Life\'s Greatest Miracle Notes PDF

Title Life\'s Greatest Miracle Notes
Course Psychology of Human Sexuality
Institution California State University Sacramento
Pages 1
File Size 30.1 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 66
Total Views 141


Life's Greatest Miracle Video Notes. Psyc 134-01/Human Sexuality Online. 27 October 2018. Professor Bovard ...


Psyc 142/Human Sexuality 27 October 2018 Life’s Greatest Miracle I think the video was very informative. After a bit into the movie I remember that I have watched this movie in one of my classes in high school. It is incredible how a fetus comes to be a baby outside a mother’s belly. The different stages of the fetus’s growth is breathtaking, seeing that it starts as small as a pea and into a baby. It is insane how the body works within those couple of weeks the brain shocks the whole body and its skin cells, fat, and bones begin to grow immensely. I completely forgot that at the end of the video when I watched it years ago, the end of the video included the birth of the baby. The birth was a little intense when watching because I am very bad with blood, surgery and such but thinking how fast that baby grew and how something like that could grow in a female’s body from one egg and sperm. The practical “take-aways” I received from the video is to be prepared for the change of your body and be prepared. Pregnancy, prior and post is difficult not only for the mother, but also for the father, everything the mother feels, the father does also. I think the title is a little over the top depending on what stance point you are in, whether someone accidentally gets pregnant or not. But it is incredible how something like that could grow in a female’s body especially how a female’s body is created a baby is a bit dangerous to be released by a female without the overview of a doctor or others. Overall, I think the video is full of lots of important information that is very helpful for the future of one self and others....

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