Manual Krav Maga Ingles PDF

Title Manual Krav Maga Ingles
Author Andre Sampaio
Pages 252
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by M att Cheung HTTP :/ / W W W .AN GELFI R E.COM / AR T/ M AA Copyright and disclaimer All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in retrieval system or transmitted in any form. Do not distribute. Single copies maybe printed or stored for personal use only. Electroni...



Copyright and disclaimer All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in retrieval system or transmitted in any form. Do not distribute. Single copies maybe printed or stored for personal use only. Electronic copies may be obtained free of charge from ã Copyright 2001 Matt Cheung. Wudang Martial Arts Center. Some content used with permission of Krav Maga Association of America, Inc.











Preface to Krav Maga

A self- defense syst em called Krav MagaÔ also called t he official I sraeli self- defense syst em was creat ed by I m i Licht enfeld about fort y year s ago. I dea of Krav Maga is t o t each anyone, regar dless of age, physical prow ess and experience how t o defend t hem selves against a variet y of at t acks. Because of Kr av Maga's effect iveness, Krav Maga has gained accept ance in m any of t he wor ld's best m ilit ary and para- m ilit ary organizat ions. This st yle has been accept ed int o t he t raining pr ogr am s of t he Special Operat ions Bat t alion of t he Milit ar y Police of Rio de Janeir o, t he m unicipal guar d of t hat sam e count r y, t he G.I .G.N. of France, t he FBI , t he L.A. SWAT t eam s and t he Beverly Hills Police Force. As m ent ioned, Krav Maga ( " Cont act Com bat " in Hebrew ) is t he official self- defense and fight ing syst em used by t he I sr aeli Defense Forces ( I .D.F.) , I sr aeli Police and Securit y Ser vices. I t is also t aught in inst it ut ions associat ed wit h t he I sraeli Minist ry of Educat ion, and since 1964, Krav Maga has been t aught t o civilians all over t he w orld. Aft er developm ent and refinem ent dur ing years of conflict , Krav Maga em phasizes easy learning t echniques t hat have been bat t le- t est ed in r eal, life t hreat ening confront at ions. Krav Maga is different t han m ost ot her m art ial art s syst em s ( but not all) because t here ar e no rules in Krav Maga. All t hings t hat are available is accept ed and any at t ack and defense com binat ion is w elcom ed t o t he ar t . Most of t he t echniques t hem selves are com bat - orient ed ver sions of t echniques borr ow ed from m art ial art s such as j uj ut su, aikido, boxing, karat e and j udo as w ell as a num ber of lesser know n but equally effect ive m ar t ial art s syst em s.


Krav Maga w as developed in an environm ent wher e t he I sraeli m ilit ary could not devot e m any hour s hand t o hand com bat t r aining for t heir per sonnel. Ther efore, t he Krav Maga syst em w as creat ed w it h great im port ance placed on bringing st udent s t o a high level of skill in a relat ively ( com paring som e t radit ional art s) shor t period of t im e. Ther e are no kat as or rules in t he syst em . As it is said anyt hing goes when you are fight ing for your life. St udent s of Krav Maga w ill lear n kicking and punching t echniques t hat em phasize quick speed at t acks t o vit al areas such as t he groin, eyes and t hr oat . Low kicks t o t he knee m ay be also used. Defenses against arm ed m ult iple at t ackers ar e t hought and st udent s lear n also basic w eapons such as knife, shor t st aff and bayonet rifle t o include in t heir repert oire. Defenses against differ ent t ypes of subm ission holds like full nelsons, chokes, bear hugs and lapel gr abs will be t hought so t hat st udent s have at t heir know ledge w hich w ay t o r espond t o an at t ack. While lear ning st ar t s from basics, st udent s rapidly progr ess t o full speed sparring,w her e wear pr ot ect ive equipm ent is used t o cushion blow s and pr ot ect t he vit al ar eas. This t ype of t r aining allows exam inat ion of t echnique, and int roduces t he st udent t o a sm all sam pling what real at t ack sit uat ion m ay be like. As Krav Maga is a sur vival syst em dealing wit h per sonal safet y issues in t he cont ext of defending against bot h ar m ed and unarm ed at t acker s. I t is considered t o be a m oder n, highly refined, st reet fight ing syst em , designed t o be ut ilized against m uggings, st r eet at t acks, and sexual assault s. Em phasis is placed on using exact ly what is appropriat e and needed t o t he sit uat ion.


I nit ially designed t o give t he I sr aeli Defense For ces a cent ralized self- defense syst em ,Krav Maga t oday has blossom ed in popularit y due t o it s realist ic focus on per sonal pr ot ect ion t echniques and it s casual but sim ult aneously serious environm ent . " So you m ay walk in peace."


History of Krav Maga and it's Founder Imi Lichtenfeld

The hist ory of Kr av Maga is linked t o t he developm ent of t he st at e of I srael's m ilit ary forces and life of t he founder, I m i Licht enfeld. As t old, developm ent of t he st at e of I srael and t he need for t he I sraeli m ilit ary t o prot ect it s count r y in one of t he w or lds m ost host ile areas, gave base for creat ing Kr av Maga. I m r ich Sde- or ( I m i Licht enfeld) bor n in Budapest in 1910, I m i grew up in environm ent wher e sport s, law and educat ion w er e respect ed. I m i was encouraged by his fat her t o engage in a wide range of sport s, including m art ial ar t s. I m i's fat her , Sam uel, a circus weight lift er and w rest ler, w orked lat er also at t he police forces and act ually ser ved for m any years as Chief Det ect ive I nspect or . As t he pr ove of I m i's physical t alent s, I m i won t he Slovakian Yout h Wrest ling Cham pionship in 1928, and in 1929 t he adult cham pionship ( in t he light and m iddle weight division) . That year he also won t he nat ional boxing cham pionship and an int er nat ional gym nast ics cham pionship. Lit t le bit lat er I m i's at hlet ic act ivit ies focused m ainly on wrest ling, as a cont est ant and a t r ainer . I n t he m id t hirt ies, at m osphere in Brat islava st ar t ed t o change. Fascist and ant i- Sem it ic gr oups rised, wit h t heir m eaning t o upset t he public order and har m t he cit y's Jew ish com m unit y. I m i was involved w it h groups of young Jew s whose aim was t o dist rupt t he ant i- Sem it ic act ivit ies t hat were also suppor t ed by som e polit ical power s. I m i becam e t he uncrowned leader of a group of young Jew s, m ost of t hem w it h a backgr ound in boxing, w rest ling, and weight lift ing. This group at t em pt ed t o block t he ant i- Sem it ic bands from harm ing Jew ish com m unit y. Bet w een 1936 and 1940, I m i was involved w it h m any for cefull prot est s t o t he current polit ical powers and was for ced t o fight in st r eet braw ls and confront at ions. I t was in t hese fight s I m i underst ood t he differ ence bet w een st r eet fighing and com pet it ion fight ing. 7

I n 1940, pur sued by t he gover nm ent , I m i left his hom e and boarded t he Pet chko, t he last im m igrant ship t o escape t he Nazi clut ches. His effor t s t o find a new hom e t ook t wo years. Lat er he proceeded t o volunt eer for service in a Czech m ilit ary unit of t he Brit ish ar m ed forces. The unit served dur ing Wor ld War I I in Lebanon, Syria, Libya, and Egypt .This com bat experience led him t o furt her refine his skills. When discharged in 1942, he request ed and was allowed t o im m igr at e t o I srael. Aft er not icing I m i` s ext ensive self- defense skills, I m i was r ecruit ed by I saac Sadeh, t he com m anding officer of t he Haganah in 1942. Lat er I m i began t o t each Kapap ( hand t o hand com bat ) and physical exercise t o t he m ost elit e special for ces unit s of t he Haganah, Palm ach, and Palyam .

I n t he m id- 1940's, I m i w or ked w it h t he I sr aeli Defense For ce ( I DF) , t eaching it s m em ber s physical fit ness, swim m ing, w rest ling, use of t he knife and defense against knife at t acks. During t his period, fir earm s w er e out law ed and in very scarce supply. They w er e hidden away from t he Br it ish and only used for special m issions. The fact t hat firear m s could not be used had a great influence on t he developm ent of t he st yle.


I n 1948, when t he St at e of I sr ael w as founded, I m i becam e t he chief inst ruct or for physical fit ness and Krav Maga at t he I DF. For t he next t went y year s, I m i w orked w it h t he I DF, developing and r efining his m et hod for self- defense and hand- t o- hand com bat . Aft er ret ir ing from act ive dut y fr om t he I DF in t he 60` s, I m i began adapt ing t he st yle for civilian use. He est ablished t w o schools, t o Net anya and in Tel Aviv. The w ork in t he follow ing years and up t o t oday, was t o design t he syst em t o confr ont every day at t acks and st reet confront at ion problem s. I m i fur t her r efined his t echniques t o be used for civilian needs.

One result of progr ession was Krav Maga's use of belt s. At first I m i didn't want t o use belt s in t r aining, because it was a m illit ary syst em , but t r ying t o get recognit ion from ot her m art ial ar t ist s he designed a belt syst em based on t he Judo and also st ar t ed t r aining in Judo gi` s. Lat er I m i desided t hat belt s shouldn't be a par t of t he syst em because it or iginally did not have any r eason t o use belt s and t he use of belt s did not have any realist ic or pract ical m eaning in t he syst em . So t he syst em of grades was kept , and t he belt s w as replaced w it h a syst em of Pr act it ioner / Graduat e/ Exper t levels. The Kr av Maga t raining suit s t oday consist of black pant s and w hit e t - shirt s. Som e count ries st ill uses t he belt s in t he cur riculum , but not in t r aining. 9

I m i and his senior inst ruct ors for m ed t he first Kr av Maga Associat ion in 1978, and in 1995 t he I nt er nat ional Kr av Maga Federat ion w as form ed in Net anya, t o help spread syst em t o around t he w orld. Aft er years of t r aining, m any changes was m ade t o t he syst em bot h t echnically and visual, but I m i never forgot t he basic lines of t he syst em : sim plicit y, effect iveness and realism . I m i Lict henfeld died on Jan 8t h 1998, at age 88.


Principles of Krav Maga

I t can be said t hat t he Krav Maga is not a m art ial ar t , but r at her an ar t of self- defense. Using t he st udent 's size, st rengt h and abilit ies, t he at t acker 's own for ce is used against him , as is oft en t he case in m any m art ial st yles. The m ovem ent s ar e designed on basic body m ovem ent s, m aking t heir use easier , m or e reflexive and m or e effect ive in self- defense sit uat ions. The sequences of m oves are short , designed for r eal life sit uat ions, w it h no rules,and t r ained t o t he level of reflex act ion. Krav Maga w as for m ulat ed t o fit everyone - - m an or w om an, child or adult - - t o prot ect t hem selves in case of at t ack. Krav Maga is designed specifically for self- defense. The philosophy is based on t he idea t hat while t he pr act ice of selfdefense m ay not be com pat ible w it h every per sonalit y, ignoring t he need for self- defense w ill not m ake you safe fr om violence. Krav Maga is com pr ised of t wo m ain par t s: self defense and hand t o hand com bat . Self defense is t he foundat ion of Kr av Maga. St udent s learn t o defend t hem selves against host ile act ions, t o avoid inj ury, and t o quick ly over com e t heir assailant . Kr av Maga defenses address a w ide var iet y of aggr essive act s, such as punches, kicks, chokes, bearhugs, headlock s, grabs, as well as defenses against m ult iple assailant s and assailant s arm ed wit h a firearm , edged weapon, or blunt obj ect . St udent s apply t he relevant Krav Maga pr inciples and t echniques in a m ult it ude of sit uat ions, even in unfam iliar or adverse circum st ances, such as dark surr oundings; fr om a sit t ing or lying posit ion; w it h lim it ed freedom or m ovem ent ; or under ext r em e st r ess and/ or fat igue.


Hand t o hand com bat const it ut es a m ore advanced and sophist icat ed phase of Kr av Maga which t eaches how t o neut ralize an opponent quickly and effect ively. I t em bodies elem ent s relat ed t o t he act ual per form ance of t he fight : t act ics, feint s, pow er ful com binat ions of different at t acks, t he psychological dim ensions of t he fight , and learning how t o use t he envir onm ent t o your advant age. I n addit ion, Kr av Maga incor porat es specialized t r aining m et hods t o not only challenge st udent s physically, but t o also inst ill int o t he st udent a special m ent al discipline m eant t o st r engt hen t he spir it and t o develop t he abilit y t o deal wit h violent confront at ions under high st ress. These t r aining m et hods have been used in I srael’s m ost elit e unit s and have proven t hem selves in r eal fight ing. The goals of Krav m aga t r aining are: cour age, em ot ional st abilit y, pat ience and respect . The st udent learns t hese principles t hr ough w or kout s, pr act ice and t he developm ent of t heir skills. As wit h m any m ar t ial syst em s, t he int ent is t o r em ove t he st udent fr om t he need for violence, while prepar ing t hem t o m eet it when violence occur s. The m ain principles of Kr av Maga - Avoid inj ur y - Take advant age of nat ur al r eflexes - Act in t he m inim um t im e required - Using hum an body’s vulnerable spot s - Use of t he body’s nat ural w eapons and all obj ect s t hat m ay be close at hand - No Rules


Techniques of Krav Maga

The t echniques of Krav Maga ar e based on t r ansference of ener gy and explosive act ion. The st rikes are pow er ful and designed for m axim um effect t o specific t arget ar eas. St udent s are t r ained t o be fully aw are of t heir sur roundings and t he pot ent ial for violence. As wit h m ost m ar t ial st yles, t he beginning st udent pr act ices blocks, punches, kicks and specific st rikes, along wit h defensive m oves for grabs and at t acks. As t he lear ning pr ogresses, t he st udent m oves t o m ore sophist icat ed t echniques against longer - range sit uat ions and m ult iple direct ions. Som e holds are t aught so t o subdue an opponent . Face- t o- face com bat begins wit h t his level, t o accust om t he st udent t o t he "feel" of an at t ack. Furt her t r aining t eaches addit ional holds, as well as releases from t he holds. Specific defenses, im m obilizat ion t echniques, and t hrow s are also added t o t he curriculum . As t he st udent gains skill, weapons t raining begins using knife, st aff, club and nunchaku. As t he black belt level is r eached, t r aining wit h r ifles having fixed bayonet s is t aught , based on t he m ilit ary root s of t he syst em . The let hal nat ure of t he Kr av Maga syst em sim ulat es r eal life sit uat ions. I t t eaches people how t o save lives and t o cope wit h com m on st r eet violence. To be effect ive in t he st reet s, Krav Maga cannot include rules and lim it at ions. Therefore, t here are no spor t com pet it ions for Krav Maga because it is designed t o rem ain a realist ic fight ing syst em . St udent s are inst ruct ed in st at e- of- t he- ar t defensive principles t hat apply t o a variet y of t hreat ening at t acks t hat occur dur ing com m only docum ent ed st reet crim es. St udent s t rain from a posit ion of disadvant age in real t im e and r eal speed.


Defensive m aneuver s are com bined wit h sim ult aneous count erat t acks unt il all pot ent ial danger is elim inat ed. Unique t r aining m et hods are em ployed t o sim ulat e violent st r eet encount er s. This is necessar y t o place st udent s under ext r em e st r ess while perform ing Krav Maga t echniques. St udent s learn t o go from a passive t o an aggressive st at e quickly. Krav Maga also t eaches st udent s t o funct ion w it h t heir at t ent ion divided; w hile fat igued; and w hen t hey are faced w it h a m ult it ude of spont aneous at t ack scenarios. Krav Maga Techniques for Self- Defense consist s follow ing levels: -

Defense against punches and kicks Releases from bear hugs and chokes Defense against knifes and clubs, guns et c. Defense against m ult iple at t ackers Various t ypes of arm blows and kicks Sparr ing under pressure and cont rolled fight ing

For t he Milit ary and Law Enfor cem ent Professional t raining also includes: - Ver sat ile use of a weapons, including explosives - Taking cont rol of individuals w it hout m aim ing - Dealing w it h t err or ist / host age sit uat ions.


Belt and Level system in Krav Maga

Ther e are t w o syst em s t o descripe t he level of st udent . Fir st is Judo based belt syst em , w here all st udent s begin as whit e belt s and can m ove up t o yellow, orange, green, blue, brow n, and t hen black belt . Yellow–Br ow n Belt : Basic Self- Defense 1st –5t h Dan Black Belt : Advanced m at er ial including m ilit ary applicat ions and t eaching 6t h Dan Black Belt & Up: Recognit ion of services t o t he st yle of Krav Maga Anot her syst em is levels,t her e ar e pract ioner , gr aduat e, expert and m ast er levels. Each of t he P, G E levels have 5 grades and t he Mast er have 3 ( t his syst em is used f.ex Scandinavian count ries) . Aft er t he first 8- 12 w eeks pract ise, st udent s should be ready t o t est for t heir yellow belt s or 1st pract it ioner level. Pract it ioner 1 & 2 equals Yellow belt . Pract it ioner 3 & 4 equals Or ange belt .. Pract it ioner 5 & Graduat e 1 equals Green belt . Graduat e 2 & 3 equals Blue belt . Graduat e 4 & 5 Br ow n belt Exper t 1 - 3 equals Black belt 1- 3 dan Expert 4 - 5 equals Black belt 4- 5 dan Mast er 1 - 3


Present day t he I KMF has local associat ions and affiliat ions in I srael, t he Unit ed St at es, Fr ance, Sweden, Finland, Norw ay, Great Br it ain, Br azil, Thailand and t hroughout t he world. Krav Maga is used now adays by t he I DF including t he special forces unit s and t he I sraeli police and secur it y branches, and by m any ot her elit e unit s in Nor t h Am er ica, Sout h Am er ica, Eur ope, and around t he w orld. The Krav Maga has also becom e, as I m i w ant ed it t o be, a m aj or source of civilian self defense inst r uct ion.




Because creat ion of Krav Maga is linked, at least som e level, t o t he developm ent of t he st at e of I srael's m ilit ary forces, it 's also usefull t o get deeper look what was happening in I srael at t hose fir st years when St at e of I srael and I sraels defence forces wher e form ed. The m ap of I srael in 1948


St art ing from The War of I ndependence ( 1947- 49) The w ar w as fought a long t he ent ire, long bor der of t he count ry: against Lebanon and Syria in t he nor t h, I raq and Tr ansj or dan - in t he east , Egypt , assist ed by Sudan - in t he sout h and Palest inians and volunt eers from Arab count ries in t he int er ior of t he count ry. I t was t he m ost cost ly war of I sr ael's hist ory, m or e t han 6,000 Jew ish fight er s and civilians died. At t he w ar's end in 1949, t he st at e of I sr ael w as confront ed wit h a num ber of problem s: hundreds of t housands of new im m igrant s and a fest er ing refugee problem on it s border s and m aint aining a defense against a host ile and num erically superior Arabs. Faced w it h such problem s, governm ent sought t o ensur e a fluid t r ansit ion from exist ing prest at e inst it ut ions t o t he new st at e appar at us. I t announced t he form at ion of a Provisiona...

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