MGMT3003 Individual Project Assessment PDF

Title MGMT3003 Individual Project Assessment
Course Global Business Strategy
Institution Macquarie University
Pages 2
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This is the individual project assesment for the course MGMT3003...



Individual Project Report (40%) (Due: by Week 12: October 26, 2020 )

Note to Students The report reflects on your learning from industry seminars and address the assigned research questions Think within boxes. The links between academic learning and industry topics presented by guest speakers. • To what extent (which) theories are applicable to (what) realworld experiences? • To what extent (what) business practices can be improved with informed (which) theories? Think outside boxes: • Critique and beyond academic theories/models/frameworks • Creative use of frameworks/models learned in the past

Structure Your individual report will be assessed as per the following format. Please strictly follow this structure Title Page • The project title, student Name & ID, unit name/code, tutorial class, tutor’s name • Word count (excluding the title page, table of content, and bibliography) Table of Contents • List main sections of the report (avoid too many levels of sub-sections) • Choose self-explanatory section titles • Indicate page numbers where each section starts Note: Title page and table of content are not assessed but they are important to guide the reader 1. Executive Summary (200 Words) (5 Marks) A one-page summary of the report, written as a series of short paragraphs or in point form, outlining: • Your chosen organisation's current strategic position and industry environment. • Purpose: A description of what the report is about (problem/opportunity). 2. Introduction (300 words) (5 Marks) • Why you are writing this report and Who are you writing for (i.e. client partners) • What is coming in the following sections (the roadmap taken as the report proceeds) • What are the key results/findings/solutions

3. Background (400 words) (5 marks) • Company background, industry background (1 mark) • Literature review on specific topics/issues etc. Must cite a minimum of 6 academic sources i.e., research article, business report, book, news/magazine article using Harvard referencing style (4 marks) 4. Body of Report (600 words) (10 marks) • Analysis of each of the issues or sub-issues identified (2 marks) • Provide supporting evidence and arguments (3 marks) • Apply previous units’ theories, concepts, and frameworks (5 marks) Note: Must integrate various theories/concepts (don’t assume the client knows these theories/concepts), require explanations of basic theoretical concepts in the empirical context. 5. Discussion (400 words) (10 marks) • Compare and evaluate different solutions/recommendations (4 marks) • Evaluate your solution and recommendation against what have been done in the past by the client, by other companies/industries in the same or similar situations (link back to your background section) (6 marks) Note: Convince the client that your solution/recommendation is a good one. Acknowledge the validity of alternative solutions should situations or environment change 6. Conclusions (100 words) (2 marks) A concise but comprehensive summary of the purpose of the project, the research/analysis done, and the solutions you have reached 7. Bibliography  List all the references referred to in the report.  Use the Harvard system of referencing.

Additional Notes:  Maximum words: 2000 (excluding title page, table of contents and references. Appendices are not allowed. Section word limits are a guide).  Line spacing: 1.5  Font size: 12  Similarity index: Refrain from copy/paste. Rephrase in your own words. Similarity index in excess of 20% will have negative marking. (e.g. 21% means -1 mark, 25% means -5 marks).  Words in excess of 2,000 (max +10%) will not be marked...

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