Review Session for Exam PDF

Title Review Session for Exam
Course General Anthropology
Institution University of Wisconsin-Madison
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Jeopardy #1: 1. What is ultimogeniture? a. The youngest child in the family gets the inheritance 2. Example of Synctrism? a. Blending of two religions/cultures to combine to make a new one. i. Indigenous people in Mexico blending their traditional beliefs with Catholicism. 3. Is the meaning of symbols literal? a. False 4. There are only two types of Kinship? a. False 5. What is a life-cycle ritual? a. A ritual that marks the movement from one stage in life to the next stage 6. Matrilocal Societies are always matrilineal societies? a. False 7. Many people in Indonesia don’t have last names a. True 8. In FF/BB, why do farm owners who want to help improve conditions fail? a. Not actually trying to dismantle the structures of structural inequality vs actually trying to change 9. Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis a. When language influences your worldview. 10. The main idea of a “boyfriend spirit”? a. Conflict & Conformity: They would say to explain certain things causing them to act in certain to pos 11. In “Poverty at Work,” why did Puerto Rican men sell drugs rather than get other jobs? a. They were uneducated, structural inequality influences their access to education. 12. Calendrical Ritual example? a. Something done on a certain day, yearly, for example, Christmas 13. Were the migrants in FFBB considered refugees? Why? Why not? a. No, because they were coming for economic reasons, not voluntarily. RefugeeFleeing in terms of sociopolitical issues. Use the word immigrant instead. 14. How do we see Holmes’s privilege in FF/BB observations? a. The supervisors would help him out when picking in the field. He was allowed a phonecall in jail. After picking fruit, he went and used a hot tub for his sore muscles. 15. Historical Particulism= That every culture/society comes from a unique past? a. True 16. Bronislaw Malinowski was an armchair anthropologist? a. False b. Sir Edward Burnett Tylor + James Frazer = Armchair Anthropologist 17. What happens in “We are going underwater”? a. Conformity & Conflict: In a Russian town, observe different impacts like global

warming (flooding, winters earlier, tundra fluctuations) 18. Do Triqui workers want to remain in the US permanently? a. No, they just want economic opportunity & want to return to their families, eventually. 19. What happens in ‘Nice Girls Don’t Talk to Rastas?” a. Foreign Exchange Girl talks to rasta, and her host family shuns her. 20. Naive Realism a. Believing that everyone sees/interprets the world the same way as you do. 21. What is Ethnogenesis? a. Creation of new ethnic identities 22. According to “Baseball Magic”, when would someone use a ritual or a taboo? a. The belief that they were doing something while wearing/doing something and it brought them success so they do it again. i. Good luck charm 23. What happened with a chess set in “Village Walks” & why is it important? a. Tourism and the guide were leading them through a village, and tourists asked why the people were playing chess. Tourists’ preconceived notion that chess is not cultural and that it is a modern thing, in a modern world. 24. What are the two meanings of commodity fetishism? a. Hiding the relationship between producers and consumers (hiding social relations) b. To discuss how commodities imbued with meaning beyond its use-value. 25. What is the main idea of “How Sushi Went Global?” a. Sushi being a status symbol, and social hierarchy. More popular in western culture which increased demand. Jeopardy #2: 1. The main idea of “Behind Mardi Gras: Made in China?” a. The boss in the Chinese factories exploits his workers. The Americans using the beads for Mardi Gras don’t understand where the beads come from and how they are made. Maybe if they did, they would not “use and abuse” the beads like they do in NOLA. 2. 3 properties of Symbolism? a. Ambiguity, multi-vocality, condensation 3. What does misconcise mean? a. Being able to be misunderstood 4. What are consanguinity & affinity? a. Consanguinity is when people who are connected by blood, & affinity is when people are connected by marriage. 5. What is naturalization/normalization as defined by Holmes? What is an example? a. Seeing structural inequality as normal because that is your normal. Seen in racialization, etc.. 6. What is the problems with doctors treats Triqui workers? a. The doctors only treated their bodily injuries, not their social suffering & how it affects them overall.

7. What is matrilocality and what is matrilineality? a. Matrilocality is when a husband goes to live with his wife & her family in her village. b. Matrilineality is placing descent through the mother’s side AKA the children of this couple gets the mother’s last name. 8. “Road to Refugee Resettlement” - What are the key points? Who/were/why/connections? a. A Nuer man from South Sudan who immigrates to the US as a refugee to escape the war happening in his own country. He ended up in Minnesota in a community that had a lot of other Nuer people, so he was not completely alone. Even though he moved, this man is still very connected with his family back in Sudan. (Chapters 11 & 12) 9. In Nordstrom’s chapter on amputees, how did women get access to financial resources? a. They used a group saving system where each month women would get all of the money. 10. “Poverty at Work” - why did Puerto Rican men sell drugs rather than get other jobs? a. These men have limited access to higher education or getting better jobs because of structural inequality. 11. Etic vs Emic a. Etic is an outside perspective (observer perspective) b. Emic is an inside perspective (member perspective) 12. Fouta Djallon highlands - Why is marriage important? a. If you are not married, you are not seen as an adult. 13. Explicit vs Tacit Culture a. Explicit culture is something you can talk about b. Tacit culture is something you do not have the words to talk about 14. Ethnocentrism? a. The belief that your culture is the best. 15. “Forest Development the Indian Way” - is about what agriculture done by who? a. The Guarani people used slash & burn agriculture 16. Ethnography? a. A descriptive amount of a culture 17. Structural Violence? a. When social structures prevent people from meeting basic needs like healthcare & education 18. What are major push factors for migration to the US? (FFBB) a. Poverty, Violence, Poor Economy 19. Why do the Kung make fun of Richard Barshay Lee? a. Richard got an ox for the Kung! People but the Kung said the ox was too old and too skinny. They say this to Richard as a way of playing around & joking. 20. Culture Shock? a. When people experience a new culture & have feelings of discomfort or anxiety

because it’s different from their own. 21. What is cultural relativism? a. When you look at other cultures in their own lens, rather than the lens you use every day. You do this so you don’t place judgment on the other person’s culture. 22. In FFBB, it is seen that agricultural labor in the US is segregated by ethnicity & citizenship a. True 23. When studying the Triqui people, Holmes used ethnographic research but specifically used participant observations. 24. What is the premise of “Shakespeare in the Bush?” a. The TIV people interpreted Hamlet differently than we do so they did not understand the story like Americans usually do. 25. Sex is biological and gender is cultural 26. What is fictive kinship? a. Nonbiological kinship, anyone not related to you by blood or marriage 27. Triqui migrants picked strawberries, blueberries, & apples 28. Does Holmes think migration is voluntary or forced? WHY? a. It is forced, push and pull factors. 29. What is fraternal polyandry & why is it practiced? a. The wife has multiple husbands that are a brother. They marry like this to keep land, money, and possessions in the family. It is easier this way because then possessions between the brothers are not being separated. 30. Know what Language means...

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