Lindsey - Gilded Age Webquest Rockefeller Vanderbilt Riis Muckrakers Progressive Era-1b PDF

Title Lindsey - Gilded Age Webquest Rockefeller Vanderbilt Riis Muckrakers Progressive Era-1b
Author Lindsey Ortega Jasso
Course Evolution of Life
Institution University of Brighton
Pages 5
File Size 564 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 22
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Name:__________________________ lindsey Ortega

Gilded Age Webquest Directions: Use the website below to answer the questions. Write your answers in complete sentences if needed.

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1) What does the term “Gilded Age” mean? To discribe the tumultuous years between the civil war and the turn of the twentieth century.

2) How did America change during the Gilded Age? America becaume more prosperous and saw unprecedented growth in industry and technology.

3) Who held the most political power during the Gilded Age? it was wealthy tycoons, not politicians, who inconspicuously held the most political power during the Gilded Age.

Transcontinental Railroad 4) What did George Westinghouse invent that made rail travel more dependable and safe? invented the air brake, which made braking systems more dependable and safe

5) What led to the rapid settlement of the western United States after it was finished in 1969? the Transcontinental Railroad

6) How many acres of land did rail companies receive from the United States? Name one railroad tycoon. up to 200 million acres, by some estimates from the united states goverment.

Robber Barons 7) What did robber barons use to gain advantage over competitors? used union busting, fraud, intimidation, violence and their extensive political connections

8) Name three industries that robber barons dominated. railroad, oil, banking,

9) How were some wealthy entrepreneurs different from robber barons? donated millions to charities and nonprofits and supported their communities by providing funding for everything from libraries and hospitals to universities, public parks, and more

Industrial Revolution 10) What change happened in America and Europe during the Industrial Revolution? it change to an agricultural society to an industrial one.

11) Why did millions of immigrants pour into cities? What percentage of Americans lived in major cities? looking for work and hastening the urbanization of America. By 1900, about 40 percent of Americans lived in major cities.

12) What are four negative effects of cities unprepared for rapid population growth? Heating, lighting, sanitation and medical care

13) Why did many Gilded Age tycoons consider immigrants perfect employees? for their sweatshops, where working conditions were dangerous and workers endured long periods of unemployment,

Gilded Age Homes 14) What did the wealthy build in America during the Gilded Age? some of americans most famous mansions which are called Biltmore,The Breakers,Rosecliff, and Whitehall

Income Inequality 15) What was the difference between how the wealthy and poor treated their children? the wealthy dined on succulent food and showered their children with gifts, and the poor were crammed into filthy tenement apartments, struggled to put a loaf of bread on the table, and often accompanied their children

Muckrakers 16) What did the Muckrakers expose? they expose corruption among politicians and the elite.

17) Who was the reporter that brought the horrors of slum life to light? What is the name of his book? jacob rils brought it,which his book is called, How the Other Half Lives,

Labor Unions Rise 18) What is it called when workers organize to improve their working conditions? Organized labor

Railroad Strikes 19) What did American tycoons realize after the strike between the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Companies? there was strength in numbers and that organized labor had the potential to shut down entire industries and inflict major economic and political damage

Gilded Age Cities 20) What are three engineering advances that took place during the Gilded Age? elevators and skyscrapers, trolley lines

21) What invention brought illumination to homes and created a nightlife? electricity

22) What did Alexander Graham Bell invent that made the world a smaller place for both individuals and businesses? the telephone

Women in the Gilded Age 23) Name one thing women fought for during the Gilded Age. .

equality, including the right to vote through women’s suffrage groups.

24) What caused many women to become increasingly knowledgeable and cultured during the Gilded Age? a print revolution and the accessibility of newspapers, magazines and books,

Jane Addams 25) Who was the best-known philanthropist of the Gilded Age? What did she establish? Jane addams, she establish a secular settlement house in Chicago known as Hull-House.

26) What did the Hull-House provide for women? midwife services and basic medical care to kindergarten, daycare, and housing for abused women. It also offered English and citizenship classes

Limits to Power 27) What group was forced off their land onto reservations during the Gilded Age? The Native Americans

Populist Party 28) What movement was formed during the Gilded Age to give back power to the people? What was the goal of the movement? forming the Populist Party.the goal was give power back to the people and paved the way for the progressive movement.

End of the Gilded Age

29) What was an effect of the Panic of 1893? Americans fed up with political corruption and social inequality.

30) Who took office in 1901 during the Progressive Movement? Theodore Roosevelt

31) Name three reforms during the Progressive Era that helped to shift power away from robber barons.

• labor reform • women’s suffrage • birth control

32) What event in 1917 ended the Gilded Age? World War I...

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