Yoga Notes - LFIT 114 PDF

Title Yoga Notes - LFIT 114
Course Lifetime Fitness: Yoga and Pilates
Institution University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Pages 3
File Size 61.8 KB
File Type PDF
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LFIT 114...


Yoga Notes BREATHING PRACTICES I. Pranayama (breath regulation) → currently 3 part breath complete basic yoga breath A. Warm up; sun salutation - Surga → A, B, or C; standing postures; prone postures; seated; lying; savasana – relaxation

II. Relaxation – Savasana → quiet mind → body → lying down (focused) III.

Mediation – one to the extension of all else A.

Seated lotus

IV. Ujjayi prananyama →”victorious breath” → snoring sound; sound of the ocean; “Darth Vader” A. Strengthens nervous and digestive system; warms/energizes


Breath counting → equalize: inhale and exhale A.

Lengthening exhale

VI. Straw breathing → may decreases the number of breath VII. Nadi Shodhana → alternate nostril breath A.

Clears sinuses; balances right and left side of body

VIII. Kapalabhati pranayama→ “steam engine breath” IX. Sitali → “the cooling breath” A.

Calms and soothes, may decrease inflammation; cools

Yoga Notes EIGHT LIMBS  Yama → social ethics, Niyama → personal ethics, Asana → “firm seat” posture, Pranayama → breath regulation, Pratyahara → withdrawal of senses, Dharana → concentration, Dhyana → maintain focus/concentration, Samadhi complete absorption ACHIEVING CLARITY/OBSTCALES TO ACHIVIEING CLARITY  Clarity comes through the purification/cleansing of the organs, nasal passages, and more I.

Obstacles B. Lack of effort, fatigue or diseases, dullness, doubt, carelessness, laziness, inability to turn the mind inward, distorted thinking, lack of perseverance

BANDHAS & DRISHTI  Bandhas → energetic locks or seals in the body  Drishti → focused gaze; means for developing concentrated intenetion

Yoga Notes HATHA CLASS STRUCTURE  Initial relaxation Opening mantras - gajananam   Eye and neck exercises  Kapalabhati pranayama  Anuloma viloma pranayama Sun salutation - surya namaskar   Headstand – shirshasana [The yoga headstand is said to be the king of asanas or chief posture among them all.]  Shoulderstand – sarvangasana [The shoulder stand pose is a very good complement to the headstand] Plough - halasana   Fish - matsyasana  Forward bend - paschimottanasana - followed by inclined plane  Cobra - bhujangasana Locust - shalabhasana  Bow - dhanurasana  Half spinal twist - ardha-matsyendrasana   Crow - kakasana, or Peacock - mayurasana  Standing forward bend - padahastasana Triangle - trikonasana   Final relaxation - savasana  Closing mantras - om tryambakam...

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