Mangement Fundamental MCQ Question Bank PDF

Title Mangement Fundamental MCQ Question Bank
Course Management Fundamentals
Institution Savitribai Phule Pune University
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Management Fundamentals MCQ Question BankSr Contents A B C D Answer1 Who is father if Scientific Management (a) Henry Fayol (b) F Taylor (c) Elton Mayo (d) Max Weber B 2 Primary function of management is (a) Organising (b) Planning (c) Controlling (d) Staffing B 3 Henry Fayol has stated ___ principl...


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Who is father if Scientific Management (a) Henry Fayol (b) F.W Taylor (c) Elton Mayo (d) Max Weber B Primary function of management is (a) Organising (b) Planning (c) Controlling (d) Staffing B Henry Fayol has stated ___________ principles. (a) 10 (b) 12 (c) 14 (d) 15 C In Scalar chain ________ refers to an arrangement in which two managers working at the same level can communicate with each other directly for quick communication. (a) Bridge (b) Plank (c) Gang Way (d) Gang Plank Which of the following was the key aim of scientific management? (a) To increase worker control of produ(b) To decrease absenteeism. (c) To increase productivity. (d) None of the above C Which of the following men’s writings are associated with bureaucracy? (a) Henry Fayol. (b) Max Weber. (c) F. W. Taylor (d) All of the above B Father of Adminstrative management______________. (a) Henry Fayol (b) Lillian Gilberth. (c) Elton Mayo. (d) Mary Parkett. A Espirit de corps means______________. (a) union is strength. (b) service is our motto. (c) buyer beware. (d) product is our strength. A Henry Fayol was a French__________________. (a) Manager (b) Actor. (c) Writer. ( d) Industrialist. D Management is________________. (a) an art. (b) a science. (c) an art and a science. (d) an art not science. C Every subordinate should receive orders from and be accountable to only one superior is __________. (a) Unity of direction. (b) Centralization. (c) Scalar chain. (d) Unity of command. Management is Art is of getting things done through people Definition given by (a) Lillian Gilberth (b) Taylor (c) Mary Parket Follet (d) Henry Fayol In relay assembly test room experiment, Elton Mayo experimented on a small homogeneous work group of _______________ girls (a) ten (b) six (c) fourteen (d) twenty In your institute you observe that the books are kept in office, chalks in the library, office record in staff room. Which principle of management is violated here? (a) unity of direction (b) authority and responsibility (c) order (d) all of the above F. W. Taylor was an ___________ engineer. (a) Electronics ( b) Electrical (c) Mechanical ( d) Computer C Taylors Experiments were also called as___________ (a) time and motion study (b) speed and time study (c) efficiency and productivity study (d) None of the above. Frank and Lillian Gilberth laid ______________ therblings. (a) 10 (b) 20 (c) 15 (d) 18 D George Elton Mayo was born in South Australia on 26th December ____________ (a) 1890 (b) 1880 (c) 1800 (d)1820 B The process where by a manger shares his work and authority with his subordinates is________. (a) decision making (b) Delegation. (c) responsiblity (d) order When the supervisor commands subordinates and has close supervision is called ______. (a) free-rein. (b) consultative. (c) democratic. (d) Autocratic Strategic plans are: single use plans long range plans for lower management levels standing plans B What are the three levels of planning? Operational, intermediate and strategic Headquarters, divisional and local Top, middle and bottom None of the above The first step in an MBO program is................ Formulating action plans Clarifying organisational roles. Establishing specific goals for various departments. Developing overall organisational goals Changes and events cannot be eliminated but they can be anticipated and manegerial response to them can be developed. Which importance of planning is highlighted in the above statement. Planning provides direction Planning reduces overlapping and wasteful activities. Planning reduces the risk of uncertainty Planning facilitates decision m Management By Objectives was introduced by _____. Taylor. Elton Mayo. Peter Drucker. Maslow. C Planning is ____ Pervasive Futuristic Continuous All of the Above D Plans that are developed to achieve a set of goals that are unlikely to be repeated in the future are called? Standing Plans Single use Plans Contingency Plans None of the above Goals, aims, purposes, missions and target is also known as ____________. objective. strategies. polices. rules. A The assumptions about future derived from forecasting and used in planning are known as_____________. planning premises. freehold premises business premises corporate premises Plans that define company responses to specific situations, such as emergencies or set backs are called ? Standing Plans Single use Plans Contingency Plans None of the above Strategic planning is ___________. long term planning medium term planning short term planning annual planning A The first and foremost function of management is ___________. Planning Organising Controlling Staffing A Ongoing plans used to provide guidance for tasks performed repeatedly within the organisation are called? Standing Plans Single use Plans Contingency Plans None of the above Allotment of work to each worker on the basis of the capacity of an average worker functioning in the normal working condition is _____________. social task planning scientific task planning not a planning scientific organizing Micromax was India’s largest seller of mobile handsets. It launched low-cost Chinese manufacturing with some smart packaging and features like long-lasting batteries and dual-sim functionality to garner 20% market share in India’s value-conscious mobile handset markStrategy and objective Rule and Programme Programme and objective Method and objective A Which one of the following is an importance of planning? The top management works on____ In mnemonic S.M.A.R.T., ‘R’ stands for Which of the following company claimed that MBO led to their success In MBO, objectives can be ____is an organisation in which job of each member is clearly defined, whose authority, responsibility and accountability are fixed. Decentralisation is suitable for _____________ _________ has the effect to reduce the burden of the top management. Superior subordinate relations on the basis of interactions results in _________ Which of the following relates to line authority? Which of the following is not related to staff authority? The legal advisor in the line and staff organisation is Dividing the work, people and grouping them on some logical basis is called ____ Military Organisation is also termed as______ Span of Management is also called as _____ _____ refers to the activities which can be grouped according to the process involved or the equipments used Grapevine is a term relating to ________ Wide Span is also called as ______ In an automobile organisation the departmentation could be car division, truck division, bus division. This is an example of _____ Factors that affect organisational srtuctural choice Which is the oldest type of organisation? Which of the following is not related to middle level management? Matrix Structure is also called as _____ Basic issues in organising are Narrow Span is also called as ______ _____ refers to conscious choice among alternative courses of action. According to _______ Decision making may be defined as a conscious choice among alternative courses of action. Which of the following is the characteristics of decision making? Decision taken by the board of directors and the chief executive in the interest of the organisation as a whole is known as___ Decision Making is termed as the thought process of selecting a logical choice from available ____ The selection of best alternative from many alternatives is known as__________. Deal with routing and repetitive problems is a __________. Placing a purchase order is an example of ________. The decision which relates to day-to-day operation of an organization is known as ____. The decision which is implemented within the concerned department is known as ___.

A decision taken to meet unexpected situations is known as ____. What is intuitive decision making based on? What is the term for the 'rule of thumb' type of bias in decision making? The second step in decision making process is identifying a problem. The final step of decision making process is to implement the alternative that has been selected. Intutive decision making is a systematic, logical and orderly. The financial factors measured in numerical terms, having some monetary value are considered as _ An example of qualitative factor is__ Decision making is the selection based on some criteria from two or more possible alternatives is defined by___________. Some decision makers have a tendency to give more weightage to first piece of information it is termed as Controlling function finds out how far __________ deviates from standards. Which of the following is not a limitation of controlling? “Planning is theoretical whereas controlling is practical” Which of the following is not a process of controlling? Which of the following is a traditional technique of managerial control? Remedial actions taken to prevent deviation in future is called __ is the process of ensuring that actual results are in accordance with planned results Controlling is ___. Reducing the workers, absenteeism in a factory by 20% is an example of The need for the controlling function is felt in When the deviations between the actual performance and the planned performance are within the limits The comparison of actual performance with the planned performance becomes easier if the standards are set in Deviations are said to be positive in nature when The controlling function is performed by Yash runs a logistic company. The Tour Incharges of each trip in the company are expected to submit a report to the Event Manager on the completion of every trip. Identify the step in the controlling process being described in the above lines. Controlling is known as a backward-looking function because In an artificial plants manufacturing unit, the standard output set for a worker is 50 units per day. Dinesh produces 48 units in one day. In the given case, the value of deviation is Controlling helps in achieving organisational objectives.

Reducing uncertainty Strategic Plan Realistic Dell Collective Formal Big Concern Centralisation Formal Organisation Executive Authority Advisory Authority Promoters Departmentalisation Line Organisation Span of Supervision Departmentation by Process Informal Communication Flat Stucture Process Departmentation size Bureaucratic organisation Director Grid Structure Ignorance of organisational objectives Flat Stucture Decision Making G.L.S. Hackle Is a goal oriented process Individual decisions answers selection. programmed decision. programmed decision. major decision economic decision.

Identifying alternatives critically Corporate Plan Reliable Canon individual Informal Small Concern Decentralisation Informal Organisation Right to command Right to command Auditors Delegation Functional organisation Span of Authority Departmentation by Product Formal Communication Tall Stucture Product Departmentation strategy Committee Organisation Supervisor Organisation Structure Conflict of interest Tall Stucture Control Philip Kotler Is a selection process Basic or routine decisions people decision-making. non-programmed decision. non-programmed decision organisational decision. departmental decision

Developing leadership Budgeting Relevant Hewlett-Packard both (A) and (B) Upward Medium Concern Delegation of Accountibility Functional Organisation Wider Power Limited Power Workforce Centralisation Formal Organisation Span of Managerial Responsibility Departmentation by Function Written Communication Short Srtucture Functional Departmentation environment Functional Organisation Foremen Circular Structure Hurdle in complete development Short Srtucture Co-ordination D.E.Mc Farland Is a continous process Group Decisions Options organizing. major decision. major decision. personal decision. non-economic decision.

Selecting the most appropriate plan None of the above A Relative A All of the above D none of the above C Downward All of the Above A Departmentalisation Committee Organisation All of the Above D Mere appendage to the authority B Staff D Decentralization A Informal Organisation A All of the Above D Departmentation by Number Oral Communication A Zero Structure A Customer Departmentation All of the Above D Line Organisation D Production Manager C Clover Leaf Structure A All of the Above D All of the Above B Direction A T. Copeland All of the above Operating Decisions None of the above C budgeting. B minor decision. decision. A operative decision. problem decision.

economic decision.

crisis decision. non-economic decision. problem decision. B Guesswork Gambling Instinct Rationality C Framing bias Hindsight bias Over-confidence bias Heuristics D TRUE FALSE B TRUE FALSE B TRUE FALSE B qualitative factors quantitative factors recorded factors None of the above employee morale cost of materials cost of workers cost of marketing A Farland. Mac Donald. Terry. M.C. Nites Anchoring Effect Immediate Gratification Selective perception bias None of the above Actual performance Improvement Corrective actions Cost A Difficulty in setting quantitative standardC Little control on external factors Costly affair Ensuring order & discipline TRUE FALSE A Analyzing deviations Integrates employees efforts Taking corrective measures Setting performance standards Personal observation Breakeven analysis Budgetary control All of the above Measurement of actual performance Taking corrective actions Analyzing deviations Setting performance standards Controlling Planning Directing Coordinating A Forward looking Backward looking Continous process All of these D Quantitative standard Qualitative standard Deviation None of the above A Business organisations Political organisations Social organisations All of the above D A limited corrective action is required No corrective action is required A major corrective action is required None of the above Qualitative terms Quantitative terms Either of the above None of the above Planned performance is more than the Actual performance is more than the planned perfo Both planned and actual performances are same None of the above B Top level management Lower level management Middle level management All of the above D Setting of standards Measurement of actual performance Taking corrective action Analysing the deviations B It relates to future course of action. It is like a post-mortem of the past activities To find out deviation, it aims at improving future pe All of the above -2 TRUE



None of the above A

99 100

An efficient control system helps to Controlling is related to

Accomplishes organisational objectives Boosts employee Morale Results Individuals

Judges Accuraccy of standards Things

All of the above Managers

D A...

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