ME LAB Activity 3 ( Calibration Platform Scale) PDF

Title ME LAB Activity 3 ( Calibration Platform Scale)
Author Fallarcuna, Francine Y.
Course Mechanical Engineering
Institution University of Rizal System
Pages 9
File Size 367.9 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 74
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UNIVERSITY OF RIZAL SYSTEMMorong, Rizal College of EngineeringMechanical Engineering Laboratory I (ME Lab 1)Activity No. 3(CALIBRATION OF PLATFORM SCALE)FRANCINE Y. FALLARCUNANameOctober 6, 2021 Date SubmittedRATING______________________Engr. Merie Ann C. Dudang InstructorACTIVITY NO. 3CALIBRATION O...


UNI VERSI TY OFRI ZALSYSTEM Mor ong,Ri z al Col l egeofEngi neer i ng

Mechani calEngi neer i ngLabor at or yI ( ME Lab1)



Oct ober6,2021 Dat eSubmi t t ed


__ __ ___ __ ___ ___ __ ___ __ Engr .Mer i eAnn C.Dudang I ns t r uct or



I NTRODUCTI ON: Cal i br at i on i sapr ocessofensur i ngandmai nt ai ni ngt heaccur acyof

awei ghi ngi ns t r umenti n al i gnmentwi t hast andar doraccept edr angeofr esul t s. Ther ef or e,wei ghi ng scal e cal i br at i on i s consi der ed t he pr ocess ofcor r ect i ng, det er mi ni ng,and c hecki ngt hescal ei smeet i ngi t sknown orassi gned accur acy . Scal e cal i br at i on i s a pr ocedur et hatensur es t hata wei ghi ng scal e orbal anc e del i v er s cor r ect ,accur at ewei ghi ng r esul t st ot hedegr ee speci fied on t hescal e. Theaccur acyofwei ghi ngscal escandi mi ni shovert i met hr oughr egul aruse,dus t bui l dup or age;a pr ocess of t en r ef er r ed t o as ‘ dr i f t ’ .For t hi sr eason,i ti s i mpor t antt hatscal esandbal ancesar er egul ar l ymai nt ai ned. Scal e cal i br at i on pr ocedur es ar e ext r emel yi mpor t ant because wei ghi ng i ns t r ument sar eusedi nsever all egalfiel ds.Sur e,i fyourpr oducescal ei soff,you mi ghtmi ssouton af ew cent s,buti ft hewei ghtof ,say ,a15whee l eri soff,t hat coul d pose some maj orsaf et yr i s ks.I fyou gi ve someone t he wr ong vol ume of medi ci ne,t hatcoul dal sohavedi sast r oussi deeffect s .Thecal i br at i onofwei ghi ng scal es i st ypi cal l yr at ed wi t hi n a speci fic qual i t y syst em. Bal anc e or scal e cal i br at i on i s essent i al t o achi eve accur at e wei ghi ng r esul t s. I gnor i ng t hi s i mpor t antservi ceac t i vi t yt ur nsmeasur i ngi nt oguesswor k.I n ot herwor ds,i ti s negl i gent t o wei gh wi t h a noncal i br at ed bal ance or scal e. The accur acy of bal ancesandscal esbecomesl essr el i abl eovert i me. The scal e cal i br at i on pr ocedur e var i es accor di ng t ot he t ype ofwei ghi ng scal eyou use.Medi calscal es& l abor at oryscal esneedt obecal i br at edwi t hmor e accur acy and pr eci si on as t hese scal es have ver y t i ght t ol er ance l i mi t s. Addi t i onal l y ,t hese t ypes of wei ghi ng scal es ar e cal i br at ed i n a cont r ol l ed envi r onment .Ont heot herhand,i ndust r i eswhi chuseanal oguescal es,andt hei r oper at i ondoesnotdemandr ecor di ngext r emel ypr eci sewei ghtr eadi ngscaneasi l y

cal i br at ewei ghi ngscal esatt hei rf aci l i t i es.


I I . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

OBJECTI VES: To define what is calibration of platform scale To know the principle behind the operation of weighing scale. To learn how to calibrate the platform scale. To determine the accuracy and sensitivity of the platform scale. To familiarize with the commercial types of weighing scale.



I V.


A. Draw a weighing scale and explain its uses. Wei ghi ngscal esandbal ancesmeasur ewei ghtbymeasur i ngt heamountoff or ce exer t ed on t hel oad ce l l .Theyt hen conver tt hatr esul tt omassand di spl ayi ti n var i ous uni t s of mass. I ft hey di dn' t conver ti tt o ki l os or pounds,t he r esul t woul d be measur ed i n Newt ons. Scal es gi vedi ffer entr esul t sbasedongr avi t y .

Aki t chendevi ceusedt omeasur et he wei ghtofi ngr edi ent sandot herf ood.

Ki t chenscal esar eavai l abl ei nbal anceor spr i ngmodel s.Abal ancescal ewi l lgi vea mor eaccur at er eadi ngt hanas pr i ngscal e.

4 Usi ngascal ewi l lr esul ti namor eaccur at emeasur ementoft hei ngr edi ent st han bymeasur i ngi tbyv ol ume.Scal esar eavai l abl ei nmanualanddi gi t almodel s. B. How do you calibrate platform scale. (provide photos) STEP1& 2 Pl acet hepl at f or m baseona flatfloorsur f ace,maki ngsur e t her ei spl ent yofspace ar oundt hescal ebasef orsaf e oper at i on.Andr emove anyt hi ngt hathasbeenpl aced ont opoft hepl at f or m.

STEP3 Connec tawei ghi ngscal e i ndi cat ort ot hepl at f or m base usi nganRS232connect i on cabl e.

STEP4& 5 Poweront hei ndi cat orand wai ti tt oconfigur e.Bef or e configur at i oni scompl et e, pr essTar ewhent hedi spl ayi s showi ngt hecount downf or t hedi gi t s.

STEP6 Toent ert hepasswor d,use t hedi r ect i onalbut t ons⭡ or⭡ t oscr ol lt hr oughnumber s19.Uset he⭡ di r ect i onalkeyt o movet ot henextdi gi t .

STEP7& 8 Ent ert hecor r ectpasswor d [ 1000]andpr ess[ Tar e] .Af t er ’

l ay . STEP9 Uset hedi r ect i onalbut t on⭡ t oswi t cht o‘ l oad1’ .


i mi tof cedon or⭡ t he⭡ t ot he ave htl i mi t e[ Tar e] ↵ keyt oconfir m.

STEP12 Thedi spl aywi l lshow ' l oad' . Loadt hedesi r edwei ghtont o t hepl at f or m.

STEP13 Oncet hewei ghti sont he pl at f or m pr esst he[ Tar e]key t oconfir m.

STEP14 Onceconfir med,t hei ndi cat or wi l lent ert hec onfigur at i on pr ocess.Whent hepr ocessi s compl et et hei ndi cat orwi l l show t hedesi r edwei ght...

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