LPC Students\' Handbook 2017-18 (Full and Part Time) - amended version 2 PDF

Title LPC Students\' Handbook 2017-18 (Full and Part Time) - amended version 2
Course Legal Practice
Institution Cardiff University
Pages 149
File Size 2.6 MB
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Cardiff University LPC Students’ Handbook 2017/2018

TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION, WELCOME AND CALENDARS.................................................................3 WELCOME TO CARDIFF UNIVERSITY ................................................................................4 SECTION 1 THE ETHOS OF THE COURSE..................................................................8 1.1 THE PROFESSIONAL INTEGRITY POLICY ..........................................................8 1.2 YOUR FOCUS ON THE COURSE........................................................................15 1.3 EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY................................................................................15 SECTION 2 THE CENTRE FOR PROFESSIONAL LEGAL STUDIES ..........................17 2.1 THE CENTRE’S ACTIVITIES................................................................................17 2.2 CPLS AND THE SCHOOL OF LAW AND POLITICS ............................................18 2.3 THE CENTRE’S ADDRESS..................................................................................18 2.4 THE STAFF ..........................................................................................................19 2.5 THE CENTRE’S ACCOMMODATION...................................................................26 2.6 OTHER CPLS FACILITIES ...................................................................................29 2.7 OTHER UNIVERSITY FACILITIES .......................................................................33 2.8 THE CENTRE AND THE SOLICITORS REGULATION AUTHORITY...................34 SECTION 3 GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR STUDIES, STUDENT SUPPORT, OTHER UNIVERSITY SERVICES AND OTHER ACTIVITIES36 3.1 LPC PERSONAL TUTOR SYSTEM......................................................................36 3.2 DISABLED STUDENTS AND STUDENTS WITH OTHER SUPPORT NEEDS .....37 3.3 EXTENUATING CIRCUMSTANCES.....................................................................38 3.4 CAREERS AND EMPLOYABILITY: TAKING YOUR STUDIES FURTHER ...........44 3.5 BASIC INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR STUDIES.................................................48 3.6 ACCESS TO THE LPC COURSE LEADER OR DIRECTOR OF CPLS ................52 3.7 CARDIFF LPC STUDENTS’ SOCIETY AND SOCIAL ACTIVITIES.......................53 3.8 AFTER YOU FINISH YOUR STUDIES: GRADUATION AND BEYOND ...............53 3.9 GENERAL UNIVERSITY SERVICES....................................................................54 3.10 SHOULD THINGS GO WRONG ...........................................................................56 SECTION 4 THE CARDIFF LEGAL PRACTICE COURSE ...........................................57 4.1 COURSE AIMS AND OBJECTIVES .....................................................................57 4.2 COURSE STRUCTURE AND CONTENT .............................................................57 4.3 LESSONS AND LEARNING ACTIVITIES .............................................................61 4.4 COURSE MATERIALS .........................................................................................64 4.5 COURSE TIMETABLE..........................................................................................65 4.6 STUDENT PROGRESS, DILIGENT PURSUIT OF STUDIES, ABSENCES..........66 4.7 STUDENT ENGAGEMENT AND COURSE EVALUATION BY STUDENTS .........68 SECTION 5 ASSESSMENT GUIDANCE ......................................................................71 5.1 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................71 5.2 ASSESSMENT REGULATIONS ...........................................................................73 5.3 ASSESSMENTS: GENERAL PROVISIONS .........................................................73 5.4 PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT AND REGULATION ...............................................74 5.5 SOLICITORS’ ACCOUNTS ASSESSMENT .........................................................75 5.6 WILLS AND ADMINISTRATION OF ESTATES ....................................................75 5.7 SKILLS ASSESSMENTS ......................................................................................75 5.8 ASSESSMENTS IN THE CORE PRACTICE AREAS AND VOCATIONAL ELECTIVE AREAS ...............................................................................................76 5.9 GUIDANCE ON ASSESSMENT TECHNIQUE ......................................................76 5.10 ASSESSMENT VENUES AND ARRANGEMENTS...............................................77 5.11 CIRCUMSTANCES ARISING DURING ASSESSMENTS .....................................78 5.12 RELEASE OF RESULTS ......................................................................................79 5.13 RE-ASSESSMENTS BEFORE THE JULY EXAMINING BOARD..........................80 5.14 APPEALS .............................................................................................................80 5.15 DEFERRALS ........................................................................................................80 1 Students’ Handbook


Cardiff University LPC Students’ Handbook 2017/2018 5.16 5.17

REFERRALS ........................................................................................................81 REFERRED AND DEFERRED STUDENTS: CHANGES IN LAW AND PROCEDURE ......................................................................................................83 5.18 ARRANGEMENTS FOR REFERRED AND DEFERRED STUDENTS ..................83 5.19 RELEASE OF RESULTS IN REFERRALS AND DEFERRALS .............................84 5.20 THE VOCATIONAL QUALIFICATION AND THE ACADEMIC AWARD ................84 5.21 LPC PRIZES .........................................................................................................86 APPENDIX A: THE ELECTIVE COURSES ....................................................................87 CHILD CARE LAW ...........................................................................................................88 COMMERCIAL LITIGATION .............................................................................................89 COMMERCIAL PROPERTY .............................................................................................90 EMPLOYMENT LAW ........................................................................................................91 FAMILY LAW ....................................................................................................................92 INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY ...........................................................................................94 MERGERS & ACQUISITIONS..........................................................................................96 PERSONAL INJURY LITIGATION....................................................................................98 PRIVATE CLIENT...........................................................................................................100 APPENDIX B: LPC ASSESSMENT REGULATIONS......................................................103 APPENDIX C: EXTENUATING CIRCUMSTANCES FORM ...............................................113 APPENDIX D: EQUALITY, DIVERSITY AND DIGNITY ..................................................119 APPENDIX E: LPC OUTCOMES....................................................................................123

2 Students’ Handbook


Cardiff University LPC Students’ Handbook 2017/2018


INTRODUCTION This handbook contains a number of important matters concerning your LPC studies. Please take the time to read it. You do not need to absorb it all straight away, but you will need to refer to it from time to time. It is possible that during the course changes will be made to some of the information, regulations and procedures contained in it. We will tell you about any such changes when these are made, and the handbook may be updated during the year. The updated version of the handbook will be made available electronically on Learning Central. The information in this version of the handbook is correct as at 1 August 2017. We will assume that you will read this handbook and so you are deemed to have notice of its contents. Similarly, you are also deemed to have notice of the contents of the Cardiff University Student Intranet and the Academic Regulations Handbook, both of which are available on the University’s website. In addition, in this handbook we will refer you to relevant parts of the Academic Regulations Handbook where appropriate. Throughout the handbook we have abbreviated Legal Practice Course to LPC and the Centre for Professional Legal Studies to CPLS. Calendars for each cohort of students (Full Time, Part Time Year 1, Part Time Year 2) follow on the next few pages, after a general welcome.

3 Students’ Handbook


Cardiff University LPC Students’ Handbook 2017/2018 UNIVERSITY WELCOME At Cardiff, you are studying in a successful, vibrant, multicultural, bilingual and diverse University, set in the capital city of Wales. Founded in 1883, Cardiff University is established as one of Britain’s leading universities and our ambition is to be among the top 100 universities in the world and top 20 in the UK by 2017. Our research has a global impact and is led by internationally recognised staff who share their knowledge with you through their teaching. There are 24 Academic Schools organised into three Colleges (Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences, Biomedical & Life Sciences and Physical Sciences & Engineering). We have over 30,000 students, from over 100 countries of which: o 21,495 are undergraduates, o 8,685 are postgraduates, o 6,605 are international students.

[2013/14 data from HESA]

We have over 1,000 students volunteering in the local community each year and our graduates are sought after by employers, with 93% of our PGR students entering employment or professional training/further study shortly after graduating [Destinations of Postgraduate Research Students of 2010 – 2013]. There is a strong sense of community that is characterised by the balance we achieve between our educational, social, cultural and sporting experiences, within a culture that fosters, promotes and respects equality, dignity and diversity. The Cardiff University community creates an environment where expectations can be met and ambitions realised. Your experience will be unique to you, based on the choices you make and your level of engagement with the range of opportunities available. We hope you take full advantage of your time here. This handbook will provide you with the relevant information about how the University operates. It also includes practical advice, important information explaining how your degree works and the relevant University regulations you will need to be aware of.

The Student Charter Our Student Charter, developed through a partnership between students, the Students’ Union and the University, outlines what you can expect from the University and the Students’ Union, what is expected of you and what to do if things do not meet your expectations. You should take a look at all the expectations of the Student Charter, which are outlined at the following link: http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/studentcharter

4 Students’ Handbook


Cardiff University LPC Students’ Handbook 2017/2018 CARDIFF UNIVERSITY LPC CALENDAR 2017/2018 Full time Course 2017/2018 Week No.

Week commencing

Teaching/assessment period

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34

04 September 11 September 18 September 25 September 02 October 09 October 16 October 23 October 30 October 06 November 13 November 20 November 27 November 04 December 11 December 18 December 25 December 01 Jan uary 08 January 15 January 22 January 29 January 05 February 12 February 19 February 26 February 05 March 12 March 19 March 26 March 02 April 09 April 16 April 23 April

Core subjects and skills begin

35 36 37 38 39

30 April 07 May 14 May 21 May 28 May

40 41 42 43 44

04 June 11 June 18 June 25 June 02 July


Release of results

Reading/placement week


Assessment week Christmas Vacation Christmas Vacation

Hand out PLR

Hand in PLR DRF Assessment week Assessment week Re-assessment week Elective subjects begin


INT, WAE, PLP BLP , LIT, PCR SAR, WRI, ADV reassessments

Easter Vacation Easter Vacation PLR, DRF Hand out PLR reassessment


(Monday 07 May is a bank holiday) Hand in PLR reassessment DRF, INT, WAE reassessments ELECTIVE assessments

Re-assessment week Assessment week (Monday 28 May is a bank holiday) Assessment week

ELECTIVE assessments


KEY ADV - Advocacy; BLP - Business Law and Practice; DRF - Drafting; INT - Interviewing and Advising; LIT - Litigation; PCR Professional Conduct and Regulation; PLP - Property Law and Practice; PLR - Practical Legal Research; SAR - Solicitors’ Accounts; WAE – Wills and Administration of Estates; WRI - Writing. All assessments take place in supervised conditions save for PLR. We will inform you of the exact dates of assessments once they have been agreed with Registry. For the elective subject assessments this will not be until the electives term. Final (including any incourse reassessment) results will be posted (to the address shown on SIMS as your home address ) on Thursday 5 July 2018, so you should receive the results on Friday 6 July 2018. All results released before this date are provisional, as they have not been approved by the Examining Board. We also aim to release provisional and final results electronically. We will inform you in advance of the precise date and time when each set of provisional results will be released. We do not give out results (final or provisional) over the telephone. See section 5 for more details on assessment. 5 Students’ Handbook


Cardiff University LPC Students’ Handbook 2017/2018 CARDIFF UNIVERSITY LPC CALENDAR 2017/2018 Part time Course 2017/2019 - Year 1 Week No.

Week commencing

Teaching/assessment period

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

04 September 11 September 18 September 25 September 02 October 09 October 16 October 23 October 30 October 06 November 13 November 20 November 27 November 04 December 11 December 17 December 25 December 01 January 08 January 15 January 22 January 29 January 05 February 12 February 19 February 26 February 05 March 12 March 19 March 26 March 02 April 09 April 16 April 23 April 30 April 07 May 14 May 21 May

Core subjects and skills begin


28 May

40 41 42 43 44

04 June 11 June 18 June 25 June 02 July

Assessment week (Monday 28 May is a bank holiday) Assessment week


Release of results

Reading/placement week

Christmas Vacation Christmas Vacation Hand out PLR

Hand in PLR DRF Assessment week Assessment week SAR lessons begin Elective subjects begin


Easter Vacation Easter Vacation PLR, DRF Hand out PLR reassessment


Hand in PLR reassessment SAR assessment DRF, INT, WAE reassessments Elective assessments

Assessment week

Elective assessments


KEY BLP - Business Law and Practice; DRF - Drafting; INT - Interviewing and Advising; PLR - Practical Legal Research; SAR Solicitors’ Accounts; WAE – Wills and Administration of Estates. All assessments take place in supervised conditions save for PLR. We will inform you of the exact dates of assessments once they have been agreed with Registry. For the elective subject assessments this will not be until the electives term. Final (including any incourse reassessment) results will be posted (to the address shown on SIMS as your home address) on Thursday 5 July 2018, so you should receive the results on Friday 6 July 2018. All results released before this date are provisional, as they have not been approved by the Examining Board. We also aim to release provisional and final results electronically. We will inform you in advance of the precise date and time when each set of provisional results will be released. We do not give out results (final or provisional) over the telephone. See section 5 for more details on assessment. 6 Students’ Handbook


Cardiff University LPC Students’ Handbook 2017/2018 CARDIFF UNIVERSITY LPC CALENDAR 2017/2018 Part Time LPC 2016/2018 - Year 2 Week No.

Week commencing

Teaching/assessment period

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39

04 September 11 September 18 September 25 September 02 October 09 October 16 October 23 October 30 October 06 November 13 November 20 November 27 November 04 December 11 December 17 December 25 December 01 January 08 January 15 January 22 January 29 January 05 February 12 February 19 February 26 February 05 March 12 March 19 March 26 March 02 April 09 April 16 April 23 April 30 April 07 May 14 May 21 May 28 May

Core subjects and skills begin

40 41 42 43 44

04 June 11 June 18 June 25 June 02 July


Release of results

Reading week

Assessment week Christmas Vacation Christmas Vacation


WRI, ADV Assessment week Assessment week Re-assessment week Elective subjects begin

PLP LIT, PCR WRI, ADV reassessments

Easter Vacation Easter Vacation


Assessment week (Monday 28 May is a bank holiday) Assessment week

ELECTIVE assessments ELECTIVE assessments


KEY ADV - Advocacy; LIT - Litigation; PCR - Professional Conduct and Regulation; PLP - Property Law and Practice; WRI – Writing All assessments take place in supervised conditions. We will inform you of the exact dates of assessments once they have been agreed with Registry. For the elective subject assessments this will not be until the electives term. Final (including any in-course reassessment) results will be posted (to the address shown on SIMS as your home address) on Thursday 5 July 2018, so you should receive the results on Friday 6 July 2018. All results released before this date are provisional, as they have not been approved by the Examining Board. We also aim to release provisional and final results electronically. We will inform you in advance of the precise date and time when each set of provisional results will be released. We do not give out results (final or provisional) over the telephone. See section 5 for more details on assessment.

7 Students’ Handbook


Cardiff University LPC Students’ Handbook 2017/2018


THE PROFESSIONAL INTEGRITY POLICY Welcome to the Cardiff University LPC. Although you are a student who has registered on a university course, you are embarking on a course that leads ultimately to qualification as a solicitor. Our policy therefore is to treat you as a fellow professional. We will call you by your first name and try to encourage you in class and develop your confidence. If you do not understand a topic that is covered in one of your classes, you should feel free to make an appointment to see your tutor to discuss the matter, just as...

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