Listerine Miracle Liquid or Product in Search of a Purpose PDF

Title Listerine Miracle Liquid or Product in Search of a Purpose
Author Xavier Grays
Course Intro Scientific Programming
Institution University of Texas at Austin
Pages 3
File Size 140.1 KB
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Grays1 Xavier Grays BA 3300 Business Cornerstone Listerine: Miracle Liquid or Product in Search of a Purpose April 14,2019 Listerine: Miracle Liquid or Product in Search of a Purpose

Describe the different claims made for Listerine in each of the advertisements/commercials.

“Look out for a Cold Watch your Throat... gargle Listerine Quick!” - Listerine in this article from 1941 has stated to reduce 97% of germs on mouth and throat. The article also states if you gargle twice a day you will reduce germs up tp 80%. “Announcement We Have Ever Made. Dandruff can be Cured with Listerine!”- In this article from 1937. We are given a statement from Listerine that its formula can prevent dandruff which is ludacris. In the article they say “patients see relief of dandruff in two days”. Making Listerine claim seem plausible. “1950's Listerine Commercial” - In this commercial we are given a claim by Listerine that

when your breath stinks your tend to lead people away from you. However when you take Listerine mouthwash you clear your throat, mouth and teeth of 97% of germs. Thus leading to better breath and also a better lifestyle. “Listerine - Flossing (2004)” - In this commercial we are given one of Listernine’s mottos of clearing 97% of germs within the mouth. It claims to clean in between teeth better than floss. It says the it also can kill plague. Which may be true but there seems to be no proven dental work.

2. What evidence do the ads use to support the claims? •

“Look out for a Cold Watch your Throat... gargle Listerine Quick!” - In 1940-1941 Listerine has done a two year test that “says” it has given volunteer every two days the formula. While the test where being conducted they say colds where reduced and also eradicated.

“Announcement We Have Ever Made. Dandruff can be Cured with Listerine!”Given two control groups rabbits and human patients . They were given Listerine to apply to the scalp and see what results were made in 14 days. When the control study was up we are told that the dandroof was gone on both subjects. Stating that Listerine is good for killing bad breath germs and dandruff. “1950's Listerine Commercial”- given previous experiments on the Listerine formula. In the

commercial the announcer says the the proven formulas help prevent bad breath. They also use the fact that they lady has gotten with the guy due to her not having bad breath. “Listerine - Flossing (2004)” - there proven method was being able to kill teeth plaque with every use of the product. Killing bad breath and improving mouth health.

3. What other advertising techniques do the ads/commercials use to make their points? •

One common technique that the articles and commercial use is using volunteers and saying it kill bad breath. USing both help the audience and potential buyers understand its power towards improving their daily lives and also improving their health.Making its brand creditable.

Grays 2 4. Why do you – or don’t you – find the ads convincing? •

In my opinion I do believe that the product Listerine is creditable to kill germs as I have previously used it. However I don't believe it's been accredited by any health institutes about killing germs or improving sickness. I believe that this is just a marketing scheme to help boost the product seels and credibility.

5. List some methods and at least 5 resources (including #5 and #6 above) you would use to check whether the ads are truthful. That means you will need to locate 3 additional resources to support your arguments and analyses. •

(Method-1) - Avoiding ad traps by spotting them before they catch you is always your best protection. No honest business should object to your finding out facts to test just how good the purchase will be. When necessary, the City can help you keep merchants’ actual deeds in line with their advertised claims. (“False Advertising: How to Spot it and What You Can Do About It” NYC Consumer Affairs”). (Method 2) - Use other resources to better know how the product compares to its peers. When a product company states that its product is superior always be willing to compare. (“FTC Fact Sheet on Advertising Federal Trade Commission Fact Sheet”). (Method 3) - Using better judgment of product placement. When you see a product conduct itself in insane matter such as “this is the best product ever” or “cures a disease”. Use your best judgment to decipher its hidden message( “5 Ways to Steer Clear of False Advertising.”). (Method 4) - Ensure any qualifications are clear (small print or footnotes) can be used to clarify a claim in an ad, but don’t use it to hide important information or in a way that misleadingly contradicts the headline claim. For example, it's often contradictory to claim "X% Off Everything!*" and then qualify this with "*exclusions apply"( “Committee of Advertising Practice”).

(Method 5) - clerical errors are important as the product itself has to work and prove to do what is stated. You can order free samples from a lot of products and test them out if the product doesn't deliver than you can save money ( . “Review of False-Positive Cultures for Mycobacterium Tuberculosis and Recommendations for Avoiding Unnecessary Treatment.” ).

Works CItations Listerine mouthwash and PocketPaks. (2002). Marketing Magazine, 107(46) Retrieved from accountid=7036 “The Most Important Announcement We Have Ever Made. Dandruff Can Be Cured with Listerine! / Medicine and Madison Avenue / Duke Digital Repository.” Duke Digital Collections

QuickBooks. “5 Ways to Steer Clear of False Advertising.” QuickBooks, 2 Feb. 2017, Advertising Standards Authority | Committee of Advertising Practice. “Six Top Tips to Avoid Misleading Advertising.” ASA, Burman, et al. “Review of False-Positive Cultures for Mycobacterium Tuberculosis and Recommendations for Avoiding Unnecessary Treatment.” OUP Academic, Oxford University Press, 1 Dec. 2000,

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