Macbeth Greed Quotes & Analysis - cloze PDF

Title Macbeth Greed Quotes & Analysis - cloze
Author Don Ike
Course The English Detective Novel
Institution York University
Pages 2
File Size 34.6 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 82
Total Views 148


This is some quotes for MacBeth. In this lesson, we will explore several quotes about greed in William Shakespeare's 'Macbeth.' We will
particularly explore how greed affected Macbeth, Lady Macbeth, and Malcolm....


Macbeth Greed Quotes & Analysis Lesson Transcript

particularly explore how greed affected Macbeth, Lady Macbeth, and Malcolm.

Greed in Macbeth

becomes overcome by greed.

affected them.

Macbeth's Greed

of Cawdor, a more powerful position than he currently holds.

the very thought frightens him, yet the idea of being king has grown on him.

his only motivators, yet he continues to pursue the thrown.

Malcolm and Greed

Lady Macbeth's Greed

that murder of King Duncan is justified.

awful curse, and she dies, perhaps by her own hand, in misery, and Macbeth dies on the battlefield.

Lesson Summary

different perspectives on and responses to greed help to identify greed as a major theme of the play....

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