MCQ- Question -Bank SHRM PDF

Title MCQ- Question -Bank SHRM
Author Suhas Dhimte
Course Global HRM
Institution Savitribai Phule Pune University
Pages 14
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304HRM- Strategic Human Resource Management MCQ –Question Bank


The typical functions of management in a small business include all of the following except: a) Accounting b) Marketing c) Information Technology d) Strategic Planning


The three historic HR roles are: a) Basic, confidential and strategic c) Advisory, control and strategic

b) Advisory, service and control d) Record keeping, staffing and training


Human Resource branding is most often used for: a) Demonstrating “best practices” in the organization b) Recruiting high caliber candidates to the organization c) Creating a culture inside the organization d) Being more involved in marketing


A company that want to create new, innovative, products each year would have a __________ strategy. a) Cost-Leadership b) Differentiation c) Decentralized d) Flexible


The best role HR can play in the strategic planning process is to: a) Do what you’re told to do, when you’re told to do it b) Ask to be part of a sub-committee, where you can participate c) Become a consultant to the strategic planning process d) Forge relationships so others come to you for counsel


HR is acting as a strategic partner when it: a) Works with the corporate lawyer to answer an EEO claim b) Determines the availability of qualified applicants in a city where the organization is considering opening a facility c) Trains managers to identify potential sexual harassment incident d) Fills open positions in less time than anticipated Through __________ , HR attempts to anticipate the need for and availability of qualified workers so the organization can meet its future goals and objectives. a) Staffing b) HR audits c) HR development d) HR planning



In HR planning, both that unit and managers should work together to best strategize for future goal attainment. What may be some of the functions of HR personnel?

a) To tell managers the best way to increase productivity. b) To suggest to managers which employees they should hire for their departments. c) To keep abreast of changes in the industry through a continual environmental scan. d) None of the above. Q.9. When developing the HR plan, these considerations should be investigated... a) long-term organizational plans. b) expansions, reductions, and technological changes likely to impact the future of the company. c) plans to shift, retrain and increase employees in certain areas. d) all of the above Q.10. One common organizational strategy is "cost leadership". It focuses on everything EXCEPT... a) stability b) cost control c) promotion from within d) innovation Q.11. Which of the following describes the competitive strategies of an organization committed to differentiation? a) Controlling costs, retaining key people, determining a compensation strategy, and cross-training employees b) Exploiting all economies of scale and focusing on low-cost production to the exclusion of everything else c) Positioning unique product characteristics that customers will value and be willing to pay a premium price for d) Formalizing policies, procedures and rules, and communicating them to employees Q.12. Which of the following actions BEST illustrates HR's strategic role in the organization? a) Institute radical changes in the organization. b) Monitor and ensure compliance with change. c) Influence and affect management's view on organizational change. d) Deal with resistance to organizational change. Q.13. Strategic planning starts with an organization's a) mission statement b) It environmental scan. c) human resources inventory. d) needs assessment.. Q.14. Human Resource departments serve a strategic role in most organizations because: a) today's organizations are instituting HR practices aimed at gaining competitive advantage through their employees. b) Human Resource departments handle downsizing and layoff processes. c) globalization has reduced competition. d) the workforce is becoming less diverse.

Q.15. Human Resources departments support organizational strategy implementation in all of the following ways EXCEPT: a) restructuring efforts. b) instituting incentive plans, such as pay-for-performance plans. c) developing and marketing the organization' s products and services. d) retraining employees for redesigned work. Q.16. Strategic organizational issues related to employee compensation include all of the following EXCEPT a) whether to emphasize seniority or performance. b) how to handle salary compression. c) whether employees should be paid weekly, biweekly, or monthly. d) who should distribute pay checks to employees. Q.17. A specialized approach to organizational change in which the employees themselves formulate the change that is required and implement it, often with the assistance of a trained consultant, is: a) organizational development. b) skills training. c) employee orientation. d) sensitivity training. Q.18. Human Resource professionals need to understand the relationship between employee training and organizational strategy because: a) training always results in improved performance. b) HR departments are responsible for delivering employee training. c) training is often part of managerial efforts to renew or reinvent the organization so that it can meet a strategic challenge. d) employees generally enjoy training programs. Q.19. A process that aims to improve the performance and interaction within a specific group of employees is: a) teambuilding. b) a Scanlon plan. c) human factors engineering. d) survey research. Q.20. HR-related guidelines for building effective self-directed teams include: a) designating a strong leader as manager of the team. b) eliminating cross training so that workers can concentrate on their jobs. c) providing extensive training so that team members have the skills needed to do their jobs. d) assigning employees who dislike teams to work together as a team to overcome their resistance.

Q.21. Human Resources departments can make a significant contribution to business process re-engineering by: a) strengthening the top-down communication process. b) moving from teams to functional departments. c) eliminating the distractions of cross-training. d) redesigning work with a focus on multitasked, enriched, generalist work. Q.22. A comprehensive process to determine the effectiveness of a firm's HR policies and procedures would most likely include: a) an HR audit. b) comparison of the firm's compensation practices with peer firms. c) an analysis of turnover and absenteeism in the HR department. d) a re-design of the performance appraisal process. Q.23. With regard to global HR management, HR practitioners should note that a) research indicates that a significant number of employees will leave the firm within a year or two of returning home after an international assignment. b) repatriation agreements are considered ineffective processes in today's international organizations. c) labor strikes occur very frequently in European countries. d) the adjustment of the employee's spouse and family to the new country is rarely a significant factor in employee performance. Q.24. Current global pressures that affect HR strategic management include all of the following EXCEPT: a) employee skills deployment to the appropriate location. b) knowledge dissemination throughout the organization. c) identifying and developing employee talent on a global basis. d) stressing to employees that cultures are the same around the world. Q.25. The management functions of most HR departments include: a) both line and staff responsibilities. b) staff responsibilities but not line responsibilities. c) line responsibilities but not staff responsibilities. d) neither line nor staff responsibilities. Q.26. Technological changes in the workplace have influenced the practice of HR management because: a) employees need less training when organizations use technology. b) technological changes have changed the nature of work. c) organizational spending on technology has reduced the funds available for HR functions.

d) as technology advances, firms become less competitive. Q.27. In strategic human resource management, HR strategies are generally aligned with a) business strategy b) marketing strategies c) finance strategy d) economic strategy Q.28. Which of the following is closely associated with strategic human resource management? a) efficient utilization of human resources b) attracting the best human resources c) providing the best possible training d) All of the above Q.29. Treating employees as precious human resources is the basis of the _______ approach. a) hard HRM b) soft HRM c) medium HRM d) None of the above Q.30. Strategic human resource management aims to achieve competitive advantage in the market through a) Price b) Product c) People d) process Q.31. Wright and Snell made important contribution to the growth of a) Strategic fit model b) Strategic labour allocation process model c) Business-oriented model d) None of the above Q.32. Strategic management process usually consists of _______ steps. a) Four b) Five c) Six d) Seven Q.33. One of the components of corporate level strategy is a) growth strategy b) portfolio strategy c) parenting strategy d) All of the above Q.34. Creating an environment that facilitates a continuous and two-way exchange of information between the superiors and the subordinates is the core of a) High involvement management model b) High commitment management model c) High performance management model d) None of the above Q.35. What is the main purpose of a business strategy? a) To focus attention on failing areas of business practice. b) To decide hiring approaches. c) To create a consistent corporate image.

d) To secure and sustain competitive advantage within a given market for goods and services. Q.36. Which of these models is not a rational planning approach? a) Corporate-level strategic planning b) Strategic business unit level strategic planning c) Processual approach d) Operational level strategic planning Q.37. What type of rationality is evident in the processual approach? a) Instrumental b) Unbounded c) Bounded d) Traditional Q.38. Which of the following is a 'best fit' approach a) Resource-based view b) The universal approach c) Competitive-advantage models d) Bundles and high-performance working practices Q.39. Which approach that seeks to link strategy, business performance and HRM policies and practices, assumes that there are a number of HRM practices that are suitable for all organizations? a) Best practice b) Best fit c) Resource-based view d) Life-cycle models Q.40. Which country is associated with the universal best practice approach? a) UK b) US c) Germany d) Norway Q.41. Which approach towards HRM strategy does the Saatchi and Saatchi example illustrate? a) Universal approach b) Bundles of integrated HRM practices c) Life-cycle models d) Resource based approach Q.42. Focusing on core competencies means companies have the possibility of generating? a) Human capital advantage b) Larger profit margins c) Better output d) New staff Q.43. What is the primary limitation of the resource-based view? a) It overlooks the significance of the wider environment. b) It overlooks the importance of the organizations culture. c) It does not consider the importance of employees. d) It underestimates the role of line managers. Q.44. Which of the following skills are required most by the Top-level managers? a) Technical skills b) Interpersonal skills

c) Conceptual skills

d) All of the given options

Q.45. Career counseling is included in which of the functions of HRM? a) Compensation & benefits b) Planning and selections c) Training & development d) Maintaining HRIS Q.46. Organisation ABC is hiring the line managers for the vacant positions, which type of skill set they will prefer during hiring new candidates? a) High level of technical education with least conceptual skills. b) Lower level of technical skills with interpersonal skills c) Minimum conceptual skills with human skills d) High level of conceptual skills with least technical education Q.47. If a company is employing the fresh graduates as well as the professional experts, the management is said to be enhancing _____________. a) Stereotyping b) Variety c) Diversity d) Uniformity Q.48. HR managers are generally_______ a) staff managers. c) operational manager

b) line manager d) top executive

Q.49. Which of the following is the function performed by the line managers? a) Line functions b) Coordinative functions c) Some staff functions d) All of the given Q.50. __________ is the process of assessing progress toward strategic goals and taking corrective action as needed. a) Strategic management b) Strategic planning c) Strategic control d) Diversification Q.51. Under which of the following category managers are always said to be some one's boss? a) Staff b) Line c) Functional d) Operational Q.52. In which of these steps, the HR manager attempts to ascertain the supply of and demand for various types of human resources? a) Forecasting b) Program implementation c) Evaluation d) Goal setting Q.53. HRM is associated with the management of a) General people. c) Organizational people Q.54. Effective SHRM leads to: a) Organizational success

b) Financial resources d) Community members. b) Organizational failure

c) Organizational complexity d) Organizational inefficiency Q.55. Shifting from manual to computerized system is resulted due to: a) Workforce diversity b) Technological advancement c) Stakeholders involvement d) Globalization Q.56. Who is in the best position to observe and evaluate an employee's performance for the purposes of a performance appraisal? a) Peers b) Customers c) Top management d) Immediate supervisor Q.57. ________________ is commonly used by IT companies to assign their costly activities to outside providers for the purpose of cost saving as well as using of HR expertise in other companies. a) Planning b) Decentralization c) Restructuring d) Outsourcing Q.58. Organizations put maximum effort in measuring performance of organizational people because; a) It makes procedures cost effective b) It helps in detecting the problems c) It leads to product innovation. d) It assists in implementing new technology. Q.59. What is another term for 360-degree feedback? a) Feedback loop b) Multi-source assessment c) Upward feedback d) Circle feedback Q.60. Which of these is a major dimension of HRM practices contributing to company competitiveness? a) Compensating human resources b) Acquiring and preparing human resources c) Managing the human resource environment d) All of the given options. Q.61. Playing the role of ____________ requires designing and delivering efficient and effective HR systems, processes, and practices a) Administrative Agent b) Change Agent c) Strategic Partner d) Employee Advocate Q.62. There is fairly strong evidence that traits can predict _________ more accurately than leadership effectiveness a) Leadership emergence b) Extraversion in leaders c) Leadership awareness. d) Leadership competence Q.63. Appraisal of a worker's performance can be described as

a) Planning Activity c) Controlling Activity

b) Organizing Activity d) Leading Activity

Q.64. Process of working with different resources to accomplish organizational goals is known as: a) Strategic management b) Human Resource management c) Management d) Team work Q.65. To be effective, leaders must provide a _________________that is a general statement of the organization's intended direction that evokes positive emotional feelings in organization members. a) Vision b) Mission c) Goal d) Declaration Q.66. How do companies facilitate workforce diversity a) Rely on external support systems for minority workers. b) Encourage employees to challenge the beliefs and values of other employees. c) Build in accountability through surveys and audits. d) Reinforce traditional values. Q.67. Employee involvement requires extensive additional HRM activity in which of these areas a) Training b) Benefits c) Labor negotiation d) Marketing. Q.68. .__________ is the process of assessing progress toward strategic goals and taking corrective action as needed. a) Strategic management b) Strategic planning c) Strategic control. d) Diversification. Q.69. A strategy intended to achieve fair employment by urging employers to hire certain groups of people who were discriminated against in the past is known as a) Fair employment b) Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) c) Affirmative action d) Employment discrimination Q.70. The method that uses the organizations current level of employment as the starting point for determining future staffing needs is a) Zero Based Forecasting b) Bottom-Up Approach c) Forecasting Human Resource Availability d) None of the given options

Q.71. The ______ leadership is a set of abilities that allows the leader to recognize the need for change, to create a vision to guide that change, and to execute that change effectively. a) Transformational b) Charismatic c) Autocratic d) Transactional Q.72. To manage employees in a manner that allows human capital to develop as a source of competitive advantage, managers need to be sure to do all of the following except: a) provide training programs that provide skill enhancement b) identify, recruit, and hire the best talent available. c) attach pay to productivity d) provide opportunities for development on the job

Q.73. To build human capital in organizations, managers should rely upon staffing programs that focus on: a) identifying cheap sources of qualified labour b) identifying and hiring the best and brightest talent available c) identifying college graduates with the requisite skills d) identifying individuals with highly specialized skills Q.74. The project manager's leadership style should be matched to the corresponding developmental level of the project team and should move through successive steps in the following order a) Disciplinary, autocratic, participative b) Staff planning, team training, performance monitoring c) Team building, team development, responsibility assignment d) Directing, coaching, supporting, delegating. Q.75. Which of the following is best for handling cross-functional project needs for a large, complex project? a) A strong matrix organization b) A project coordinator c) A project expeditor d) Direct executive involvement Q.76. A technique for resolving conflict in which the parties agree to have a neutral third party hear the dispute and make a decision is called: a) Negotiation b) Arbitration c) Smoothing d) Forcing Q.77. The key to achieving and maintaining success in the role of a project manager is the use of a) formal authority b) reward power

c) expert power d) referent power Ans: d Q.78. You have just been assigned as the project manager of a 15 year, 200 trillion dollar project to marry the first couple on Mars. In addition to buying a wedding present, you will probably want to describe which type of project organization in your management plan a) Functional b) Expeditor c) Catering d) Projectized Q.79. An employee evaluation appears on your desk that includes the following descriptions: skilled, specialty focused, strong technical background, filtered listener, limited experience in interfacing, avoids conflict, good at developing techniques and operates well in the management hierarchy. Your first thought is to consider this person for a position as a a) Project Coordinator b) Project Manager c) Task Force Leader d) Project Specialist Q.80. The project manager leads a project team that is comprised of many different skills and disciplines. He must use an exceptional number of negotiating skills because he __________. a) is expected to discuss all facts of the technical parameters of the project. b) will be leading individuals without having direct control over them c) will encounter the shoptalk of each unique discipline d) will be using these skills to keep from accepting additional work. Q.81. Most...

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