Medical Terminology Final Exam PDF

Title Medical Terminology Final Exam
Author sarah altuve
Course Health Care Medicl Terminology
Institution Florida Atlantic University
Pages 5
File Size 100.2 KB
File Type PDF
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This is a final exam review that covers the last chapters of the health care medical terminology book....


Medical Terminology Final Exam On Chapters 14, 15, 16, 17 48 questions Exam is Monday, April 30th at 4pm (can come at 3:30pm)

Without sensation: par-esthesia surgical repair of a nerve: neuro-plasty Paralysis of one limb: mono- plegia Surgical removal of a nerve: neuroectomy Abnormal softening of the brain: encephalomalacia Brain pain: Encephalagia Brain Tumor: Encephaloma Area of the brain responsible for coordination of motion/movements: cerebellum Without speech: aphasia Referring to a tumor: -Oma: Inflammation of the sac around the brain: Meningitis Record of the spinal cord: -gram I told you there’s two kinds of nervous systems, there’s a peripheral and centralyou have to be able to identify those.. The PNS consists of the nerves and ganglia outside the brain and spinal cord. ... The autonomic nervous system is an involuntary control of smooth muscle and glands.The central nervous system (CNS) controls most functions of the body and mind. It consists of two parts:

the brain and the spinal cord. The brain is the center of our thoughts, the interpreter of our external environment, and the origin of control over body movement. Endocrine INFORMATION : Endoc r i negl andsar egl andsoft heendoc r i ne s y s t em t hats ec r et et hei rpr oduct s ,hor mones,di r ect l yi nt ot hebl oodr at her t hant hr oughaduc t .Themaj orgl andsoft heendocr i nes y st em i nc l ude t hepi neal gl and,pi t ui t ar ygl and,panc r eas,ov ar i es ,t est es ,t hy r oi d gl and,par at hyr oi dgl and,hy pot hal amusandadr enal gl ands.The hypot hal amusandpi t ui t ar ygl andar eneur oendoc r i neor gans .

Excessive sugar in the blood: hyperglycemia enlarged adrenal gland: Adrenomegaly Identify the word that would represent a surgical procedure: Type of tumor: Blood condition: emia Excessive secretion of an endotype gland: Resembling a gland:” adenoid Does NOT refer to an endocrine gland: Inflammation of the thyroid: thyroiditis One who studies the endocrine system: endocrinologist There is a “what is not true” and that would be something you have to read each of the answers” What is not an endocrine gland?: Sebaceous gland

Double vision : diplopia Instrument for viewing the eye: opthalmoscope Flow of tears: lacrimation Surgical repair of the cornea: keratoplasty Surgical fixation of the retina : retinopexy Abnormal softening of the sclera: episcletitis A term that does NOT mean pertaining to the eye: Pertaining to eye” Binocular Eye: Ocular Surgical repair of the eyelid: blepharoplasty What term is NOT a surgical procedure?: What is NOT a pathological condition?: What is NOT an accessory to the eye?: Ar eacc es sor i est ot heey e:Ey ebr ows Lac r i mal Gl ands Pal pebr ae( ey el i ds ) Conj unc t i v i a Ey el as hes Tar sal Gl ands Ex t r i nsi cMusc l es

Statement about visual doctors- what is not true about what they do?:

The two visual doctors you need to worry about are: Ophthalmologist : studies diseases and treatments of the eye Optometrist: tests for visual function and treats nonsurgical eye conditions Inflammation of one of the tonsils” tonsillitis Ear pain: otalgia Record of a hearing test: audiogram Pertaining to the ear:  o o o

EAR: Aur/o Ot/o aur/i

 o o o o

Pertaning to: Ar Ary ic al

There’s a term of two anatomy names and if you drew a line between them, you have to know what this one be doing if it went to that one: An instrument for viewing the voice box: Fungal infection- understand what makes it a fungus? fungal infections often start in the lungs or on the skin. You are more likely to get a fungal infection if you have a weakened immune system or take antibiotics.

Paralysis of the voice box: Laryngoplegia Inflammation of the voice box: Laryngitis Surgical incision into ear drum: What is NOT a surgical procedure? Cutting into the throat: pharyngotomy A mismatch- two words to each of the four answers and one of the two answers doesn’t belong there. The only way you’re going to know that is to read the book and be familiar with the anatomy....

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