Medical Pneumonics PDF

Title Medical Pneumonics
Author louise ortega
Course Dentistry
Institution University of Perpetual Help System DALTA
Pages 24
File Size 308.1 KB
File Type PDF
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for general anatomy ...



Macrocytic Anemia Causes : ABCDEF Alcohol + liver disease B12 deficiency Compensatory reticulocytosis (blood loss and hemolysis) Drug (cytotoxic and AZT)/ Dysplasia (marrow problems) Endocrine (hypothyroidism) Folate deficiency/ Fetus (pregnancy)

Triad of CKD (CRF): 3P Pallor (anemia) Pressure (HTN) Proteinuria

Asthma attack Acute Management: O SHIT Oxygen Salbutamol Hydrocortisone Ipratropium Theophylline

Suspect Stroke? Check this: FAST

Face Arm Speech Time

Morphine Actions: MORPHINE Miosis (pin point pupil) Orthistatic hypertension Respiratory depression Physical dependency Histamine dependency Increased ICP Nausea Euphoria Sedation

Tetratogenecity: adverse drug reactions during pregnancy: AV PASS ACT All anti cancer drug Valporic acid Phenytoin Ace inhibitor Sulfonamide Sulfones Amino glycosides

Chloramphenicol Tetracycline

Beta blockers members: NEPAL PM Nadolol Esmolol Pindolol Atenolol Labetalol Propranolol Metaprolol

Abdominal swelling causes: 9F Fat Feces Fluid Flatus Fetus Full sized tumor Full bladder Fibroids False pregnancy

Contents of popliteal fossa: S2P6 Small saphenous vein Sciatic nerve branches Posterior division of obturator nerve Posterior cutaneous nerve of thigh Popliteal artery Popliteal vein Popliteal lymph nodes Pad of fat

Elastic cartilages are in: 4E Epiglottis Ear pinna External acoustic meatus lateral part Eustachian tube medial part

Treatment for myocardial infarction: OSAMA BIN Oxygen Statins Aspirin Morphine Ace inhibitors Beta blockers IV heparin Nitroglycerin

Parkinson management drug: SALAD Selegiline Anticholinergics Levodopa +carbidopa Amantadine Dopamine receptor agonist (bromocriptine)

Carpal Bones: She Looks Too Pretty Try To Catch Her Scaphoid Lunate Triquetral Pisiform Trapezium Trapezoid Capitates Hamate

Tarsal Bones: Tiger Cubs Need MILC Talus Calcanuem Navicular Medial Cuneiform Intermediate cuneiform Lateral cuneiform Cuboid

Internal iliac artery branches: I Love Going Places Using My Very Own Unnamed Vehicle Illiolumbar artery Lateral sacral artery Gluteal artery Pudendal artery Umbilical artery Middle rectal artery Vesical artery Obturator artery Uterine artery Vaginal artery

Branches of facial Nerve: Teri Zaan UL-Mari Se Temporal branch Zygomatic branch Upper buccal branch Lower buccal branch Marginal mandibular branch Cervical branch

Branches of abdominal aorta: Canned Soup Really Good In Cup Celiac trunk Superior mesenteric artery Renal artery

Gonadal artery Inferior mesenteric artery Common iliac artery

Structures passing through diaphragm: I ate(8) 10 Eggs At 12 IVC at T8 Esophagus at T10 Aorta at T12

Brachial Plexus: Remember To Drink Cold Beer Root Trunk Division Cord Branches

Branches of Brachial Plexus (Lateral Cord): Lucy Loves Me Lateral pectoral nerve Lateral root median nerve Musculocutanoeus nerve

Medial Cord: Most Medical Men Uses Morphine Medial cutaneous nerve of arm Medial cutaneous nerve of forearm Medical pectoral nerve Ulnar nerve

Medial root of median nerve

Posterior Cord: ULNAR Upper subscapular nerve Lower subscauplular nerve Nerve to latissmus dorsi Axillary nerve Radial nerve

Subclavian artery branches: VITamin C&D Vertebral artery Internal thoracic artery Thyrocervical trunk Costocervical trunk Dorsoscaplar artery

Carotid Sheath Contents: I C 10 C’Cs in the IV IC – Internal Carotid artery 10 – Cranial Nerve CC – Common Carotid Artery IV – Internal Jugular Vein

External Carotid artery branches: Seven Angry Ladies Fighting Over PMS Superior thyroid

Ascending pharyngeal Lingual Facial Occipital Posterior auricular Maxillary Superficial temporal

Intrinsic Muscles of hand: All For One And One For All Abductor pollicis longus Flexor pollicis brevis Opponens pollicis Adductor pollicis Opponens digiti minimi Flexor digiti minimi Abductor digiti minimi

Lumbar Plexus: Interested In Getting Laid On Fridays? Iliohypogastric (L1) Ilioinguinal (L1) Genitofemoral (L1, L2) Lateral femoral cutaneous Obturator (L2,L3, L4) Femoral (L2, L3, L4)

Layers of Retina: My Nerves Get in Knots Outside Our Easy Practice Review Membrane (Internal Limiting) Nerve Fibers Ganglions Inner Plexiform Inner Nuclear Outer Plexiform Outer Nuclear External limiting membrane Photoreceptors Retinal Pigment Epithelium

Layers of Scrotum: Some Damn Englishman Called It the Testis Skin Dartos muscle External Spermatic Fascia Cremester Muscle Internal Spermatic Fascia Tunica Vaginilis Testis

Cavernous Sinus Contents: O TOM CAT Occlulomotor Nerve

Trochlear Nerve Ophthalmic nerve Maxillary Nerve Carotid Artery Abducent Nerve Troclear Nerve

Deep Cerebellar Nuclei: Fat Guys Eat Donut Nucleus Fastigii Globose Nucleus Nucleus Emboliformis Dentate nucleus

Tributaries of IVC: I Like To Rise So High Illiac vein Lumbar Vein Testicular Vein Renal Vein Suprarenal Vein Hepatic Vein

Cranial nerves (Sensory or motor): Some Say Make Money But My Brother Said Big Boobs Matter More) CN 1 – Sensory CN2 – Sensory

CN3 – Motor CN4 – Motor CN5 – Both (Sensory and Motor) CN6 – Motor CN7 – Both (sensory and motor) CN8 – Sensory CN9 – both (sensory and motor) CN10 – Both(Sensory and Motor) CN11 – Motor CN12 – Motor

Nerve Supply of Scalp: GLASS Greater occipital Greater Auricular Lesser occipital Auriculotemporal Supratrochlear Supraorbital

Strawberry Strawberry tongue: Kawasaki disease Strawberry gum: Wegener’s granulomatosis Strawberry vagina: trichomoniasis Strawberry gall bladder: Cholersterols Strawberry nasal mass: Rhinosporidiosis

Strawberry nasal mucosa/skin: Sarcoidosis Strawberry shaped skull: Edward Syndrome Strawberry nevus: Capillary Hemangioma

Parkinson’s Disease: TRAP Tremor Rigidity Akinesia/Dyskinesia Postural Instability

Adverse Effects of Tetracycline: KAPILDEVS Kidney damage Antianabolic Effects Phototoxicity Insipidus Liver damage Dentition Epigastric pain, Nausea, vomiting diarrhea Vestibular Toxicity Superinfection

Adverse Effects of Chromaphenicol: HI GRAY BABY Syndrome Hypersensitivity Irritative Effects (nausea, vomiting) Gray baby syndrome

Bone marrow suppression Superinfection Adverse Effects of Vancomycin: NO RED MAN Syndrome Nephrotoxicity Ototoxicity Red man syndrome Mild Hypotension Skin Allergy

Adverse Effects of Macrolids: MACROlides Motility receptor stimulation Allergy Cholestasis Rashes Ototoxicity

Adverse Effects of Amphotericin B: AMPHTRCN B Anemia;Acidosis Malaise, nausea, vomiting Pain (Generalized at injection site) Hypokalemia, Hypotension Thrombophlebitis Reaction (acute/allergic) CNS toxicity (headache, vomiting, Nerve palasies) Nephrotoxicity (azotemia, reduced GFR)

Bone marrow suppression

Protein Synthesis Inhibitors: 50 CELLS arranged in 30 TeAm Chloramphenicol Erythromycin

Bind to 50s Ribosome

Linezolid Lincosamide Steptomycin Tetracycline

Bind to 30s Ribosome


Adverse Effects of Anti Tubercular Drugs  Isoniazid : INH Insanity (Mental Disturbances) Neuritis (Peripheral) Hepatotoxicity  Rifampicin : RIFA Red orange color urine Isoniazide like Hepatitis Flue Like syndrome Abdominal syndrome  Pyrazinamide : HH Hepatotoxicity Hyperurcemia  Ethambutoln : E

Eye disease (Visual acuity, color vision) Field District Cell Wall Synthesis Inhibitors: PENICILLIN Family Controls Bacterial Cell Vall Penicillins Fosfomycin Cycloserine Bacitracin Cephalosporins Vancomycin

Stages of Erythopoeisis: Powerful Business Ruins Our Reeling Environment Proetythroblast Basophilic Erythroblast Polychromatoc Erythroblast Orthochromatophlic Erythroblasts Reticulocytes Erythrocytes

Layers of Epidermis: Come Let’s Go See Babe Starum Corneum Stratum Lucidum Stratum Ganulosum Statum Spinosum Statum Basal

Layers of Retina : Retinal Layer Examination Of Inner Ganglion Needs Infromation Retinal Pigment Epithelium Layers of cones and rods External Limiting Membrane Outer nucleus layer Outer plexiform Inner nuclear layer Inner plexiform layer Ganglion cell layer Nerve fibre layer Internal limiting membrane

Type of Collagen and Location: Baby Can Remember Basic Problem Type I – Bone Type II – Cartilage Type III – Reticular Fibre Type IV – Basement Membrane Type V – Placenta

Multiple Sclerosis: INSULAR Intentional tremor

Nystagmus speech Slurred speech Uthoff’s Phenomenon Lhermitte’s sign Ataxia Rebound Causes of atrial fibrillation: TACHICARDIA Thyrotoxicosis Acute Pulmonary Thromboembolism Congenital heart disease Hypertension Ischemic heart disease Cardiomyopathy Acute pancreatitis Rheumatic heart disease lung Disease Idiopathic Alcohol

Adverse effects of aspirin: ASPIRIN Allergic Reaction Salicylism Peptic Ulcer Idiosyncracy Rye’s syndrome

Impairment of hearing and vision Nephrotoxicity

Causes of Lower GI Bleeding: INDIAN Internal Piles Neoplasia Diverticular disease IBD (inflammatory Bowel Disease) Angiodysplasia

Etiologies of GERD: GNASHING Gastric reflux Nicotine Alcohol Stress Helicobacter pylori Ischemia NSAIDS Glucocorticoids

Meckel’s Diverticulum : Rule of 2 2% of populations 2 inches long 2 feet from ileocecal junction

2 years of age at diagnosis 2% of patient are symptomatic 2 types of mucosa (gastric and pancreatic

Risk Factors of Cholangiocarcinoma: 8Cs Caroli’s Disease Choledochal cyst Colitis (ulcerative Colitis) Cholangitis (Sclerosing Cholangist) Clonorchis Sinensis Congenital hepatic Fibrosis Carrier state of typhoid Carcinogens

Cause of ACUTE Pancreatitis: GET SMASHED Gallstones Ethanol (Alcohol) Trauma (Blunt abdominal trauma) Steroid Mumps Autoimmune ( SLE Sjorgen syndrome) Scorpion stings Hyperlipidemia, Hypercalcemia ERCP Drugs (thiazide, Azathiprine)

Types of Chornic Gastiris:  Type A Chronic Gastritis Anemia (Pernicious anemia) Antibodies to parietal cells Achlorhydria Autoimmune  Type B Chronic Gastiris Bacteria (H. Pylori) Causes of vomiting: VOMITING Vestibular, vagal reflex (pain) Opiates Migraine, Metabolic eg. DKA Infection Toxicity (cytotoxic, digoxin) Increased ICP, Ingested Alcohol Neurgenic GI, Gestation

Peptic Ulcer Classification: One is Less, Two has Two, Three is Pre, Four is by the door Type I – ulcer on LESSer curvature Type II – Gastric & duodenal Ulcer (two) Type III – Prepyloric Area Type IV – Near gastroduodenal junction (door)

Turner Syndrome: CLOWNS Cardiac Abnormalities (Specifically Coartication)

Lymphoedema Ovaries Underdeveloped (sterility, amenorrhoea) Webbed neck Nipples widely spaced Short

Classification of Ovarian Tumor: My Sister Begun Experiencing Cancer, Doctor Examined The Cancer, She Felt Good  Surface Epithelial tumor Mucinous Serous Brunner Endometroid Clear Cell  Germ Cell tumor Dysgerminoma Endometrial sinus Teratoma Choriocarcinoma  Sex chord Stromal Tumor Sertoli leydig cell tumor Fibroma Granulose theca cell Tumor

Etiology of Oral Cancer: 6 Ss Smoking Spicy food Syphilis Spirit

Sharp tooth Sepsis Superficial glossitis Susceptibility

Types of Thyroid Cancer: Please F*ck My Ass Papillary carcinoma Foliicular carcinoma Medullary carcinoma Anaplastic carcinoma

Risk factors of endometrial cancer: ENDOMET Estrogen(unopposed and high level) Nulliparity, low parity Diabetes mellitus Obesity, PCOD( Polycystic ovarian disease) Menopause late Early menarche Tamoxifen, tumor (Ovarain , Breat Anorectal)

Clotting Factors: Foolish People Try Climbing long Slopes After Christmas, Some people Have fallen Factor I – Fibrinogen Factor II – Prothromin Factor III – Thromboplastin

Factor IV – Calcium Factor V – Labile Factor Factor VII – stable factor Factor VIII – Antihemophilic Factor A Factor IX – Christmas Factor Factor X – Stuart power factor Factor XI – Plasma Thromboplastin antecedent Factor XII – hagman Factor Factor XIII – Fibrin stabilizing Factor

Causes of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: MEDIAN TRAP Myxedema Edema Diabetes mellitus Idiophatic (MC) Acromegaly Trauma Rheumatoid Arthritis Amyliodosis Pregnancy...

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