Luo construction PDF

Title Luo construction
Author Viral Videos Galore
Course MSC. Project Management
Institution Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology
Pages 11
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Transformation of the Luo Built Form in Peri-urban Kisumu; Case of Manyatta.

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The name Kisumu originated from the Luo term ‘Kisuma’ which means a meeting place for the purpose of exchange of goods, (Anyumba, 1995). Kisumu city, formerly known as Port Florence was originally constituted as a terminus for the Uganda Railways and an internal port in 1901 and has developed into the leading commercial/ trading, industrial, communication and administrative centre in the lake Victoria basin which includes the former Nyanza, Western and Rift Valley Fig 1.1: Image of the Kisumu city Central business district.

provinces. It serves as the trading and communication confluence to the great Source: city images

lakes region; Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda and Burundi, due to its position. In 2000, Kisumu was declared a city; the third in Kenya. Its state as an important economic centre has triggered massive rural- urban migration making it grow from a humble colonial outpost to a bulging city. Kisumu’s population during the colonial period was quite low as the town housed Europeans and Asians only. Africans were restricted to the ‘native reserves’ and were not considered part of the town’s population. Kisumu County’s population has grown to 968,909 according to the 2009 population census data almost double that in the year 2000.

Fig 1.2: Image of the Jomo Kenyatta sports ground in Kisumu. Recreational activities occur on these grounds Source: city images

Transformation of the Luo Built Form in Peri-urban Kisumu; Case of Manyatta.

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Introduction A notable characteristic of Kisumu’s population is a large number of male and female children under five years old. The proportion of youth between the ages of 10 and 19 is also quite high. The top of the pyramid indicates the impact of mortality on those older than 44 years old. According to the UN Human Settlements Programme: Kisumu City Development Plan (2004-2009), there is high level of unemployment among the population. Another bigger percentage is under the unskilled labour with the main sources of income being wages from processing plants, informal trades, public transportation Fig 1.3: Kisumu population data. Source:

(boda boda). The city lacks adequate shelter with approximately 60% of the urban population reside in the peri-urban under conditions regarded as informal settlements. They lack basic services such as water and sewerage services, electricity connections and proper roads. Approximately 75% of peri-urban inhabitants live in temporary and semi- permanent structures. As our cities grow, developments increase outwards into the hinterlands. Various built forms change as this growth happens. In the case of Kisumu, The areas around the town affected by its growth include Manyatta, Kondele, Migosi, Kibos, Nyalenda and Kogony which is next to the airport. Underdeveloped structures are brought down and replaced with high-rise buildings that attract more financial

Fig 1.4: Image showing bodaboda operators in Kisumu city at work. Most of the youth engage in informal businesses such as this. Source: city images

gain. In some cases though, owners of already existing structures do not embrace the new developments and opt to remain in their traditional/ underdeveloped

Transformation of the Luo Built Form in Peri-urban Kisumu; Case of Manyatta.

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Introduction habitats. There is then an unplanned mixture of vernacular buildings and new buildings which causes a lot of architectural conflicts. Mzee James Onga’yo, the Gonda village elder agrees that Manyatta is rapidly changing and the Luo traditional architecture is getting extinct. He states that this transformation began in the 1950s when the iron sheet roofs replaced the thatch and that Manyatta has never been the same again and continues to change as time goes by.

1.2 PROBLEM STATEMENT Fig 1.5: Luo traditional homestead with circular layout Source: Abonyo D. Cultural Aspects of Housing: A Case of the Luo in Kisumu

In Kisumu, and specifically Manyatta area, land ownership comes under two types of tenure. Leasehold and freehold with the latter being the predominant. Land owners are sub-dividing parcels of land and selling to prospective developers for economic gain and in some cases they themselves put up additional units for rental purposes. Vernacular dwellings are being subjected to change and modern buildings are coming up. This interaction has led to conflicts between the Luo traditional patterns and the new urban housing developments. In Manyatta area, this conflict is conspicuous. The presence of graveyards within the area which also has newer developments coming up is an evidence of this conflict. Moreover, haphazard extensions built out of all sorts of materials and forms

Fig 1.6: Luo traditional homestead with rectangular layout. Source: Author

are found in between low lying mud thatched houses formerly organized as Luo

Transformation of the Luo Built Form in Peri-urban Kisumu; Case of Manyatta.

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Introduction traditional homesteads called ‘dala’. The ‘dala’ is therefore becoming disorganized with the modern in fills and in very few if any, the original layout plan can be traced. Rapoport in his book ‘House Form and Culture’, (1969) says that vernacular architecture is the ideal environment of a people expressed in buildings and settlements with no designer, artist or architect. In the case of Manyatta therefore losing the vernacular architecture means compromising tradition and culture which the Luo always regard very important.

Fig 1.7: Image showing old buildings and new developments being built in Manyatta. Source: Author

There also exists a social problem due to generational differences. The new buildings being built are being occupied by a relatively younger people as compared to the older people who are still living in their homesteads.


To document the transformation of the Luo homestead ‘dala’ in Manyatta

To compare the traditional Luo homesteads in Manyatta with the upcoming

new buildings in terms of form, spatial organization, building materials and technology.  Fig 1.8: Image of a building in the Jomo Kenyatta sorts ground in Kisumu named ‘Od Mikayi’ which means the wife’s house. Source: Author

To identify the consequences of these transformations on the planning and

identify interventions that can be employed to ensure minimal architectural conflicts.

Transformation of the Luo Built Form in Peri-urban Kisumu; Case of Manyatta.

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1.4 JUSTIFICATION As discussed above the city of Kisumu is undergoing rapid urbanization therefore bringing a lot of development challenges among them rapid population growth, rising poverty levels, dilapidated infrastructure and mushrooming of slums. The other challenge associated with the extension of city boundaries to include land areas that were initially predominantly rural in character such as Manyatta is that it demands a unique set of planning response; One that will not affect negatively the Fig 1.9: Image of Cattle in the area gives evidence of animal husbandry within Manyatta. A practice usually done in rural settings Source: Author.

livelihoods of the already existing populations and the general architectural character in these areas but borrow from them and try to make improvements. The architecture of these areas must therefore be learnt in order to in cooperate various elements in the additions lately being developed. This will greatly reduce architectural conflicts existing in peri urban areas. According to the Business daily of 2nd July 2013, The former Kisumu municipal council received Sh. 4 billion from the French Development Agency to improve its management through an investment plan. The funds, they say, will be invested in housing, development of infrastructure and construction of markets and schools in Kisumu as well as in upgrading slums in the city under the Kisumu Urban Project.

Fig 1.10: Image of an additional brick unit being constructed. They are usually done for rental purposes and are occupied by a relatively younger generation than the homestead owners. Source: Author.

There are already several projects on going in Obunga, Manyatta and Bandani which are being implemented by the Ministry of Housing. There is need to understand the architecture of these areas as these projects and additions are being undertaken. This will help inform the various designs selected.

Transformation of the Luo Built Form in Peri-urban Kisumu; Case of Manyatta.

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Introduction Manyatta has been selected by stakeholders (esp. Urban Matters and the Millennium Cities) as a possible model village for incremental up-grading.

1.5 SCOPE AND LIMITATIONS Transformation of the built form is a very wide scope. Architectural elements transform all the time due to changes in climate, site, religion, economy, materials, and construction technology and socio cultural aspects. In Manyatta this Fig 1.11: Image of a rural Luo setting with traditional homesteads. Manyatta had such a landscape before transformation began. Source: Author.

transformation is evident and can be attributed to the factors above. In this study the author shall be investigating the transformation of the settlement patterns and forms; how the homestead has transformed from the traditional round scheme to the rectangular ones and to what we currently have in Manyatta area (The haphazard mixture of the low traditional settlements and the new storey buildings). The material used in the traditional homesteads in Manyatta shall also be compared to the ones currently being used. With material being looked at, it will be inevitable to look at the building technology and construction skills. Other building typologies such as churches, halls, shops, other structures (vibanda) will also be looked at and analyzed to find out how they have contributed to this

Fig 1.12: Aerial image of Manyatta showing haphazard additional units in former Luo homesteads. Source: Author.


Transformation of the Luo Built Form in Peri-urban Kisumu; Case of Manyatta.

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Introduction Such a study requires physical evidence of the Luo home. It may be difficult to find a homestead that has not been interfered with by the new additions. There will therefore be the need to hypothetically reconstruct the homestead to what was there originally.


Has there been physical transformation of the ‘dala’ in Manyatta?

Which are the construction materials used in the traditional times and those

used in the present and how do the construction technologies compare? 

What are the consequences of these transformations on the general

planning of Manyatta and what are the interventions that can be put in place to curb architectural conflicts created by these changes?


Published Material: This includes books, journals and public documentation,

as well as reference material on; 

Architectural history of the Luo, Manyatta and Kisumu city.

Geographical and climatic characteristics of Manyatta and Kisumu.

Urbanization in cities

Transformation of the Luo Built Form in Peri-urban Kisumu; Case of Manyatta.

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Introduction 

Unpublished material: This includes contributions from papers generated

both as academic research material as well as from professional consultancies. Precedent thesis papers on history of Kisumu and the Luo built forms and research papers on the transformations in growing cities generally.

1.7.2 CASE STUDY AND FIELD RESEARCH DOCUMENTATION The author selected buildings and homes that would be analysed as cases representing the general Manyatta architecture. This analysis was carried out in two stages; one is the theoretical study of the area. This will involve getting information through interviews from the locals and any relevant authorities on the architectural history of Kisumu and Manyatta in particular. Two, is the observation of the current architecture of Manyatta. The analysis will include photographs, sketches and drawings of the current situation in Manyatta.

1.8 TERMINOLOGIES The following words are described as they are used in this document. 

Peri-urban- Transition zones between distinctly urban and unambiguous rural

areas. 

Urbanization- The physical growth of urban areas as a result of rural migration

and even suburban concentration into cities. Urbanisation is not merely a modern phenomenon, but a rapid and historic transformation of human social roots on a Transformation of the Luo Built Form in Peri-urban Kisumu; Case of Manyatta.

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Introduction global scale, whereby predominantly village culture is being rapidly replaced by predominantly urban culture. 

Transformation- A marked change in form, appearance and nature.

Semi-permanent- Refers to a wall constructed using mud and then cement

plaster added to it 

Bed sitter- A combined bedroom and living room, especially one that is

rented and serves as somebody's residence 

Self- contained- Describes accommodation rooms that have their own

bathroom, balcony and entrance.

1.9 STRUCTURE OF THE THESIS CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION This chapter will basically deal with the brief history of Kisumu city; basic information on its geographical location, climate, demographic patterns, and architecture.

CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW The chapter basically looks at the information that is of interest to this research that has been documented by various researchers on transformations that occur as cities grow; the changing settlement patterns, architecture and the social issues that come with these changes. Any documented information on the transformation of Kisumu city and the Luo homestead architecturally will be of interest in this chapter. Transformation of the Luo Built Form in Peri-urban Kisumu; Case of Manyatta.

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Introduction An in-depth analysis about Kisumu’s climate, geographical characteristics will also be done. The Luo traditional architecture as analyzed by other researchers will be looked at in this chapter.

CHAPTER 3: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY This chapter will define the research methodology that will be used that is, it defines how the research will be carried out. The research strategy will be stated, the purpose, the time limit and the kind of data to be collected and how the data processing and analysis will be done.

CHAPTER 4: FIELD WORK This chapter will form the basis of the field work. Analysis of the traditional buildings that can be found in the area will be done; their building materials, technology and forms will be studied and how they relate to the Luo culture. The current built environment will also be analysed and compared to the traditional.

CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Appropriate strategies and proposals will be given regarding architectural transformations within the city peripheries. The proposals will be trying to ensure smooth transitions that have very little or no conflicts and that the traditional settlement pattern/ architecture is not completely lost. Transformation of the Luo Built Form in Peri-urban Kisumu; Case of Manyatta.

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