Lippincott#2 Vernon - Lippincott PDF

Title Lippincott#2 Vernon - Lippincott
Author Robert Mendel
Course Fundamentals
Institution Denver College of Nursing
Pages 2
File Size 56.8 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 19
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Lippincott Vernon Russell October 24th Robert Mendel Opening Questions How did the simulated experience of Vernon Russell’s case make you feel? The simulation with Vernon Russell made me feel panicked when he started to cough and choke. I was panicking to find which buttons changed the patient position and assisted with coughing, I think this is very similar to a real life situation. Talk about what went well in the scenario. During the simulation the initial assessment and vitals went really well, I felt much more comfortable interacting with the patient. Reflecting on Vernon Russell’s case, were there any actions you would do differently if you were to repeat this scenario? If so, how would your patient care change? If I were to redo this scenario i would only change one thing and that would be to remember to ask the patient about allergies. I assumed this was already confirmed but it is a good reminder to confirm before every administration. Scenario Analysis Questions* S What priority problem(s) did you identify for Vernon Russell? Swallowing, and ambulation were two priority problems identified right away. S/EBP Correlate the abnormal coagulation studies results to Vernon Russell’s current treatment that has been initiated thus far. The abnormal coagulation results could be from the current treatment plan, if his medications are off due to not being able to take his medications his lab results will be altered. EBP/I What resources are available to the interprofessional health care team to guide the care of Vernon Russell and/or any stroke patient? Scholarly Articles and Evidence Based Research are good tools for healthcare team members to utilize when providing care for stroke patients. Utilizing all interprofessional teams is also a great way to provide education for the patient on all factors. PCC/S Discuss the rationale for Vernon Russell being placed on NPO status? After the patient was no longer able to swallow without difficulty he was at risk for aspiration. This is why the provider decided to place the patient on NPO status. PCC/S How did you respond to Vernon Russell’s question related to why he needs someone to help him walk, and what is your rationale for your response? Vernon Russell needs assistance when ambulating until his level and strength and balance is appropriate, without assistance Vernon could fall causing further injury. PCC Utilizing Vernon Russell’s health history, identify factors that predisposed him to having a stroke. The patient's history of smoking is a major risk factor for stroke.

T&C Discuss why the referral for speech therapy is important in Vernon Russell’s care. Speech Therapy is responsible for conducting a swallow test evaluation, this will help determine if the patient is at risk for aspiration or able to swallow without complications. Concluding Questions Describe how you would apply the knowledge and skills that you acquired in Vernon Russell’s case to an actual patient care situation.

When at bedside I will remember how critical patient positioning is and to always sit up the patient when administering oral medications. Knowing where the controls are to raise the patient and what to do when a patient starts choking are all important aspects learned during this simulation. I will take forward into clinical practice....

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