Medterms exam Notes - Difficult words PDF

Title Medterms exam Notes - Difficult words
Author Liz Hilton
Course Ancient Roots of Medical Terminology
Institution McMaster University
Pages 10
File Size 71.1 KB
File Type PDF
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Medterms Notes:  Ch 1.6c o Pick the correct alternate form for:  serosus:  Serosa  Mastoid  Mastoideus  Mediale  Medial  Phalangea  Phalangeum  Glotticum  Glottic  Mediana  Medianum  Mucous  Mucosum  Iliac  Iliacum  Mucosa  Mucous  Median  Medianus  Cochlearis  Cochleare  Cochleare  Cochlear  Serosa  Serosum  Medial  Medialis  Mastoidea  Mastoideum  Phalangea  Phalangeum  Medianum  Median  Glottica  Glotticum  Glottic  Glotticus  Ch 1.1ia o Provide a medical term for:  Pertaining to the swelling of a blurg

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Ch 2.2a o Complete the following  The flowing of something FROM the heart INVOLVING a vessel  Pain IN the right eye AND the left eye  The making of an opening IN the knee AND the kneecap  The examination OF the liver INVOLVING a duct  The flowing of something FROM the intestine AND the stomach  Pain INVOLVING water INVOLVING the lung Ch 2 video o Define:  X-ostom-ist  One who makes an opening IN x  O-metri-ist  One who measures x  Mastopectic  Pertaining to the adhesion of a breast  Musculolithectomy  The cutting out of a calculus in a muscle  Cytogenecist  One who specializes in the science of the production of cells  Ulnoclastic  Pertaining to the breaking of the ulna o ia and osis don’t have independent meanings (only translated as “an abnormal condition involving” Ch 3 Latin Ch 4 o Define:  Otencephalon  The part of the brain involving the ear  Membrane pupillaris  A membrane pertaining to a pupil Ch 5 o Define:  Venosothoracoplasia  the formation of the chest and something pertaining to the veins  omophlebitis  the inflammation of the veins of the shoulder  sanguinomembrana  a collection of blood in the membrane  dermectome  an instrument for cutting out  membrana nervosa  a membrane pertaining to a nerve

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musculus pubococcygeus  a muscle pertaining to the coccyx, involving the pubis x-um z-ale  the x pertaining to the z or zes cartilage brachialis  the cartilage pertaining to the arm an abnormal condition involving a vessel OF the heart adenorrhectic  pertaining to the rupturing of a gland spinocranium  the part of the skull involving he spine rhinencephalon  the part of the brain involving the nose

Ch 6 o Rhinoproposoplastosis  An abnormal condition involving the surgical repairing of the face, involving the nose o Pneumatencephalon  The part of the brain involving air o Pneumonocerebrum  The part of the brain involving the lungs o Venula carpalis  A little vein pertaining to the wrist o Phrenotology  The study of an abnormal condition involving the diaphragm o Several little bronchuses  Broncholi o A little bronchus  Bronchioles o A little septum  Septulum o Pneumotorrhagia  The rapid flowing of air o Nervosa  Pertaining to a nerve o Pharyngolaryngoscopy  The examination of the larynx, involving the pharynx o Pneumencephalon  A collection of air in the brain o All correct definitions of arteriae fibulares  NO – the arteries of the fibula  No OF, only p.t. o Antrulosis

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 An abnormal condition involving a little antrum Thymologist  One who studies the thymus Cheilitotic  Pertaining to an abnormal condition involving the inflammation of the lips Mandibulomentum  The part of the chin involving the lower jaw Mandibulomaxilla  The part of the upper jaw involving the lower jaw maxillomandibula  The part of the lower jaw involving the upper jaw Gnathorrhectic  Pertaining to the rupturing of the jaw Lingula  A little tongue Pulpiastic  Pertaining to the abnormal presence of pulp Geniorrhagic  Pertaining to the rapid flowing of something from the chin Gnathoidea  Resembling a jaw Buccostomic  Pertaining to the making of an opening in the cheek Dentales  Pertaining to a tooth Ossa thoracica  The bones pertaining to the chest Glandulae endocrinae  The glands pertaining to the secretions Valvula lumphatica  The valve pertaining to lymph Vasa lymphatica  The vessels pertaining to lymph Ossa cranalia  The bones pertaining to the skull Glandula bronchialis  The gland pertaining to the bronchi Corpus pineale  Neuter singular Thyrotoxicosis  The poisoning of the thyroid gland Dacryohelcosis  The ulceration of something involving tears

o Neurototoxic  Poisonous poisonous to something involving an abnormal condition involving the nerves o Sinus ethmoidales  The sinuses pertaining to the ethmoid bone o Sutura zygomatomaxillaris  The suture between the maxilla and the zygomatic bone o Arteria sphenopalatine  An artery pertaining to the palate, involving the sphenoid bone o Sinus sphenoparietalis  The sinus pertaining to the parietal bone, involving the sphenoid bone o Os temporale  The temporal bone o Ligamentum stylomandibulare  The ligament pertaining to the mandible, involving the styloid process o Osteopathia myelogenosa  A disease of the bones, produced by the bone marrow o Pneumonia lymphocytica  Abnormal condition involving the lungs, pertaining to the cells of lymph o Arthropathia …ropathic  A disease of the joints, pertaining to a disease of the nerves o Chondrosia  An abnormal condition involving something pertaining to cartilage o Omphalorrhea  The flowing of something from the navel o Umbilicotherapy  Treatment by means of something involving the navel o The secretions of a gland o Sphenoclastic  Pertaining to the breaking of the sphenoid bone o dacryostylocele  the protrusion of the tear sac o suprarenotic  pertaining to an abnormal condition involving the adrenal gland o arteriae pancreaticae  the arteries pertaining to the pancreas o musculus pubonalis  the muscle pertaining to the anus, involving the pubis o os pelvicum  the bone pertaining to the pelvis o ligamentum hepatoduodenale  a ligament pertaining to the duodenum and the liver o glandula trachealis

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 the gland pertaining to the trachea nervi sacrales  the nerves pertaining to the sacrum sinus frontales  the sinuses pertaining to the frontal bone nervi spinales  the nerves pertaining to the spine ligamentum gastrocolicum  a ligament pertaining to the colon and the stomach colitis lymphocytica  the inflammation of the colon, pertaining to the cells bronchiectasis capillaris  the distention of the bronchi, pertaining to the capillaries cavitas pericardiales  a cavity pertaining to the pericardium fascia rectosacralis  the sacral band, involving the rectum pilica duodenocolonica  the colonic fold, involving the duodenum recessus duodenojejunalis  the jejunal cavity, involving the duodenum nodi ileocolonici  the colonic knots, involving the ileum canalis gastricus  a gastric channel canalis mastoideus  a channel pertaining to the mastoid process cavitas celiaca  the celiac cavity plica gastropancreatica  the fold pertaining to the pancreas, involving the stomach lumbosacral  pertaining to the sacrum, involving the loin orchiodynia  pain in the testes plexus venosus vesicalis  the network pertaining to the vein and pertaining to the bladder plexopathia sacralis  a disease of a network, pertaining to the sacrum sulculus mentolabialis  the groove pertaining to the lips and the chin systemata musclaria  the systems pertaining to the muscles

o plexopathia lumbosacralis  a disease of a network, pertaining to the sacrum and the loin o plexus vasculares  the networks pertaining to the vessels o plexopathia brachialis  a disease of a network, pertaining to the arm o erotopenic o synoviotomy  the cutting of the synovial membrane o saccharogalactorrhea  the flowing of milk involving sugar o opsonocytophagic  pertaining to the ingestion of cells of opson o myocytology  the study of the cells of a muscle o histodysplastic  pertaining to the defective formation of tissue o hidorrheic  pertaining to the flowing of sweat o neurofibra ganglionaris  the fiber involving the nerves, pertaining to the ganglion o neurofibra visceralis  the fiber involving the nerves, pertaining to the viscera o arteria hylaoidea  the artery pertaining to something ressembling glass o membrana synovialis  the membrane pertaining to the synovia o meningioma lipamatosum  a tumour involving the meninges, pertaining to a tumour involving fat o angiomatosis retinocerebralis  an abnormal condition involving a tumour involving the vessels, pertaining to the brain and the retina o angioma arteriovenosum  a tumour involving the vessels, pertaining to the veins and arteries o cardiomyopathia alcoholica  a disease of the muscles of the heart, pertaining to alcohol o proteinuria pyogenica  the abnormal presence of proteins in the urine, producing pus o angiomatosis encephalofacialis  an abnormal condition involving a tumour involving the vessels, pertaining to the face and the brain o lipoma chondroideum  a tumour involving fat, resembling cartilage

o pneumonia fibrosa  an abnormal condition involving the lungs, pertaining to fibers o neuropathia kaliopenica  a disease of the nerves, pertaining to a deficiency of potassium o proteinuria pyogenosa  the abnormal presence of proteins in the urine, produce by pus o tunica fibrosa splenica  the coat pertaining to the fibers and pertaining to the spleen o histodysplastic  pertaining to the defective formation of tissue o membrana synovialis  the membrane pertaining to the synovia o angioma venosum  a tumour involving the vessels, pertaining to the veins o chondroma synoviale  a tumour involving cartilage pertaining to thesynovia o angioma arteriovenosum  a tumour involving the vessels, pertaining to the veins and the arteries o anticarparthritic  against the inflammation of the joints of the wrists o prosuprapulmonary  before something above the lungs o hypocardionecrosis  the death of something below the heart o hypocerebrotrophy  the insufficient growth/nourishment of the brain o paravesical  pertaining to something beside the bladder o preradiomalacic  before the softening of the radius o postsplenitic  after the inflammation of the spleen o supracholecystedema  the swelling of something above the gall bladder o extralienal  pertaining to something out of the spleen o vena prepylorica  the vein before the pylorus o ligamenta intervertebrae  the ligaments between the vertebrae o vena suprascapularis  the vein above the shoulder blade o arteria sublingualis

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 the artery below the tongue sinus paranasales  the sinuses beside the nose septum intersinuale frontale  the septum between the sinuses and pertaining to the frontal bone nephropathia hyperuricemica  a disease of the kidneys, pertaining to the abnormal presence of excessive uric acid in the blood osteosarcoma parasteale  a tumour involving flesh and bone, beside the bone venae retromandibulares  the veins behind the mandible intrapodagra  gouty pain in something inside the foot hypercrinorrhea  the flowing of excessive secretions paranasopharyngeal  beside the exoscheal  outside the scrotum cholestasis extrahepatic  the stopping of bile, outside the liver hyperesthesia oneirica  the excessive perception of something pertaining to dreams nephropathia hypokalemica  a disease of the kidneys, pertaining to the abnormal presence of insufficient potassium in the blood thrombophlebitis intracranialis  the inflammation of the veins, involving a clot, inside the skull ophthalmoplegia supranucleare  the paralysis of the eye above the nucleus chondritis intervertebrae  the inflammation of the cartilage, between the vertebrae chondroma periosteale  a tumour involving cartilage, surrounding the bone osteosarcoma intraosseosus  a tumour involving flesh and bone, inside the bone thrombosis intracranialis  an abnormal condition involving a clot, inside the skull endocrinostat  something which stops secretions cardiomyopathia hypertophica

a disease of the muscles of the heart, pertaining to the excessive growth of something hypoxia hypoxemica  an abnormal condition involving insufficient oxygen, pertaining to the abnormal presence of insufficient oxygen in the blood hyperesthesia optica  the excessive perception of something, pertaining to the eyes ophthalmoplegia internuclearis  the paralysis of the eyes, pertaining to something between the nuclei thrombophlebitis intracranialis  the inflammation of the veins, involving a clot, inside the skull hepatitis hypoxica  the inflammation of the liver, pertaining to insufficient oxygen paraspinalgic  pertaining to pain involving something beside the spine postphlebostenotic  after the narrowing of the veins 


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