Medical Terminology Lesson 5 - Copy PDF

Title Medical Terminology Lesson 5 - Copy
Author jp deemi
Course Biology
Institution York University
Pages 2
File Size 61.2 KB
File Type PDF
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Professor Ashen...


Medical Terminology Lesson 5 Cardiovascular System Combining Form Angi/o Aort/o Arteri/o Arteriol/o Cardi/o Phleb/o Ven/o Venul/o

Meaning Vessel Aorta Artery Arteriole Heart Vein Vein Venule

PATHOLOGY Angina pectoris – decreased blood flow to the heart causing chest pain Aneurysm – local widening of an artery due to weakness in the arterial wall Arrhythmia – abnormal hearth rhythm Atherosclerosis – cholesterol-like plaque causing hardening of the arteries Cardiac arrest – complete cessation of heart function Congestive hear failure – impaired cardiac functioning resulting in failure of the ventricle to eject blood causing volume overload, chamber dilation, and pulmonary edema Defibrillation – the use of an electrical shock to the heart to bring about a slower and regular heartbeat Embolus – foreign particle circulating the blood like a blood clot, bubble of air, or cholesterol plaque Embolism – the sudden obstruction of a vessel by an embolus Fibrillation – extremely fast and irregular heartbeat Hypertension – high blood pressure Myocardial infarction – HEART ATTACK. An infraction in an aera of dead tissue Shock – a combination of poor oxygen supply to tissues and insufficient return of blood to the heart producing paleness of the skin, weak and rapid pulse, and shallow breathing Lipid levels – cholesterol and tryglyceride level in the blood Coronary thrombosis – a hear attack cause by a clot that occludes a coronary vessel

DIAGNOSTICS Angiography – following injection of contrast into the bloodstream, x-ray images are recorded to determine the status of the blood vessels Cardiac catheterization – a catheter is introduced into a vein or artery to measure pressure and flow patterns of blood Doppler ultrasounds – technique using sound waves to measure blood flow in the vessels Echocardiography – images of the heart are produced by sound waves Electrocardiography (EKG,ECG) – record of the electrical conductive of the heart Stress test – AN EKG, bloos pressure and heart rate measurement detailing the heart’s response to physical exertion TREATMENT Cardioversion – brief jolts of electricity passing through the chest to stop a cardiac arrhythmia. Another name of this process is defibrillation Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) – a procedure in which vessels harvested from the patient’s legs or chest are connected to coronary arteries to make detours around blockages Endarterectomy – fatty deposits and clots are removed via surgical removal of the innermost lining of an artery Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) – a balloon-tripped catherter is threaded into a coronary artery to reduce fatth deposits and open the artery. Expandable slotted tubes called stent create a wilder opening that makes the recurrence of blockages less likely Assignment...

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