Medical Terminology - Prefixes and suffixes to understand anatomy PDF

Title Medical Terminology - Prefixes and suffixes to understand anatomy
Course ABCP
Institution Queen's University Belfast
Pages 4
File Size 92.1 KB
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Prefixes and suffixes to understand anatomy...


An Aid to Understanding Medical Terminology The following is a list of commonly used prefixes and suffixes, their original meaning from the Latin or Greek and examples of their current usage cavhollow: corpora cavernosa anegative prefix: amorphous caecblind: caecum abaway from: abduction centrpoint, centre: centromere acetvinegar: acetabulum cephalhead: cephalic region adto: adduction cerebrbrain: cerebrum adipfat: adipose tissue cervicneck: cervical vertebrae -aemia in the blood: hypoproteinaemia chiasmcross-shaped: optic chiasma aerair: aerobic respiration chondrcartilage: chondrocyte afto: afferent arteriole choriprotective foetal membrane: chorion agglutinto glue together: agglutination chromcolour: chromatin albwhite: albino chymjuice: chyme alimentfood: alimentary -clas break: osteoclast allantsausage: allantois clavbar: clavicle alvetrough, channel, cavity: alveolus cleavto divide: cleavage an-1 see acowith, together: coenzyme an-2 see anacochlea snail: cochlea anaup, positive: anabolic collower intestine: colon andrman: androgens condylknuckle: condyle angivessel: angiogram contraagainst, counter: contraception annulring: annular ligament coracraven: coracoid process antebefore: antebrachium cornhorn: cornea appendto attach, hang or fix to: appendicular corporbody: corpus callosum -ar pertaining to: lobar bronchus corticbark, rind: cortex arbortree: arbor vitae craniskull: cranial arcbow: arciform artery cribumsieve: cribiform plate areolopen space: areola cricring-shaped: cricoid cartilage arthrjoint: arthrology -crin distinguish, separate off: endocrine astrstar: astrocytes cristacrest: crista galli atheroporridge: atherosclerosis crurshin, leg: crura atrientrance: atrium cusppoint, apex: tricuspid valve audhearing: auditory canal cutskin: subcutaneous aurear: auricle cystbladder: cystitis autoself: autoimmune cytcell: cytoplasm axaxis: axial skeleton dartlike skin: dartos muscle axillarmpit: axillary artery deto remove: deamination basbase: basilar artery decidufalling off: deciduous bitwo: bicuspid valve deglutto get rid of: deglutination biceptwo heads: biceps brachii dendrtree: dendrite bilbile: bilirubin dermskin: dermis biolife: biology detrusto force away: detrusor muscle -blast bud, child, a growing thing ditwo: diencephalons in early stages: osteoblast diastoldilation: diastole blephareyelid: blepharitis digitfinger: digital artery brachiarm: brachial region diuretto pass urine: diuretic bradyslow: bradycardia dorsback: dorsal bronchwindpipe: bronchus ectoutside: ectoderm bursbag, purse: bursa ectopout of place: ectopic beat calatsomething inserted: intercalated disk oedswelling: oedema calcheel: calcaneus ejaculto shoot forth: ejaculation calorheat: calorie embolstopper: embolus calyccup: major calyx encephalthe brain: encephalitis canalchannel: cannaliculus endinside: endoplasmic reticulum carcincrab, cancer: carcinoma ependymtunic: ependyma cardiheart; pericardium epiupon, after, in addition: epithelium caridecay: dental caries ergwork, deed: synergist carinhull, keel: carina erythrred: erythrocyte carotcarrot: carotene ethmosieve: ethmoid bone carpuswrist: carpals exooutside: exocrine catadown: catabolic extraoutside of , beyond: extracellular caudtail: cauda equina

falxfascifemurfimbflaccflagellfollicforefossfoveafrenulfunigangligastr-gen genesis gladiglen-glia glomglutglycgracil-gram guberngustgynhaemhemiheparhepatheterohiathistholhomhormhumorhyhyalhyperhypoimimmunininflamminfrainhalinsulinterintrairidisjuguljunctjuxtakeratkyphlabilabrlabyrinthlacrimalact-

a sickle: falx cerebelli band: fasciculus thigh: femur fringe: fimbriae flabby: flaccid whip: flagellum small bag: follicle before, the front part of: forebrain ditch, trench: fossa ovalis pit: fovea capitis bridle, restraint: frenulum small cord or fibre: funiculus swelling: ganglion stomach: gastric gland become, be produced: allergen origin: spermatogenesis sword: gladiolus joint socket: glenoid cavity glue: neuroglia little ball: glomerulus buttocks: gluteus maximus sweet: glycogen slender: gracilis letter, drawing: myogram to steer, to guide: gubernaculum to taste: gustatory receptor woman: gynaecology blood: haemoglobin half: hemiplegia liver: heparin liver: hepatic duct other, different: heterozygous opening: oesophageal hiatus web, tissue: histology entire, whole: holocrine gland same, common: homeostasis impetus, impulse: hormone moisture, fluid: humoral U-shaped: hyoid bone glass, hyaline cartilage above, beyond: hypertonic under, below: hypotonic negative prefix: imbalance free, exempt: immunity see imto set on fire: inflammatory beneath: infraorbital nerve to breathe in: inhalation island: insula among, between: interphase inside: intracellular rainbow, coloured circle: iris equal: isotope neck, throat: jugular vein yoke, join: junctional fibre near, beside: juxtaglomerular cells horn: keratin hump, hump-backed: kyphosis lip: labia lip: glenoidal labrum maze: bony labyrinth tears: lacrimal gland milk: prolactin

lacunlamelllanuglaten-lemm leuklingulip-logy lordlunlutely-lyt macrmacula malmallemammmanmandibmastmaxillmeatmedimelanmenmeningmentmesmetameter micrmidmillimitmonmonsmorulmotmultimutmynasnatnenephrneurneuter nodnuclenutriobesoccipitoculiodont-oid olfactoligooororb-


pool: lacuna thin plate: lamella down: lanugo hidden: latent rind, peel: neurolemma white: leukocyte tongue: lingual tonsil fat: lipids study of: physiology bent back: lordosis moon: semilunar valve yellow: macula lutea loose, dissolve: lysosome dissolvable: electrolyte large: macrophage spot, stain: macula densa bad, abnormal: malnutrition hammer: malleus breast: mammary gland hand: manubrium jaw: mandible breast: mastitis jawbone: maxillary bone a passage: auditory meatus middle: adrenal medulla black: melanin month: menstrual membrane: meninges mind: mental foramen middle: mesoderm after, beyond, accompanying: metabolism measure: calorimeter small: microfilament middle: midbrain one thousandth: millimetre thread: mitosis one: monozygotic an eminence: mons pubis mulberry: morula move: motor neuron many: multipolar neuron change: mutation muscle: myofibril nose: nasal to be born: prenatal new, young: neonatal period kidney: nephron nerve: neuron neither one nor the other: neutral knot: nodule kernel: nucleus nourish: nutrient fat: obesity back of the head: occipital lobe eye: orbicularis oculi tooth: odontoid process form: odontoid process to smell: olfactory few, small: oligodendrocytes egg: oogenesis mouth: oral cavity circle: orbital

-osis oss-ous ovpalpebra papillparaparietpathpellpelviperipeptphagphenphlebphotphrenpiapinopleurplexplicpoiepolypoplporpostpreproxpseudpterpuberpulmopylquadrramus rectrenretreticulrhinsaccharsaltator sarcsclersebsectsellasemisensenssin-some sorptsquamstastratstriasubsulcsupersupra-

abnormal condition: leukocytosis bone: osseous tissue having qualities of: cancerous egg: synovial fluid eyelid: levator palpebrae superioris nipple: papillary muscle beside: parathyroid glands wall: parietal membrane disease, sickness: pathogen skin: pellagra basin: pelvic cavity around: pericardial membrane digest: peptic ulcer eat: phagocytosis show, be seen: phenotype vein: phlebitis light: photoreceptor mind, midriff: phrenic nerve pious, gentle: pia mater drink: pinocytosis rib, side: pleural membrane strike: choroid plexus fold: plica circularis make, produce: haematopoiesis many: polycythaemia ham (knee): popliteal artery passage, channel: pore after: postnatal period before: prophase nearest: proximal false: pseudostratified epithelium wing: pterygoid process adult: puberty lung: pulmonary artery door, orifice: pyloric sphincter four: quadriceps femoris branch: gray ramus straight: rectum kidney: renal cortex net: rete testis network: sarcoplasmic reticulum nose: rhinitis sugar: monosaccharide dancer: saltatory conduction flesh: sarcoplasm hard: sclera grease: sebaceous gland cut: section saddle-shaped: sella turcica half: semitendinosus old: senescence feeling: sensory neuron hollow: sinus body: ribosome to soak up: absorption scale: squamous epithelium halt, make stand: haemostasis spread out: substrate groove: striated muscle under: sublingual gland furrow: sulcus above: superior above: supraspinatus muscle

sutursynsyndesmsystoltachytaltetanthalamtheothermthrombthyrtoctomtontranstritrigontroptrophtubertympanumbilunurutervagvalent vasvesicvillviscvitrevoluntaryxiphzonzym-


sewing: suture together: syncytium binding together: syndesmosis contraction: systole rapid: tachycardia ankle: talus stiff: tetanus chamber: thalamus sheath: theca externa heat: thermoreceptor clot: thrombocyte shield: thyroid gland childbirth: oxytocin cut: anatomy stretch: isotonic across: transverse three: tricuspid valve triangle: trigone turn, react: adrenocorticotropic nurture: hypertrophy swelling: tuberculosis drum: tympanic membrane navel: umbilical cord one: unipolar neuron urine: ketonuria womb: uterus to wander: vagus nerve having power: electrovalent vessel: vasa recta bladder: vesicle hair: villus internal organs: viscera glass: vitreous humor of free will: voluntary muscle sword: xiphoid process belt: zona pellucida ferment: enzyme...

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