Managing Projects Assessment 2 PDF

Title Managing Projects Assessment 2
Course Managing Projects
Institution Queensland University of Technology
Pages 20
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Assignment 3...


MGB335 Assessment 2


Word Count:3200

1.0 Title Name of Project Name of Organisation Location of Organisation Project Deadline

Crosby Park Upgrade Brothers Rugby Club 103 Crosby Road, Albion, QLD, 4010 November 2022

2.0 Project Manager and Organisation Project Manager Role Organisation Relationship

Project Manager QUT Project Management Pty Ltd Facilitate and manage the processes of the community rugby club redevelopment.

Client Organisation Project Sponsor

Brothers Rugby Club Federal and Local government grants, corporate sponsorship, player fees, social member fees and fundraising.

Brothers Rugby CEO Brothers Rugby President

Matt Kaye David Hine

3.0 Project Scope The main goal of redeveloping brothers rugby club is to better cater for the changing landscape and demand of all major stakeholders involved in the operations of the club. This will enhance participation opportunities especially from the club’s female representation which is predicted to grow by 39% in 2021 [ CITATION Bro20 \l 3081 ]. This redevelopment will build on the benefits, impacts and values delivered by community sport infrastructure [ CITATION KPM18 \l 3081 ], enabling further opportunities to players, employees, volunteers and the local community which lies at the foundation of “The Family Club”.

4.0 Business Case Community sporting organisations are said to play an important role in the creation and delivery of social capital and community health outcomes in local communities [ CITATION Rob181 \l 3081 ]. This can be identified through the improvement of education and employment outcomes for members, the creation of cultural bridges between varying

demographics and the value of having green spaces developed in the community. The economic value of community sports infrastructure is estimated at $6.3 billion[ CITATION KPM18 \l 3081 ]. This figure was generated by adding the increased economic activity of the market which measures the value added by community sporting facilities into the Australian economy with the increase in productivity. By participating in local sport clubs, individuals are affirmed to be mentally and physically healthier as well as have enhanced cognitive skills. This impacts the economy as on average, members are more productive which results in lower absenteeism from work, greater personal productivity and increases in human capital [ CITATION KPM18 \l 3081 ]. However, in order to maximise these positive benefits, brothers will need to mitigate negative outcomes such as exclusion, harm and injury to their community stakeholders. Drawing on social responsibility, it has become apparent that community sporting organisations are to a certain extent responsible to society [CITATION Sal \l 3081 ]. There may be tensions between the competing roles and responsibilities of community sports clubs, due to the fact that they’re predominately run by volunteers and not social or health promotion experts. This may mean that Brothers Rugby Club might find it difficult or not have the capacity to undertake these health and social promotion activates as they don’t perceive them to be directly related to the club’s primary responsibilities [ CITATION Kok15 \l 3081 ]. Van de Geer and Verschuur (2021) outline the importance of creating a culture of activitydiversity in sports clubs. Whilst financial viability is an important goal for local sports clubs, they do not strive for maximum profits. They aim to offer their members an opportunity to practice sport and to pass leisure time actively [ CITATION Nag08 \l 3081 ]. This can be achieved through the atmosphere and standard of all facilities; the field, the clubhouse and the changing rooms which are affirmed to be extremely important factor in retaining members and increasing their connectedness to the club [ CITATION van21 \l 3081 ]. Brothers rugby club Is a mono-sports club, which means all activity is specialised and the facilities are fully equipped for their particular sport only. This direct focus in some instances can increases the level of organisational directness, however, can also cause one-sidedness not only on the physical wellbeing attained by their members but also on a social level. Through various project sponsors such as federal and local government grants, corporate sponsorship, player fees, social member fees and fundraising, it will enable Brothers rugby club to divert away from their current mono-sport club perception and redevelop their

infrastructure in order to benefit a wider demographic within the community. Brothers Rugby Club is forecasted to host over 270,000 users in 2021[ CITATION Bro20 \l 3081 ]. With an increasing female contingent playing both rugby and touch rugby at the club it’s imperative that Brothers provide equal representation in modern change rooms to accommodate for this growth. The redevelopment will also incorporate doctors and physiotherapy practices which will be accessible for the community and also for players to receive onsite rehabilitation. A childcare centre and cafe will also be established. This will enable the childcare centre with the ability to use the fields and equipment provided to the club as well as provide parents with the ability to use these facilities throughout the week and on game day. The upgraded club house will be used as a community hub, where playing and non-playing members can gather after games as well as incorporating a function room which can be rented out for events. Finally, a pool and gym will also be built which will allow the community to use these facilitates as well as can be used for club training and rehabilitation sessions.

5.0 Assumptions and Constraints 5.1 Assumptions 

The main assumption of this project is that Brothers Rugby Club will be able to meet the financial requirements of developing this project. It’s assumed that through the various project sponsor will incur the costs of the entire project leaving no excess costs for the club after the completion of the project. This also means that Brothers will have access to all of the recourses required for the completion of this project, both human and material.

Health and Safety requirements will be adhered to throughout the development phase of the project.

Project team members will have access to all resources required to complete their individual tasks, this can be in the form of specialised equipment and software.

Sub-contractors which work on various parts of the projects are qualified and deliver high quality of goods and services.

Personnel costs, material and resource costs will remain consistent throughout the project.

There are no delays with receiving financials from sponsors or development approvals from the Brisbane City Council.

5.2 Constraints The three primary constraints which impact projects are consistent with time, scope and cost. Time constraints refer to the project’s completion and deadlines for each phase of the project. It’s important that a realistic timeframe is set out in order to complete each phase of the project. This can be achieved through defining the projects main goals and how the project team intents to achieve these goals. A Gantt chart can be incorporated in order to visualise the projects timeline. If the scope of the project isn’t defined upfront and communicated to all stakeholders, this can lead to “scope creep” of the project. This can be negated through providing clear documentation of the projects scope and setting up a process for reviewing approving or rejecting project changes. Finally, a projects budget requires effective cost control parameters in order to ensure the success of the project.


   Staffing

  


 


Failure to correctly estimate the budget can lead to over or under funding which could result in resources not being sufficient allocated. If what’s implemented isn’t useful then the development becomes a waste of money and time. Lack of communication between the different teams within the development process. Conflict of interests between key stakeholders. Laws, regulations and agreements can restrict the projects options. The volunteers and staff could lack the essential knowledge and training to be efficient. May not get enough volunteers to effectively run the operations of the club. Not all members of staff may have the same due diligence as other stakeholders in the organisation. Continued growth of the community within the club cannot be guaranteed. The community’s willingness to get involved in all the activities and infrastructure provided by the club cannot be promised. Whilst the club will be closed for redevelopment, members of the club may move to competing clubs or other sports. If delivery time of a product is rushed, then project

costs will rise and quality will decline. Workplace health and safety of workers could come into jeopardy.

6.0 Key Stakeholders The key stakeholders involved in the redevelopment of the Brothers Rugby Club are: 

Project Sponsors o Federal Government o Brisbane City Council o Corporate sponsorships o Community donations

Brothers Community o CEO of Brothers Rugby – Matt Kaye o Brothers Rugby President – David Hine o Staff and volunteers o Players 

Male representatives

Female representatives


Modified Rugby Program (players with learning and perceptual disabilities)

o Club members 

Albion and surrounding community o Seniors o Parents o Children

QUT Project Management Pty Ltd o Project Manager (Alexander Coroneo) o Architects, Engineers and decorators, resource managers

Contractors and sub-contractors

Material and equipment suppliers


Environmentally friendly organization

7.0 Deliverables In project management, deliverables are defined as a specific output which is created as the result of work performed during the course of the project [ CITATION Syl18 \l 3081 ]. Deliverables can be broken down in a number of ways. Firstly, these can be broken down into project deliverables which tangible, client-focused accomplishments and process deliverables which describes the path chosen to create the project. Examples of project deliverables are:   

Re-surfacing the fields renovation of change rooms, clubhouse, gym Development of function room, childcare, café, pool

Examples of process deliverables are:  Project scope statement  Statement of work  Project plan  Budget  Project schedule  Project governance statement  Progress reports

8.0 Milestones Event introduction meeting

Completion Date 04/05/2021

Stakeholders CEO, CFO & COO

Community consultation and information night


CEO, CFO & COO and local community

Planning meeting – designing Brothers Rugby Club


CEO, CFO, COO, architect, PM

Gain Development Approval Gain funding from sponsors

29/07/2021 14/09/2021

Budget meeting


Local government and PM PM, federal and local government and corporate sponsors CFO and PM

Project Charter Plan approved Project schedule Approved Employee contractors – introduce contractors to organizing committee Start construction End of Construction Establish administrative system – employing staff and volunteers Training staff and organizing roster Opening community day for the club End of Project

14/10/2021 15/10/2021 29/10/2021

All stakeholders All stakeholders PM, Construction company director

02/11/2021 26/09/2022 24/10/2022

PM and all contractors PM and Project certifier CEO, COO, PM, staff and volunteers


CEO, COO, PM, staff and volunteers


All internal stakeholders and community


9.0 Project Success Criteria The project success criteria are a list of standards set out by the project management team which will be judged at the completion of the project in order to decide whether or not the project has been successful in the eyes of the key stakeholder [ CITATION Eli21 \l 3081 ]. Successful organisations eliminate the guesswork out of defining projects failures by defining what success looks like, so it’s identifiable when this has been achieved.

The project is completed on time;

The project is completed within the required budgetary constraints;

The project has delivered all items within the scope and business case;

A project board meeting is held once a month to mitigate scope creep

The project meets the functional requirements of the community;

The project meets corporate social responsibility and environmental sustainability targets;

The project meets all necessary local government laws and regulations;

The project meets appropriate health, safety and quality targets;

Ensure all employee and contract timesheets are paid on time;

Train 95% of staff within the two-week training period set out in milestones;

The client recommends our project management company to another community club for redevelopment.

10.0HR Plan and RACI Table 10.1 HR Plan Role Title Project Manager

Architect and Designers


Land Surveyors

Risk Manager

Role Responsibilities The project manager plays the lead role in executing, monitoring, controlling and delivering projects. They’re expected to define the projects scope, report to the sponsor and deliver the project on time and within budget. The architect is in charge of the projects design and planning. They’re responsible for the visual appearance of the building, surrounding landscape and structure. The engineer is in charge of creating new technologies to better help the operations of the project and the club. They also need to ensure that social responsibilities are met by following many different codes of ethics. Surveyors are challenged with measuring the size and topography of the land. They’re required to work out the boundaries of private and public land as well as study the natural environment. The role of the risk manager is to communicate risk policies and processes for the project. This is completed through the development of risk models and assuring controls are operating effectively.

Environmental officer


Club CEO

Club CFO

Director of Rugby

This job requires examinations into the environmental Impact the redevelopment will have on surrounding areas as well as how the increase in usage can impact roads and wildlife. carpenters, concreters, tilers, plumbers, painters electricians, excavation team, landscaper and grounds keeper. The CEO is head of the executive team and manages the day-to-day operations of the organisation, its people and resources The primary responsibility of the CFO is concerned with the planning, implementation, managing and running of all finance activities within the company. Concerned with the planning and scheduling of games and relationships with competing clubs. The director is also responsible for recruitment, development and management of players and coaches.

10.2 RACI Table Event

introduction meeting Community consultation and information night – Planning meeting – designing Brothers Rugby Club Gain Development Approval Gain funding from sponsors Budget meeting Project Charter Plan approved Project schedule Approved Employee contractors – introduce contractors to organizing committee Start construction End of Construction Establish administrativ e system – employing staff and volunteers Training staff and

Project Manage r


Architec t& Designer

Staff and volunteer s


Clu b CF O A

Federa l and State Gvt


Clu b CE O R











Contractor s



















Comm y












organizing roster Opening community day for the club End of Project





11.0Risk Management Plan Risk Event



Contingency Plan

Rejection or delay in development approvals Commercial shortfalls – not attaining sponsorships Timing – incomplete project design and deliverables. Budget – estimating and scheduling errors. Underfunding. Not getting design right to suit the market segments.



Ensure the project meets all government laws and regulations before submitting.



Ensure the project sponsor is in a position to afford the project.



Establish a succinct timeline & milestone section in the project plan.



Ensure the project budget in the project plan is



Conduct community surveys and information nights in order to gather market information

Lack of communication



Conduct regular team meetings in order to keep every stakeholder up to

Scope creep.



This can be mitigated through creating a feasibility analysis. This ensures the project is operationally, financially, legally and technically viable. Confirm and relate the project scope to all stakeholders and sponsors. This can be



Contractor risk. Including labor risk, accidents on job site and low quality of job. Theft or damage of equipment Seasonal delay

conducted through an RACI table Ensure contractors are complying by workplace health and safety measures.





Establish fences and security. Store tools away overnight.



Ensure delays for weather are accounted for in the project timeline.

12.0Procurement Plan Activity or Task from WBS Demolition equipment

Unit Cost

No. of Units

Total Cost

Contract Type

Lead time

Date required




Fixed Price

21 Days


Plumbing material




Fixed Price

14 Days

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