Advance web programming Question Bank Multiple Choice Question MCQ PDF

Title Advance web programming Question Bank Multiple Choice Question MCQ
Author 08 Rumaisa ravi
Course Bsc. Information Technology
Institution University of Mumbai
Pages 10
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Question Bank Unit1-2, Advance Web Programming, BscIT, SEM 5 Unit test MCQ...


115.___________ is work transparently without the user being aware that information needeh A. B. C. D.

Session Data View Cookies

ANS: D 114.URL stands for ____________ ANs:B 113__________provides the number of items in the current session collection A. B. C. D.

Item ID Count Number

ANS:C 112.____________allows you to store global objects that can be accessed by any client A. B. C. D.

Object Access Stateless Application State

ANS:D 111.The __________control navigates to the page specified in its Navigate Url property. A. HyperLink B. button C. Label D. Textbox ANS:A 110.The ____________setting specifies the number of minutes that ASP.NET will wait, without re A. id B. Del C. Timeout D. Wait ANS:C 109.You configure session state through the __________file for your current application A. web.config B. global C. aspx

D. aspx.cs ANS:A 108.___________removes all the session items but doesn't change the current session ide A. Undo() B. Commit() C. Cancel() D. Clear() ANS:D 107.______________Provides a string with the unique session identifier for the current client. A. Application B. Cookies C. Sessionit D. SessionID ANS:D 106.______________allows you to store any type of data in memory on the server. A. Pageing B. Cookies C. Session-state D. StateBag ANS:C 105._____________are small files that are created in the web browser's memory or on the client. A. Cookies B. Session C. Variable D. String ANS: A 104.If your view state contains some information you want to keep secret,you can _________ A. Venable B. Mute C. View D. Disable ANS:A 103.The __________is the portion of the URL after the question mark. A. String B. URL encoding C. query string D. app string ANS:C 102.A ______________postback is a technique that extends the postback mechanism. A. Pageing

B. Cookies C. URL encoding D. cross-page ANS:D 101.ASP.NET uses a ____________to make sure your view-state information can't be altered A. View code B. app code C. password D. hash code ANS:D 100.The ________________is a dictionary collection, which means every item is stored in a separate A. StateBag B. Variable C. Datatype D. View ANS:A 99. _______________uses a hidden field that ASP.NET automatically inserts in the final, rende A. Caption B. View state C. Button state D. Application State ANS:B 98.what is inner Exception____________ A. Exception inside Exception B. Exception outside C. method of exception D. property of Exception ANS:D 97.which all are Server side state management technique__________________________ A. view B. session C. cookies D. QueryString ANS:B 88.Which of these keywords is not a part of exception handling? A. Try B. Catch C. Thrown D. Finally ANS:Thrown

87.Select the correct statement about an Exception? A. It occurs during loading of program B. It occurs during Just-In- -Time compilation C. It occurs at run time D. All of the mentioned ANS: It occurs at run time 86.Which of these keywords must be used to monitor exceptions? A. Try B. Catch C. Finally D. Else ANS:try 85.Which of the following statements applies to the situation where Exception is not handle The Compiler will A. The Compiler will not allow the program to run the code. B. CLR will terminate the program execution at the point where it encounters an exception. C. CLR will not show any output. However, the code will execute successfully. D. The Code executes successfully, and an error message gets printed. ANS:B 84.Which of the following gives the number of catch blocks that can be defined for a single try block: A. One B. Two C. Three D. The try block can have any number of catch blocks. ANS: The try block can have any number of catch blocks. Just the most specific exception should precede the most generic one, i.e. all child catch blocks to be defined first followed by the parent catch block 83.Which of the following is NOT a valid DONET Exception class A. System.Exception B. System DivideB C. System. OutOfMemmory D. System. StackMemoryException ANS:D 82.Which of the following control look pretty much the same as ASP.NET web forms.? A. AdRotator Control B. MultiView Cont C. Chart Control D. User Control ANS:D 81.Which of the following Advertisement File Elements is the number that sets how often an advertisement will appear?

A. Navigate Url B. Impressions C. Keyword D. Alternate Text ANS:B 80.Which of the following is not a nevigation control? A. TreeView B. Menu C. Details View D. SiteMapPath ANS:A 79.Which of the following TreeView Style Property applies to any node that contains other nodes, except root nodes? A. ParentNodeStyle B. LeafNode Style C. RootNode Style D. HoverNodeStyle ANS:A 78.Which of the following TreeView Property Lets you specify how many levels of nodes will be visible at first.? A. MaxDataBindDept B. ExpandDepth C. ShowExpandCo D. Node Wrap ANS:B 77. Which of the file extension is used by User Control? A. .aspx B. .cs C. .ascx D. Asax ANS:C 76. In AdRotator By using which Frame target, the link opens in Current frame? A. _blank B. _self C. _top D. _parent ANS:B 75. Which of the following determines which day is displayed in the first column of the calendar? A. DayNameFormat B. SelectedDates C. FirstDayOfWee D. TodaysDate ANS:C

74. Which of the following is not a member/property for Calendar Style? A. DayStyle B. TodayStyle C. TitleStyle D. WeekendDay style ANS:B

73. Which of the following Regular Expression Character is used to match any word Charad A. \w B. \W C. \d D. \D ANS:A 72. Which of the following is the last event of ASP.NET page life cycle. A. Page. Init B. Page. Unload C. Page Load D. Page PreRender ANS:B 71. Which of the following is the property of Range Validator control? A. Maximum Value B. ValueToCampar C. ControlTo D. CompOperaor ANS:A 70. Which of the following validator control ensures that the value of an input control matches a specified pattern? A. CompareValidator B. CustomValidato C. RangeValidator D. RegularExpression Validator ANS:D 69. Which of the following is not a property of BulletedList Control? A. BulletStyle B. Display Mode C. SelectionMode D. BulletImageUrl ANS: SelectionMode 68. Which of the following Web control provide CheckedChanged event? A. Button B. RadioButton C. TextBox

D. ListBox ANS:RadioButton 67_______________ property indicates whether a list box allows single selection or multiple selections. A. SelectedIndex B. SelectedValue C. SelectionMode D. Items ANS:C 66. control is a server-side equivalent of the (unordered list) and (ordered list) elements. A. ListBox B. DropDownList C. BulletedList D. CheckBoxList ANS:C 65. are used heavily in the .NET class library to group a set of related constants. A. Units B. Enumerations C. Fonts D. Colors ANS:B 64._____________ property displays a text message when the user hovers the mouse above the control. A. ToolTip B. AccessKey C. Controls D. Font ANS:A 63 ASP.NET tags always begin with the prefix A. input type B. C. asp: D. ANS:C 62.Every ASP.NET application is executed inside a separate__________ A. user domain. B. application domain C. server domain. D. system domain. ANS:B 61. The element is nested in the root ___________. element. A. B.

C. D. ANS:A 60. An error will occur when the code attempts to use the____________ method. A. Static Parse() B. Decimal Parse0 C. Double.Parse() D. Octal.Parse(_) ANS:B 59.__________________directoryContains all the compiled .NET components (DLLs) that the ASP.NET web application uses A. App_Themes B. App_Browsers C. Bin D. App_code ANS:C 58.______________is the process of adding breakpoints to an application. A. Compiling B. Debugging C. Designing D. Coding ANS:B 57. Every web application starts with a single location, called the. A. root folder B. main folder C. header folder D. middle folder ANS:A 56. ASP.Net controls run at _____________side. A. User B. Client C. Web D. Server ANS:D 55. HTML control runs at.____________ side. A. Client B. Server C. User D. Online ANS:A 54. __________are ASP.NET user controls. A. .aspx B. .ascx C. web.config

D. .cs ANS:B 53 Which programming model should you implement if you want to separate your server side code from your client-side layout code in a Web page? A. Single-file model B. Code-behind Model C. Inline model D. Client-serverModel ANS:B 52. A/An in ASP.NET is a collection of single-file or multiple files. A. Namespace B. Library C. Assembly D. Dictionary ANS:C 51. An is a non-instantiable class which is either partially implemented, or not at all implemented. A. Static class B. Sealed class C. partial class D. Abstract class ANS:D 50.C# supports multiple inheritance - True/False? A. TRUE B. FALSE ANS:B 49. The keyword B implies that only one instance of the member exists for a class. A. Private B. Public C. Protected D. Static ANS:D 48.A _____________ constructor does not have any parameter A. Inherited B. Parameterised C. Default D. Special ANS:C 47. A class___________ is a special member function of a class that is executed whenever we create new objects of that class. A. Variable B. Constructor C. Method

D. Function ANS:B 46. S__________________ Private Public Protected Default ANS: 45. _________describes the assembly. Library Manifest Metadata MS ANS:Manifest 44. DLL stands for data definition libra Dynamic link library Digital library link Distributed link library ANS :Dynamic link library 43.A/An _________________in ASP.NET is a collection of single-file or multiple files. Namespace Library Assembly Dictionary ANS:Assembly 42.An ____________ is a non-instantiable class which is either partially implemented, or not at all implemented. Static class Sealed class Partial class Abstract class ANS:Abstract Class 41.__________________is mechanism to create multiple methods with the same name and unique Constructor Overload Method overriding Method overloading Constructor overriding ANS: Method overloading...

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