Marlene Moore Essay Final copy PDF

Title Marlene Moore Essay Final copy
Course Case Management
Institution Mohawk College
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Essay about Marlene Moore and if she was a victim or not about what had occured in her case....


Marlene Moore Essay I Believe Marlene Moore was a victim. Marlene lived a hard life growing up and due to those difficulties, I feel that those difficulties played a major role towards her decision and reactions to certain situations. I feel that Marlene was not responsible for her actions. While growing up Marlene was abused as a child. She would get her head kicked by her father just because she would wet the bed. Marlene was not raised and taught accordingly due to the fact the mother had numerous of children to look after. I feel that Marlene was left un attended most of the time which lead her to get into trouble. Marlene was shown neglect by her own mother not only by the fact Marlene’s mother gave her away to the courts, but as well she was treated like some animal by locking her in a room. Not only being locked in her own room, Marlene was locked up in jail for 14 years as well. Marlene also attempted to go back home and her own mother rejected her saying that she couldn’t handle Marlene anymore and did not want her to go home with her. I feel that these series of events that occurred really affected Marlene in her process of growing up. Not really knowing how to make proper decisions due to the fact that her mother was too busy with the other kids to teach and raise Marlene. I feel that jail changed Marlene in a way that keeping her locked up in a cage changed and worsened her behaviour from how she was before. I feel that putting someone in a cage like an animal will make someone behave like animal especially for a long period of time. I believe Marlene was treated inhumanely while jail due to the fact she was left to sit in her own urine for 2 weeks while she was restrained to her bed. I feel that Marlene was not responsible for throwing her own urine at the officers. In my opinion that was an inhumane thing to do to someone. These types of things can really affect someone in such an unimaginable way. Marlene even attempted to take her own life while in jail by hanging herself. Young offenders should be handled differently depending on the crime and offence. I feel that Marlene should have been offered a supervised program instead of jail time. I feel a proper program would have had a positive affect towards Marlene. I feel that 1 on 1 programs are more genuine and truthful instead of just locking someone up for a medium type crime. I believe that just locking someone up gives the offender a sense of abandonment and forsakenness. Offender should be offered programs instead of jail time depending on the crime and offence. I believe Marlene had trust issues and did not trust anyone due to the reason Marlene was raped at a young age. She had no trust with no one except 2 people which was the correctional officer and her Lawyer. Besides them, there was nobody else for her to trust. I feel that, that incident affected her way on how she saw society. The incident at the bar was not her fault, keeping in mind she was not taught how to deal with anger and had trouble keeping control of her emotions. She was not eased back slowly into society but released from jail and then left her to face society on her own in an instant. Marlene was just minding her own business when the 2 men recognized her from TV stating that she was the “tough” inmate from TV. The 2 men instigated Marlene by shutting off the song she was listening too. Marlene attempted to leave the bar which then the 2 men followed her outside and assaulted her first which lead to one of the man getting his leg slashed by Marlene as self defence, due to the fact that Marlene had no other choice but to defend herself from getting potentially beat up.

I feel that Marlene Should not be declared as a dangerous offender. Marlene attempted to changer her ways and straighten out her life by joining programs such as obtaining her grade 10 English. That alone showed that she was seeking change in her life. She would explain saying that after getting out of jail she would like to go visit her mother and build a relationship again with her mother, brothers, and sisters. That alone showed signs that minimized potential increment of becoming a dangerous offender from someone that does not seek help and just causes more trouble to others and themselves....

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