ME 311 - Thermodynamics PDF

Title ME 311 - Thermodynamics
Author Maricar Dela Cruz
Course Thermodynamics
Institution University of Hawaii at Manoa
Pages 47
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Lesson 1 | Problem Solving Technique 1. Problem Statement: In your own words, briefly state the problem, the key information given, and the quantities to be found. 1. Schematic: Draw a realistic sketch of the physical system, choose your system, list the relevant information on the figure, and indicate mass/energy interactions with surroundings.

1. Assumptions and Approximations: State any appropriate assumptions and approximation made to simplify the problem to make it possible to obtain a solution, and assume reasonable data for missing data.

1. Physical Laws: Apply all the relevant basic physical laws and principles, and reduce them to their simplest form by utilizing the assumptions made.

1. Properties: Determine the unknown properties at known states necessary to solve the problem from property relations or table, and list properties separately and indicate sources.

1. Calculations: Substitute known quantities into the simplest relations and perform the calculations to find unknowns, watch units and round results as appropriate.

1. Reasoning, Verification, and Discussion: Check to make sure that the results obtained are reasonable and intuitive, and verify the validity of the questionable


Lesson 1 | Energy and Forms of Energy Energy is the ability to cause changes . Thermodynamics deals with change in total energy, not absolute values.

Macroscopic forms of energy:

● ●

System possesses as a whole with respect to some outside reference frame Kinetic Energy ○ Energy that a system possesses as a result of its motion relative to some reference frame: ■ KE=(mV^(2))/2 kJ ke=V^(2)/2 kJ/kg Potential Energy ○ Energy that a system possesses as a result of its elevation in a gravity field: ■ PE=mgz kJ pe=gz kJ/kg

Microscopic forms of energy: ● Energies related to the molecular structure of a system and degree of the molecular activity ● Independent of outside reference frames ● Sensible Energy ○ Associate with kinetic energy of molecules ○ Increase with increasing temperature ● Latent Energy ○ Associate with bonds between molecules - strongest in solid and weakest in gases ○ By adding energy, molecules of solid or liquid break away, turning the substance into a gas ○ Hases are at higher latent energy level that solids, or liquids ● Chemical Energy ○ Associate with atomic bond in a molecule ● Nuclear Energy ○ Associate with strong bonds within nucleus of atom itself

● ●

The sum of sensible and latent energy is called t hermal energy. The sum of microscopic energies is called internal energy and is denoted by U.

Equations: ● Total Energy, E: ○ E = U+KE+PE => U+(mv^(2)/2)+mgz ● Specific total energy, e: ○ e = E/m = U/m +(KE/m) + (PE/m) => u + V^(2)/2 + gz ● Change of total energy, ΔE or Δe ○ ΔE = ΔU + ΔKE + ΔPE ○ Δe = Δu + Δke + Δpe ○ change in energy of stationary closed systems ■ Δ KE = 0 ■ ΔPE = 0 ■ ΔE = ΔU

Lesson 2 | Energy, Energy Transfer, and General Energy Analysis Homework (Due on the 26th): 2-8, 2-10 | 2-17, 2-29 | 2-39, 2-44 ** - Check Diagram in Book

_____________________________________________________________________Week 2 Energy Transfer: ● Transfer of energy during a process ○ Recognized at the system boundary as they cross it ○ Energy gained or lost by a system during a process ○ Closed System: Fixed mass (not able to leave boundary), energy carried by heat & work ● Open System: Energy is carried by mass and energy (heat and work)

Energy Transfer by Heat and Work ● Heat or heat transfer: ○ The form of energy that is transferred between two systems or a system and its surrounding by virtual of a T difference ○ The direction of heat transfer is always from the higher T body to a lower T one **

TA < TB

Tb> Tair

Associated with a process, not a particular state **

Qualifying Heat: ○

The amount of heat transferred during a process from state 1 to state 2: Q12 or

○ ○

Q Heat transfer per unit mass: q = Q/m Rate of heat transfer (the amount of heat transferred per unit time): ■

Q and Q = ∫ Qdt from t1 to t2

For constant: Q = QΔ t = Q(t2-t1)

Special Process: adiabatic process ** ○ A process during which there is no heat transfer ○ Two ways a process can be adiabatic: ■ The system is well insulated ■ Both the system and surroundings are at the same T

Work ○ If the energy crossing the boundary of a closed system is not heat (due to temperature difference), it must be work Quantifying work

Work done during a process from state 1 to state 2 is W12 or W (kJ)

Work done per unit mass: w = W/m (kJ/kg)

Work done per unit time is called Power: W and W = ∫ Wdt from t1 to t2 ■

For constant: W = WΔ t = W(t2-t1)

____________________________________________________________ Week 3

Mechanical forms of Work: ●

● ●

A force acting through a distance ** ○ If F is constant, W = Fs (kJ) ○ W = ∫ Fds from 1 to 2 (kJ) There must be a force acting on the boundary of the system The boundary or the entire system as a whole must move ○ Moving boundary work (ch. 4) ○ Shaft work ○ Spring work

Shaft Work: (picture below) ● Energy transfer with a rotating shaft ● For a specified constant torque T, shaft work during n revolution ○ T = Fr > F = T/r

Wshaft = Fs = (T/r)(2πrn) = 2πnT (kJ)

Spring Work: (picture above) ● When force is applied to a spring, the length of the spring changes ○ ●

Wspring =  Fds from 1 to 2

For linear elastic spring: F = kx  (kN) ○ k = spring constant, kN/m ○ x = is measured from the undisturbed position of the spring (x = 0 when F = 0)

(kJ) Non-mechanical forms of Work: ● Electrical work ○

Done by electrons crossing the system boundary: We = VN ■

V = potential difference or voltage, Volt

■ N = number of electrical charges, coulombs In rate form: W = VI

______________________________________________________Energy Transfer____

Key Features of Energy Transfer (heat & work) ●

Key Features: ○ energy transfer occurs during a process ○ Associated with a process, not a stake. Unlike energy and internal energy, energy transfer (heat or work) has no meaning at a state ○ Recognized at the boundary of system as they cross the boundaries ○ System possess energy, but not heat or work

Sign convention ** ○ Heat and work occur in a particular direction:

Formal sign conventional ○ Q > 0: heat transfer to  a system ○ Q < 0: heat transfer from  a system ○ W > 0: work done by a system ○ W < 0: work done on a system

Intuitive Approach ○

Qin: heat transfer to a system

Qout: heat transfer from a system

Win: work done on a system

Wout: work done by a system

__________________________________________________________ Part II

Magnitudes of energy and internal energy depend on the end states

Point Functions: ○ Depend on initial and final states, not on how a system reaches that state ○ All properties are point functions ○ They have exact differentials ■ dT, dP, dW, dt, du

Magnitudes of heat and work depend on the end states a well as the path followed during a process between the two end states Path Functions: ○ depend on process path as well as initial and final states ○ heat and work are path functions ○ they have inexact differentials ■ ∂Q and ∂W instead of dQ and dW

Consider two processes A and B between the initial state 1 and final state 2 3 ○ Process A: Δ Va = ∫ dV = V2 - V1 = 3m ■ ○

WA = ∫ ∂ WA = 8 kJ 3

Process B: Δ Vb = ∫ dV = V2 - V1 = 3m ■

WB = ∫ ∂ WB = 12 kJ

The First Law of Thermodynamics ● The first law (the conservation of energy principle): T  he net change (increase or decrease) in the total energy of the system during a process is equal to the difference between the total energy entering and total energy leaving the system during the process. ●

[Ein - Eout = ΔEsystem] (kJ)

[Total energy entering the system] - [Total energy leaving the system] = [Change in the total energy of system]

Energy Change, ΔEsystem ● Evaluate the energy of the system at the beginning and at the end of the process, and then take their difference: [Energy change] = [Energy at final state] - [Energy at initial state] ○ ○

[Efinal - Einitial = -=902 - E1 = ΔE  system] (kJ) Energy is point function

For simple compressible systems (in the absence of electric, magnetic, and surface tension effects) ○ ΔE = ΔU +ΔKE + ΔPE ■ ΔU = m(u2-u1) 2 2 ■ ΔKE = 1/2m(V2 - V1 ) ■ ○

ΔPE = mg(z2-z1)

For stationary systems: ■ ΔKE = 0 ■ ΔPE = 0 ■ ΔE = ΔU

When the initial and final states are specified, the values of specific internal energies u1 and u2 can  be determined from the property tables or thermodynamic property relations.

Energy Transfer, Ein and Eout ○

Energy gained or lost by a system during a process

Heat, work, and mass flow

Closed systems:

■ ○

[ Ein - Eout = (Qin - Qout) + (W  in - Wout) ]

Open Systems

[ Ein - Eout = (Qin - Qout) + (W  in - Wout) + (E  mass,in - Emass, out)]

Q, W, and Emass are path functions

○ ○

Adiabatic process: Q = 0 Process involving no work interactions: W = 0

Forms of energy balance ○

General Form: Ein - Eout = ΔEsystem ■

Ein - Eout : net energy transfer by heat, work, and mass

ΔEsystem : Change in internal, kinetic, potential, etc,. energies

ΔKE +ΔPE +ΔU = (Qin - Qout) + (W  in - Wout) + (E  mass,in - Emass, out)

Rate form: Ein - Eout = dEsystem

Energy balance closed system ** ○

Processes that involve Q but no W: ΔU = Qin - Qout

Processes that involve W but no Q: ΔU = Win - Wout

Processes that involve Q and W simultaneously: ΔU = (Qin - Qout) + (Win - Wout)

      

Lesson 3 | Properties of Pure Substances Homework: 3: 2, 6, 8, 24, 26, 44 Heating processes under constant P ● Heating under 1 atm

● ● ● ● ●

Compressed liquid or subcooled liquid ○ A liquid is not about to vaporize Saturated liquid ○ A liquid is about to vaporize Saturated liquid-vapor mixture ○ Liquid and vapor phases coexist in equilibrium Saturated vapor ○ A vapor is about to condense Superheated vapor ○ A vapor is not about to condense

Heating under higher P - 1MPa

Compressed liquid > Saturated liquid > Saturated liquid-vapor mixture > Saturated vapor > Superheated vapor T = 20C > 179.88C > __ > 179.88C > 300C v (m3/kg) = 0.00099 > 0.001127 > __ > 0.19436 > 0.25799

● ●

Water starts boiling at a higher temperature Specific volume of saturated liquid is larger and specific volume of saturated vapor is smaller - the saturation line is shorter

Saturation temperature and saturation pressure ●

Tsat: at a given P, the T at which a pure substance changes phase

Psat: at a given T, the P at which a pure substance changes phase

There is a definite relation between Tsat and P  sat

Critical Point ● The saturation line eventually becomes a point at 22.06 Mpa ● Critical Point: the point at which the saturated liquid and saturated vapor states are identical 3 ○ For water: Pcr = 22.06MPa (217.8 atm), Tcr = 373.95 C, Vcr = 0.003106 m /kg ●

At pressures above the critical pressure, there is no a distinct phase-change process

Two Lines ● Saturated liquid line: a line connects the saturated liquid states ● Saturated vapor line: a line connects the saturated vapor states

Three Regions ● Compressed liquid region ○ A region to the left of the saturated liquid where all the compressed liquid states are located ● Superheated vapor region ○ A region to the right of the saturated vapor line where all the superheated vapor states are located ● Saturated liquid-vapor mixture region (or wet region) ○ A region under the dome where all the states that involve both phases in equilibrium are located

Extending property diagrams to include solid phase ● Solid-liquid and solid-vapor phase change are similar to liquid-vapor phase-change ● Substances can either contract or expand during freezing ● P-V Diagram of a substance that contracts on freezing

New Property: enthalpy ● Defined to facilitate energy analysis of open systems (control volumes) ○ h = u +Pv (kJ/kg) ○ H = U + PV (kJ) ● Latent Heat: the amount of energy absorbed or released during a phase change process ○

Latent heat of vaporization, hfg: liquid to vapor or vapor to liquid

Latent heat of fusion, Hif: solid to liquid or liquid to solid

For water at 1 atm:

hfg = 2256.5 kJ/kg

hif = 333.7 kJ/kg

Saturated liquid and saturated vapor ○ Along saturated liquid and vapor lines on T-v or P-v diagrams ○ For water ■ SI: Table A-4 (p. 904) | Table A-5 (p. 906) ■ English System: Table A-4E (p. 954) | Table A-5E (p.956) ○ For Refrigerant R - 134a ■ SI: Table A-11 (p. 916) | Table A-12 (p. 918) ■ English: A-11E (p. 966) | Table A-12E (p. 967)

Subscripts f,g, and fg: saturated liquid, saturated vapor, and the difference between the saturated liquid and saturated vapor

Vf = specific volume of saturated liquid

Vg = specific volume of saturated vapor

Vfg = difference between Vg and Vf (that is, Vfg = Vf - Vg)

Saturated liquid-vapor mixture ○ properties of a mixture are the average of the properties of saturated liquid and saturated vapor

Quality: ratio of the mass of vapor to the total mass of the mixture ○

x = mvapor/mtotal = mg/mt

where, mt = mf + mg

X has significance for saturated liquid-vapor mixture only; its value varies between 0 and 1 ■ X = 0 for saturated liquid ■ X = 1 for saturated vapor ■ 0 < x < 1 for saturated mixture

Specific volume vavg of saturated mixture: V = Vf + Vg ■

V = mf > mtVavg = mfvf + mgvg

Vavg = vf +xvfg

Other Properties:

Superheated Vapor ● Single-phase region: T and P are independent properties ● For water: ○ SI: Table A-6 (p. 908) ○ English System: Table A-6E (p. 958) ● For Refrigerant R-134a: ○ SI: Table A-13 (p. 919) ○ English System: A-13E (p. 968)

Compressed Liquid: ○ Single-phase region: T and P are independent properties ● For water: ○ SI: Table A-7 (p. 912) ○ English System: A-7E (p. 962) ● Compressed liquid properties are relative independent on pressure, but dependent not temperature ○

, Treat compressed liquid as saturated liquid at the given temperature: y ~ y f@T  ■

y = v, u, or h

At low to moderate pressure and temperature: h ~ h f@T )     +vf@T  (P-Psat@T

The Ideal-Gas Equation of State:

● ●

Equation of state: Equation that relates properties of a substance at equilibrium states, i.e., P, T, and V Ideal-gas equation of state or ideal gas relation ○ Pv = RT or P = R (T/v) ■ P: absolute pressure ■ v: specific volume ■ T: absolute temperature (K or R, never use Celsius or Fahrenheit) ■ R: gas constant

The gas constant R: different for each gas: Table A-1 (p. 898), Table A-1E (p. 948)


R, kJ/kg*K



Argon (Ar)


Carbon Dioxide (CO2)


Helium (He)


Hydrogen (H2)


Neon (Ne)


Nitrogen (N2)


Oxygen (O2)


Water (H2O)



Homework: 3: 55,57,62

R = Ru/M Ru : universal gas constant: same for all gasses

● 8.31447 kJ/kmol * K ● 1.98588 Btu/ilbmol*R M : Molar mass (or molecular weight) of the gas: Table A-1, Table A-1E ● The mass of 1kmol in kg ● 1 mole of substance contains Avogadro’s number of molecules (6.023*10^(26) molecules/mole) ● Mass of a system : m = MN (kg) where N is mole number in kmole


M, kg/kmol



Argon (Ar)


Carbon Dioxide (CO2)


Helium (He)


Hydrogen (H2)


Neon (Ne)


Nitrogen (N2)


Oxygen (O2)


Water (H2O)


Other forms of ideal-gas equation of state: Pv = RT ● V = mv ➤ PV = mRT ●

mR = (MN)R = NRu ➤ PV = NRuT

V = N‾v ➤ P‾v = RuT

A bar above a property denotes the value on a unit-mole basis Per unit mass

Per unit mole

3 v, m /kg

3 ‾v, m /kmol

u, kJ/kg

‾u, kJ/kmol

h, kJ/kg

‾h, kJ/kmol

For a closed system, the properties od an ideal gas at two different states are related to each other by: ●

PV/T = R ➤ (P1V1)/T1 = (P2V2)/T2

Isothermal process (T=constant): ○

Isobaric process (P=constant): ○

(P1V1)/T1 = (P2V2)/T2 V1/T1 = V2/T2

Isochoric process (v=constant): ○

P1/T1 = P2/T2

Which gases can be treated as ideal gas? ● Approximates P-v-T behavior of real gases at low densities: low P and high T

● ●

Common gases: air, Ar, Co2, He, H2, Ne, N2, O2 ○ Can be treated as ideal gases: Refrigerant vapor in refrigerators

○ Can’t be treated as ideal gases - the property tables should be used Water vapor ○ can be treated as an ideal gas at P below 10kPa, regardless of its T ○ can’t be treated as ideal gas at higher P, particularly in the vicinity of the critics point and the saturated vapor line - the property tables should be used Compressibility factor ○ Measure deviation of real gases from ideal gases ○ Z = Pv/RT ○ Pv = ZRT ○ Z = V(actual)/V(ideal) where V(ideal) = RT/P The farther away Z is from unity, the more the gas deviates from ideal-...

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