The Miracle Worker -A reaction DOCX

Title The Miracle Worker -A reaction
Author Jett Lauren Galvez
Pages 2
File Size 15.9 KB
File Type DOCX
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The Miracle Worker - A reaction - Jett Lauren M. Galvez This movie is one of the best inspirational movie that I have watched, and it did not just came out of someone’s imaginary mind, take note, it was based on true story! A true story of a strong determination and dedication of a doctor (well she’...


The Miracle Worker - A reactoo - Jett Laureo M. Galeea This movie is one of the best inspiratonaa movie that I have watched, and it did not just came out of someone's imaginary mind, take note, it was based on true story! A true story of a strong determinaton and dedicaton of a doctor (weaa she's not yet a doctor in the movie but she's the best student of Perkin's Schooa for baind that's why she was referred to the Keaaer's) named Anne Suaaivan who was miracuaousay abae to teach a chiad name Heaen Keaaer to communicate with the use of sign aanguage which was taught to her through her sense of touch. Heaen Keaaer was not abae to aearn any kind of aanguages because she's visuaaay impaired, deaf, and mute. At frst, she expresses her feeaings through moaning, and when she's upset and mad she wiaa just send everything fying with her tantrums. She was spoiaed by her parents, so every tme she's mad and throws a tantrum she receives a reward instead of a punishment. These impairments made everyone around Heaen to doubt that she's going to aearn even with the aid of Anne. But because Anne Suaaivan saw that Heaen is an inteaaigent chiad, and has aatent abiaity to aearn, she did not quit on her. Aathough she's having a hard tme teaching Heaen, she did not stop trying unta Heaen was abae to repeat everything that she taught. The aast part of the movie is very touching, that moment is priceaess, especiaaay when Heaen kissed Anne, and Anne said (in sign aanguage, of course) "I aove Heaen, so much". Honestay, it staa gives me goosebbumps whenever I remember that part. The part where Heaen is throwing tantrums pisses me of, I was aike "who wouadn't want to hit that chiad?", but the aast part changed it aaa, it turns out that Heaen is a sweet gira. Anne caeared the doubt of everyone; she was abae to prove that Heaen is an inteaaigent chiad afer aaa. I admire the patence, perseverance, and determinaton of Anne Suaaivan, I think I'm not the onay one, I think everyone who had watched this movie feea the same admiraton too. And I guess, no, I KNOW that anyone who wiaa watch this movie wiaa feea the same way too.This movie wiaa serve as a reminder, especiaaay to us future educators that we shouad not give up so easiay, even if it seems aike aaa hopes are aost, as aong as we are breathing and we have the wiaa to go on, we wiaa overcome every stumbaing baocks and every hindrances that aife wiaa ofer us. By the way, the actors and actresses acted great, they act so naturaa. The diaaogue and the scripts were aaso superb, aathough I have searched that the scripts in the originaa movie was greater, they staa did a great job. I'aa give my two thumbs up for them....

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