Life and Debt Notes PDF

Title Life and Debt Notes
Author Daniela Merabi
Course Wealth, Status and Power
Institution San Diego State University
Pages 5
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Montabay and Kingsbay- two cities in Jamaica People are shocked that you can enter the country simply by showing driver’s license “You can travel anywhere” however, Jamacans don’t have it as easy to leave the country, their backs are severly searched and is not as simple Americans and other people have it easy when in airports in Jamaica where their luggage don’t get checked, and when they convert their $20 for Jamaican currency they get a lot of Jamaican money. INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND = IMF Urging Jamaica to reverse deficit UNITED NATIONS HOLD MONETARY AND FINANCIAL CONFERENCE 1944- the way was coming near to an end short term trading stabilizing of world currency Jamaica does not have a queen anymore- they used to When Jamaica wanted independence from Great Britain, they had something else in mind but now they cannot even remember what that was Someone said to herself as she was driving on queen’s highway, she asked “is the Jamaica that I see before me, a self-ruled, a worse off place than when dominated by bad line English? (Bad minded English) Countries like Jamaica found that when they became free, they soon were in every kind of financial problem, because they didn’t have the economic strength to “make it on their own” therefore, they needed time to build economic that could then make it work Food production to feed ourselves is not only a matter of opportunity for people but also survival of the nation Comes 1973, there is a world convolution caused by increase oil prices. All of a sudden they have to find sums of money just to make ends meet What can you do? – go to the private baking system and see where you can get a private banking loan because “I’m strapped for cash and need some support, having trouble paying my overseas and bills. Stantey Fischer- deputy director- international monetary fund He says to try and lower/minimize spending and says to have cutbacksand this is when he says you can come to the IMF Jamaica in 1976- unraveling because cant afford basic necessities o When the citizens met with the people in IMF, they asked for money and long term plan, but the IMF said no we are only here to monitor how much money the Jamaicans owe and to whom they owe it to and only offered short term @ full interest rate with tremendous restrictions on what they can spend the money on WHAT IS THE IMPORT TARRIF BARRIER? IMF so many restriction and they said once we get everything we are going to be in the same position with owing a lot- interest rates etc

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Basic school – They needed to expand exports- foreign currency more expensive said from the IMF representative – Economy is under foreign control Debt is rising 4 billion to 7 million and exports is getting less You don’t wonder where the bath water went or the toilet water o They don’t have a proper way for sewage African slaves the ocean has swallowed up All food came from a ship of Miami Tourist see a different Jamaica that doesn’t exist anymore due to passage of time and new global economy Everyone involved in picking up onion and ripping onion- everyone was involved in the production but its just a trickle – imported potatoes when harvesting This is a free market because of the financial problems the government is in Compete with the world No legal right to bring imports in Foolish enough to sign such a policy- Jamaican said DAVID COORE- FORMER MINISTER OF FINANCE IN JAMAICA GET Countries to eliminate artificial barriers to trade Don’t pose artificial restrictions on imports and not to subsidize imports IMF usually gets their most of their own wheat Why IMF thinks they should reduce trade barrier- Jamaica is a small country- cant thrive for producing just for themselves –that means reducing tariffs Market vendors also complain about foreign are hurting their business Super market seemed to be doing well with over sea products because its sold for less than local lettuce and carrot The problem is that they are competing with inferior groups They are not letting the Jamaican farmers to get the money from washing because of the inflation They must force the farmers to pay that interest 23% IMF- there will be some assumption about how interest rates will go Farming section is nearly completely wiped out Globalization – emerging economy US potatoes board- represent 6,000 potatoes producers- one of the markets that is an interest is in JAMAICA They had offers from Washington- there was nothing they could buy from them but instead sell them potatoes seeds They complain of one of the take on tat dead to build the food and make them – they complain its not to their stadards Free enterprise This is their country their tariff, give them their market back. Don’t try to force ideas on them The government does see what they are doing to the Jamaican people

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Rich people only care about their money 1992- the government entered an agreement for a loan of about 50,000 when the IMF is loaning to developing country- the world bank will be making loans- regional bank (American developing bank) will be making loans World trade organization- signed off on the newer order- means no government regulation on trading commodities The American subsidies 137% milk powder Nobody can compete with that.. NOBODY Because of the government policies and the IMF they ended up with these conditions Very sweet bananas gotten from Europe- tariff free (London) WTO- world trade organization- the importation communities regime for the importation sale on a distribution of bananas- complain by the US (unconstitutional to go against WTO) President Bill Clinton said that his country (US) did not contribute to debt in in Caribbean countries- bananas WTO to agree that the preferential rates are unconstitutional ACP countries are effected The Jamaican has no access to American markets- they have to urope and London At what cost to produce cheaper banana? Going back to work at fun, 23 people were killed, there are no unions The bananas cost them more to produce than the south American bananas 40 pounds of bananas cost them 5 in the past things were bright but now its bad because of the low production 3 years ago they had 130 workers but now 15 workers on the farm No one is investing in the farmers Every native would like to find a way out- mot natives cannot go anywhere, they are too poor to escape the reality of their lives which is the very place that tourists want to go.. When they see tourist they envy the ability to visit other countries Their products and material is brought from American and they are sewed in Jamaica only the goods come in through a container and goes through guarded gates and never having touched the shores of Jamaica – free zone so no tax Giving people opportunity to operate without government involvement one of the people gets 30 dollars per week or one girl said 2 weeks People feel like they are living with slavery – old colonialism into new debt They feel like they are treating Chinese better than Jamaicans They cant talk to no one and cant eat- they cant go to the bathroom because they are being watched People get fired and then they are not taking on anyone to work in the next year

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People exploded – they went crazy Asians came and Jamaicans saw them getting more hours and paid in US money when Jamaicans are getting paid in Jamaicans money They were trying to supposedly to provide jobs for Jamaicans but claimed that they didn’t have the skill level so they took Asians in to work All the companies cared about was profit not about the people Free trade agreements have impacted badly on Jamaica – they have lost 18,000 jobs more factory closing down, low wage jobs to low wage areas 400 workers into a “tail spin” They thought Asian managers dismantled factories and sold them & majority of workers have not been paid EXPANSION OF FREE ZONE.. repaid by…. December 14th , 2010 52 cents to every 1.. creating debt due to that interest rate Although loans have been paid back, more people are out of job.. Free zone is for the poor but they don’t see it Over 500 workers have been added to unemployment line Private capital is not going to come in and help with infrastructure- to help build an education system or health system- they will not come take a chance to build an agriculture development American (18%?) - Japan- Germany order of how much percent each country has the vote for Jean Bertand Aristide is the president of Haiti – less than 200 us dollars, .. getting money is just used to pay for interest but not for investing in paying people Its not what we have but why do they have to pay peope when other people have less than 1 dollar a day IMF has no interest if people are self sustainable Us MDD claimed that Jamaica used the company name to pass as theirs and Jamaica companies claimed they used the name first. The us thought that by providing locations in US it would provide jobs for Jamaicans Millions of dollars worldwide was spent on marketing the name 1977 this Jamaican never had a problems till 2002- with his animals and meat because of the injections of American into the animals slavery is compared here In the US poultry market is the develop in passion for white meat There is more of the dark meat- this is the threat to their market when the cost of producing meat Growing industry with high crime rate working for hotels and home protection using dogs.. Globalization has provided enormous opportunity for growth, investment, and transfer of technology They are not getting IMF money but still doing what they want the jamacians to do Another riot is what the Jamaicans are doing about it- an 18 yea old became dead

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They are protesting the higher tax rates and doing violent ish type of riots to revolt against the government / IMF.. o Burning things o Flipping cars around To this day the crises in the UN in continuing the demand of the third world- so that they become sensitive to the Jamaicans interst Poor mans wealth There is violence among society- people pushing each other People are just living in a walking contradiction Jamaica was discovered by Christopher Columbus in 1493 not too long after it was settled by Europe where they took Africans into slavery to build wealth and power – eventually the masters left- eventually the slaves were free in a kind of way- once they are no longer slaves, they are no longer noble they are just human beings Self reliance and self production- the land is too small for them to have that much vegetables...

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