Medical Terminology - Lecture notes Entire Course PDF

Title Medical Terminology - Lecture notes Entire Course
Course Health Care Medicl Terminology
Institution Florida Atlantic University
Pages 34
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This is some of the material covered in medical terminology. ...


Medical Terminology "condition" word parts -ia, -iasis, -ism, -osis, -y

abductors any muscle that makes movement away from the midline of the body possible

acromegaly a chronic disease of adults in which there is abnmormal enlagement of the extremities of the skeleton caused by hypersecreation of growth hormone after maturity

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adductors muscles responsible for drawing a limb toward the midline of the body

adipsia absense of thirst

adrenal flattened body above each kidney that secreates steroid hormones, epinephrine and norepinephrine

agoraphobia intense, irrational fear of open spaces

albinism congenital absence of pigment in the skin, hair and eyes, caused by absence of defect of tyrosinase, an enzyme that catalyzes the oxidation of tyrosine, a precursor of melanin

algesi(o) sensitivity to pain

-algesia sensitivity to pain

-algia pain

alopecia baldness

ambulatory person who is able to walk

amnion thin membrane that lines the chorion and contains the fetus and amniotic fluid around it

chorion outermost fetal membrane, forms the fetal part of the placenta

amniocentesis percutaneous transabdominal puncture of the amnion for the purpose of removing amniotic fluid

amniorrhexis rupture of amnion

amniotomy deliberate rupture of the fetal membranes to induce labor

anahyper-, super-, ultra- , excessive

androgen produces masculin characteristics

anesthetic agent used to produce loss of feeling

angioplasty surgical repair of a blood vessel

angiorraphy suture of a vessel

ankylosis condition in which the joint is stiff

anorchidism absence of testes

anterior front


substance that prevents blood from clotting

anuric lack of urinating

apnea absense of breathing

arterial stenosis narrowing of the artery

arteriosclerosis thickening & loss of elasticity of the walls of the arteries

auscultation act of listening for sounds within the body

Bowman capsule part of the kidney that functions as a filter in the formation of urine

bradycardia descreased pulse

bulla skin lesion is a blister that is larger than 1 cm and filled with clear fluid

cachexia physical attributes of malnutrition

catheter flexible tube passed thru body channels for withdrawal or instroduction of fluids into a body cavity

caudal pertaining to the tail, denoting a position that is more toward the tail

-cele hernia

cellular pertaining to or made up of cells

chorionic villus sampling sampling of placental tissues for prenatal diagnosis of potential genetic defects

colo(o) vagina

colpohysterectomy removal of uterus w/o incisiion of the abdominal wall

colpoplasty surgical repair of the vagina

coronary heart/artery disease myocardial damage caused by insufficient blood supply

cryotherapy cold temperature therapy

cryptorchidism a developmental defect in which the testes remain in the abdominal cavity, undescended testes

cyanosis bluish discoloration of the skin and mucous membrane caused by a deficiency of O2 in the blood

cyst(o) bladder, syst, fluid-filled sac

cystocele herniation of the bladder

decalcification loss of calcium from the bone

decubitis ulcer pressure sores

dehiscence a splitting open

dermabrasion surgicalprocedure that uses an abrasice disk or other mechanical method to plane the skin


inflammation of the skin

diagnosis art of distinguishing one disease from another

diastole relaxation of the ventricles

dilatation condition of being dilated or stretched beyond normal divisions

dilation and curettage surgical procedure that expands the opening into the uterus so that the surface of the uterine wall can be scraped

distal far or distant from the orgin or point of attachment

-dynia pain

dysbad, difficult

dyslexia inability to read, spell and write words despite the ability to see and recognize letters

dysphonia hoarseness

dysphoria disquiet, relessness or malaise

dysuria painful or difficult urination

-ectasia dilation, enlargement

-ectomy excision, surgical removal or cutting out

edema presence of abnormally large amoutns of fluid in the tissues

electrocardiograph instrument that records electrical currents generated by the heart

electronic fetal monitor instrument used during labor to record the fetal heart rate and the maternal uterine contractions

embolism moving clot that lodges in a smaller blood vessel

-emesis vomiting

endocarditis inflammation of the inner lining of the heart

endocrine glands that secrete hormones into the bloodstream

endocrine gland secrete hormones into the bloodstream

endoscope illuminated optical instrument for visualization of the interior of a body cavity or organ

episiotomy surgical incision into the perineum and vagina to prevent traumatic tearing during delivery

erythema redness of skin produced by congestion of the capillaries

erythroderma skin disorder causing intense, widespread reddening of the skin

adipsia absense of thirst

evisceration protrusion of internal organs through an open wound


cutting out

exophthalmos abnormal protrusion of the eyball

extensors any muscle that extends a joint

extraout, without, away from

extracellular fluid fluid thati s not contained within the cells

fissure a split; a cleft or groove

fistula abnormal opening between two organs

flexors any muscle that flexes a joint

frontal plane division anterior and posterior portions

Function of urethra carry urine from the bladder

furuncle a painful nodule formed in the skin by circumscribed inflammation enclosing a core; a boil

gastralgia stomachache

gastroenterology specializes in stomach and intestines

glomerulus a small cluster, as of blood vessels or nerve fibers; often used alone to designate one of the renal flomeruli which act as filters

gonads an organ that produces eggs or sperm; ovary or testis

-gram a record

-graph instrument for recording

-graphy process of recording

gravida pregnant female

hemoptysis spitting up of blood or blood-stained sputum

hirsutism abnormal hairiness, especially an adult male pattern of hair distribution in women

hives raised, often itchy, red welts on the surface of the skin; usually an allergic reaction to food or medicine

hyperexcessive, more than normal

hyperalimentation the IV infusion of a hypertonic sol'n that contains sufficient nutrients to sustain life

hyperinsulinsim excessive secretion of insulin by the pancreas, resulting in an increased level of insulin in the blood and hypoglycemia

hyperlipidemia high blood cholesterol & triglycerides

hyperopia an error of refraction in which rays of light entering the eye are brought to a focus behind the retina; farsightedness

hyperosmia increased sensitivity to odors

hyperplasia abnormal increase in the # of normal cells in a tissue

hypertension increased blood pressure

hyperthyroid increased activity of the thyroid

hypochromia condition in which erythrocytes have reduced hemoglobin content

hypotension descreased blood pressure

hypothyroid decreased activity of the thyroid

hypoxia condition of decreased oxygen

hyster(o) uterus

hysteroptosis falling or prolapse of the uterus

ichthyosis any of several generalized skin disorders marked by dryness and scaliness, resembling fish skin

innot or inside (in)

infer(o) lowermost or below

inspiration drawing of air into the lungs


intercellular located between cells



-ist one who



-itis inflammation

jejunum part of the small intestine

lactase an enzyme that breaks down lactose, deficiency of this enzyme may result in symptoms of lactose intolerance

lactogenesis the origin or formation of milk

lactation secretion of milk or the period of milk secretion

lactogenic stimulating the production of milk

lactose the main sugar present in milk of mammals

lavage washing out of stomach contents

lethargy lowered level of consciousness marked by listlessness, drowsiness and lack of feeling or emotion

leukocytosis increase in the # of leukocytes

leukopenia decreased white blood cell count

-logic -logical , pertaining to

-logist one who studies; specialist

-logy study or science of

Loop of Henle a long, U-shaped part of the renal tubule, extending through the medulla from the end of the proximal convoluted tubule to the beginnin of the distal convoluted tubule

lymphedema swelling caused by an obstruction of the lymphatics

macula discolored spot on the skin that is not elevated above the surface

-malacia soft; abnormal softening

malais vague feeling of bodily discomfort and fatigue

-mania excessive preoccupation

mediolateral middle and one side

meninges dura mater, pia mater, arachnoid

monoplegia paralysis of a limb

multipara a woman who has given birth to more than one child

myocarditis inflammation of the heart muscle

myometritis inflammation of the muscular layer of the uterus

nas(o) nose


death of tissue

nephron functional unit of a kidney

nephrosclerosis hardening of the kidney

nephrosonography ultrasound of the kidney

neruon nerve cell

neurologist specialist in disorders of the nervous system

nosocomephobia fear of hospital

nullipara a female individual who has never borne a child

nycturia frequent urination during the night; especially the passage of more urine at night than during the day

obstetric branch of surgery that deals with the management of pregnancy and delivery

oliguria excreting less than 500 mL of urine a day

omphal(o) umbilical

omphalorrhexis rupture of the umbilicus

onych(o) nails

onychectomy excision of a nail or nail bed; removal of claws of an animal

onychomalacia softening of the nails

oophor(o) ovary

oophorosalpingohysterectomy surgical removal of an overy and uterine tube

ophthalmomalacia abnormal softening of the eye

ophthalmoscope instrument used to examine the interior of the eye

orchiotomy incision and drainage of a testis

orchipexy surgical transfer of an imperfectly descended testicle into the scrotum and suturing it there

orthopnea condition in which breathing is possible only when the person is in an upright position

ossification formation of bone substance

osteolysis active reabsorption of bone matrix by osteoclasts as part of the ongoing disease process; destruction of the bone

otolayngology branch of medicine that specializes in ear, nose and throat

oxytocin pituitary hormone that stimulates uterine contractions and milk ejection

pancreatolithectomy removal of pancreatic stones


hyperplasia abnormal increase in the # of normal cells in a tissue

hypertension increased blood pressure

hyperthyroid increased activity of the thyroid

hypochromia condition in which erythrocytes have reduced hemoglobin content

hypotension descreased blood pressure

hypothyroid decreased activity of the thyroid

hypoxia condition of decreased oxygen

hyster(o) uterus

hysteroptosis falling or prolapse of the uterus

ichthyosis any of several generalized skin disorders marked by dryness and scaliness, resembling fish skin

innot or inside (in)

infer(o) lowermost or below

inspiration drawing of air into the lungs


intercellular located between cells




one who



-itis inflammation

jejunum part of the small intestine

lactase an enzyme that breaks down lactose, deficiency of this enzyme may result in symptoms of lactose intolerance

lactogenesis the origin or formation of milk

lactation secretion of milk or the period of milk secretion

lactogenic stimulating the production of milk

lactose the main sugar present in milk of mammals

lavage washing out of stomach contents

lethargy lowered level of consciousness marked by listlessness, drowsiness and lack of feeling or emotion

leukocytosis increase in the # of leukocytes

leukopenia decreased white blood cell count

-logic -logical , pertaining to


one who studies; specialist

-logy study or science of

Loop of Henle a long, U-shaped part of the renal tubule, extending through the medulla from the end of the proximal convoluted tubule to the beginnin of the distal convoluted tubule

lymphedema swelling caused by an obstruction of the lymphatics

macula discolored spot on the skin that is not elevated above the surface

-malacia soft; abnormal softening

malais vague feeling of bodily discomfort and fatigue

-mania excessive preoccupation

mediolateral middle and one side

meninges dura mater, pia mater, arachnoid

monoplegia paralysis of a limb

multipara a woman who has given birth to more than one child

myocarditis inflammation of the heart muscle

myometritis inflammation of the muscular layer of the uterus

nas(o) nose


death of tissue

nephron functional unit of a kidney

nephrosclerosis hardening of the kidney

nephrosonography ultrasound of the kidney

neruon nerve cell

neurologist specialist in disorders of the nervous system

nosocomephobia fear of hospital

nullipara a female individual who has never borne a child

nycturia frequent urination during the night; especially the passage of more urine at night than during the day

obstetric branch of surgery that deals with the management of pregnancy and delivery

oliguria excreting less than 500 mL of urine a day

omphal(o) umbilical

omphalorrhexis rupture of the umbilicus

onych(o) nails

onychectomy excision of a nail or nail bed; removal of claws of an animal

onychomalacia softening of the nails

oophor(o) ovary

oophorosalpingohysterectomy surgical removal of an overy and uterine tube

ophthalmomalacia abnormal softening of the eye

ophthalmoscope instrument used to examine the interior of the eye

orchiotomy incision and drainage of a testis

orchipexy surgical transfer of an imperfectly descended testicle into the scrotum and suturing it there

orthopnea condition in which breathing is possible only when the person is in an upright position

ossification formation of bone substance

osteolysis active reabsorption of bone matrix by osteoclasts as part of the ongoing disease process;

destruction of the bone

otolayngology branch of medicine that specializes in ear, nose and throat

oxytocin pituitary hormone that stimulates uterine contractions and milk ejection

pancreatolithectomy removal of pancreatic stones


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