Marketing WGU Health Care 092419 PDF

Title Marketing WGU Health Care 092419
Author James Nelp
Course Marketing
Institution Western Governors University
Pages 13
File Size 152.2 KB
File Type PDF
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Nelp Page 2 SSM Health is the sixth largest Catholic health care system in the United States. We have 23 Hospitals in four states under the SSM name and has affiliations with 39 additional hospitals. SSM Health also currently owns on Health Care plan system (Dean Health) and one pharmaceutical company (Navitus). SSM Health could have the ultimate benefit and be on the cusp of technological innovation. SSM Health touches the lives of approximately 5.5 million people a year. With almost 200,000 admissions into hospitals owned and operated under SSM Health Care name. We touch the lives of thousands of patients and families daily. Better patient experience can happen with a new type of patient wristband called Pat Trax. Pat Trax will be unlike any other system used within SSM Health.

Mission statement We are providing better care in a better way every day.

A-1. The new product launch is planned for the U.S. markets in early 2020. Based on prior research, the belief is that this product will do very well in the United States. The test markets physicians and staff employee, as well as patients, have shown that this product will be highly anticipated and have gone better than initially expected. With the product success demonstrated in the test markets, the company plans to market and distribute to other countries such as Canada, Cuba, and the Bahamas initially. Product A- Patient wristband with an embedded smart chip. This wrist band offers: 

Patient Information – Blood type, Religion, DNR status, know allergies, medical chart information, emergency contact info, etc.

Nelp Page 3 

Secure communication with the physician that would allow patient or designated family members to communicate with the physician through access on an application with a secure code.

The patient will have the ability to move freely through the inpatient facility and access doors through the wristband system.

Product 1-B Tracking Software 

Secure Patient Tracing – ability to trace patients through the tracing app.

Secure 4-8 digit codes

Codes can be changed up to three times during 24 hours

Ability to translate over 20 different languages

A1a. SSM Health vast medical footprint has begun analysis of the products. SSM Health has been able to ascertain and explore marketing and potential placement feasibility in prospective markets. In order to show value in the product, a patient experience panel will be created. The group will include physicians, patients, family members, I.T staff, and any other identified stakeholders. The committee will act as advisors as well as address all concerns that may arise. Market advisors will be deployed to all of our facilities to conduct a study on whether that location is a feasible one for product rollout. The second method is past patients surveys about the patient's experience. The review will include how the stay and customer service for their hospitalization. The study will ask questions in regards to if they would have been able to move more freely about the ministries would this have made the experience better. A majority of patients have

Nelp Page 4 expressed the want to move freely about within the medical center. The smart band and the associated application would allow for this to take place with few limited restrictions. Studies have begun to show that recovery time decreases when mobility is sought earlier in treatment. The Missouri based ministries will conduct a product trial for 180 days. The test will allow the product to go through an evaluation period and set a start point for the product at which time we will establish a baseline for product helpfulness, strength, and a cost/value analysis. SSM will be open to real-time feedback from all stakeholders to ensure the quality of product and service; the goal is to make necessary adjustments before pushed out globally.

A1b. SSM would hold the first rights of the new products and thus would hold an initial lead has over the competition. No other healthcare organization is using these products. If SSM can pull together, the resources needed, we could change the way and how the patient experience is done. The vision is to create an experience that exceeds all expectations and a product that can be used for decades. The manufactured goods price can be adjusted to make in-market specific to the location. These products revolutionize and take the guesswork out of where a patient is within a given location. A1c. Potential Risks and Challenges SSM may face with these products 

GPS fault: Risk Level- Med; Estimated Downtime – 10-24 hours

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Smart band chip fault: Risk Level- High; Estimated Downtime- 5-10 hours (replace the band with a new one)

Application fault: Risk Level- High; Estimated Downtime- 1-5 hours

Delays in Pat Trax: Risk Level- Med; Estimated Downtime- 24-48 hours

Supply delays: Risk Level- Med; Estimated Downtime- 24-48 hours

Undetermined faults: Risk Level- Unknown; Estimated Downtime- Unknown

The new products and services will have a level of risks that should be expected but also can be mitigated. High-Risk factors include the application and smart band chip faults. Application and band faults also have some of the lowest downtimes. We are able to fix the issue fast and with little to no problem because we have tech supports 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The features that are integrated into the system send a notification to our tech support before the consumer even know that there is an issue. We have the system up and running in most cases, even before the first call is made to our helpline. The chip issue can be solved as quickly in the event that the problem was to occur in a medical center. A replacement can be requested immediately if the patient/consumer is in our facilities. In the event the consumer is not in our ministries then the alternative will be ship overnight for inpatient care and through other shipping methods with a longer less expediated arrival time. GPS, Production, and Mass Distribution delays are considered to be med-level risks a may be a long wait. GPS, Production, and Mass Distribution delays are contingent on others outside of the SSM Health and will be taken care of by third party contributors. SSM is committed to working closely with these vendors and fix any issue before they impede the production and distribution of the products

Nelp Page 6 A2. SSM will work with a CRM system. CRM stands for customer relationship management. CRM will be a solution the is driven by data and is incorporated to increase how one interface with the customer and performs the business with the consumer. Applications and the CRM systems are intended to uphold and achieve customer feedback, track how the relationships with consumers and sales, all under on click or tap of a finger. SSM has decided to partner with a software company DaysWork to track and calculate sales, along with access to use and have a comprehensive overview of patients. A2a. We have decided to use Salesforce Cloud to serve as our CSR, Salesforce “Improve your patients' outcomes with superior customer relationship management in healthcare.” (Oracle Sales Cloud) The Salesforce suite will be used by SSM Health to manage contracts and accounts; Salesforce suite will also be utilized to predicts monthly sales. Salesforce also has the ability to work with Creativity Mobile Application, Mobile App Designer, Sales Analytics, as well as Social Network collaborations.

A3. SSM Health plans to sell the Pat Trax and application in a couple of ways, via the SSM Website and direct sales as our primary sources for sales. Consumers wishing to purchase online will have the ability to utilize out 360-degree viewing ability to ensure correct size and fit. The bands' can be customized to children through older adult. We will have the proper services and benefits for all that are interested in our smart bands.

Nelp Page 7 SSM will contact Hospitals, Schools, and Nursing Facilities to present these markets with direct sales opportunities through onsite presentations. The direct sales lead as well as given information on innovative changes to the product. In using onsite presentation, this will allow us to make sure we market the products appropriately. A3a. A Key consideration that SSM Health will need to be aware of a stay compliant with is Corporate tax rates. The United States had a corporate tax rate of over 35% for close to 15 years. During the 2018 tax year, the corporate tax rate decreased to 21% and has held steady for 2019. The decrease to 21% put the United States in line with other world markets. The lower tax rates can prove to be beneficial to SSM as profits increase and sales to outside countries with similar tax laws increase too.

A3b: Reaching outside of the SSM Regional comfort zone is a vast undertaking to grow the business. The ordinary regions and going international is a huge step to increase the business, sustain, and allocate our smart band and application. The project to move from a regional base has pros and cons, and some risk and rewards may pose obstacles. SSM will need to ensure that our services and products will improve the quality of life and the ability to attract clients that will provide stability with sustainability. A top priority will be customer satisfaction. SSM has a plan and design for more effective ways to bring a better consumer experience. New product launches in diverse markets will be challenging. SSM will need to take advantage of the opportunities and avoid the pitfalls to create business opportunity's for the company.

Nelp Page 8 SSM will need to ensure the supply chain delivers the product and technology to the customers. The company has a great need to remain both flexible and stay creative with regards to the supply chain. SSM will have a need for workers in these countries that have the technological know-how to fix the issue and ensure that the problem does not happen again. The utilization of in-country vendors in the countries selected is vital. The use of these vendors will make the process much more comfortable in the emerging markets, and make the product distribution more sustainable for future growth. SSM will partner will local distribution chains as well as in-country supply vendors. The use of local supply vendors and shipping in the targeted markets will keep the cost of production low and retail price margins high to maintain viable profitability in these markets.

A4: The strategy that SSM will use is the Cost-Plus Pricing strategy. A feasibility study will be needed the market demand, as well as the need to evaluate sales. A feasibility study will be required. The study will also help to indicate the cost needed to launch the new products to the United States and other countries. There are some challenges with transitioning into other countries such as the exchanges to the U.S dollar. This should be reasonably comparable in all three countries, and the U.S. dollar is excepted in all. The Cost Plus pricing strategy will allow SSM to add 15% to compensate for the increase in the cost of exportation and doing business outside of the continental United States. We will continue to watch and check the market and make the needed changes to stay competitive.

Nelp Page 9 A4a: Cost associate with Pat Trax will include the following, but not limited to:  CRM Software- Salesforce CRM ……$550 per user per month.  App Design……. $400,000  Hardware- Wrist bands, Smart chips  Advertising- Social Media, Mainstream media etc……..$4000+ per month

A4b: Currently, there is no other health care organization using a smart band technology. SSM will sell the smart band and phone application for $199 bundle. SSM needs to make sure that consumers are aware of the product. The consumers that we are looking for this type of product would be families or friends that suffer from issues such as Dementia and Alzheimer's. The smart band would also be able to track and monitor Diabetics and patients that suffer from epileptic seizures too. The crucial next need is to ensure there is product interest. SSM will provide smart band product demonstrations to local chapters for Alzheimer's, Dementia and Diabetics. The product demos will occur in the markets in which SSM resides currently. SSM will also be present at the 2019/2020 National conventions for these great groups. The third key is the evaluation and trial. Without a real competitor in this niche product line, the need for the product testing and feedback received from the target audience is critical. The best way to gain acceptance is through evaluation and trial. The product trial allows us the opportunity to get expectations of the consumer and work any negative aspects out before total product launch.

Nelp Page 10 The last key is the consumer embracing the product. This product has the potential to be a great product because of our low price. The fact that our product is new in the medical community allows us to bring the product to market lower than other product in the other industry. We are as much as 10% below other products. When the consumer finds worth in a product, the embrace shows that the consumer is willing to pay the price for the way the product produced (quality) and technology/service we are providing. A4c: The initial vision implementation is to offer superior merchandise that operates as expected or more significant and adds value to the overall business. SSM is at the forefront of smart band technology and will need to advertise in space that has not used before this endeavor. The use of Facebook and other social media site are required. A percentage of people will be cautious of the new products and to why a healthcare organization is making inroads into this technology. SSM Health will offer the first 250 retail customers a 20% discount. 15% discount is given to all new customers after 250. Corporate discounts based on quantity levels purchased. Our competitors in the GPS field are vague in their pricing model. Research into the competitor's product shows the there are $6.99 monthly charges for the same GPS/Location service we provide with the initial purchase. Our competitors are vague in there pricing points too. An example of the competitor's smart band that does not include many of the features the PatTRax does. The retail cost of $189 per device plus a monthly charge of $6.99. This assessment was done with the competitor's low-end product. Our products, with far superior features,

Nelp Page 11 including the software application, is a savings of almost $73.00 during the first year. Our application updates are also sent through to the smart band free of charge.

A5a: Facebook and YouTube will be used by SSM Health for our social media pages. SSM will utilize T.V. and Radio, newspapers for larger mass media outlets advertisements. Full pages ads will also be put in Healthcare publication. The SSM Health website will also have pop up advertisements. A5ai: SSM Health will use Facebook as a way of advertisement. Facebook can be as low as .31 cents per click or and $5.00 CPM (Cost per thousand impressions). This type of advertising will allow us to get the product out to a large number of potential users fast and effectively. It also provides for a free open forum for customers to share their experiences as well as ask questions of our product experts and buy directly from the Facebook site. We will implement the use of YouTube. We will be having our own YouTube channel. This channel will walk through the day in the life of a Pat Trax user. Both social media platforms will allow us real-time feedback from potential consumers. Social media use will enable potential consumers to read reviews and to even understand the pricing and support (Mann, 2011). YouTube is used on average by more than 79% of the United States surrounding countries consistently.

Nelp Page 12 Pat Trax advertising will take place in medical group social media pages and well as health conferences and email. We also plan to advertise using radio and television commercials. Our ad campaign will be targeted to the area that we currently have market present. We will also promote to the emerging area to which are making plans to be present. We plan to advertise nationally during daytime hours. Our research has shown that our target audience Nielson share is higher during the daytime hours. Cable networks such as GameShow Network and Hallmark have been demonstrated in our studies to be two of the higher watched networks for potential consumers with a need for our Pat Trax smart band. International markets will be advertised for in much the same way as we will with our domestic ads, with the addition of direct marketing towards the medical associations in Canada and Jamacia. The direct marketing attempts will be sent through email based on the contact listing of the medical association members of these two countries. SSM will also be involved with multiple HealthCare professional podcasts as a way of getting “free” advertisement for our new and innovative product and services. Some of the most notable podcast that SSM will be taking part in are Docs Outside the Box, HealthCare Happy Hour, The 10 Minute Healthcare Marketing Podcast and Healthcare Innovation Podcasts, to name a few. These podcasts are listened to worldwide and have huge followings in the healthcare industry.

A5b: The product will have a lifetime warranty for the original retail owner. Corporation buyers will have a limited lifetime. SSM Health will offer the first 250 retail customers a 20%

Nelp Page 13 discount and all other new customers after that a 15% discount. Corporate discounts dependent on the quantity levels purchased.


CSR- Salesforce

Social Media Costs-

Mann, B. (2011, 1 26). YouTube, Twitter, Facebook usage surpasses that in the U.S. Retrieved from MarketWatch:

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