Mapeh, reviewer for you to pass PDF

Title Mapeh, reviewer for you to pass
Author Insigne, Joanna Rica S.
Course Accountancy
Institution Divine Word College of San Jose
Pages 4
File Size 181.4 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 215
Total Views 584


Physical EducationLifestyle and Weight Management What is Physical fitness?Physical Fitness could be defined as the optimum level of health where healthy individuals can perform activities free from any form of fatigue.Physically fit individuals have the capacity to maintain and do daily tasks witho...


Physical Education Lifestyle and Weight Management What is Physical fitness? Physical Fitness could be defined as the optimum level of health where healthy individuals can perform activities free from any form of fatigue. Physically fit individuals have the capacity to maintain and do daily tasks without experiencing stress. Can you share some factors that make you feel stress and uncomfortable? Physical fitness also improves not only your physical health but also your mental ability to cope with uncertain events or occurrences. Physical fitness helps individuals become free from any form of high-risk health conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, coronary heart diseases , colon cancer and stroke. FACTORS OF HEALTH-RELATED COMPONENT












Health Related Factors – refers to the ability to perform daily physical task associated with the disease prevention. Skill Related Component – is the ability of the human body to perform physical tasks efficiently for a specific sports. Fitness Assessment – it is a series of measurements and tests that will help identify the status of one’s physical fitness. There are several standard tests in a fitness assessment.


What is consumer health? Consumer health is not just about buying health products and services. It also involves knowing the facts and having a deeper understanding that enable people to make wise choices. Health information, health products, and health services are all related to bringing consumer health. Health information is important in deciding what health products and health services to acquire. Health service personnel are also source of health information. These three factors are important to consider in consumer health. Who is a health consumer? A health consumer is someone who examines health information in products and services. The consumer is the one who purchase and utilizes the goods and services. What is health information? Health information is everything that is seen, read, or heard in relation to human and community health. It could be in the form of print media, electronic and digital media. A wise consumer needs to carefully evaluate health information or else they will fall victim to fake or substandard health products. Knowing this information helps in choosing which can be trusted, which is fake, or which advertisement is risky. It can also save money and time and safeguard the health of the consumers.

What are health products?

Health products include medicines, medical equipment, and related devices. Filipinos spend a lot of money each year on health products ranging from overthe-counter (OTC)drugs to cosmetics. Health products help relieve symptoms, aid in curing illness, and provide cosmetic effects. Sadly, many of these are not needed, do not provide the advertised effect, and have the potential to harm health.

1.Over-the-Counter (OTC)Drugs. More than half a million of OTC health care products are available, varying from mouthwashes to pain relievers. Even some of the most beneficial OTC drugs can be unsafe. The following are examples of the risks of using these drugs: a) Pain relievers like aspirin and ibuprofen can harm the stomach lining and lead to ulcer, while large dosages can cause kidney damages. b) Acetaminophen, used for fever and pain reliever for children, if taken in heavy doses, can cause bleeding and liver pain. These pain relievers should not be taken on an empty stomach. They must be taken with food and a glass of water to avoid irritation to the stomach lining. 2.Cosmetic Products. Many health care products are intended for external use. Some have little effect but due to advertising campaigns and misconception, they are extensively used. a) Skin Care Products OTC skin rejuvenators have never shown efficacy in changing skin properties. Moisturizers prevent the skin from drying for only a limited of time. b) Hair Care Products. Several products are designed to remove hair like shaving. Tweezers used to pluck unwanted hair may present some danger of infection when adjacent skin is not clean. Chemical products are usually safe but there is always the possibility of skin reactions, irritations and infections. A dermatologist should be consulted whenever symptoms appear. c) Oral Care Products-Oral products include toothpastes, mouthwashes, and gargles. Water supply containing fluoride also helps prevent dental cavities. It is unwise to purchase toothpaste with whiteners because they contain abrasive elements that damage the teeth . Mouthwashes and gargles do little to eliminate bad odor or treat a sore throat....

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