Pairs of words - notes PDF

Title Pairs of words - notes
Author faisal sameer
Course M. Phil Seminar
Institution University of the Punjab
Pages 22
File Size 687.2 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 10
Total Views 151




S. No. 1

2 3








To be greater than

Accept Except Abstain

To consent Exclude from Do without To hold back to doing something Together With out any doubt


SENTENCE I accede to your proposal It is so kind of you to accede to my request I concede the truth of your statement Their success exceeded all expectations. Lahore exceeds Islamabad in size and populatio Due to previous engagement, I could not accept Bow to none except God. His doctor ordered him to abstain from beer an Let us hope they will refrain from hostile action.


All together Altogether



Way to place

The only access to achieve sublime achievemen


Coming in office

After his accession to the crown he introduced


To drink to excess is detrimental to health.


More than expectation Make something Suitable for new needs to become familiar Expert


To accept to take and use I like your methods of teaching and shall adopt



Adapt/ To adjust

Admission Admittance



He is an adept in painting.

An admission of guilt saved him from punishmen Some students gain admittance into the hall by Hamlet affected madness at times. He was badly affected by him.


Everything he says or does is calculated for effec The experience had a profound effect on her. I admit the task to be difficult.


Stronger than admit

The government acknowledges the services of v

To accept something wrong

The arrested man confessed his guilt before jud

Confess 10

Have an influence/Pretend

This book is adapted to the need of beginners. Children can adopt very easily to new environm

Result/Outcome/impress ion More general

Effect(N) 9

Being admitted, confession Being admitted to a place, that is not public

They decided to visit music hall all together. The train went slower and slower until it stoppe



A determined person can achieved desi

Averse 11

12 13 14 15


A few The few

Hardly any (Negative sense) A small number A small number



Affectation Already (adj) All ready Advice(N) Advise (V) Altar

Pretence Before now Quite prepared An opinion A piece of one’s opinion

Alter (V)

To change


Alternate (adj) Alternate (V) Alternative


Assumption Presumption




Revenge (V) Revenge (N) Accent Ascent Assent


Angel Angle

21 22


Ant Aunt Air

By turns Arrange or perform by turns Chaise between two things Baseless probability Factual probability Does not imply personal vindication Personal vindication Personal vindication Pronunciation Upward movement Concurrence a spirit who is believed to be a servant of God the space between two lines or surfaces that join Small insect Wife of uncle Mixture of gases

circumstance as well Being a man of methodical habits, he is a haphazard manner. He seems to adverse to hard work. He was few friends in the city. He is a man of few words. He gave us a few suggestions on the art of teach I cannot offend the majority for the sake of the He is suffering from an affection of the lungs. I felt great affection for my parents. It is always easy to distinguish between sincerity He has already performed his job. I am all ready to accept the challenge to achieve My advice fell flat upon him It is the duty of parents to advise their children Many people sacrificed their lives at the altar of A visionary leader never alters his vision circumstances. Most farmers alternate their crops. Private cars are banned from the city on alternat The brave sultan saw no alternative before him b The calculations are based on the assumption to rise. There is no scientific evidence to support such p God avenges the oppressed. He revenged himself for the insult. He took revenge on the neighbor, who had ridic His accent of English is good. The ascent to Muree hills is very steep. The governor gave his assent to the proposal Deborah's children are little angels. A triangle has three angles. There are many types of ants. My aunt lives in Canada. Air is combination of many gases.

23 24 25

Ere (conj) Heir Hair Avocation Vocation Artisan Artist Artiste

26 27

28 29 30

Before Inheritance Part of body Hobby Profession Handicraft practitioner Fine art practitioner Professional singer



Opposite Artful Artificial Artistic Antic Antique Ancient Old Amiable

At front of Cunning Opposed to natural Aesthetic Queer behavior Old fashioned Which is not modern Which is not new Good tempered



All Awl Bare (adj) Bear (V) Bear (V)


War Beach Beech

Complete A tool Uncovered To uncover To carry Encounter between opposing armies Between two opposing forces Prolonged encounter Shore The name of tree




Beneficial Bale Bail Berth

Useful, advantageous Bundle Security Sleeping place

31 32


Battle Fight

36 37

Do some good ere you die. He is an heir to a large property. He has a very long hair. His vocation is medicine but painting is his avoc Most of Pakistani artisans lead a very hard life. John Keats was great artist. A very notable artiste has consented to ente vocal music. The principal made very apposite remarks on th education. Our house is situated opposite to ICB college. His Artful Projects did not help him in the long r He does not believe on artificial beauty, but on The hall had been decorated in very artistic man The antic of the clown at circus greatly amused To protecting antique art work is his vocation. War was not as destructive in ancient time as it GTM is old method to teach English as foreign la Go and make yourself amiable to the poor When the countries can not settle a dispute i should settle it by arbitration. His manner was perfectly amicable. God is All in all of this universe. The carpenter was making holes in the log of wo His bare body was scorched by the mid day sun I cannot bear this ill-treatment at your hands. The Normans defeated the Saxons in the battle A police man killed and several wounded in the strikers and the police. In the last world war millions of men lost their l He was standing on the beach and was watching There is a row of beech trees in front of the sch We are very lucky in having such a beneficent ru God is very beneficent to His creation. Fresh air and good food are beneficial for health Four hundred bales of cotton were burnt in the The judge refused to release him on bail.

38 39 40


Coming to life


By side of/ outside of

Besides Between Among Blunder

Broach Brooch Bad

In addition With in two objects Surrounded A serious mistake Doing mistake without knowing actual one To take some person/thing at a place of some other. To open/ start An ornament Unpleasant

Bade (Bid)

To farewell some one


Apparatus /thicket

Error Mistake 41 42

43 44 45 46

Break Blew Blue Bridal Bridle Boy Buoy


Boldness Bravery Courage Daring Audacity


49 50

Born Borne Bourne Berry Bury Complement

The argument is beside the point. He is sitting beside her mother. I give him a watch besides his regular salary. A treaty between two powers was signed. He distributed the money among four beggars. Hitler committed a blunder in invading Russia. This assignment is full of many errors. He could not reach his destination in time beca by mistake Who should broach the topic? The brooch looks beautiful in her sari. You must avoid indulging in bad activities in ord I bade him to leave my room. I bade him at the airport. He applied brakes and saved the child being kille A brake was full of flower. The stick is so frail that it would break into two, Cold breeze was blowing. The color of sky is blue. The bridal Luke was eaten by guest. Bridle your tongue; otherwise you face its result He is a wise boy.

To come to pieces Blow Color Relating with marriage rein of horse Male child Object that points on sea A bell was placed on a buoy near the rock. etc Low order attribution He slows boldness during the talks with preside The best hearts are ever the bravest. Noble attribution Army has shown bravery in the battle. He is a man of courage. This is permanent quality We need courage and determination to solve th Low order He is a man of daring character. Attributions strong flavor His audacity was enough to flare him up. of impudence Give birth to Jinnah was born in 1976. carried He was borne his misfortunate like a brave man The company expanse beyond the national Bou Name of fruit Go and bring the berry from the market. Muslims bury their dead bodies. Complete/Make full What would be the complement of this angle?


52 53

Compliment Comprehensiv e Comprehensib le Cannon Canon Calendar Calender

54 55

Canvas Canvass Contentment Satiety



Cast (v) Caste (N) Cost (N) Ceiling Roof


59 60 61 62

63 64 65

Censer Censor Censure Ceremonial Ceremonious Child-like Childish Cession Session Cite Site Sight Chord Cord Cereal Serial Cellar Sailor

Regard Complete Understandable Large gun A rules church dignity Schedule To press cloth/Roller machine Tough cloth Asking for vote State of being satisfied To an extent/What is desired To throw list Human class Price Top inside in the room Top most cover of the building or car Vessel Examine of films Critism Relating to ceremony Formalities Used in good sense Used in negative sense Yielding up/Transferred of territory Meeting Quote Locate/Build View A string of musical instrument A thin rope Grain used for food Series Underground Member of the crew

Pay my best compliment to all friends. This scheme is quite comprehensive a s it dea problem He speaks so lucidly that every word of his speec The enemy fired cannon before launching the at The canons of morality are as binding as laws of Please consult the calendar and find out the day Please calender this shirt of mine. This sack is made of durable canvas. He is canvassing for the conservative candidate. I have everything for my heart’s content. We took a few morsels of biryani. More for the s The cast of this play includes many famous acto He is Syed by caste. What is the cost of this book? Fan is hanged with the ceiling of room. Someone is running at the roof of the house. Incense is burst in censer on sacred occasions. This film has been banned by the censor board. He has laid himself open to public censure by hi Eid is ceremonial occasion for Muslims. You should not be ceremonious with your friend Every one admires the child-like frankness of th He behaved in childish manners. The cession of East Punjab to India was stro people. The next session of the assembly is tomorrow. The Speaker cited few lines from Shakespeare p The university was built on the site of an old for What a lovely sight this hill presents. The boy accidentally broke a chord of vision. Please tie pocket with a piece of cord. The French eat cereal for food. Oliver twist was first published as a serial. Put the wine in a cellar. He adopted the profession of sailing by choice,

66 67

Seller Choler Collar Collation Collision Collusion


Continual Continuous Contiguous


Compare to


Compare with Choir Quire




Contrast Coarse Course



74 75 76

Complaisant Coma Comma Confidant Confident Compensation Remuneration


78 79

Credible Creditable Credulous. Conscious Conscientious Contagious Infectious



Who sells He is a fruit seller. Anger The impertinent remarks of the son excited the Garment that cover neck You should put on a clean collar. Lunch Fifty lives were lost in the collision between the Striking together express. The collusion between police and Robbers creat Secret under standing society. Not interrupted There has been a continual raining since 2 O’ cl Frequent Continuous study is the only key to success Adjoin Assam is contiguous to Bengal. Things belonging to A beautiful face may be compared to the moon. different Of same class It is very wrong approach to compare Akbar wit A company of Singers He is a member of the Cambridge choir. 24 pages I have used one quire of paper today. This boot is decidedly superior to other, indeed Two alike things between the two. Two different things There is an obvious contrast between the cultur Rough I cannot wear this coarse clothe. Line of action The course of human life from the cradle to the The rich are so complement that they never ca Self satisfied complement look. Ready and willing He possesses very complaisant manner and is, t Un-natural deep sleep This woman has been lying in a state of coma fo Punctuation mark He is not my friend but also a confidant. Certain Churchill was quite confident of victory in the se Recompense He received enough compensation for the loss o He received sufficient remuneration for the Help employer. Believable This story is highly credible. Worthy of praise She won a creditable sixteen percent of vote. Believe without proof Illiterate peasants are generally very credulous. Aware He is conscious of his shortcomings. Obedient to conscience He is a conscientious worker. Spreading by touch Plague is a contagious disease. Spread by germ carried Cholera is an infectious disease. by water and etc He has considerable income. Much It was very considerable of you to drink all milk.

81 82 83

84 85


Thoughtful of others

Cool Cold Council Counsel Corporal

pleasant Unpleasant An assembly Advice Non-commissioned


Having a bode

Cops Corpse Admit Confess


Crime Sin


Vice Cue Queue


Casual Causal


Currant Current


Cymbal Symbol



92 93

Kettle Ceiling Sealing Cell Sell


Dairy Diary

Unit Dead body Concede as true Not only concede but taking responsibility Violation of state of law Religious Law Moral Law Signal Line Irregular happening by chance Relating to cause/Containing A small dried sweet Of present time/Stream of water Musical instrument Sign animals for dairy products a container with a lid Top inside in the room Sticking material A small room To give something to somebody in exchange for money Place to sell egg, milk and cheese etc Calendar book

It was considerable o f you not to play the pia sleep. A cool breeze is delightful, but no a cold breeze A cool breeze is delightful, but no a cold breeze He has been elected to the legislative council. He is the habit of keeping his own counsel. We should facilitate corporal rather than high r Shelley’s sky is an idealized creature which h existence. He is inducted in medical corps. The corpse of martyred was brought to grave ya He admitted that he was present, when the acc He confessed that he had caused the accident. Murder is a big crime. Lying is big sin. Denying God is a big sin. To provide the drugs is a vice act against social n This is my cue; I must now go on the stage. A long queue was formed before the booking of He is very casual person. The Causal connection between food healths is o Please bring currant for me. The current issue of the reader’s digest is very i The boy was producing a sharp sound by strikin The figure of lion on the flag is a symbol of cour The Shepherd was driving the cattle Place the kettle on the fire. The ceiling of this room was painted yellow I have no sealing wax. We shut the thief up in a cell. The book is selling like hot cakes. We buy milk from dairy form. Please make the date in your diary.

95 96 97

Dear Deer Decided Decisive Deny Refuse


Decry Descry

99 100

Deduce Deduct Deference Difference

101 Declaim Disiclaim 102

Defend Protect

103 Defy Deify 104 Dependant 105 106 107 108 109

Dependent Deprecate Depreciate Defective Deficient Deliverance Delivery Depositary Depository Descent Dissent


Advice (N) Advise (V)

High in Price What a dear little child! Beautiful Animal The hunter chased the deer. Clear It is decided opinion that success is the name of Conclusive The battle of waterloo was decisive one. Statement This man denies the existence of God. Decline some thing He refused to lend me his cycle. offered To criticize as worth less Do not decry yours friend in public. To see something a long I described him on a hill in the distance. way off To infer What conclusion can be deduced from this theo To take some think away A large sum was deducted from his salary. Respect I say with due deference that you are absolutely There is a world of difference between Dissimilarity inexperienced teacher. To speak rhetorically in He declined against civil liberties on the public p public He declaimed against the evil of capitalism. Say that one does not I disclaim from this project. own Present danger Army is defender of our territory. Approaching danger Clothe protects us from sun light. To resist openly/Refuse If you defy the law, you may find yourself in pris to obey To consider as a God The deification of human beings is strictly prohi Some body who depends My servants and dependents receive money on on other for food I have two dependants. Depending upon Promotion is dependent upon your record of se Express disapproval of He deprecates the current law and order situati Make less in value The prices of sonny’s products are depreciating Faulty This water is defective, because it is impure. Less Water supply is deficient in all over of park. Rescue O God, I pray for you deliverance from the rule Handing over His sermon was good, but his delivery was poor War He is a depositary of my children Store house This room is new used as a depository of odds a There is a steep descent. Downward motion We slide down the descent of the hill. One judge recorded a note of dissent. Disagreement All have the freedom to dissent from the plan. An opinion Go to your doctor and ask for advice. To give an opinion They advised me against sending cash by post.

111 112

Device (N) Devise (V) Desert Deserts Dessert

113 114 115 116 117 118 119

Dew Dice Die Dye Destiny Destination Differ from Differ with Drown Sink Discover Invent Defer Differ

120 121 122

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