Signs and symptoms emt PDF

Title Signs and symptoms emt
Author Valeria Reyes
Course Emt-1/Basic
Institution Orange Coast College
Pages 16
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Valeria Reyes1

Signs and symptoms

● Emphysema: Pathophysiology: Destruction of the airways distal to the bronchiole, (loss of elasticity in lungs), Destruction of the pulmonary capillary bed, decreased ability to oxygenate the blood, lower cardiac output and hyperventilation, development of muscle wasting and weight loss. Signs and symptoms:use of accessory muscles, thin appearance with barrel chest, puffing(pursed lips), Tripod position, cyanosis, wheezing Risk factors: Smoking, age, air pollution, second hand smoke. National Emt Scope Treatment:oxygenation, bronchodilators,cpap rapid transport> ● Chronic Bronchitis: Pathophysiology: Rsv infection excessive mucus production with airway obstruction, Pulmonary capillary bed undamaged,compensation by decreasing ventilation and increasing cardiac output, poorly ventilated lungs leading to hypoxemia, increased carbon dioxide retention, use of accessory muscles Signs and symptoms:difficulty with expiration,chronic cough,wheezing,Rhonchi, cyanosis,tachypnea. Risk factors: smokers, patients with copd, older patients 40s, alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency National emt scope treatment: oxygenation, inhaler of steroids, bronchodilators ● Simple Pneumothorax: Pathophysiology:air leaks into space between the pleural surfaces from an opening in the chest wall or the surface of the lung, lung collapse,sucking chest wound, fractured ribs, air escaping from a lacerated lungis leaking into chest wall, free from significant physiologic changes and does not cause drastic changes in vital signs. Signs and symptoms: dyspnea, increased work of breathing,tachypnea,accessory muscle use,decreasing spo2, crackling sensation Risk factors;sucking chest wound,chest trauma, rib fractures, contusions and abrasions, cystic fibrosis, patients with lung diseases( asthma emphysema) National emt scope treatment: high flow oxygenation careful can lead to tension , monitor oximeter readings and breath sounds, rapid transport, fowler position, bandage any chest wounds ● Spontaneous Pneumothorax Pathophysiology: tissue rupture air leakage into pleural space causing lung to collapse,Respiratory distress, increased dyspnea, hypotension, jugular vein distention,cyanosis Signs and symptoms:respiratory distress pleuritic chest pain(sharp stabbing pain felt while inhalation and exhalation), absent breath sounds Risk factors: medical conditions, lung infections,emphysema, asthma,tall thin men, young people born with weak areas of lung National emt scope treatment: reassess for anxiety,supplemental oxygen NRM, prompt transport,sitting/fowler position,support airway and ventilations and cpr if needed. ● Asthma Pathophysiology: (allergic reaction) Acute spasm of the bronchioles associated with excessive mucus production and swelling of the mucus lining in the respiratory passages, affects all ages but usually from ages 5- 17 Signs and symptoms: wheezing, cyanosis, respiratory arrest,Bronchospasm Risk Factors: anaphylaxis,emotional stress, allergens,exercise., National emt scope treatment:inhaler or nebulizer, albuterol, sitting position ● Pulmonary embolism Pathophysiology:Blood clot that occurs in pulmonary circulation and blocks the flow of blood through the pulmonary vessels, can't go into the heart. Signs and symptoms: obstructive shock,crackles/wheezing, sharp chest pain,sudden onset, dyspnea,tachycardia,clear breath sounds,cyanosis, tachypnea, hypoxia degree,hemoptysis (coughing up blood)

Valeria Reyes2

Signs and symptoms Risk factors: slow blood flow in legs, like immobilized legs following fracture or surgery, pregnancy, active cancer, and being on bed rest National emt scope treatment: Suction airway if any hemoptysis is covering air way, provide oxygen via NRM if not use nasal cannula, and rapid transport, fowler position, or comfort position of patient ● Pneumonia Pathophysiology: An infection the affects the exchange of gases between the alveoli and capillaries, impairing the lungs ability to oxygen and carbon dioxide( secondary infection) Signs and symptoms: cold sore throat. Children- rapid or labored breathing, grunting or wheezing, lips and nails may be gray), if phenomena is in lower part of the lungs then you'll see fever abdominal pain, and vomiting( bacterial pneumonia dry skin, decreased skin turgor,exertional dyspnea, productive cough,chest discomfort,headache, nausea,musculoskeletal pain,weight loss,Febrile, tachycardia, hypotensive, wheezing, crackles, rhonchi) Risk factors:Institutional residences (nursing home or long term facilities), recent hospitalization, chronic diseases processes: such as renal failure following dialysis,immune system compromise: receives chemo and or diseases such as hiv, history of COPD,high fever National emt scope treatment: Airway support,supplemental oxygen ,assess temperature,, ,and prepare for deterioration in patients condition.immediate transport and transport in Fowler position. ● Tuberculosis Pathophysiology: Chronic mycobacterial disease that strikes lungs, shortly after infection, contagious through cough,restrains to antibiotics, affects: lungs,kidney,spine, lining of brain,spinal cord.also can remain inactive. Signs and symptoms: active tb in lungs- fever,coughing,night sweats,fatigue, and weight loss,sever infection-shortness of breath,coughing productive sputum, and chest pain Risk factors: contagious, can reactivate,cough, bronchial sounds, anyone that breathes,people who live in close contact- prison inmates nursing home residents, homeless shelters, people who abuse drugs or alcohol, and compromised immune systems like HIV. National emt scope treatment: N95 mask PPE and BSI, high flow oxygenation, let the hospital know of tuberculosis patients. Sitting in comfort of a patient. ● Pulmonary Edema Pathophysiology:backup builds up fluid within the pulmonary tissue,fills alveoli and separates the capillaries from the alveolar wall, interfering with exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide. abnormally large amounts of fluids between cells in body tissues, causing swelling of the affected area, Signs and symptoms: immpaired respiratory,increased respiratory rate,abnormal lung sounds,frothy pink sputum at nose and mouth.,cool diaphoretic, crackles, and wheezing,tachycardic Risk factors: high cardiac output triggers ,respiratory distress, rapid shallow breathing,sick, frightened worrisome, heart disease,inhalation of smoke or chemicals, trauma to chest,high altitudes. National emt scope treatment:cpap ● Myocardial infarction (MI) Pathophysiology: heart attack,blood pressure decreased narrowing or blockage in a coronary artery blocks blood flow to a section of the heart muscle, oxygen cant flow to heart and muscle will die. Signs and symptoms: sudden pain in chest and or pressure,fast/abnormal heart rate,dyspnea,weakness and nausea,pink frothy sputum, Risk factors: older people, geriatic patient,cigar smoke, hyper tension,diabetes,genetic history of arterclerotic coronary artery disease, race ethnicity, male sex, stress, excessive alcohol, and poor diet National emt scope treatment: nitroglycerin, highflow oxygen nbm,transport immediately, and or cpr,if necessary

Valeria Reyes3

Signs and symptoms ● Hypertensive Emergency Pathophysiology: systolic blood pressure greater than 180 mm hg or rapid rise in systolic blood pressure. Signs and symptoms: severe headache= cerebral hemorrhage,strong bounding pulse, ringing in ears, nausea, vomiting, dizziness,skin warm= dry or moist,nosebleed, altered mental status, Risk factors: diabetes, hypertension,pericardial effusion, development of pulmonary edema,stroke, and or dissecting aortic aneurysm, National emt scope treatment: make patients comfortable, monitor blood pressure regularly,position patient with head elevated, and transport rapidly, consider als. ● Aortic Dissection(AAA and Thoracic) Pathophysiology: inner layer of larger blood vessel bursts into aorta( if bursts/ruptures into thoracic cavity- Thoracic)( if ruptures into abdomen than it is now an AAA) Signs and symptoms: chest pain and or pressure in upper part of body,hypertension, throbbing/ pulsating in abdomen, low pulse Risk factors: age, past aneurysms, atherosclerosis, National emt scope treatment: high flow oxygen, hypertension, immediate transport and cranport bia comfort position. ● Obstructive shock Pathophysiology: inadequate volume of blood to fill the heart chambers shock resulting from blocked blood flow back to or through the heart, pump failure can be from tension pneumothorax, cardiac tamponade pulmonary embolism Signs and symptoms:Dyspnea, rapid/weak pulse,rapid shallow breaths, decreased lung compliance,decreased or absent breath sounds,hypotension,jugular vein distention,subcutaneous emphysema, cyanosis,tracheal deviation toward unaffected side,beck triad(cardiac tamponade),Narrowing pulse pressure, muffled heart tones Risk factors: cardiac tamponade, tension pneumothorax, pulmonary embolism, National emt scope treatment: high flow oxygen, rapid transport and als if needed. ● Angina Pectoris Pathophysiology: heart tissue is not getting enough oxygenation, spasm of an artery, oxygen exceed is supply causing a pain Signs and symptoms: crushing squeezing pain, shortness of breath nausea,sweating Risk factors: artherosclerotic coronary artery disease, eating a large meal, exercise,cardiac rhythm problems,AMI National emt scope treatment: treat like you are treating an AMI, nitroglycerin, resting promptly ● Anaphylactic shock Pathophysiology: poor vessel function, person reacts violently to a substance to which is sentized, causing an allergic reaction, develops within minutes or seconds and can be second phase reaction 1-8 hours later. Signs and symptoms:mild itching or rash, burning skin vascular dilation,generalized edema, coma , rapid death, cyanosis, blood pressure drops Risk factors: injections, stings ingestion,inhalation, life threatening allergic reaction National emt scope treatment: manage airway, assist ventilations,high flow oxygen,determine cause, administer epinephrine, transport promptly.

Valeria Reyes4

Signs and symptoms

● Hypovolemic shock Pathophysiology: ( loss of blood or fluid) shock resulting from lack of blood volume,circulating blood volume is inadequate to deliver sufficient oxygen and nutrients to the body Signs and symptoms: Severe vomiting and diarrhea, rapid weak pulse,hypotension, change in mental status,cyanosis(under lips and nails), Cool clammy skin, increased respiratory rate Risk factors: hemorrhage shock,thermal burns,dehydration, hot weather, older and younger patients National emt scope treatment: assist ventilations, high flow oxygen, control external bleeding direct pressure or tourniquet,keep warm,transport promptly, call for als, transfer promptly. ● Septic shock Pathophysiology: bacterial infections, toxins generated by bacteria or infected body damaging vessels walls,cellular permeability Signs and symptoms: Fever, Tachycardia, and hypotension Risk factors: young patients, older patients, weaker immune system,diabetic patients, National emt scope treatment: DCAP BTLS, rapid transport, keep warm, control hemorrhage with tourniquet if needed, keep airway open and suction if needed, call for als. ● Hemorrhage shock Pathophysiology: loss of blood, low fluid volume from blood loss Signs and symptoms: Rapid and or weak pulse, low Risk factors: External bleeding, hypotension, vomiting, too much blood loss National emt scope treatment: control extensive bleeding(direct pressure) or tourniquet, suction and vomitus or blood, keep patient warm, supine, give oxygen, rapid transport ● Neurogenic shock Pathophysiology: Damaged cervical spine and leads to blood vessel dilation Signs and symptoms: Bradycardia, Hypotension,signs of neck injury, absence sweating below the level of injury, normal and low heart rate in presence of hypotension, and normal warm skin Risk factors: Injury to part of nervous system, brain conditions, tumors,pressure on spinal cord,spina bifida, blood pool, National emt scope treatment: secure airway,spinal immobilization,assist ventilations and give O2,Keep patient warm, supine, blanket, Rapid transport. ● Cardiogenic shock Pathophysiology: inadequate heart function, disease of muscle tissue, impaired electrical system, Signs and symptoms: chest pain,irregular pulse, weak pulse,low blood pressure,cyanosis(lips under nails),Cool clammy skin,anxiety,crackles(rales),pulmonary edema Risk factors: chronic lung disease, disease or injury National emt scope treatment:sitting/fowler position,oxygenation,suction vomitus, prompt transport, check pulse and cpr or aed if needed. ● Psychogenic shock Pathophysiology: sudden reaction of the nervous system that produces a generalized vascular dilation, poor vessel function Signs and symptoms: syncope, fainting,irregular heartbeat ,brain aneurysm, going unconscious Risk factors: receiving bad news or experiencing sudden fear,or unpleasant sights,rapid pulse,normal or lower blood pressure National emt scope treatment: Determine duration of how long patient was unconsciousness, supine position,record initial vital signs and mental status, suspect head injury if patient is confused or slow to regain consciousness, transport promptly

Valeria Reyes5

Signs and symptoms

● CHF Congestive heart failure Pathophysiology: (disease of the heart characterized by shortness of breath, edema, and weakness) D  amaged ventricles and failure of heart as a pump,attempt by heart to compensate with increased rate, enlarged left ventricle,backup of fluid into the body as heart fails to pump adequate, Signs and symptoms: abdominal distention, dependent edema(sacral or pedal),tachycardia, increased respiratory rate,anxiety,inability to lie flat,ashen or cyanotic,crackles Risk factors: smoking,previous heart attacks, abnormal heart rhythms, not taking medications National emt scope treatment: assist with prescribed medications, rapid transport, provide oxygen,if signs of shock treat for shock. ● Emphysema: Pathophysiology: Destruction of the airways distal to the bronchiole, (loss of elasticity in lungs), Destruction of the pulmonary capillary bed, decreased ability to oxygenate the blood, lower cardiac output and hyperventilation, development of muscle wasting and weight loss. Signs and symptoms:use of accessory muscles, thin appearance with barrel chest, puffing(pursed lips), Tripod position, cyanosis, wheezing Risk factors: Smoking, age, air pollution, second hand smoke. National Emt Scope Treatment:oxygenation, bronchodilators,cpap rapid transport> ● Chronic Bronchitis: Pathophysiology: Rsv infection excessive mucus production with airway obstruction, Pulmonary capillary bed undamaged,compensation by decreasing ventilation and increasing cardiac output, poorly ventilated lungs leading to hypoxemia, increased carbon dioxide retention, use of accessory muscles Signs and symptoms:difficulty with expiration,chronic cough,wheezing,Rhonchi, cyanosis,tachypnea. Risk factors: smokers, patients with copd, older patients 40s, alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency National emt scope treatment: oxygenation, inhaler of steroids, bronchodilators ● Simple Pneumothorax: Pathophysiology:air leaks into space between the pleural surfaces from an opening in the chest wall or the surface of the lung, lung collapse,sucking chest wound, fractured ribs, air escaping from a lacerated lungis leaking into chest wall, free from significant physiologic changes and does not cause drastic changes in vital signs. Signs and symptoms: dyspnea, increased work of breathing,tachypnea,accessory muscle use,decreasing spo2, crackling sensation Risk factors;sucking chest wound,chest trauma, rib fractures, contusions and abrasions, cystic fibrosis, patients with lung diseases( asthma emphysema) National emt scope treatment: high flow oxygenation careful can lead to tension , monitor oximeter readings and breath sounds, rapid transport, fowler position, bandage any chest wounds ● Spontaneous Pneumothorax Pathophysiology: tissue rupture air leakage into pleural space causing lung to collapse,Respiratory distress, increased dyspnea, hypotension, jugular vein distention,cyanosis Signs and symptoms:respiratory distress pleuritic chest pain(sharp stabbing pain felt while inhalation and exhalation), absent breath sounds Risk factors: medical conditions, lung infections,emphysema, asthma,tall thin men, young people born with weak areas of lung National emt scope treatment: reassess for anxiety,supplemental oxygen NRM, prompt transport,sitting/fowler position,support airway and ventilations and cpr if needed. ● Asthma Pathophysiology: (allergic reaction) Acute spasm of the bronchioles associated with excessive mucus production and swelling of the mucus lining in the respiratory passages, affects all ages but usually from ages 5- 17

Valeria Reyes6

Signs and symptoms Signs and symptoms: wheezing, cyanosis, respiratory arrest,Bronchospasm Risk Factors: anaphylaxis,emotional stress, allergens,exercise., National emt scope treatment:inhaler or nebulizer, albuterol, sitting position ● Pulmonary embolism Pathophysiology:Blood clot that occurs in pulmonary circulation and blocks the flow of blood through the pulmonary vessels, can't go into the heart. Signs and symptoms: obstructive shock,crackles/wheezing, sharp chest pain,sudden onset, dyspnea,tachycardia,clear breath sounds,cyanosis, tachypnea, hypoxia degree,hemoptysis (coughing up blood) Risk factors: slow blood flow in legs, like immobilized legs following fracture or surgery, pregnancy, active cancer, and being on bed rest National emt scope treatment: Suction airway if any hemoptysis is covering air way, provide oxygen via NRM if not use nasal cannula, and rapid transport, fowler position, or comfort position of patient ● Pneumonia Pathophysiology: An infection the affects the exchange of gases between the alveoli and capillaries, impairing the lungs ability to oxygen and carbon dioxide( secondary infection) Signs and symptoms: cold sore throat. Children- rapid or labored breathing, grunting or wheezing, lips and nails may be gray), if phenomena is in lower part of the lungs then you'll see fever abdominal pain, and vomiting( bacterial pneumonia dry skin, decreased skin turgor,exertional dyspnea, productive cough,chest discomfort,headache, nausea,musculoskeletal pain,weight loss,Febrile, tachycardia, hypotensive, wheezing, crackles, rhonchi) Risk factors:Institutional residences (nursing home or long term facilities), recent hospitalization, chronic diseases processes: such as renal failure following dialysis,immune system compromise: receives chemo and or diseases such as hiv, history of COPD,high fever National emt scope treatment: Airway support,supplemental oxygen ,assess temperature,, ,and prepare for deterioration in patients condition.immediate transport and transport in Fowler position. ● Tuberculosis Pathophysiology: Chronic mycobacterial disease that strikes lungs, shortly after infection, contagious through cough,restrains to antibiotics, affects: lungs,kidney,spine, lining of brain,spinal cord.also can remain inactive. Signs and symptoms: active tb in lungs- fever,coughing,night sweats,fatigue, and weight loss,sever infection-shortness of breath,coughing productive sputum, and chest pain Risk factors: contagious, can reactivate,cough, bronchial sounds, anyone that breathes,people who live in close contact- prison inmates nursing home residents, homeless shelters, people who abuse drugs or alcohol, and compromised immune systems like HIV. National emt scope treatment: N95 mask PPE and BSI, high flow oxygenation, let the hospital know of tuberculosis patients. Sitting in comfort of a patient. ● Pulmonary Edema Pathophysiology:backup builds up fluid within the pulmonary tissue,fills alveoli and separates the capillaries from the alveolar wall, interfering with exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide. abnormally large amounts of fluids between cells in body tissues, causing swelling of the affected area, Signs and symptoms: immpaired respiratory,increased respiratory rate,abnormal lung sounds,frothy pink sputum at nose and mouth.,cool diaphoretic, crackles, and wheezing,tachycardic Risk factors: high cardiac output triggers ,respiratory distress, rapid shallow b...

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