MGMT 305 Ch 10 - MGMT 305 Ch 10 PDF

Title MGMT 305 Ch 10 - MGMT 305 Ch 10
Course  Organizational Behavior
Institution California State University San Marcos
Pages 3
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MGMT 305 Ch 10...


MGMT 305 Chapter 10: Power and Influence in the Workplace

I. The Meaning of Power  Power – capacity of a person, team, or organization to influence others  Requires perception of dependence  interdependence as well  Countervailing power – capacity of a person, team, or organization to keep a more powerful person or group in the exchange relationship  Depends on minimum level of trust  expectation for delivery of resource II. Sources of Power in Organizations a. Legitimate Power  Legitimate power – mutual agreement among organizational members that people in certain roles can request certain behaviors of others  Originates from formal job descriptions and power holder’s position/role  Operates within “zone of indifference” – range within which people are willing to accept someone else’s authority o Zone increases with extent to which power holder is trusted and makes fair decisions b. Reward Power  Derived from person’s ability to control allocation of rewards and to remove negativity  Originates from power holder’s position/role c. Coercive Power  Ability to apply punishment and to ensure co-workers conform to team norms  Originates from power holder’s position/role d. Expert Power  Capacity to influence others by possessing knowledge or skills that others value  Comes from within the person e. Referent Power – originates from power holder’s characteristics  Referent power – capacity to influence others on basis of an identification with and respect for the power holder  Comes from within the person  Function of person’s interpersonal skills and develops slowly  associated with charisma f. Information and Power  Gain information power when one controls flow of information to others  control perceptions of situation by releasing certain information  form of legitimate power  Other form  person has ability to manage environmental uncertainties  form of expert power o Prevention, forecasting, and absorbing or neutralizing III. Contingencies of Power a. Substitutability  Substitutability – refers to availability of alternatives  Controlling access or differentiating resources or increases nonsubstitutability b. Centrality  Centrality – refers to degree and nature of interdependence between power holder and others c. Discretion  Freedom to exercise judgment and make decisions without permission

MGMT 305 Chapter 10: Power and Influence in the Workplace

d. Visibility e. Social Networking and Power  Social networking – cultivating social relationships with others to accomplish goals  Social capital – knowledge and other resources available to people or social units from a durable network that connects them to others  increases expert power  Identification with others  increases referent power  Placing yourself in strategic positions in the network  gain centrality f. Consequences of Power  Increases motivation, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and job performance  More goal-directed and act on environment  Can undermine individual’s effectiveness and interpersonal relations IV. Influencing Others  Influence – any behavior that attempts to alter someone’s attitudes or behavior  power in motion a. Types of Influence Tactics i. Silent Authority  Deference to authority – complying with a request because of requester’s legitimate power and person’s role expectations ii. Assertiveness  “Vocal authority”  actively applying legitimate and coercive power to influence others iii. Information Control  Manipulating access to information for purpose of changing attitudes/behavior iv. Coalition Formation  Coalition – informal group that attempts to influence people outside the group by pooling the resources and power of its members  Helps bring attention to legitimacy of issue, more influence, and social identity process v. Upward Appeal  Upward appeal – type of influence in which someone with higher authority or expertise is called on in reality or symbolically to support influencer’s position  Relying on authority of firm’s policies or values vi. Persuasion  Persuasion – presentation of facts, logical arguments, and emotional appeals to change another person’s attitudes and behavior  Inoculation effect – persuasive communication strategy of warning listeners that others will try to influence them in the future and that they should be worry about the opponent’s arguments vii. Ingratiation and Impression Management  Ingratiation – attempt to increase liking by, or perceived similarity to, some targeted person  Impression management – practice of actively shaping our public images viii. Exchange b. Consequences and Contingencies of Influence Tactics  Resistance, compliance, and/or commitment

MGMT 305 Chapter 10: Power and Influence in the Workplace

Contingencies – strength of power, level of target (higher or lower than power holder), and personal, organizational, and cultural values V. Influence Tactics and Organizational Politics  Organizational politics – behaviors that others perceive as self-serving tactics for personal gain at the expense of other people and possibly the organization a. Conditions Supporting Organizational Politics  Scarce resources, resulting in maintaining status quo  Organizational change that creates uncertainty and ambiguity b. Personal Characteristics  Machiavellian values – beliefs that deceit is natural and an acceptable way to influence others and that getting more than one deserves is acceptable  seldom trust others and use cruder influence tactics i. Minimizing Organizational Politics and Its Consequences  Introduce clear rules and regulations to specify use of scarce resources  Manage group norms to curtail self-serving influence activities  Leaders to become role models of organizational citizenship  Give employees control over work and keep them informed...

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