a criminal act should always be accompanied with a guilty mind [intention] Crime = Mens rea and actus reus

5. Ad hoc- for a special purpose 6. Audi Alterem Partem- listen/hear both the sides “Ex-parte decree”


7. Actori incumbit onus probandi- the person who is instituting a suit or bringing up an action has to prove it. The burden of proof lies on the plaintiff/ prosecution. 8. Amicus Curiae- friend of the court 9. Alibi- elsewhere 10. Assentio mentium- mutual approval by both the parties Consent and assent 11. Bona fide – good faith 12. Ejusdem Generis – of the same kind

ARTICLE 12: Definition In this part, unless the context otherwise requires, the State includes the Government and Parliament of India and the Government and the Legislature of each of the States and all local or other authorities within the territory of India.


13.Boni judicis est ampliare jurisdictionem 14. Caveat- Beware 15.Caveat actor- the person committing the act should be cautious. 16.Caveat emptor- let the buyer beware 17.Caveat venditor – let the seller beware 18. Damnum sine injuria- damage without injury Injury- injury to body, mind, property or reputation. SECTION 44, IPC

19. De facto- by the facts of the case 20. De jure- by the law Jure- law 21. De minimis- trifles 22.De Minimis Non Curat Lex - Law doesnot concern itself with triflesSection 95- General Exceptions 23. De novo- from the very beginning/ start something new or fresh.


Novation 24. Doli incapax- incapable of comitting crime because of the age factor. Presumption Rebuttable presumption Irrebuttable presumption

25. Detinue- detention- detain 26. Ex parte – to adjudge based on one party’s interest 27. Ex post facto- having retrospective effect



28. Factum probans- statement of facts Fact in issue 29. Habeas corpus- produce the corpse [body] 30. Ignorantia juris non excusat- ignorance of law is not an excuse. 31. Injuria sine damnum- Injury without damage 4

32. Ipso facto- by the fact itself 33. In personam- Against a person. 34. Innuendo- insinuation- unpleasant hint 35. Status quo- the state in which the things are 36. Inter alia 37. Interest Reipublicae Ut Sit Finis Litium- it is in interest of the law that there should be an end of litigation. 38. Jus cogens or ius cogens- basic norms of international law 39. Jus in personam- law in matters of personal rights of an individual 40. Jus in rem- law in matters of society as a whole. 41. Jus naturale – natural rights 42. Jus gentium- law of the people 43.Jus Necessitatis- Necessity knows no law 44.Jus scriptum- written law


Rules of interpretation:

 LITERAL RULE OF INTERPRETATION  MISCHIEF RULE OF INTERPRETATION  GOLDEN RULE OF INTERPRETATION 45. Justitia nemini neganda est- Justice is to be denied to no one 46.Lex Non Cogit Ad Impossiblia- law does not compel a man to do which he cannot possibly perform 47.Locus standi- right to appear in a court/ right to bring an action in the Court 48.Mala fide – in bad faith/ bad intentions 49.Misnomer- inaccurate term Void contract- misnomer Oxymoron- clearly confused, bitter sweet A contract which ceases to be enforceable by law becomes void when it ceases to be enforceable. Initially void Subsequently void 6

50.Modus operandi- mode of operation/ way of working 51.Nemo bis punitur pro eodem delicto- May no one be punished twice for the same offense Concurrent Subsequently

52.Nemo debet esse judex in propria causa or Nemo judex in causa sua

53.Obiter dictum 54.Onus probandi 55.Pacta Sunt Servanda 56.Per curiam 57.Pari Materia 58.Particeps criminis 59.Per se 60.Persona non grata


61.Prima facie 62.Alimony 63.Per curiam 64.Prima facie 65.Quantum meruit 66.Qui facit per alium, facit per se 67.Quid pro quo 68.Qui sentit commodum, sentire debet et onus 69.Ratio decidendi 70.Respondeat superior 71.Res ipsa loquitor 72.Res Judicata 73.Res Integra 74.Res Judicata Pro Veritate Accipitur 75.Rex non protest peccare 76.Salus populi est suprema lex


77.Status quo 78.Sine qua non 79.Suo Motu 80.Uberrima fides 81.Ubi jus ibi remedium 82.Vis major 83.Volenti non fit injuria 84.Vox populi 85.Ipso Facto 86.Jus Cogens 87.Pari passu 88.Vox Populi 89.Quantam Meruit 90.Suppressio Veri or Suggestio Falsi 91.Ubi Non Est Principalis Non Potest Esse Accessorius 92.Vigilantibus et non d ormientibus jura sub veniunt


93.Sub Silentio 94.Ad valorem 95.Delegatus non potest delegare 96.Expressio Unius Est Exclusio Alterius 97.Impotentia Excusat Legem 98.Force Majeure 99.Ab Antiquo 100.

Habeas corpus




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