MAT 164 - Syllabus -Fall 2018 PDF

Title MAT 164 - Syllabus -Fall 2018
Course Calculus for Busn/Social Sci
Institution Des Moines Area Community College
Pages 8
File Size 525.3 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 28
Total Views 137


Syllabus ...


COURSE SYLLABUS CAMPUS NAME: Ankeny COURSE TITLE: Business Calculus COURSE NUMBER: Mat 164 SECTION NUMBER & CRN: CRN: 14719 Sec WW1 INSTRUCTOR INFORMATION NAME: Rob Reynolds EMAIL ADDRESS: [email protected] (Best way to contact me) PHONE NUMBER: (515) 965-7116 (Direct office line) OFFICE LOCATION: Bldg. 6 AAC OFFICE HOURS/APPOINTMENTS: (M - F) 8 am - 11:30am BLACKBOARD: COURSE INFORMATION SEMESTER/YEAR: Fall 2018 DATE SYLLABUS CREATED AND/OR REVISED: 8/20/2018 DAYS & TIME & LOCATION: Online COURSE DESCRIPTION & CREDITS: Functions, graphs, differential calculus, integral calculus, introduction to max-min theory for functions of two variables. Emphasis on application of calculus to business problems. Not a substitute for MAT 211 and MAT 217. PREREQUISITES: Minimum ALEKS scores of 61% or MAT 121 with a C- or better. COURSE COMPETENCIES: Perform basic operations with numbers, functions, and graphs. Establish the limit of a function; Differentiate functions; Apply the derivative Calculate the indefinite and definite integrals; Apply the integral Chapter 1. Functions, Graphs and Limits Chapter 2. Differentiation Chapter 3. Application of the Derivative Chapter 4. Exponential and logarithmic Functions Chapter 5. Integration and its Applications Chapter 6. Techniques of Integration COURSE OVERVIEW: Thi scour sehasbeensetuponl i neusi ngWebAss i gnwhi c hy oumayacc essv i a Bl ack boar d( BB) .I ti snotsel f paced.Ther ear edeadl i nesf oreachoft heass i gnment st haty oumustmeet ,f or Homewor k,Qui zz esandEx ams .Duedat esf orhomewor kandQui z z esar epos t edwi t hi nWebAs si gn.Tes t dat esar el i st edonmycal endarwi t hi nBBandt hi ssy l l abus( s eebel ow) .Vi deosandpr i nt abl ehandout sf or eachl ess onar epost edi nBBwhi chwi l l hel pwal ky out hr ougheac hc hapt ersect i onbef or ey oubegi ny our homewor ki nWebAs si gn. Someoft heRev i ewHandout sneedt obecompl et ed,s canned,sav edasaPDFfil eandupl oadedt oBBasa homewor kas si gnment .Thi swi l l al l owmet oseey ourwor kbef or et aki ngat est .

Revised August 2018

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Each exam must be taken at a proctoring center. For more information, please refer to the section below titled “Tests (70% of Grade)”. Fi nal l y ,Iwi l l useemai l( y ourDMACCaccount )t osendal l communi cat i on/ i nf or mat i onaboutt hecour seso pl easecheckt hi sr egul ar l y .Somet i mesdeadl i nesc hangeandIwi l l not i f yy ouoft hi sv i aemai l .Imayal so emai l t heent i r ecl as sas t udent ’ shomewor kques t i on,pr ovi di ngasol ut i on.Fai l ur et ochecky ouremai li snot anex cus ef ornotmeet i ngadeadl i ne.


Do your homework.

Redo problems until you get 100%

Work on math a little bit every day. Don’t procrastinate.

Recognize when you need help.

If you are able, visit the Academic Achievement Center (AAC) and work with the Professors & tutors that are available. I work in the AAC at the Ankeny campus (building 6) from 8am to Noon every day. Come and see me  Read your Book. T odowel l i nt hi sc l ass ,y oumustdoy ourhomewor kr egul ar l y( s eeduedat espos t ed wi t hi nt heWebAss i gn pr ogr am) .I tt ak esmuchmor et hanj us tdoi ngt heas si gnedhomewor k,y ouneedt o l ear nt hemat er i al .St udyt heex ampl esi nt hebookandi nt heBl ackboar dcont entar ea,whi chwi l l hel py oudo t hepr obl ems .Whenyouhav edi ffic ul t y ,askquest i onsi nt heBBdi sc ussi onar ea. Thi si saf ourcr edi thourc our s ewi t hhomewor kdueev er yweek.I ti sr eal i st i ct oexpec tspendi ngatl east1020hour sperweekstudying ( notj us tdoi nghomewor k)f ort hi sc l as s.Thecont entoft hi scour s ebui l dson i t sel ft hr oughoutt hesemest er .Consequent l y ,i ti si mpor t antt hats t udent smas t erear l yconcept s,ast heywi l l becomebui l di ngbl ock sf orconc ept si nt r oducedl at eri nt hecour se.St udent sshoul ds eekex t r ahel pass oon aspos si bl ei ft heyf eel t hatt heyar eget t i ngbehi ndont hec our semat er i al .Pr oc r as t i nat i oni st heenemyoft he s ucces sf ul s t udent .I fyougetbehi nd,i ti sdi fficul tt ocat c hup. Bef or eeac hEx am,pl easewat c heac hvi deol es sonIhav epos t edonBBandc ompl et et hehandout swhi c h c or r es pondt ot hev i deos .Compet eal l MMLhomewor kandQui z z esonMML.

TEXTBOOKS & MATERIALS Bundle: Calculus: REQUIRED TEXTBOOKS & ISBN: Brief Calculus: Applied Approach: Edition: 10th An Applied Approach, Brief, Loose-leaf Version, 10th + WebAssign Printed Access Card for Larson's Calculus: An Applied Approach, 10th Edition, Single-Term Bundle ISBN: 9781337604826

REQUIRED MATERIALS: WebAssign Access Code (may be packaged with text or may be purchased separately if you bought a used book). WebAssign includes an electronic version of recommended text. For help using the TI-Graphing Calculator, follow this link:  

 Revised August 2018

Something to take notes in. A TI-83, 84, or plus series. If you do not purchase one of these calculators I cannot guarantee help with calculator issues. NO CELL PHONES AS CALCULATORS. Access to computer with internet access. We have labs on campus or Page 2 of 8 you can go to a public library.

SOFTWARE APPLICATIONS: You are required to have a computer capable of running the software for this course and have internet access. If you have technical problems or disruption in service, you need to have a backup computer and internet connection available. Another option is to use computers at a public library. Technical Support: 1) WebAssign Tech support 1-800- 955-8275 or chat with tech support on (you should do this first if you have a problem). 2) Search the DMACC online website. 3) Contact helpdesk 515.965.7300 or 4) Contact the distance learning office at 1.800.362.2127, ext. 6422

Software notice: “All the software used in this class is copyrighted; therefore, it is not for distribution, copying, or personal use. This software is the property of Des Moines Area Community College.” COURSE POLICIES ATTENDANCE/PARTICIPATION: Ast hi si sas t r i c t l yonl i necour se,t her ear enocl assest oat t end.The expectation is that you engage the material by reading the text, watching videos, participate on the Blackboard discussion board and then working on the online homework on an almost daily basis. Idoexpect ev er y onet oi nt r oduc et hemsel vesont hedi s cuss i onboar dwi t hi nBBandhopef ul l ywec ancont i nuet os uppor t oneanot herv i aourquest i onsandr esponsest hr oughoutt hec our s e. GRADING CRITERIA: Weighting of grades for this course: Homework 15%; Quizzes 15%; Tests 70%; All grades will be rounded to the nearest whole percent and will be posted at Log in and click on gradebook to see your current grade. Grades will be updated as often as possible but know that I only guarantee to update them after each test. A 93-100%

B 83-87%

C 73-77%

D 63-67%

A- 90-92%

B- 80-82%

C- 70-72%

D- 60-62%

B+ 88-89%

C+ 78-79%

D+ 68-69

F 0-59%

Discrepancies with all graded material must be handled within one week of return of the item. Failure do so in this time period forfeits your right to contest the grade you received.

Homework (15%) The homework will be completed online using the WebAssign program which you can access via Blackboard. Content will be assigned on a weekly basis. All online assignments from a given week will be due the Day of the next Quiz or Test. Please check for due date on the WebAssign site which you can access via BB. Stating you did not know about an assignment is not acceptable. You will have 5 attempts for each online homework problem until the deadline to improve your score. Thus, it is my expectation that you should be able to achieve a 100% or near-to on your homework.

Quizzes (15%) Quizzes must be completed online within the WebAssign Program which you can access via Blackboard. There will be a Quiz assigned before each Blackboard Unit Test. The Quiz will cover the same material as the homework from that week. You will receive immediate feedback on your progress and have only 3 attempts to answer the Question correctly. You will receive a score at the Revised August 2018

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end of the Quiz. There is no time limit on the Quiz and you may leave and reenter the Quiz during any part of the Quiz. You are welcome to ask me Questions on the Quiz Thus, it is my expectation that you should be able to achieve near 100% on your Quizzes.

Tests (70%) All exams will be taken at a designated DMACC Testing Center site. Tests must be

Proctored. For Locations and operations hours please visit this site: If you have a conflict testing at a DMACC location, contact me and I will email you a proctoring form to set up a suitable testing site. Tests must be completed online within the WebAssign Program which you can access via Blackboard. You will have 2 attempts for each Question. Please refer to the Calendar for Testing Dates. If illness or an emergency prevents you from attending an examination, you must notify the instructor prior to the completion of the exam. Failure to do so will automatically result in a zero on that exam. If approved, you will only be able to make up one exam. There are no Test Retakes. There will be a 10% deduction on the makeup test, A request to make up an exam must be made via e-mail to the instructor within 24 hours of the initial scheduled exam date. If you know that you will be absent on the day of an exam, contact me as soon as possible to make alternative arrangements. Students with disabilities who need accommodations must present their letter of accommodations to the instructor before such accommodations can be made.

Online Addendum: All issues related to online homework must be worked out prior to the deadline. Saying your computer was not working or the website was slow is not acceptable. To prevent this issue DO NOT WAIT until the night it is due to start the assignments online.

CLASSROOM CONDUCT: CLASS CANCELLATION PROCEDURE: If class is cancelled, I will email the class. ACADEMIC DISHONESTY/PLAGIARISM: It is important for you to be familiar with and follow DMACC’s Academic Misconduct policy. Students are encouraged to review DMACC’s Academic Misconduct Policy online at Final.pdf. SUPPORT SERVICES/ACCOMMODATIONS SERVICES FOR STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES: Any student with a documented disability who requires reasonable accommodation should contact the Disability Services Coordinator at 515-964-6850 or the counseling & advising office on any campus to apply for services. COURSE SYLLABUS DISCLAIMER: “This syllabus is representative of materials that will be covered in this class; it is not a contract between the student and the institution. It is subject to change without notice. All students are strongly encouraged to visit MyDMACC portal to review policies and procedures. Any potential exceptions to stated policies and requirements will be addressed on an individual basis and only for reasons that meet specific requirements. If you have any problems related to this class, please feel free to discuss them with me.” Nondiscrimination Statement: Des Moines Area Community College shall not engage in nor allow discrimination covered by law against any person, group or organization. This includes in its programs, activities, employment practices, hiring practices or the provision of services, and harassment or discrimination based on race, color, national origin, creed, religion, sex (including pregnancy), sexual orientation, gender identity, age (in employment), disability, genetic information (in employment) and actual or potential parental, family or marital status of a person. Veteran status in educational programs, activities, employment practices, or admission procedures is also included to the extent covered by law. Individuals who believe they have been discriminated against may file a complaint through the College Discrimination Complaint Procedure. Complaint forms may be obtained from the Campus Provost's office, the Academic Deans' office, the Judicial Officer, or the EEO/AA Officer, Human Resources. ADA questions and concerns may be directed to the Section 504/ADA Coordinator at 2006 S. Ankeny Blvd, Bldg. 6, Ankeny, IA 50023, phone 515/964-6857, [email protected]. Title IX questions and concerns may be directed to the Title IX Coordinator at 2006 S. Ankeny Blvd, Bldg. 1, Ankeny, IA 50023, phone 515/964-6216, [email protected]. Questions or

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complaints about this policy may be directed to the Director of the Office for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education, Citigroup Center, 500 W. Madison, Suite 1475, Chicago, IL 60661, phone 312/730-1560, fax 312/730-1576. Legal references: Iowa Code §§ 216.6 and 216.9, Titles VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S. C. §§ 2000d and 2000e), the Equal Pay Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. § 206, et seq.), Title IX (Educational Amendments, 20 U.S. C. §§ 1681-1688), Section 504 (Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 29 U.S. C. § 794), and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (42 U.S.C. § 12101, et seq.). Students who wish additional information or assistance may refer to Student Services procedure ES 4645 located at Final.pdf. The Academic Support Services Director is the official Student Accommodation Officer/Section 504/ADA Coordinator for DMACC. The ADA Coordinator’s office is located in Bldg. 6-10E on the Ankeny Campus and may be contacted by voice (515-964-6857). The ADA Coordinator is responsible for ensuring that the college complies with federal regulations that guarantee qualified students with disabilities equal access to all programs and services. Any student, faculty, or staff member may contact the ADA Coordinator’s office for clarification of federal regulations, appeal of a grievance, or resolution of a disability-related problem. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION DMACC wants to support student success through our Early Alert System. Early Alert connects students to available resources such as advising, counseling, tutoring and more. Faculty members may refer students to these supports in cases in which a student is showing difficulty in attendance, course work, and/or reported situations in which more support could aide in college success. Students are encouraged to respond to all DMACC phone calls or emails and take full advantage of available resources to support a positive college experience. More information can be found at To access additional information related to DMACC policies and procedures that impact the classroom (e.g. use of technology, weather-related cancellations, classroom conduct, etc.) please reference the DMACC student portal. If you do not have access to a computer and need a printed version of any of the information described above, contact your instructor.

Reynolds/ Mat-164 Sec WW1 / CRN: 14719

August 2018

◄ Jul 2018

Sun 19

Mon 20

Tue 21

Wed 22

Sep 2018 ►

Thu 23

Fri 24

Sat 25

Start of Fall Semeste r

Welcome MML – orientation Sec 1.1




Se c1 . 2 Gr a p h so f Eq u a t i o n s

Se c1 . 3 Se c1 . 4 L i n e sa n dSl o p eF u c t i o n s

Revised August 2018




Se c1 . 5 L i mi t s

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September 2018

◄ Aug 2018





Oct 2018 ►



Sat 1


3 LaborDay

Holiday College Closed 9





T e s t Ch1




T e s t Ch1 14



22 Fal l b e g i n s



Se c2 . 1 Se c2 . 2 De r i v a t i v ea n d Ru l e sf o r Sl o p eo f t a n g e n tDi ff e r e n t i a t i o n



Se c2 . 3 V e l o c i t ya n d Ma r g i n a l s

Se c2 . 4 Se c2 . 5 Ch a i nRu l e Pr o d u c t a n d Qu o t i e n t Ru l e s

Se c2 . 6




Se c2 . 7

Se c2 . 8 Re l a t e dRa t e s

I mp l i c i t Di ff e r e n t i a t i o n




Hi g h e r Or d e r De r i v a t i v e s

T e s t Ch2

Re v i e wChQu i z 2 Ch a p t e r2

October 2018

◄ Sep 2018


Mon 1

Tue 2


Nov 2018 ►





Se c3 . 1 I n c r e a s i n g / De c r e a s i n g f u c t i o n s

Se c3 . 2 Ex t r e maa n d1st De r i v a t i v eT e s t

8 Col u mb u sDa y 9


11 ComeOutDay 12

Se c3 . 3 Se c3 . 4 Co n c a v i t ya n d Op t i mi z a t i o n n d 2 d e r i v a t i v e Pr o b l e ms

Se c3 . 5 Se c3 . 6 y mp t o t e s Bu s i n e s sa n d As Ec o n o mi c s Ap p l i c a t i o n

T e s t Ch2 7


Re v i e wCh Qu i z 1 Ch a p t e r1

11 Pat r i o t Da y

T e s t Ch1 16


e c1 . 6 -S Co n t i n u i t y

Revised August 2018

T e s t Ch2


Sat 6


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October 2018

◄ Sep 2018

Sun 14






Se c3 . 7 An a l y z i n ga Gr a p h

Se c3 . 8 Ma r g i n a l An a l y s i s



T e s t Ch3 28

Wed 17 *Midterm




Nov 2018 ►


Fri 19

Sat 20

In-Service Day Qu i z College Re v i e wChCh a p t e r3 closed 3 26


Se c4 . 1

T e s t Ch3

T e s t Exponential Ch3 Fuctions



31 Hal l o we e n

Se c4 . 2

Se c4 . 3

Se c4 . 4

Ex p o n e n t i a l F u c t i o n s

De r i v a t i v e Ex p o n e n t i a l F ( x )

L o g a r i t h mi c f u n t i o n s

November 2018

◄ Oct 2018






Dec 2018 ►


Fri 2 Last Day to

Se c4 . 5

Drop Classes

Sat 3

De r i v a t i v eo f L o g f ( x ) ’ s

4 Dayl i g h t Sa v i n g T i meEn d s


6 El e c t i o nDa y

Se c4 . 6– Ex p o n e n t i a l g r o wt ha n d d e c a y

11 Vet e r a n sDa y 12

T e s t Ch4 Revised August 2018




T e s t Ch4

Re v i e wCh Qu ...

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