Moodle Words PDF

Title Moodle Words
Course Ancient Roots of Medical Terminology
Institution McMaster University
Pages 29
File Size 202.4 KB
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A list of all the moodle words along with the prepositions to help you study...


Chapter 1: ➔ sacropenia: a deficiency of the sacrum ➔ bepharotrophy: the growth/nourishment of an eyelid ➔ trichin: a substance of the hair ➔ dermatitis: the inflammation of the skin ➔ heatodynia: pain involving blood ➔ ischiopathy: a disease of the ischium ➔ otolith: a calculus involving the ear ➔ pelvia: a abnormal condition involving the pelvis ➔ taloscopic: p.t. the examination of the talus ➔ hormonopectic: p.t. the fixation of hormones ➔ nasotropic: preferentially affecting the nose ➔ cardiodynic: pertaining to pain in the heart ➔ cionorrhaphy: the suturing of the uvula ➔ tendinitis: the inflammation of the tendon ➔ dermasthenia: the lack of strength of the skin ➔ dermocele: the protrusion of (something through) the skin ➔ acrokinesis: the movement of the extremities

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acroplegia: the paralysis of the extremities omist: one who specializes in the shoulders omiatry: the healing of the shoulder ophthalmectopia: the displacement of the eyes ophthalmedema: the swelling of the eye anconospasm: a spasm of an elbow anconorrhexis: the rupturing of the elbow trichogen: a substance which produces hairs trichotrophy: the growth/nourishment of the hair melogenesis: the production of limbs melogen: a substance which produces the limbs cephalostenosis: the narrowing of the head cephalotrophy: the growth/nourishment of the head cytectopia: the displacement of the cells cytiasis: the abnormal presence of cells arthritis: the inflammation of the joints arthrotropism: the tendency to preferentially affect joint somatectasia: the distention of the body somatology: the study of the body cheirostasis: the stopping of the hands cheirostat: an instrument for the stopping of the hand rhinia: an abnormal condition involving the nose rhinedema: the swelling of the nose podorrhea: the flowing of something from a foot podorrhaphy: the suturing of the foot brachiostat: an instrument for stopping the arm brachiotome: an instrument for cutting an arm proteinology: the study of proteins hormonotherapy: treatment by means of hormones arteriolith: a calculus in the arteries venogram: a record of the veins sinusitis: the inflammation of the sinuses laryngorrhaphy: the suturing of the larynx craniometer: an instrument for measuring the skull gonadotrophic: pertaining to the growth of the gonads retinograph: an instrument for recording the retina lymphopoietic: pertaining to the formation of lymph scrotectomy: the cutting out of the scrotum arteriorrhexis: the rupturing of the arteries

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urinogenous: produced by urine hormonogenesis: the production of hormones dentinogenic: producing dentin proteinogenous: produced by proteins membranoid: resembling a membrane venectomy: the cutting out of a vein ventriculography: the recording of the ventricles dentinogenesis: the production of dentin pharyngopathy: a disease of the pharynx coloptosis: the downward displacement of the colon arteriosclerosis: the hardening of the arteries pharyngotomy: the cutting of the pharynx thyropathy: a disease of the thyroid gland epidermolysis: the disintegration of the epidermis ovariectomy: the cutting out of the ovaries vaginitis: the inflammation of the vagina cervicodynia: pain in the neck ventriculoscope: an instrument for examining the ventricles capillaroscopy: the examination of the capillaries urinoscopy: the examination of urine

Chapter 2: ➔ onychectopia: the displacement of a nail ➔ theleplasty: the surgical repairing of a nipple ➔ mastopexy: the fixation of a breast ➔ brachiodysplasia: the defective formation of an arm ➔ anconokinesis: the movement of an elbow ➔ omasthenia: the lack of strength of a shoulder ➔ ophthalmatrophy: the lack of growth of an eye ➔ omedema: the swelling of a shoulder ➔ dermatics: the science of the skin ➔ otorrheic: p.t. the flowing of something from the ear ➔ rhinalotherapy: treatment by means of something p.t. the nose ➔ anconoplegia: the paralysis of the elbow ➔ faciopathology: the study of diseases of the face ➔ thoracicodystrophy: the defective growth of something p.t. the chest ➔ arthraloplastic: p.t. the surgical repairing of something p.t. the joints ➔ cervicalonecrotic: p.t. the death of something p.t. the neck

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goniatric: p.t. the healing of the knee brachialokinesis: the movement of something p.t. the arms otorrheic: p.t. the flowing of something from the ear dermatics: the science of the skin thoracicodystrophy: the defective growth of something p.t. the chest anconoplegia: the paralysis of the elbow faciopathology: the study of diseases of the face arthraloplastic: p.t. the surgical repairing of something p.t. the joints thelatrophy: the lack of growth of a nipple thelorrhagia: the rapid flowing of something from a nipple brachiostat: an instrument for stopping the arm brachiotome: an instrument for cutting an arm acroplegia: the paralysis of the extremities arthrectopia: the displacement of the joints arthratrophy: the lack of growth of a joint prosopatrophy: the lack of growth of the face prosopitis: the inflammation of the face arthritis: the inflammation of the joints arthrotropism: the tendency to preferentially affect joints dermasthenia: the lack of strength of the skin dermocele: the protrusion of (something through) the skin rhinocentesis: the surgical puncturing of the nose rhinitis: the inflammation of the nose cheirostat: an instrument for the stopping of the hand gonomegaly: the enlargement of the knee gonolith: a calculus in(volving) the knee otodysplasia: the defective formation of the ear otodystrophy: the defective growth of the ear ophthalmectopia: the displacement of the eyes ophthalmedema: the swelling of the eye cytectopia: the displacement of the cells cytiasis: the abnormal presence of cells cephalostenosis: the narrowing of the head cephalotrophy: the growth/nourishment of the head trichiasis: the abnormal presence of hairs trichophagy: the ingestion of hair somatectasia: the distention of the body somatology: the study of the body stethostenosis: the narrowing of the chest

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melectasia: the distention of the limbs cephaledema: the swelling of the head dermatitis: the inflammation of the skin somatectasia: the distension of the body otitis: the inflammation of the ear somedema: the swelling of the body arthrectopia: the displacement of the joints cephalostenosis: the narrowing of the head blepharonecrosis: the death of the eyelid pedogenesis: the production of the feet thelatrophy: the lack of growth of a nipple cheirorrhea: the flowing of something from a hand omphalodysplasia: the defective formation of the navel brachiopoiesis: the formation of an arm trichoplasia: the formation of hair glutosclerosis: the hardening of the buttock theloplasty: the surgical repairing of a nipple melotropism: the tendency to preferentially affect the limbs otograph: an instrument for recording the ear musculus brachialis: a muscle pertaining to an arm fascia thoracica: a fascia pertaining to the chest nervus facialis: a nerve pertaining to the face nodus glutealis: a node pertaining to the buttocks fascia cervicalis: a fascia pertaining to the neck vas umbilicale: a vessel pertaining to the navel somedema: the swelling of the body arthrectopia: the displacement of the joints cephalostenosis: the narrowing of the head blepharonecrosis: the death of the eyelid pedogenesis: the production of the feet thelatrophy: the lack of growth of a nipple cheirorrhea: the flowing of something from a hand omphalodysplasia: the defective formation of the navel otitis: the inflammation of the ear

Chapter 3: ➔ omedema: the swelling of a shoulder ➔ dactylectopia: the displacement of a digit

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radialis: pertaining to the radius tenorrhagic: pertaining to the rapid flowing of something from a tendon brachiectopia: the displacement of an arm sacralotropic: preferentially affecting something pertaining to the sacrum acromiotrophy: the growth/nourishment of the acromion cleidodynia: pain involving the collar bone cheirorrhea: the flowing of something from a hand brachiodysplasia: the defective formation of an arm clavicalotomy: the cutting of something p.t. the collar bone carpalectasia: the distention of the wrist astragaloclasis: the breaking of the talus chondratrophy: the lack of growth of cartilage cranialgia: pain involving the skull carpalorrhaphy: the suturing of something p.t. the wrist desmogenic: producing the ligaments cubitorrhexis: the rupturing of the elbow patellolytic: p.t. the separation of adhesions of the knee-cap costalogenous: produced by something p.t. the ribs coxomalacic: p.t. the softening of the hips myelotic: p.t. an abnormal condition involving the spinal cord musculolithectomy: the cutting out of a calculus in a muscle ulnogram: a record of the ulna ulnomalacia: the softening of the ulna tibiectopia: the displacement of the tibia tibiectasia: the distention of the tibia myopenia: a deficiency of muscle myography: the recording of muscle cytoplasty: he surgical repairing of something involving the cell cytogeneticist: one who specializes in the science of the production of cells ischiopathy: a disease of the ischium ischiomegaly: the enlargement of the ischium patellolith: a calculus involving the kneecap patellocele: the protrusion of something through the kneecap pubalgia: pain in the pubis pubopoiesis: the formation of the pubis coxostat: something which stops the hips coxectasia: the distention of the hips dermatitis: the inflammation of the skin achilledema: the swelling of the Achilles’ tendon

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mastiatry: the healing of the breast ulnogram: a record of the ulna musculorrhexis: the rupturing of the muscle pelvorrhexis: the rupturing of the pelvis acromiotropic: preferentially affecting the acromion sacropenia: a deficiency of the sacrum coxopath: one with a disease of the hip ischiomegaly: the enlargement of the ischium arthrectopia: the displacement of the joints craniorrhagia: the rapid flowing of something from the skull pedogenesis: the production of the feet calcaneography: the recording of the calcaneus acromiodystrophy: the defective growth of the acromion rachiophagous: pertaining to the ingestion of the spine costectatic: pertaining to the distension of a rib spinedematous: pertaining to the swelling of the spine osseonecrosis: the death of the bone glutosclerosis: the hardening of the buttocks cephalostenosis: the narrowing of a head skeletogenesis: the production of the skeleton xiphectomic: pertaining to the cutting out of the xiphoid process myelonecrotic: pertaining to the death of the spinal cord cheiral: pertaining to a hand iliacus: pertaining to an ilium fossa iliaca: the fossa p.t. the ilium truncus cervicalis: the trunk p.t. the neck plica umbilicalis: the fold p.t. the navel fascia pelvica: the fascia p.t. a pelvis fascia cervicalis: the fascia p.t. the neck coracotomy: the cutting of the coracoid process rachiophagous: pertaining to the ingestion of the spin

Chapter 4: ➔ incudectomy: the cutting out of the anvil ➔ malleoclastic: p.t. the breaking of the hammer ➔ sympathicostenosis: the narrowing of a sympathetic nerve ➔ ganglioscopy: the examination of the ganglion ➔ cycliocopoiesis: the formation of something p.t. a ciliary body

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radialis: p.t. the radius tarsalonecrosis: the death of something p.t. the tarsus brachiodysplasia: the defective formation of an arm cerebellomegaly: the enlargement of the cerebellum encephalologist: one who studies the brain keratolith: a calculus in the cornea cranialgia: pain involving the skull coracoidopoiesis: the formation of the coracoid process costalogen: a substance which produces something p.t. a rib cerebropathy: a disease of the brain meningopenia: a deficiency of the meninges phacoasthenia: the lack of strength of the lens ophthalmocerebrum: the part of the brain involving the eye lacrimostasis: the stopping of tears coreoscopic: p.t. the examination of the pupil otencephalon: the part of the brain involving the ear retinalitis: the inflammation of something p.t. the retina opticalogenous: produced by something p.t. the eye oculostenotia: an abnormal condition involving the narrowing of the eye opticalogenous: produced by something p.t. the eye cerebrotropism: the tendency to preferentially affect the brain neurogenetics: the science of the production of the nerves retinalitis: the inflammation of something p.t. the retina lacrimostasis: the stopping of tears coreoscopic: p.t. the examination of the pupil oculostenotia: an abnormal condition involving the narrowing of the eye neuronotropic: preferentially affecting nerve cells neuronophage: something which ingests nerve cells dacryocystitis: the inflammation of the tear sac dacryocystocele: the protrusion of the tear sac iridedema: the swelling of the iris iridodysplasia: the defective formation of the iris omasthenia: the lack of strength of a shoulder omatrophy: the lack of growth of the shoulder phacitis: the inflammation of the lens phacosis: an abnormal condition involving the lens corneia: an abnormal condition involving the cornea cornein: a substance of the cornea myopenia: a deficiency of muscle

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myography: the recording of muscle brachiostat: an instrument for stopping the arm brachiotome: an instrument for cutting an arm choriolysis: the disintegration of the cartilage incudoscopy: the examination of the anvil ciliaroscopy: the examination of the ciliary body scleritis: the inflammation of the sclera sacropenia: a deficiency of the sacrum stethostenosis: the narrowing of the chest canthitis: the inflammation of the canthus lacrimin: a substance of tears sclerorrhexis: the rupturing of the sclera cerebellogenesis: the production of the cerebellum iridedema: the swelling of the iris retinopenia: a deficiency of the retina cervicasthenia: the lack of strength of the neck pelvioclasis: the breaking of the pelvis nervus brachialis: the nerve pertaining to the arm nervus opticus: a nerve pertaining to the eye musculus ciliaris: a muscle pertaining to the ciliary body membrana ocularis: a membrane pertaining to the eye musculus iliococcygeus: a muscle p.t. the coccyx, involving the ilium musculus iliocostalis: a muscle p.t. a rib and the ilium membrana stapedialis: a membrane p.t. the stirrup margo pneumat-icus → masculine membrana cerebr-alis → feminine vena medi-ana → feminine plexus ili-acus → masculine regio zygomat-ica → feminine cartilago arytenoid-ea → feminine sphygmometric → p.t. the measurement of the pulse myopath → one with a disease of the muscle myopathic → p.t. a disease of the muscle dermectome → an instrument for cutting out skin

Chapter 5: ➔ cubitorrhaphy: the the suturing of the elbow ➔ endocrinopenia: a deficiency of secretions ➔ brachiodysplasia: the defective formation of an arm

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splenoplasty: the surgical repairing of the spleen valvulotherapy: treatment by means of a valve adenopexy: the adhesion of a gland cirsomalacia: the softening of a varix opticocele: the protrusion of the eye oculemic: p.t. the abnormal presence of blood in the eye hypophyseo-edematous: p.t. the swelling of the pituitary gland hematocyte: a cell of blood arteriomegalotic: p.t. an abnormal condition involving the enlargement of the arteries omophlebitis: the inflammation of the veins of the shoulder sanguinomembrana: a collection of blood in the membrane insulinogenic: producing a substance of the islets of Langerhans venosothoracoplasia: the formation of the chest and something p.t. the veins neuroplegia: the paralysis of nerves neuropenia: a deficiency of nerves rhinencephalon: the part of the brain involving the nose rhinocranium: the part of the skull involving the nose pubalgia: pain in the pubis pubopoiesis: the formation of the pubis uveonecrosis: the death of the uvea uveosclerosis: the hardening of the uvea sphygmography: the recording of the pulse sphygmograph: an instrument for recording the pulse angiophage: something which ingests a vessel Insulism: a condition caused by the malfunction of the islets of Langerhans insulinemia: the abnormal presence of a substance of the islets of Langerhans in the blood vasoclast: something which breaks a vessel vasopath: one with a disease of a vessels sphygmography: the recording of the pulse hemin: a substance of the blood scleritis: the inflammation of the sclera lymphorrhea: the flowing of the lymph acetabuloscopy: the examination of the acetabulum arthrectopia: the displacement of the joints acromiotropic: preferentially affecting the acromion pericardiology: the study of the pericardium sphygmography: the recording of the pulse

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cardismus: a spasm of the heart cirsocele: the protrusion of something through the varix lymphorrhea: the flowing of lymph spinocranium: the part of the skull involving the spine valvedematous: pertaining to the swelling of the valve dactylomegaly: the enlargement of a digit rhinencephalon: the part of the brain involving the nose iliacus: pertaining to an ilium plasmatopoietic: pertaining to the formation of plasma hematokinetic: pertaining to the movement of blood splenoplasty: the surgical repairing of the spleen pinealopath: one with a disease of the pineal gland capillarophage: something which ingests the capillaries suprarenotic: pertaining to an abnormal condition involving the adrenal gland myelonecrotic: pertaining to the death of the spinal cord coreoscopic: pertaining to the examination of a pupil valvotrophic: pertaining to the growth of a valve parathyroptotic: pertaining to the downward displacement of the parathyroid gland arterialis: pertaining to an artery thyrin: a substance of the thyroid gland ganglion cervicothorac-icum: neuter cartilago sacr-alis ili-aca: feminine corpus mamill-are: neuter dermis cephal-ica: feminine vas spir-ale: neuter aponeurosis palat-ina: feminine ependyma cerebr-ale: neuter os sacr-ale: neuter vertebra coccyg-ea: feminine rete arteriosum: neuter systema musculare: neuter margo mesovaricus: masculine recessus pharyngeus: masculine lipoma fibrosum: neuter regio zygomatica: feminine regio pubica: feminine plexus femoralis: masculine

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vas capillare: a vessel p.t. the capillarie os femorale: a bone p.t. the femur membrana stapedialis: a membrane p.t. the stirrup cartilago iliaca: the cartilage p.t. the ilium musculus sternothyroideus: a muscle p.t. the thyroid gland and the sternum os pelvicum: a bone p.t. the pelvis ganglion cervicale: a ganglion p.t. the neck ganglion oticum: a ganglion p.t. the ear vertebra coccygea: the vertebra p.t. the coccyx

Chapter 6: ➔ lacrimemia: the abnormal presence of blood in the tears ➔ valvodysplastic: p.t. the defective formation of a valve ➔ splenolytic: p.t. the disintegration of the spleen ➔ cleidodynia: pain involving the collarbone ➔ septoclastic: p.t. the breaking of the septum ➔ nasalomegaly: the enlargement of something pertaining to the nasopharynx ➔ epiglottidostatic: pertaining to the stopping of the epiglottis ➔ aponeurolysin: a substance which disintegrates an aponeurosis ➔ pneumonocerebrum: the part of the brain involving the lungs ➔ rhinoprosopoplastosis: an abnormal condition involving the surgical repairing of the face, involving the nose ➔ tracheloganglion: a ganglion of the neck ➔ venae craniales: the veins p.t. the skull ➔ phrenotology: the study of an abnormal condition involving the diaphragm ➔ pneotrichotic: p.t. an abnormal condition involving hair, involving breathing ➔ tracheometer: an instrument for measuring the trachea ➔ venula carpalis:...

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