Melanie Knight Medieval Sourcebook analysis PDF

Title Melanie Knight Medieval Sourcebook analysis
Course World Civilizations I
Institution National University (US)
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Melanie Knight HIS233: World Civilization 1 October 28, 2017


Th es o u r c et h a t i sb e i n ga n a l y z e di st h eMe d i e v a lS o u r c e b o ok :S o u t h amp t onGu i l d t h Or g a n i z a t i o n, 1 4 Ce nt u r y , Me d i e v alS o u r c e b oo k :Do c u me n t sCo nc e r n i n gt h eOr i g i no fGu i l d s ,

8 8 4 93 0 , Th eCh r o n i c l e so fVe n i c e :Ho wt h eDo g e swe r ec h o s e na n dMe di e v a lS o u r c e bo o k : Gu i b e r td eNo g e n t :Th eRe v o l do fLa o n , 1 1 15 .Al loft h ed o c u me nt sl i s t e da r el o c a t e do nt h e h i s t or ywe b s i t ef o rFo r dh a mu n i v e r s i t yt h et e xti st a k e nf r o m ac ol l e c t i onofp u b l i cd o ma i na n d c o p y p e r mi t t e dt e x t sr e l a t e dt ome d i e v a la ndBy z a n t i n eh i s t o r y .Fo r dh a m Un i v e r s i t yi sa u n i v e r s i t yi nNe wYo r kCi t y , t h eJ e s u i tUn i v e r s i t yo fNe wYo r k1, i twa sf ou n d e db yt h eCa t h ol i c 2 Di oc e s eo fNe wYo r ki n1 8 4 1 . Ea c hdo c u me n ta r ep a r t o fal a r g e rwo r kt h eI nt e r n e tMe d i e v a l

So u r c eBo o kt h i swo r kc on t a i n sal a r g ec o l l e c t i o nofh i s t o r i c a lwo r k st oh e l po t h e r st ob ea b l et o e x p l or eh i s t o r ya ndl e a r na b ou tt h ep a s t .Pa u lHa l s a l li st h ee d i t o ro ft h ewe b s i t ea ndi twa sl a s t u p d a t e di n2 0 1 1 .Paul Halsall holds a Ph.D. in History from Fordham University. He was a professor of history from 1988 until 2005 working at a variety of colleges and universities. This Internet Medieval Source book was put together in 1996 as stated on main page of the Sourcebook, this was about the time that the Internet was just beginning. 3 Due to the fact that this collection started over 10 years ago there is a vast amount of information available. This collection is extensive and covers all manor of the subject of medieval history. Reading

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through this collection it appears it was developed to put all the information in one place to make it easier to obtain information on the subject. Once I looking more into the information it is explained why this collection was put together, to provide for educational purposes. Each page of the document contains this disclaimer “This text is part of the Internet Medieval Source Book. The Sourcebook is a collection of public domain and copy-permitted texts related to medieval and Byzantine history.”4 The organization of The Internet Medieval Sourcebook has three main index pages with many supplementary documents available. The three sections the Medieval Sourcebook is broken into are Main, Subsidiary Sourcebook and Special Resources. The goal set up by the creators of the Sourcebook was to have educational material available for educators to use. Each document is available in the full text; many times this is long, bulky and contains so much more information than can be properly utilized in the classroom. The Sourcebook has created exerts from the longer documents giving a shorter and smaller snapshot of the information available to educators so that they can use them for assignments making it easier to process the information in smaller chunks. Under the section titles usage it states, “this Sourcebook is specifically designed for teacher to use in teaching.”5 There are several ways that are suggested this website is to be used.

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It covers many of the topics relevant to the time period and appears to be well researched the documents Medieval Sourcebook: Southampton Guild Organizational, 14th century contains information obtained from other sources. These sources are mostly other scholarly websites, colleges and universities dedicated to historical studies. The tone used in the websites is very scholarly and educational. They give facts straight to the point and give useful information to maximize the educational benefits.

Reading through

the documents there is no noticeable bias within the information. He gives facts and information in a straightforward way that is meant to educate and inform and not sway the reader to their point of view. The documents cover the Medieval times, specifically covering the subject of Guilds, their origins, and how they are organized. The information is organized to inform the reader on the subject matter the information was not obtained through first hand knowledge as it deals with things that took place thousands of years ago. The information was gathered from other sources to be put into one main place to be accessed for educational purposes. Many of the places the information is pulled from contain first hand information that has been translated and compiled into the computers to allow people all over the world to access the information without needing to leave home. The Medieval Sourcebook conveys information on the Medieval times covering the subject from beginning to the end. Each of theses documents gives in incite into the times and what was happening to give the bigger 3

picture of the times. Some documents are legal documents that states the laws and others are personal narratives of actual events that happened that affected daily life in the age. Each of the documents has the original source listed at the bottom of the document so that you can check out the validity of the document. The following documents are from the Medieval Sourcebook and contain the information on Medieval Europe. The Document Medieval Sourcebook: Concerning the Origins of Guilds walks through the many theories about the origins of the merchant guilds from the first paragraph, Capitulary of Verneuil, 884 where the priest asked that the cases be referred to the priest; to the Laws of the city of London, 930 that refers to the laws that were put in place about how the guilds are to be governed.6 The Medieval Sourcebook: Southampton Guild Organization, 14 th Century “discusses the common provision of early town charters.”7 The Organization document covers many rules and regulations that were in place when the guilds came to order. How business should be conducted. TheCh r o n i c l e so f Ve n i c e :Ho wt h eDo g e swe r ec ho s e ns t a t e s“I n6 8 7 ,t h ep e o p l ewh oha ds e t t l e do nt h eVe n e t i a n i s l a n d sa p p o i n t e dac ommo nh e a d. Toh i mt h e yg a v et h et i t l eo fDo g e , orl e a d e r ,f r o mt h eLa t i n 8 Du x . ” Th i sd o c u me ntg o e so nt oe x p l a i nho wt h eDo g e swe r ec h o s e se xa c t l ya n dwh a th a p p e n s .

I ts h o wst h e yu s e dwa xb a l l sa ndpa r c h me ntt oc h o s et h en e xtDo g e sa n dt h ef a c tt h a tn oo n e u n d e rt h ea g eo f3 0we r ec h o s e n .Th el a s ta r t i c l e ,Me di e v a lS o u r c e bo o k :Gu i b e r td eNo g e n t :Th e 6, paragraph 2 and 3 7, paragraph 1 8, paragraph 1 4

Re v o l tofLa o n ,1 1 1 5 , “Th ec ommu n a lmo v e me ntwa svi t a li nt h ee c o n o mi cr e v i t a l i z a t i ono f we s t e r nEu r o p e . I twa sn o ta l wa y sa p p r e c i a t e db yt h o s ewh owe r et h el o s e r s–b a s i c a l l yt h e 9 b i s h o p sa n dl a n d l o r d so ft h et o wn s . ” Th i sd o c u me n ti safir s t ha n da c c o u n ta sde s c r i b e db y

Gu i b e r td eNo g e nto fwh a tt o o kp l a c ed u r i n gt h er e v o l ta g a i n s tt h eb i s ho pofLa o n, t h ea c c o u n t h a sad e t a i l e da c c o un t i n go fho wh es a wt h er e v o l tg od o wni nv e r yb l oo d yd e t a i l . Of all the documents above the accounting of Gilbert de Nogent was the only first hand accounting of an event rather than a legal document. It contains details that a legal document may have left out. It contains information about the feelings of the people rather than just a stiff accounting of the events. There is not another document in our reading that is a legal accounting of the event to compare the information. There is no way to know if the accountings would have varied. The legal documents give the laws of the times and how the society functioned under those laws. Would a personal account varied also if it was here to deal with the same subject. This document gave me a lot of useful and helpful information on my topic and I look forward to delving deeper into the subject. The information available just through the document allows me to access information about the given subject on one place and be able to use this information to create a paper on medieval times. Using this information as a whole provided an insight into the times that I might not have been able to obtain going to multiple sources. Having it all in one convenient location made it easy to go 9, paragraph 1 5

though and use the information and create my response to the questions at hand.

Bibliography "Fordham Facts | Fordham". 2017. Fordham.Edu. Internet History Sourcebooks Project. Accessed October 10, 2017. "Medieval Sourcebook: Documents Concerning the Origin of Guilds, 884-930." Internet History Sourcebooks Project. Accessed October 10, 2017.


“Medieval Sourcebook: Guibert de Nogent: The Revolt in Laon, 1115.” Internet History Sourcebook Project. Accessed October 15, 2017. "Medieval Sourcebook: Southampton Guild Organization, 14th Century." Internet History Sourcebooks Project. Accessed October 15, 2017. “The Chronicles of Venice: How the Doges Were Chosen.” Internet History Sourcebooks Project. Accessed October 15, 2017.


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