List of Pathognomonic Signs and Symptoms PDF

Title List of Pathognomonic Signs and Symptoms
Author Krisha Kintanar
Course Theoretical Foundation of Nursing
Institution Velez College
Pages 3
File Size 66.6 KB
File Type PDF
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list of the different pathognomonic signs and symptoms of different diseases....


Pathognomonic Signs and Symptoms 1. PULMONARY TUBERCULOSIS – low-grade afternoon fever. 2. PNEUMONIA – rusty sputum. 3. ASTHMA – wheezing on expiration. 4. EMPHYSEMA – barrel chest. 5. KAWASAKI SYNDROME – strawberry tongue. 6. PERNICIOUS ANEMIA – red beefy tongue. 7. DOWN SYNDROME – protruding tongue. 8. CHOLERA – rice watery stool. 9. MALARIA – stepladder like fever with chills. 10. TYPHOID – rose spots in abdomen. 11. DIPTHERIA – pseudo membrane formation 12. MEASLES – Koplik’s spots. 13. Systematic Lupus Erythematosus– butterfly rashes on the face. 14. LIVER CIRRHOSIS – spider like varices. 15. LEPROSY – lioning facies (thickened folded facial skin) 16. BULIMIA – chipmunk face. 17. APPENDICITIS – rebound tenderness at McBurney’s point. (+) Rovsing’s sign 18. DENGUE – petechiae or (+) Herman’s sign. 19. MENINGITIS – Kernig’s sign (leg flex then leg pain on extension), Brudzinski sign (neck flex = lower leg flex). 20. TETANY – hypocalcemia (+) Trousseau’s sign/ carpopedal spasm; Chvostek sign (facial spasm). 21. TETANUS – risus sardonicus or ricus grin. 22. PANCREATITIS – Cullen’s sign (ecchymosis of umbilicus); (+) Grey turners spots. 23. PYLORIC STENOSIS – olive like mass. 24. PATENT DUCTUC ARTERIOSUS – machine like murmur. 25. ADDISON’S DISEASE – bronze like skin pigmentation. 26. CUSHING’S SYNDROME – moon face appearance and buffalo hump. 27. HYPERTHYROIDISM/ GRAVE’S DISEASE – exopthalmus.goiter, pretibial myxedema 28. INTUSSUSCEPTION – sausage shaped mass, currant jelly stool Dance Sign (empty portion of Right Lower Quadrant) 29. MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS – Charcot’s Triad (nystagmus,intentional tremor, scanning or staccatospeech.) 30. MYASTHENIA GRAVIS – descending muscle weakness and ptosis 31. GUILLAIN BARRE SYNDROME – ascending muscle weakness

32. DEEP VEING THROMBOSIS – Homan’s Sign 33. CHICKEN POX – Vesicular Rash (central to distal) dew drop on rose petal 34. ANGINA – Crushing stubbing pain relieved by Nitroglycerin 35. MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION – Crushing stubbing pain that radiates to left shoulder, neck, arms, unrelieved by Nitroglycerin 36. CROUP/ LARYNGOTRACHEOBRONCHITIS– barking cough and inspiratory stridor 37. TRACHEOESOPHAGEAL FISTULA – 4C-Coughing, Choking, Cyanosis, Continous Drooling 38. EPIGLOTITIS – 3Ds’ Drooling, Dysphonia, Dysphagia 39. HODGEKIN’S DISEASE /LYMPHOMA – painless, progressive enlargement of spleen & lymph tissues, Reedstenberg Cells 40. INFECTIOUS MONONUCLEOSIS – Hallmark: sore throat, cervical lymph adenopathy, fever 41. PARKINSON’S – Pill-rolling tremors 42. FIBRIN HYALIN – Expiratory Grunt 43. CYSTIC FIBROSIS – Salty skin 44. DIABETIS MELLITUS – polyuria, polydypsia, polyphagia 45. DIABETIC KETOACIDOSIS – acetone breathe, Kussmauls breathing (Deep Rapid RR) 46. BLADDER CANCER – painless hematuria 47. BENIGN PROSTATIC HYPERTENSION – reduced size & force of urine 48. PEMPHIGUS VULGARIS – Nikolsky’s sign (separation of epidermis caused by rubbing of the skin) 49. RETINAL DETACHMENT – Visual Floaters, flashes of light, curtain vision 50. GLAUCOMA – Painfull vision loss, tunnel/gun barrel/halo vision (Peripheral Vision Loss) 51. CATARACT – Painless vision loss, Opacity of the lens, blurring of vision 52. RETINO BLASTOMA – Cat’s eye reflex (grayish discoloration of pupils) 53. ACROMEGALY – Coarse facial feature 54. DUCHENNE’S MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY – Gowers’ sign (use of hands to push one’s self from the floor) 55. GASTRO ESOPHAGEAL REFLUX DISEASE – Barretts esophagus (erosion of the lower portion of the esophageal mucosa) 56. HEPATIC ENCEPHALOPATHY – Flapping tremors 57. HYDROCEPHALUS – Bossing sign (prominent forehead) 58. INCREASE IINTRACRANIAL PRESSURE – (Cushing’s Triad) HYPERtension BRADYpnea BRADYcardia 59. SHOCK – HYPOtension TACHYpnea TACHYcardia 60. MENIERE’S DISEASE – Vertigo, Tinnitus 61. CYSTITIS – burning on urination 62. ULCERATIVE COLITIS – recurrent bloody diarrhea

63. LYME’S DSE – Bull’s eye rash 64. PREGNANCY INDUCED HYPERTENSION (PIH) – proteinuria, hypertension, edema 65. HIRSCHSPRUNG’S DISEASE (TOXIC MEGACOLON) – Ribbon-like stools 66. CYTOMEGALOVIRUS (CMV) INFECTION – owl’s eye appearance of cells (huge nucleus in cells) 67. BUERGER’S DISEASE – intermittent claudication (pain at buttocks or legs from poor circulation resting in impaired walking. 68. HERPES SIMPLEX TYPE II—painful vesicles on genitalia 69. GENITAL WARTS—warts 1-2 mm in diameter. 70. SYPHILIS - painless chancres 71 CHANCROID - painful chancres. 72GONORRHEA - green, creamy discharges and painful urination. 73 CHLAMYDIA - milky white discharge and painful urination. 74 CANDIDIASIS - white cheesy odorless vaginal discharges. 75TRICHOMONIASIS - yellow, itchy, frothy, and foul-smelling vaginal discharges....

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