Mgmt361 syllabus version 9 PDF

Title Mgmt361 syllabus version 9
Author Jayy Bee
Course International Busin Operations
Institution Old Dominion University
Pages 6
File Size 252.4 KB
File Type PDF
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Download Mgmt361 syllabus version 9 PDF


MGMT361 International Business Operations Professor Shaomin Li Syllabus Course Readings You only need to buy one textbook: •

“Together or Separate Checks?” Why the East and West Conduct Business in Different Ways, by Shaomin Li, 2015 This book can be found online at websites like

All proceeds from the sale of the book are donated to the "Knowledge As Freedom Award" at ODU. The Award recognizes students who, by achieving high academic performance, have gained greater freedom in their life and career. All other readings can be found on the course website.

Course Description This course examines the environment of international business, global trade and financial systems, and operations of international business. With trade barriers falling around the globe and the rapid increase in international trade and investment, knowledge of international business has become increasingly important for all firms and business people—not only for multinational corporations, but also for small firms that sell only to local customers. The changes in the international political economy since the 1990s, such as the collapse of the communist bloc, the 2001 Sept 11 terrorist attack, the 2008 Financial Crisis, and the 2018 trade war between the U.S. and China, all have made doing international business ever more challenging. In order to succeed in the global marketplace, we must understand the fundamental issues in international business. For example, what is the impact of globalization on U.S. job market? Is importing cheaper consumer products a good thing for a country? Should the international community impose economic sanctions against a country that consistently violates human rights? How can we effectively manage workers with diverse cultural backgrounds? These are the issues we will discuss in this course.

Goals and Objectives Course Goal: Help students to become more competitive in the increasingly globalizing world. 1

Course Objective: Help students to (1) develop a global perspective, (2) learn the basic theories of international business, and (3) acquire basic understanding of business operations in an international setting. By the end of this course, students will have completed the following: • • •

Developed a global view Demonstrated understanding of the basic theories and practices of international business Developed a sense of urgency and gained confidence re: competing globally

GoPRO It is Strome College’s goal to help you get ready to become a professional. To achieve the goal, this class will adhere to the professional principles of communication, preparation, and performance. Specifically, you should follow the course schedule, write (emails and assignments) professionally in tone and minimize misspellings and grammatical errors.

How the Course Works This is an online course. Students should follow the syllabus and the instructions online or by the professor. Students should also follow the schedule to complete the required reading, view videos, and do the assignments and quizzes. The Importance of Following the Schedule Please review the Schedule and your calendar carefully and make sure that you can follow the Schedule without missing any quizzes or assignments. There are eight Modules in the course. If you miss one Module, your final grade will be affected by 1/8, which may lower your grade by a whole letter! So if you cannot follow the Schedule, I strongly advise you to reconsider taking this course. No Exceptions The policies and rules of this course will be consistently and equally applied to everyone in the class without exceptions, including students who miss modules due to force majeure. Giving exceptions selectively to anyone is not fair to the rest of the class. So please do not ask for exceptions to the policies and rules.

Grading Criteria Assignments: “Assignments” include Discussion, Case Discussion, Discussion Questions, Questions, Homework, and Assignments. Criteria for assignment grading: Answers or replies to assignments will be evaluated based on the following criteria: (1) succinct and to the point, (2) clear logic and convincing argument(s), (3) good writing and organization.


The rubric for discussion question grading is as follows. Each student may post up to 4 posts per discussion question. The posts can be answers, replies or a combination of both. 4 points for the first post, 3 points for the second post, 2 points for the third post, 1 point for the fourth post. Please make your post clear, to the point, logical, and succinct. You may lose points for posts that do not provide useful information or are offensive. Do not post a simple reply such as "I agree" or "I disagree" without any new information or new points or views. Assignments must be submitted before the deadline specified in the Schedule without exceptions. Late submissions will not be credited. Quizzes: A quiz will be given for each module based on the module materials in the form of multiple choice questions. Do not miss the quizzes. There will be no makeup quizzes even if the missing is due to force majeure such as power outage, illness, or other events beyond one's control. (See “Student Responsibilities” and “Course Policies” for more details.) Late Comers: If you join the course late and missed some Modules, you will not be able to complete the works for the missed Modules and will receive no credits for them. Joining late will serious affect your grade. Extra Credits Policy There will be no extra credits. Final Grade: There will be no final exam. The final grade is the sum of points you earn from assignments and quizzes. There will be no rounding up and no "+" or "-". A (90% and up) B (80% to 80%) D (60% to >70%)

Student Responsibilities It is the student's responsibility to understand the requirements, follow the schedule, participate in course activities, read the required readings, watch/listen to the contents, complete the assignments, submit feedback, and take the quizzes. 3

Students must install the lockdown browser software “Respondus” in order to take the quizzes. How to download Respondus Use the following link: If you have any problem, call OCCS Help Desk: 757-683-3192. They are very responsive. Students must secure a reliable computer with internet to take the quizzes without interruption. If you have an interruption or lock-out during a quiz, or if you miss it, you will receive 0 points for that quiz. There will be no makeup quizzes.

Course Policies The course schedule, especially the dates of the quizzes, will be strictly followed. No one may take the quiz prior or after the quiz day. This policy applies to everyone without exceptions. Please check your personal calendar for the entire duration of the course. If your activities do not allow you to follow the course schedule, you should consider taking this course in another time. I expect you to follow the schedule, study hard, learn well, and complete the course successfully. Quiz Policy:

Equipment, Software, and Connection Students must secure a reliable computer with Respondus and reliable internet connection. If your quiz taking is interrupted by computer/internet failure, you will not be able to retake it and will receive the points you have earned before the interruption. No Makeup Quizzes All students must take the quizzes on the designated dates. No one may take a quiz earlier than later than the designated quiz date. If you cannot take a quiz on the quiz day, you will receive 0 points for the quiz. There will be no makeup quizzes. Schedule and Time Quizzes will be available in the later part of each module. The time window for you to take it and the number of questions per quiz varies from module to module, so watch the instruction and time carefully. Completion Requirement You will be required to complete the quiz in its entirety once you open it. Please do not click the link to start until you have made arrangements for an adequate amount of uninterrupted time, free of distractions. Number of Attempts You are allocated one attempt to take the quiz. Once you open the quiz, do not open any other web pages or go to any other parts of the course; doing so will end your test session. In other words, you will be locked out and unable to submit the quiz. Do NOT Copy or Print 4

If you attempt to select all or copy any part of the quiz, you will be in violation of the honor code and also risk losing access to the assessment. Individual Work Each student is to do his/her own work without collaboration with any other individuals, including other students, once the quiz is started. Closed Book Quiz This is a closed book, closed notes quiz. Honor Pledge Remember your Honor Pledge statement, i.e., your submission of any question for scoring indicates your honor pledge. "I pledge to support the Honor System of Old Dominion University. I will refrain from any form of academic dishonesty or deception, such as cheating or plagiarism. I am aware that as a member of the academic community it is my responsibility to turn in all suspected violations of the Honor Code. I will report to a hearing if summoned."

University Policies & Student Help Resources Academic Integrity You are responsible for understanding the policies and procedures in the undergraduate catalog that pertain to academic integrity. Violations of the academic honesty code will be dealt with in the strictest terms. Students are advised to become familiar with the university's academic honesty code (also posted on Blackboard). It is the student's responsibility to ensure that both the letter and intent of this code are met in all circumstances. Ignorance of this code, or of proper rules of citation, provides no defense. The instructor’s policy concerning enforcement of this code is inflexible; no exceptions will be made. Cheating or plagiarizing an assignment will result in an automatic “F” for the course and a referral to university authorities. Course Disclaimer Every attempt is made to provide a complete syllabus that provides an accurate overview of the courses. However, circumstances and events may make it necessary for me to modify the syllabus during the semester. This may depend, in part, on the progress, needs, and experiences of the students who registered for the course. Honor Pledge "I pledge to support the honor system of Old Dominion University. I will refrain from any form of academic dishonesty or deception, such as cheating or plagiarism. I am aware that as a member of the academic community, it is my responsibility to turn in all suspected violators of the honor system. I will report to Honor Council hearings if summoned." By attending Old Dominion University, you have accepted the responsibility to abide by this code. This is an institutional policy approved by the Board of Visitors. Refer to the Student Honor Council: Office of Student Conduct & Academic Integrity at


Special Needs In compliance federal legislation affirming the rights of disabled individuals, provisions will be made for students with special needs on an individual basis. The student must be identified as "special needs" by the university and provide a letter from the Office of Educational Access, located at 1525 Webb Center. Any accommodations will be based upon written guidelines from the Office of Educational Access. All students are expected to fulfill all course requirements. University Email Policy The Old Dominion University e-mail system is the official electronic mail system for distributing course-related communications, policies, announcements and other information. A University email user ID and password are necessary for authentication and access to numerous electronic resources (Blackboard, faculty websites, etc.). NOTE: Effective August 23, 2004, all student accounts will utilize MIDAS passwords. Refer to MIDAS: Monarch Identification and Authorization at and OCCS - Student Email a t Withdrawal A syllabus constitutes an agreement between the student and the course instructor about course requirements. Participation in this course indicates your acceptance of its teaching focus, requirements, and policies. Please review the syllabus and the course requirements as soon as possible. If you believe that the nature of this course does not meet your interests, needs or expectations, if you are not prepared for the amount of work involved - or if you anticipate that the class meetings, assignment deadlines or abiding by the course policies will constitute an unacceptable hardship for you - you should drop the class by the drop/add deadline, which is located in the ODU Schedule of Classes. For more information, please visit the Office of the University Registrar.


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