LFIt 106 - notes PDF

Title LFIt 106 - notes
Course Social And Economic Justice
Institution University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
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LFIt 106

"light" aerobic exercise - results in a heart rate between 30% and 40% of heart rate reserve (HRR) "moderate" exercise - elicits a heart rate between 40% and 60% of HRR, and "vigorous" exercise can be defined by heart rates between 60% and 90% of HRR. A ______ supply of blood glucose must be made available to the brain. - constant A ______ supply of blood glucose must be made available to the brain. - constant A "whole muscle," such as the bicep muscle, is a grouping of muscle fibers. - FALSE. The whole muscle is a grouping of muscle fascicles, which are bundles of muscle fibers. A flexion motion is characterized by - a decrease in the angle of the limbs surrounding the joint. A majority of fuel comes from fatty acids, but the portion that comes from the breakdown of glucose is increasing - low intensity A method of body composition assessment that requires the participant to be weighed while completely submerged under water after all air has been exhaled from the lungs is called: Hydrostatic weighing a muscle contraction - In the brain a signal is initiated and travels down the long extension of the nerve, called the axon, The axon carries the electrical signal or nerve impulse, called an action potential, away from the central nervous system and toward muscle fibers. Along the way, the axon branches out, much like the branching of the roots of a large tree. A person stands with their body not moving, but turns their head to look left. This movement would be called - pivot left According to the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), how many minutes per day do you need to walk to receive health benefits? - 30-60 min According to the maximal heart rate equation established by Gellish et al., the age-predicted maximal heart rate of a 23-year-old female would be - 191 bpm According to the recommended dietary allowance (RDA), fats should comprise this percentage of the diet for those who are generally active - 20-35 According to the recommended dietary allowance (RDA), fats should comprise this percentage of the diet for those who are generally active - 20-35%

According to the USDA's MyPlate recommendations, half of your plate each meal should contain proteins while the other half should be grains, fruits, and vegetables. - false The USDA's MyPlate recommends that the larger half of your plate each meal should be filled with fruits and vegetables while the other half contain protein and grains. actin and myosin - Actin is the thinner myofilament and myosin is the thicker myofilament. These myofilaments (and others) come together to form miniature cylindrical myofibrils, or tiny fibers. The 2 proteins that interact to allow muscle to create power and they are two of the major protein portions of the muscle that can adapt as you engage in resistance training Activities such as bowling and golfing with a cart count as regular exercise. - NO FALSE aerobic excercise - increases the heart rate, mainly fueled by fat, releases endorphins, improves mood, continuous, rhythmic in nature, and utilize large muscle groups Aerobic metabolism of glucose and fatty acids supplies some energy during this level of intensity, but anaerobic metabolism (creatine phosphate and anaerobic glycolysis) becomes increasingly more important. - moderate intensity anaerobic activity - If an exercise consists of non-continuous or short bursts of activity, it is considered anaerobic and uses an energy system which does not require oxygen for its energy production Anaerobic glycolysis and creatine phosphate are the fuels for which type of activity? - high intensity are these god ways to lose weight? Amelia is tracking her diet and exercise. She makes sure that she eats less than 1200 calories a day and exercises at least 30 minutes a day. Steve needs to lose 50 pounds. He figures through exercise and a good nutrition plan, losing the weight in 6 weeks is a reasonable goal. - false arthritis - inflammation of the joints asthma - Asthma is a chronic inflammation of the airways of the lungs, which can cause airways to narrow, interfering with normal breathing Åstrand Cycle Test - The main objective of the Åstrand Cycle Test is to achieve a steady-state heart rate of 80% to 85% of age-predicted maximal heart rate within six minutes. The variables needed to calculate your estimated VO2max include gender, body weight, power level (in watts) of cycle after minute three, and the heart rate average from the last two minutes of the test. ATP - usable form of energy in the cells Beef, chicken, dairy, and fish are all sources of protein. - true

Being overweight can impact how much money you earn. - true Bob measures his body composition using only the Body Mass Index (BMI) measurement. He feels BMI is good enough for determining risk to chronic disease. - false Borg Rating of Perceived Exertion - runs from 6 to 20 and is associated with intensities of exercise from "No exertion" to "Maximal exertion." Along the continuum, word descriptors associated with a number on the scale help a person determine their intensity of exercise cancer - is a collective name for a variety of diseases that act very differently. What they have in common is that normal cell growth has become disruptive and out of control. The proliferation of these abnormal cells takes over the role of normal cells Cardiovascular disease - #1 killer, cardiovascular disease - the number one cause of death in the United States, accounting for over 32%, or 1 out of every 3, deaths each year. American Heart Association estimated that 82.6 million people in the country live with some form of cardiovascular disease, and the annual direct and indirect cost associated with CVD in the United States is over 300 billion dollars cardiovascular fitness - CR fitness is considered the most important of the five elements of physical fitness due to its relationship with the long-term health. The cardiovascular system is made up of your heart, blood, and blood vessels Changes in body composition can be made by: - decreasing body fat while maintaining lean tissue. combining fat loss and lean mass gain. increasing lean tissue and maintaining fat tissue. Christina wants to be more fit and will use a log book to track her diet and exercise during the semester. However, she and her friends plan to go to San Diego for spring break. She's concerned about getting off track while she is there. Therefore, when she is booking a room reservation, she makes sure the motel is near a grocery store where she can buy healthy foods and there are safe areas where she can go for a run or walk. - needs SMART goal chronic diseases are responsible for - 70 percent of deaths each year and treatment for these patients claims 86 percent of our nation's health care costs Coronary Heart Disease - The atherosclerotic narrowing of the coronary arteries, those inside the heart, causes coronary heart disease. Coronary heart disease results when any coronary artery is narrowed by at least 60%, blocking its ability to provide the heart with its normal blood supply Creatine phosphate (CP) is a source of energy that enables you to - sprint decrease - As cardiorespiratory fitness increases, resting heart rate will

depression - Depressive illnesses are disorders of the brain that may be caused by "genetic, biochemical, environmental or psychological factors." Typically, those with bipolar disorder experience fewer highs and more lows. diabetes mellitus - Type 1 and Type 2. Both forms involve a disruption of insulin, which is a hormone responsible for enabling the body's cells to use glucose from food for energy. In Type 1 diabetes, the body does not produce insulin, while in Type 2 diabetes the body does not use insulin properly. The American Diabetes Association reports that in 2012 there were 23.6 million children and adults, or 7.8% of the population, who have diabetes. dimensions of well-being - physical, mental, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, and social Diseases of choice are - chronic diseases caused by lifestyle distress - stress that jeopardizes psychological or physiological wellbeing Eric ate a meal containing 600 Calories. If 81 Calories came from fat, how many grams of fat were in this meal? - 9 grams eustress - normal, positive stress helps challenge you to reach accomplishments or realizations. psychologically (e.g., personal aspirations accomplished) or physiologically (e.g., exercise training) beneficial to you. Exercise that utilizes an energy system which requires oxygen for its ATP production is termed aerobic fascia - the outermost wrapping that envelopes the muscle from end to end Fish is a healthier food to eat because it contains more unsaturated fat than saturated fat. - true FITT - Frequency, Intensity, Time, and Type five key social determinants of health - • Economic stability (poverty, food security, housing stability) • Education (high school graduation, language and literacy) • Social and community context (social cohesion, perceptions of discrimination and equity) • Health and health care (access to health care, health literacy) • Neighborhood and built environment (access to healthy foods, crime and violence) flexibility and resistance training program - targeting the major tendon and muscle groups of the body, needs to be performed twice weekly to meet minimum recommendation. The flexibility program stretches the major tendons, and the resistance training program strengthens the musculature.

Flexibility training is meant to make muscles longer. - Flexibility training is not about making muscles longer. If you made a muscle longer, the result would be "slack" between the muscle's origin and insertion Forestry Step Test - The test requires you to step up and down from a box height of 33 cm (for women) or 40 cm (for men) at a specified pace for a total of five minutes. check q5 second heart rate after frequency - With regards to health benefits, they do seem to plateau after 3 days-5 days per week so that there is little additional health benefit beyond these recommended times. your body needs rest to recover From the choices listed below, select the BMI range associated with the lowest risk to disease. 18.5-25 glycolytic fibers - fewer capillaries and fewer mitochondria but more creatine and more glycogen in the muscle. When you call on these fibers, you do not have to wait for the heart to deliver oxygen. All you have to do is get the enzymes to break these fuels apart really fast - and they are really fast! But again, the tradeoff is the limited supply of fuel, which results in fatigue. These fibers contain less iron and appear lighter in color - white meat! Healthy People 2020 goals - Attain high-quality, longer lives free of preventable disease, disability, injury, and premature death. • Achieve health equity, eliminate disparities, and improve the health of all groups. • Create social and physical environments that promote good health for all. • Promote quality of life, healthy development, and healthy behaviors across all life stages. healthy weight gain - increase protein by 1.5g per kilogram heart failure - failing heart works inefficiently and does not pump out all the blood that returns to it. This means the heart is not pumping enough blood and oxygen to the organs of the body. The heart tries to accommodate through pathological enlargement and by beating faster. Blood pressure also increases to try to compensate for the weak pumping of the heart. hemoglobin - _______, an element of red blood cells, is responsible for carrying oxygen to tissues in the body. How much physical activity does the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) recommend that you do each week? - A combination of 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity and 75 minutes of vigorous intensity physical activity per week How much you weigh affects your health more than your body composition. - True Body composition, which is the relative proportions of fat mass and lean tissue in your body, has a greater impact on your health than weight. HRR-heart rate reserve - can be calculated by subtracting your RHR from your MHR.

hypertension - is chronic high blood pressure. Blood pressure is the pumping action of the heart exerting a force on the walls of the blood vessels. The heart contraction phase that pushes blood into the aorta and pulmonary artery is called systole hypertrophy - you make the muscle fibers you already have get bigger during growth periods and when you work out Identify if the following situation is an example of environmental wellness. Sharon volunteers once a week at an adult literacy program near her school - yes In addition to their essential fat, Bob and Susan have additional fat, called storage fat. Storage fat is good because it is a source of energy and it protects the internal organs. - true In order to burn the same amount of calories, you would need to exercise for nearly ______ as long at a light intensity as with vigorous exercise. - twice In SMART goal setting, what does the "M" stand for and mean? - Your goals should be "measurable" and contain language about what your accomplishments will look like and the metrics for achieving them. In SMART goal setting, what does the "T" stand for and mean? - Your fitness goal is achievable within a reasonable amount of time, with a practical sense of urgency. In the following situations, which person(s) would you classify as inflexible? - At a concert, Jim finds it painful to turnaround in his seat to talk to a friend seated behind him. increased blood pressure - Which of the following is not a physiological benefit of cardiorespiratory endurance training? indirect calorimetry - The best estimation of an individual's metabolic rate is by indirect calorimetry (an estimation of energy metabolism by means of gas exchange measurement), Individuals who repeatedly use caloric restriction alone to lose weight end up increasing body fat percentage and decreasing lean body mass even though they may be able to maintain a normal weight. - true intensity - monitor heart rate, talk test-can you carry on a light convo while doing it intrinsic and extrinsic motivation - intrinsic motivation (motivation influenced by internal awards) is more powerful than extrinsic motivation (motivation influenced by external rewards or punishment) for long-term adherence to regular exercise Is the following an example of an antecedent to exercise?

When Bobby gets a good night sleep, he is more likely to go jogging in the morning - yes Is the following situation an example of how physical activity can contribute to emotional wellness? Greg eats pizza when he is feeling down. - no Is the following strategy a good way to manage your weight? Billy doesn't have time to read food labels when he goes to the grocery store, so he buys mostly whole foods. Is the following strategy a good way to manage your weight? As a general rule, check food labels to make sure you are not exceeding the amount of fat, sodium, and cholesterol you should eat. - yassss Is the following strategy a good way to manage your weight? It is best to focus on the total amount of calories you consume each day. So long as you don't exceed your recommended number of calories, it doesn't matter what you eat during the day. Is the following strategy a good way to manage your weight? Eat foods that come in small packages because you know that they are single-serving sized. noooo joints, like the small carpal bones in your hand, provide very limited movement. - gliding Julio wants to lose 25 pounds by the end of spring semester, June 1. To do this, he plans to use the MyFitnessPal app to make sure he goes jogging at least 30 minutes a day, at least 5 times a week. He will eat a healthy diet that includes no more than 2,000 calories a day. His biggest concern is when he goes home for break. His mom loves to cook him his favorite meals, homemade mac & cheese, enchiladas, and her special chimichangas. He's going to talk to his sister and ask her to support him when he tells his mom that he doesn't want a second helping of her spicy carnitas tacos. - Good plan! Kevin is on the swim team and he wants to break the 50-meter freestyle record by the last swim meet of the season, May 1. He talked to a nutritionist at the health center, who helped him put together a healthy diet. He'll track his food using a nutrition app on his phone. He consulted with his coach and developed a workout routine, which he'll track using a simple worksheet. His coach expressed concern about the amount of time Kevin will be training; can he keep his grades up this semester? Kevin feels really good about his plan; he's confident he'll make his goal. He's not worried about his classes. - Needs to plan ahead

left atrium - pumps the blood to the left ventricle and the blood is ejected from the left ventricle through the aorta to be delivered to all the tissues of the body. lifestyle medicine - lifestyle medicine uses strategies and tactics that reach people before they become seriously ill lung cancer - Lung cancer is categorized as either small cell lung cancer (SCLC), non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) or Lung Carcinoid Tumor. More people die of lung cancer than from all the colon, breast, and prostate cancers combined. main differences in velocity and oxidative ability of the muscle - the amount of capillaries that feed oxygen to the muscle fibers, the content of myoglobin and mitochondria, and the type of fuel stored in the muscle. Maximal heart rate (MHR) - The maximium number of times your heart can beat in a minute when you are exerting yourself with all of your effort. maximal test - you will be required to exert a maximal effort to complete the test ex:bruce treadmill test minimal recommendation for physical activity - 150 minutes of moderate intensity aerobic exercise each week (5 days of 30 minutes is often looked at as the default). 75 minutes of vigorous intensity aerobic exercise, with a duration of 20 or more minutes each session is also adequate (usually, 3 days of 20 minutes or more accumulating to 75 minutes is viewed as the default). A combination of the two is also appropriate. muscle fibers - a soft tissue made up of cylindrical cells, wrapped into bundles called fascicles nueromuscular adaptations - resistance training will always improve the communication between your brain and muscle fibers first, before the size of the muscle ever needs to increase nutritional cause of anemia - lack of iron lack of cobalamin (B12) lack of folic acid (B9) Nuts and seeds are not a good source of protein. - false Of the choices listed below, which is the best method of determining resting energy expenditure (REE): - Indirect calorimetry. Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids are polyunsaturated fats, and therefor are less healthy types of fat. - False While generally unsaturated fat is healthier than saturated fat, polyunsaturated fat is healthier than monounsaturated fat.

osteoporosis - a disease in which bones become fragile and more likely to break. It is a metabolic bone disease in which bones lose density and the spaces within them become enlarged. Women are 4x more likely to get it Over the past year, Sarah worked diligently. She exercised 5 days per week, decreased her caloric intake, and made better nutritional choices. She has decreased her body fat percentage and has increased her cardiovascular fitness. She now feels more confident about her appearance and she feels a sense of accomplishment in being able to improve her lifestyle. These benefits relate primarily to which dimension(s) of wellness? - Emotional and physical. Overweight and obesity are leading preventable causes of death in our nation. - A majority of adults in the United States are burdened with excess weight and body fat. These conditions are closely linked with increased risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke, asthma, certain cancers, and degenerative joint conditions. Oxidative fibers - surrounded by a large number of capillaries, which distribute oxygen efficiently. There is a greater content of myoglobin in the muscle fiber to pick up the oxygen and carry it to the mitochondria. Because there is a great number of mitochondria, the fiber breaks down fat very well and energy can be produced for a long time - just n...

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