Lesson Exemplar for Demonstration in DepEd LAC Session RPMS PPST 2020-2021 PDF

Title Lesson Exemplar for Demonstration in DepEd LAC Session RPMS PPST 2020-2021
Author Noera Angel Lausa
Course Bachelor of Secondary Education
Institution Cebu Normal University
Pages 6
File Size 490.2 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 33
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Grade 7 lesson exemplar on Waves for PPST RPMS Classroom Observation LAC Session...


LESSON EXEMPLAR Grade Level: 8 Learning Area: Science Learning Area/s Integrated: English, MAPEH (Arts) Integration Approach Used: Multidisciplinary Interdisciplinary

Quarter: III

Duration: 60 minutes


I. 21st Century Skills to be developed (Please tick.) Learning and Innovation Problem Solving √ Communication Critical Thinking Information Media and Technology Life and Career II. Focused Most Essential Learning Competency: No Code: Infer that waves carry energy. Unpacked Learning Competency: Identify the parts of a wave through the anatomy of a transverse wave. III. Focus GAD Principle to be Integrated: Both the parents are capable of doing household chores, specifically going to the market, cooking meals and taking care of a sick family member. IV. Intended Learning Outcomes Knowledge Describe the nature of a wave as a disturbance transporting energy without transporting matter. (Understanding) Recognize the parts of a wave. (Remembering) Skills Craft a Disaster Risk Preparedness Plan in relation to how earthquakes generate waves. Attitude Collaborate with one another to attain learning tasks (Organization) Values Manifest the value of being self-reliant and participative during the class discussion. V. Learning Introduction to Waves Content Waves occur all around you in the physical world. When you throw a stone into a lake, water waves spread out from the splash. When you strum the strings of a guitar, sound waves carry the music around you. When you switch on a lamp, light waves flood the room. Water, sound, and light waves differ in important ways, but they all share the basic properties of wave motion. For instance, you can see water waves and surfers would say that they enjoy riding the waves. On the other hand, you don’t see sound waves and light Concept waves, but you experience them in other ways. Your ears can detect sound waves and your skin can get burned by ultraviolet waves if you stay under the sun for too long. A wave is a periodic disturbance that moves away from a source and carries energy with it. For example, earthquake waves show us that the amount of energy carried by a wave can do work on objects by exerting forces that move objects from their original positions. DRRE Associate waves with earthquakes and what would be the measures taken before, during, and after an earthquake. References/ Text Resources: Science Links 7: Worktext for Scientific and Technological Literacy, pp. 215-227 Resources Grade 7 Learner’s Module, pp. 187-196 E-resources and references: Physicsclassroom.com

PHETColorado.org Youtube.com Flocabolary.com Padlet Application

Theme Preparedness IMs Television/ Projector, Laptop, Cellphone, Cartolina, Pentel Pen, PPT Presentation, Pictures VI. Learning Experiences A. CONDITION SETTING 1. Engage ( 10 minutes) 1. The teacher will give the students the rules and regulations during the classroom discussion using the acronym COUPLE Clean, Organize, Understand, Participate, Learn and Enjoy B. Pre-Test 1. Prior to starting the class, the teacher will assign numbers to the learners. 2. The teacher will show a mathematical equation on the board and the learners will answer this. Whoever is assigned to the number that is the solution to the equation will answer the question. a. What do you call the change of position of an object with respect to a reference point? c. What is the formula for speed? b. What is the speed of Ana if she would 20 kilometers within 5 hours? C. PASS THE POEM 1. The teacher will have a short activity derived from a very famous game, Message Relay. The teacher will explain the mechanics prior to starting the game. 2. The learners will be grouped in to four (4). After the groupings, they will form a line with their backs on the blackboard. 3. The teacher will let the first learner for each group memorize the poem which is a haiku. They are given 30 seconds to do this. Note: A Haiku is a Japanese poem of seventeen syllables, in three lines of five, seven, and five, traditionally evoking images of the natural world. 4. After the 30 seconds, the learners will pass the poem to the next member and this goes on until the last player will write the poem on the blackboard. 5. The group whose poem is closest to the original Haiku will win the game.

2. Explore (15 minutes)

Guide Questions: 1. How do you find the activity? 2. Recall the rules/ mechanics of the activity? 3. How did the words arrive to the ears of the last learner? 4. Was there a need for the first learners to travel or change position with other groupmates for them to deliver the message to the last learner? 5. What are the commons words that you can spot within the four Haikus? A. DIFFERENTIATED ACTIVITY (Learning Style) 1. The learners will be grouped according to learning styles. The teacher will present an overview of all the activities but the students are given the freedom to choose the activity

they want to perform as well as their groupmates. During the activity, the learners are encouraged to brainstorm among their group in order to generate insights and ideas. Group W- Kinesthetic/ Tactile Group A- Auditory Group V- Visual A Group E- Visual B Group S- Tactile (digital interactive activity) GROUP W This group will be given task cards to perform certain body movements that would represent a wave as well as to handle manipulatives. Afterwards, they will have to complete what is being asked on the task cards based on the performance and activity they just completed. Guide Questions: 1. How did you perform and complete the task? 2. Using the picture that you have captured, point the location of the trough, crest, amplitude and wavelength. Elaborate how you were able to identify these parts. 3. How did you create a high frequency wave? Describe a high frequency wave. 4. Based on your performance, how did the frequency affect wavelength? 5. What were the challenges that you have encountered in completing the activity? GROUP A This group will be given a music video of a song which contains the key points of the topic to be discussed. After listening to the song, they will answer guide questions that will develop the concept of waves. Guide Questions: 1. What are examples of waves? 2. What were the concepts and terms that you have understood and familiarized after watching the video? Elaborate each of these terms and concepts based on your understanding. 3. In what way will the frequency affect the wavelength of a wave? 4. Explain a phenomenon wherein a wave transfers energy but not matter. 5. Was listening to the video effective in understanding the topic? Why? How would you have better understood the topic? GROUP V This group will be shown an infographic wherein the members will have to read and analyze. Afterwards, they will be given ample time to answer the guide questions that would further develop their understanding of the concept of a wave. Guide Questions: 1. Give at least 5 information that you have gathered from the infographic? 2. How did this information help you understand the topic? 3. What is the relationship between the frequency and the wavelength of a wave? 4. Describe the position of the crest and trough in relation to the equilibrium when the amplitude is high or low. 5. What would you have added or removed from the infographic in order for it to be better understood? GROUP E Another visual group, but this time, they will have to watch a video which contains key points on the topic at hand. Subsequently, they will be tasked to answer the guide questions

regarding the video they just watched in order to manifest their understanding of the concept of a wave. Guide Questions: 1. Describe a transverse wave and identify its parts. 2. How does the wavelength affect the frequency of a wave? 3. Give evidence that a wave transfer matter and not energy? 4. If the duck on the video is replaced by a boat, how would the boat move from its initial position if the wave is unable to transfer matter? 5. Give the mathematical equation of solving for frequency and provide an example of how frequency is computed. GROUP S This activity will require the learners to manipulate a digital version of a wave wherein they will have total control of the wave. After sufficient time is given to explore and operate this digital wave, they will have to gather their observation and use these observations to answer the guide questions. Guide Questions: 1. What happens to the crest and trough when you increase or decrease the amplitude? 2. What happens to wavelength if you increase or decrease frequency? 3. Make a simple illustration of the side view of a water, sound, or light wave and label the crest, trough, amplitude, and wavelength. 4. How would you have improved this simulation to better understand the concept of waves? 2. For learners who are unable to attend the class during this face-to-face delivery of the lesson due to varying circumstances, the teacher has prepared interventions that would facilitate learning of the concept of waves. The intervention includes the following: - Audio recording of the concepts of waves placed in a Flash Drive to be handed to the learner together with a speaker for the learner to listen to. (for learners w/o internet connection) - Links to supplementary learning material such as PHET interactive and video lessons from DepEd TV and ETUlay. (for learners w/ internet connection) Interactive Lesson for Waves: https://www.physicsclassroom.com/class/waves/Lesson-1/What-is-a-Wave Video Materials: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=deped+TV+Science+7+Waves https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xrUAm_MvGHg ETUlay Science 7 Q3 W4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y_2NqhmWmz0 Note: All credits go to the rightful owner of the materials.

3. During their collaborative work, the learners will be asked to write their understanding and queries in the class PADLET which is found on the link. https://padlet.com/noeraangellausa/7n0xoctyliyaln2t 4. Once they are done performing the activities they have chosen, a representative of each group will be asked to summarize what they have understood of the concept of waves to be guided by the questions. 5. Each representative will be given 2 minutes to give their report and their reports will be rated using the criteria below:

3. Explain (15 minutes)

Accuracy and Correctness of Data -20 pts Correct Spelling and Pronunciation- 10 pts Voice Modulation - 10 pts Time-bound - 5 pts Neatness and Penmanship - 5 pts TOTAL-------------------------------------50 pts INTERACTIVE AND COLLABORATIVE DISCUSSION 1. The teacher will use the students’ gathered data from the differentiated activity and will involve the students’ in processing their answers into the discussion. 2. The teacher will ask the following questions to facilitate the discussion: a. Describe what is a wave. A wave is a propagation of disturbance (vibration) through a medium (solid, liquid, gas, vacuum) in which energy is transferred. b. Cite an evidence how waves transfer energy and not matter. Wave' is a common term for a number of different ways in which energy is transferred: In electromagnetic waves, energy is transferred through vibrations of electric and magnetic fields. In sound waves, energy is transferred through vibration of air particles or particles of a solid through which the sound travels. c. What are the different parts of a transverse wave?

d. How does the wavelength affect frequency? The number of complete wavelengths in a given unit of time is called frequency (f). As a wavelength increases in size, its frequency and energy (E) decrease. From these equations you may realize that as the frequency increases, the wavelength gets shorter. As the frequency decreases, the wavelength gets longer. e. As mentioned in the videos, what is natural phenomenon that is related to waves? Earthquakes- When an earthquake occurs, rocks at a fault line slip or break, and two sections of Earth’s crust physically move relative to one another. That movement releases energy, and two types of seismic waves radiate outward from the earthquake f. What will you do before, during and after an earthquake? In your family, what would be your responsibilities before, during and after an earthquake.? (Gather answers from both male and female learners and compare the answers of the two.) Answers may vary g. Share your experience when an earthquake struck your area. Were you able to calmy do the protocols and measures? Answers may vary. (Teacher should encourage learners with unique experiences to recall these experiences to the class to give diversity to the pool of answers. This may include learners who are on the construction sites or in workplaces during the phenomenon) h. Present how waves does not only occur on nature but also manifests and have important representations in art. This can be done with the aid of the photos below.

3. The teacher will remind the class to review the class padlet in order to gather the important points of the activities for each group.

4.Elaborate (15 minutes)

DIFFERENTIATED ASSESSMENT TASK Goal: To create varied outputs/performances showcasing the learners understanding of the concept of WAVES and how their understanding affects their daily living. Instructions: The learners may work individually, by pair or as a group. The task is to create an output that would summarize their understanding of the concept of waves. You can be an Artist (Illustration, poster, slogan, sculpture) You can be a Poet (Poem) You can be a Singer/ Performer (Jingle) You can be an Essayist (Essay) RUBRICS FOR THE DIFFERENTIATED ACTIVITY

5. Evaluate (4 minutes)


Accuracy of content and explanation

Organization and Coherence of VII. Learning Idea

Enablement (1 minute) Clarity of Message


A. Label the parts of a transverse wave. DESCRIPTION Score 10 7 3 The students The students The student show show a shallow shows limited considerable understanding understanding understanding of of waves. of waves. waves. Most elements in There is one There are some All elements elements missing the product are in the product B.areCite a situation showing transfer but not in matter. mentioned element in theenergy logicallyhow waves logically the product that output. and But the presented and presented andthe relationship C. Describe of frequency wavelength. are logically elements are consistent. consistent LET’S MAKE A MOVE presented. logically Instructions: Craft a simplified DRR preparedness plan that would address a situation when presented your house is located in an earthquake-prone area. The plan should contain the A very clear A clear message There are some The action message following message components: is is conveyed to discrepancies conveyed to the A.conveyed Objective/s plan to of the the audience. in conveying audience is not theActivities audience.(before, during, and after) the message to descriptions clear. and simple illustrations of B. with brief the for audience. some of the activities (preferably one before, during, and after) TheSimple product is short Thetagline product is The product is The products C. and very creative. creative. somewhat lack creativity. Criteria creative. Content 30 points ___/ TOTAL presentation SCORE (Engaging and insightful 65 15 The students show deep understanding of waves.

of thoughts and supporting details.) Organization 20 points (Introduction, detail, arrangement, transitions, conclusion and coherence is superior. Achievement of Purpose 10 points (Purpose is clearly established and effectively sustained.) TOTAL 50 points Prepared by: NOERA ANGEL M. MONTEMAYOR Teacher 1 of Angilan NHS...

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