MGMT1000 3x3 Writing Process Worksheet Fillable 2019 PDF

Title MGMT1000 3x3 Writing Process Worksheet Fillable 2019
Course Business Communications
Institution University of Windsor
Pages 9
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Download MGMT1000 3x3 Writing Process Worksheet Fillable 2019 PDF


MGMT1000 Business Communications Workshop #3 Using the 3x3 Writing Process Student Name

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Scenario 1 You are the manager of one of eight sales divisions in Canada for your company. There is a new piece of technology available that would increase efficiency and productivity, as well as eliminate frustration with technology currently being used. Problem: It is not in the budget; however, you are aware of discretionary funds available in your division that may be used for just such a purpose. You must present a detailed proposal document to your division manager, but you know she will need to obtain approval from the CFO at headquarters as well. Assignment: Consider the 3X3 writing process. Use your imagination and infer possible scenarios as you see fit. Write a proposal to your division manager and share with your writing partner.

Scenario 2 What message would you like to send to Odette Administration about your preferred form of teaching (i.e. lecture, labs, cases, guest speakers, storytelling…), type of instructor, access to coaching and classroom size for example? Ultimately, from your experience thus far, what suggestions would you offer administration to improve the learning environment for you? Problem: You know that professionalism and interpersonal skills are important in the business world and you want to demonstrate that to the administration. How can you write in a tone that will provide advice but not sound critical? Assignment: Consider the 3X3 writing process. Use your imagination and infer possible scenarios as you see fit. Write a proposal to the Dean of the Odette School of Business and share with your writing partner.

Work orkshop shop shop:: Using the 3x3 W Writ rit riting ing Process. 1. Consider your written work by completing the attached questions at home prior to the workshop class. 2. During the workshop, pair up with another student. 3. Individually compose the first draft of one of the above scenarios. Please include as much detail as possible and use business terms and language. Create a controlling idea and develop it throughout the document. Use numbered or bulleted lists to help present individual points in an organized manner. 4. Share your letter with your partner. Proofread, edit and suggest changes in language, style and approach. Consider: • •

• • •

Content and Development: Develops ideas fully and memorably, using appropriate business concepts and terms. Focus and Meaning: Establishes and maintains an insightful controlling idea or bottom line; demonstrate a thorough understanding of the purpose; clearly adapts the message to the audience; completes all parts of the task. Organization: Demonstrates a cohesive and unified structure with effective use of paragraphing or grouping of information, logical connections and transitional devices throughout. Language and style: Demonstrates precise, professional language and word choice, a defined voice, and a clear sense of audience; uses well-structured and varied sentences. Grammar and punctuation: Any errors in grammar, mechanics, punctuation and spelling.

5. Swap letters again and re-compose your letter incorporating the suggestions provided by your classmate. Hand in your draft composition, your final composition and your completed questions at the end of class.

3x 3x3 3W Writi riti riting ng Que uestions stions Use the following to plan, organize, write and revise a business communications product using the 3x3 writing process.

A.) Pre-writing ((Analy Analy Analyzze, Anticipa ticipate, te, A Adap dap dapt) t) 1. Analyze your purpose and audience a. What is the topic?

b. What is the format?

c. Who are you writing for? Why should they care? What questions are they going to have?

d. What tone and language should you use?

e. What might be the appropriate length?

B.) Dr Resear Drafting afting (Or (Orgganiz anize, e, Resear esearcch, C Compose) ompose) 1. Generate Ideas a. What are the most important ideas?

b. How might you group ideas and show relationships? (for an easy, free online concept mapping tool, try https://bubb;.us. This site allows you to create maps quickly and easily. It also allows you to return to an existing map and rearrange relationships and connections at a later time.)

c. What might be the core concepts (ideas that would form the body of your work?)

2. Identify what’s missing and find it a. List core concepts that you might need more information about / strengthened with some research (supporting facts, figures, studies, etc.)

C.) Dr Resear Draft aft afting ing (Or (Orgganiz anize, e, Resear esearcch, C Compose) ompose) 3. Compose a draft a. How would you organize your paragraphs (paragraph plan)?

b. How would you stress important ideas?

c. Name some ways you could adapt your writing technique to your audience in your draft?

d. How would you finish the following statement (write in text box below): I am addressing the issue of….[fill in your topic here] in order to show why/how/what/who/whether [fill this in with subject and verb]. Eg; I am addressing the issue of red balloons on campus by showing that balloons are a distraction to students’ ability to study, especially during exams. Thesis Statement

e. How would you achieve: i. Good sentence and paragraph structure?

ii. Variety of sentence structure?

iii. Good logical flow of information and argument?


How would you identify your patterns of errors, learn how to properly use and correct them (eg: use of or Harbrace Essentials.

D: R Evalua alua Re evision (E (Editing, diting, Pr Proof oof oofrreading and Ev uatting) 1. What will you do to revise and rewrite your document?

2. How many drafts might be required for clear and concise writing?

3. Explain some ways of tightening your message / make your message more clear:

4. Explain how you will proofread your document:

5. Explain how you will evaluate the effectiveness of your message:



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