FYF Syllabus Fall 2018 PDF

Title FYF Syllabus Fall 2018
Author Jimbo Fisher
Course Warrington 1St Yr Exp
Institution University of Florida
Pages 8
File Size 359 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 9
Total Views 145


Download FYF Syllabus Fall 2018 PDF


FIRST YEAR FLORIDA TEACHING TEAM: Danielle “D” Hansen [email protected] 352.273.4061 (Office) 262.909.6448 (Cell)  SLS1102 – 4810 FIRST YEAR FLORIDA 09EA

Ashley Harriott [email protected] 813.846.8928 (Cell) 

Meeting Time: Fall 2018; SLS1102, Tuesday 7th period (1:55-2:45 p.m.)  OFFICE HOURS: By Appointment Only  COURSE DESCRIPTION First Year Florida is a course designed to aid students in a successful transition to the University of Florida. This course aims to help students develop the practical, social, emotional, and intellectual skills that are essential to a fulfilling four years at UF, provide a foundation for a well-rounded college experience, connect students to the University of Florida, promote engagement within and outside the classroom, and communicate university expectations.  COURSE OBJECTIVES First Year Florida educates new students to maximize their learning and development. As a result of take this course, students will: • • • • •

Connect with faculty, staff, and peers at the University of Florida. Identify university resources and services that contribute to their personal and educational goals. Recognize the purpose of reflection, critical thinking, and enriching educational opportunities within and outside the classroom. Evaluate the effects of personal well-being on student success and engagement. Recognize the academic, conduct, and citizenship expectations of the University of Florida. Develop an awareness and respect for being a part of a diverse global community.


Students in FYF are required to have and use their GatorLink account for all UF related e-mail functions. Official university communications are sent to students at this email address.  LEADERSHIP MODEL At the University of Florida we value true leadership. Throughout this syllabus you will find references to the UF Leadership Model. These references demonstrate that components of the Leadership Model can be identified in many places and activities on campus and that you have many opportunities to learn not only as a scholar, but as a person and leader during your


time at UF. More information about the UF Leadership Model can be found: http://www.leadershipandservice.ufl.edu/leadership.html COURSE TEXTBOOKS & RESOURCES ▪ F-Book; provided at Preview or by contacting the University Alumni Association ▪ Course Packet; available on Canvas  ACADEMIC HONOR CODE AND ACADEMIC HONESTY (Integrity) University of Florida Student Preamble: In adopting this Honor Code, the students of the University of Florida recognize that academic honesty and integrity are fundamental values of the University community. Students who enroll at the University commit to holding themselves and their peers to the high standard of honor required by the Honor Code. Any individual who becomes aware of a violation of the Honor Code is bound by honor to take corrective action. The quality of a University of Florida education is dependent upon community acceptance and enforcement of the Honor Code.  THE HONOR CODE We, the members of the University of Florida community, pledge to hold ourselves and our peers to the highest standards of honesty and integrity.  PLEDGE On all work submitted for credit by students at the University of Florida, the following pledge is either required or implied: This course also connects students to key resources at the University of Florida: a faculty/staff member who is committed to first-year student success; an undergraduate peer leader who is experienced in the challenges of making a successful transition from high school to college; and other first-year students. "On my honor, I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid in doing this assignment." [The above pledge must be included on any assignments turned in with your signature.] An academic honesty offense is defined as the act of lying, cheating, or stealing academic information so that one gains academic advantage. As a University of Florida student, one is expected to neither commit nor assist another in committing an academic honesty violation. Additionally, it is the student's duty to report observed academic honesty violations. Violations of the Honor Code and academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. Specifically, instructors will rigorously pursue incidents of plagiarism of any type or incidents of referring to any unauthorized material for any class requirement. Before submitting any work for this class, please read the policies about academic honesty at www.dso.ufl.edu/sccr, and ask the instructors to clarify any expectations you do not understand.  ADA STATEMENT The University of Florida provides high-quality services to students with disabilities, and we encourage you to take advantage of them. Students with disabilities needing academic accommodations should 1) Register with and provide documentation to Disability Resources (352-392-8565), and 2) Bring a letter to the instructor from Disability Resources indicating that you need academic accommodations. Please do this as soon as possible, preferably within the first week of class. CIVILITY (Civil Discourse) Mature and respectful behavior is expected in this classroom when dealing with instructors and other students. Side conversations, sleeping, and reading other course material (or the Alligator, etc.) are not appropriate and may result in the student losing attendance credit for that day. Cell phones and pagers are NOT welcome in this classroom; please turn them off (or at least silence them) and put them away prior to the start of class.   


ABSENCES AND TARDINESS Student’s will be given one excused absence, with prior confirmation to the instructor, without point deduction. Excessive tardiness will result in a deduction of points based on the instructor’s discretion. Each class is worth 15 participation points. Students who are absent after missing one class will earn 0 participation points for that day.  EVALUATIONS Students are expected to provide feedback on the quality of instruction in this course by completing online evaluations at https://evaluations.ufl.edu. Evaluations are typically open during the last two or three weeks of the semester, but students will be given specific times when they are open. Summary results of these assessments are available to students at https://evaluations.ufl.edu/results/. Additionally, students enrolled in First Year Florida will be asked to complete a separate course evaluation for further information. This is a time for you to provide direct feedback on your Peer Leader and Instructor.  GRADING & ASSIGNMENTS This course adheres to the UF Grading policy for assigning grade points. For more information please visit: https://catalog.ufl.edu/ugrad/current/regulations/info/grades.aspx. Below is the course grading scale: 94-100 (A); -93 (A-); 87-89 (B+); 83-86 B; 80-82 (B-); 77-79 (C+); 73-76 (C); 70-72 (C-); 67-69 (D+); 63-66 (D); 60-62 (D-); 59 or below (E) No late work will be accepted past listed deadlines. 210

In-Class Attendance and Participation (15 points per class)


Reflection Papers (20 points each)


Syllabus Quiz


Academic Integrity




Attend one Campus Fair


Attend Advising Appointment


Service Project Attendance


Attend one of the following: club meeting, UF sporting event, performing arts event


Faculty Interview Paper


In-class, 5-minute Campus Resource Presentation


Career Link Assignment


Total Points Possible 

Extra Credit 15 One-on-one with D or Ashley 10

Attendance to campus fair or event beyond requirement (one time only)


Total Extra Credit Points Possible

  


   REFLECTION PAPER (3 PAPERS) One page, double spaced, size 12 font. Upload to Canvas. ● Goals for Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle (October 2nd) o Write out 2 SMART goals for first year. o Why are these important to you? o How will you track and ensure you will accomplish these goals? o What did you learn from the class activities? ● Your True Colors (October 30) o Interview family member or close friend from childhood. o Did they notice these characteristics in you growing up? o What did you learn from the class activities and discussion? o True Colors will be done in class ● Your First Semester (December 4) o How has your first semester been at the University of Florida? o What have you learned? Who have you met? What do you enjoy? How are you going to make next semester even better?  ACADEMIC INTEGRITY MODULE ● Can be accessed at: o https://sccr.dso.ufl.edu/quick-links/academic-integrity/ ● Take picture/screenshot of completion and upload to Canvas  CAMPUS FAIR ● Attend one campus fair from the list below, upload picture or pamphlet to Canvas Campus Fairs Name Date Time Location(s) RecStravaganza August 23 7 p.m.- 9 p.m. Southwest Recreation Center Fall Student Organization September 19 TBD Reitz Union Terrace Fair Career Showcase September 25 & 26 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. O’Connell Center  ADVISING APPOINTMENT ● First Year Florida Course Packet, Page 20  SERVICE PROJECT: ● ● ●

Saturday, October 20th UF Annual Fall Day of Service If you cannot attend, you must inform D and Ashley and schedule another Service Project to attend—must provide contact information of volunteer coordinator and a picture of the event.

 ATTEND CAMPUS EVENT ● Attend one of the following: Club meeting, sporting event, performing arts event. Submit picture, flyer or ticket on Canvas. o NOTE: cannot be combined with another assignment  FACULTY INTERVIEW REFLECTION PAPER ● One page, double spaced, size 12 font. Upload to Canvas. ● Details provided in Appendix A of Syllabus ● Have faculty sign business card or take picture with faculty and upload picture to Canvas  



Further details provided in Appendix B of syllabus Presentation should last 5 minutes with each group member having a speaking role Creativity encouraged Each group will sign-up for a campus resource (no overlap between groups) Resources include but are not limited to: o Field and Fork Pantry o GatorWell o U Matter We Care o Counseling and Wellness Center o 

 CAREER LINK ASSIGNMENT Gator CareerLink is the portal to UF resources that can help you explore career paths, find ways to gain experience and begin preparing for your career now! By activating your account, you will have access to all the Career Resource Center’s services including job and internship postings, Career Planning appointments, an online mock interview module, and a calendar of all upcoming events and workshops. Activating your profile as a first-year student allows you to become familiar with the Gator CareerLink system and connects you to the CRC right away. Part 1: To activate your profile and receive credit for your, follow these simple steps:  ww.crc.ufl.edu 1. Go to w 2.

Click on Gator CareerLink Student Login.

3. You will be directed to a UF Authentication page. Type in your GatorLink username and password. 4.

Next, click on “My Profile.”

5. Fill out both the Personal and Academic profile as much as possible. You must complete all fields with a red asterisk in order to have an active profile. Make sure to save your information. 6.

Once your profile is complete, click on “My Jobs.”

7. Find and print an internship, part-time, full-time or volunteer experience you would be interested in applying for now or in the future. To receive credit for this assignment, turn in the job description to canvas as well as a cover letter and resume you would write to inquire this opportunity. You do not actually have to apply for the position- this is just for practice.          


   Date/Topic:

Assignments Due

Week 1: August 28 Welcome/Syllabus

Week 2: September 4 The University of Florida & its Traditions 

Syllabus Quiz (in-class) Bring F Book to Class

Week 3: September 11 Campus Involvement

Academic Integrity Module 

 Week 4: September 18

Stress Management 101 - GatorWell Presentation

Week 5: September 25

Well-Rounded Health ***Class held at Student Recreation and Fitness Center

Week 6: October 2 Resume Building Workshop

Reflection Paper 1: Goals for Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle

Week 7: October 9 Career Advice/ Major Options/ Grit Resilience/ Academic Failure/ Plan Registration

Week 8: October 16 True Colors

Faculty Interview Paper (See Appendix A)

Week 9: October 23 Conflict Resolution

 

Week 10: October 30 Diversity

Reflection Paper 2: True Colors 

Week 11: November 6 No in-person class (use time to meet with your groups)

Week 12: November 13 Class Input

Career Link Assignment - Mock Job Application (Resume & Cover Letter)

Week 13: November 20 No in-person class

Week 14: November 27 Campus Resource Group Presentation

Campus Resource Presentations Advising Appointment

Week 15: December 4  Q&A Response Lecture

Reflection Paper 3: Your First Semester

Holiday Potluck

 

 


   APPENDIX A                            


   APPENDIX B  


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