Lesson 1 Meaning And Relevance Of History PDF

Title Lesson 1 Meaning And Relevance Of History
Author angelica obligacion
Course BS Accountancy
Institution University of Batangas
Pages 4
File Size 312.3 KB
File Type PDF
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Readings in Philippine History Meaning and Relevance of history


Module 1 Week 1 Meaning and Relevance of history At the end of this module, you are expected to: 1. 2. 3. 4.

State the meaning of history Discuss the significance of history Appreciate studying history Determine the branches of social sciences

What is history? It is a continues process and written in a chronological order of events and it is important to our society. It’s from the Greek word “HISTORIA” which means to search or look into. As the time past by there are some changes into its meaning. History is a brief summary or result based on a factual research and it also deals with the sequence of important events. It deals with science that describe and examine past event in the specific group of people. Significance of History Studying history is really important especially in the Philippine setting. These are the reasons why we need to study: 1. We could determine and understand the contribution of our ancestor in the foundation of our humanity, origin, and inherent culture. History gives picture to our humanity and to our society. 2. We could understand the task in the present and future if we study the history. The events in the past has relation to our present and future. It gives meaning in different things and events in our society. 3. History can be used to examine and forecast the things in the environment and society. We’ve learned to appreciate culture, love, and respect other people in the world. 4. History can give us deeper understanding of different problems and offer solutions in our present and future. In the study of the past events, we discover new ways in studying in solving problems in the present and future. 5. History is an eye opener to understand our culture, language and society. History may arouse patriotic, humanitarian nature in people 6. History develops our knowledge about different race of people, culture, place, and time. 7. The stories of past about people and things in the world we live provide valuable lessons to us. Course Module

8. In studying history we’ve learned different ways of studying and researching in the social sciences. It helps us to learn different ways of discovering new knowledge. Studying History Once upon a time, the history or story of a society or group of people is rooted from their myth, epic, folklore, and rituals. It has been transferred from generation to generation. Over hundred years ago, study of history is based from different data’s like documents, coins, seal, picture, and sculptures and carved statue. In early times, recording history is important to the rulers of government to justify their works. During that time the laws and agreement became an important basis. Lately, the basis of data’s is not only through written documents but also the things that has to do with the lives of people. Some of these things are their materials, corpse, settlement, plants, picture, computer text files and environment. Because of numerous resources of data’s, it is a difficult task for the historian to scrutinized and properly choose which of these are valid. This is the reason why they need to clarify properly. In studying history we need to document, examine the framework properly, it should consider the relation of documents and events due to multifaceted past events. The important data’s should be connected and understandable to become more relevant and realistic from its interpretation. The study of history as discipline or science has its advancement during 1900. During those years, scientists forcedly separated the good data’s from the documents from its interpretation. Today, Scientist believes that it is impossible to do because the description of the past events used by the historian comes from his/her own understanding and imagination that is scrutinized and connected to the different data’s collected. The experts who studied the different branches of social sciences greatly helps to prove that the data’s are genuine. It enlightens and guides us to examine, give meaning and interpretation from the collected data’s.

Figure 1: Ancient Equipment

Readings in Philippine History Meaning and Relevance of history

Here are the branches of social sciences that could help studying history.

References and Supplementary Materials Books and Journals

Course Module


1. Antonio, Eleonor D., Dallo, Evangeline M. at et al... ; 2010; Kayamanan (kasaysayan ng Pilipinas); Sampaloc, Manila; Rex Book Store, Inc. 2. Agoncillo, Teodoro A.; 2010; Philippine History; South Triangle, Quezon City; C & E Publishing, Inc....

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