MGMTeam 5 - T1 Norms - mgmt PDF

Title MGMTeam 5 - T1 Norms - mgmt
Author Aryel Ribeiro
Course Management Skills
Institution Rutgers University
Pages 8
File Size 173.2 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 80
Total Views 134





Study Team 5:

Larissa Silva

Marcos De La Oz

Aryel De Andrade

(T1 - Norms)


Opening Paragraph: Group meetings will be held every monday at 1:00PM, any additional times or days will be communicated on the on going basis. Virtual sessions can also be used on the necessary basis, through google hangout app. Every member will participate in creating norms and in meetings. For any member that is not capable of showing for the meeting, will need to meet with one of the members via virtual conference, email or phone to get up to date with the material missed.

Section 1. Meetings and Attendance

When will meetings occur and how often?

Group meetings will occur every Monday at 1PM. Any additional group meeting will be scheduled amongst members as needed. ● How long will the meetings be? Group meetings will run for one to two hours. Additional time will be scheduled amongst members as needed.

● What is expected of members with regard to participation and preparation? Members will be expected to show up on time. If a member is running late or unable to come to a meeting, he or she will need to be communicate in advance. Each member will be expected to understand their task and to complete on time.


● What will be done to encourage punctuality and regular attendance? Member’s punctuality and attendance will influence their individual grade. Excessive tardiness and absences from group meetings will the members final grade. ● What are legitimate reasons for missing meetings inside and outside of the classroom? Any family emergencies, prior obligations(if communicated prior), illness, jury or military duty would be considered. ● What will be done to encourage everyone to participate during meetings? Every member will be given a chance to express their ideas and opinions respectfully. Each idea will be debated and considered. ● What is the balance between work and fun during meetings? Every group meeting will be only for project and class work, any additional outside activities will be done after meetings and/or outside of group hours.

Section 2. Communication and Conflict

When will communication take place?

We will communicate daily through text and/or email group chat.

Who is responsible?

All members are responsible for communication. ●

How will it be done (phone, email, virtual conferencing)?


It will be done through our phones, computers and emails. ●

How will feelings about the team or members be raised and discussed?

We will conduct our meetings amongst ourselves professionally and respectfully.

How will the team encourage members to listen attentively and respectfully to others?

We will give each member a chance to express their arguments and opinions, that way we can understand what each person and be on the same page.

Will there be rules on limiting interruptions or preventing personal criticisms? Why?

Aggressive interrupting or negative comments are not welcomed and will not be tolerated. If continued, may lead to member removal of group. Member will used constructive criticism instead.

What expectations does the team have about being considerate about team members comfort with things like smoking, swearing, speaking in different languages?

There will be no smoking or illegal drug use during meetings. Members may take a smoke when needed although only during team session breaks. The use of swearing will not be punishable unless used in a manner to disrespect another member or in excess, which will not be tolerated. ● What is the team’s ability to change the norms if members are uncomfortable with what is going on in the team?


Team norms are and can be flexible as long as everyone agrees to changes or through a voting process.

Section 3. Tasks and Decisions

Will the group have a weekly agenda or agenda for each meeting? Who will be responsible for setting this up?

Yes. The group will have a weekly agenda that will be discussed throughout the week. Each week the group leader will be conducting a run down of each member’s responsibility and who will be submitting the work. ●

Will the responsibility stay with the same person or rotate across team members? Why?

The responsibilities will rotate amongst members depending on who is the leader for the week.

● How will tasks be allocated? Allocation of tasks will be decided on every group meeting based on each member’s skill set and level of conform. ● What are the team’s expectations about standards, deadlines, how equally effort and work will be distributed, how work will be reviewed, and what to do if people do not follow through on commitments? Members are expected to review and submit their assignment at the scheduled team due date. Member’s assignments will be distributed team meetings so each member agrees with the distribution. If the member cannot complete his/her tasks, the member will be responsible for


communicating as soon as possible so adjustments can be made. If the member fails to complete their share, we will conduct a meeting to discuss punitive action or what other options that member may have to make-up .

Section 4. Leadership

● What is expected of the team leader? The team leader will be responsible for maintaining the group focused during meetings, as well as directing the group topics. Leaders will serve as examples and will treat each member fairly and respectfully. He or she will be goal driven and ready to step up when other members show difficulties with their task.

● What are the team leader’s responsibilities? The team leader is responsible for keeping everyone focused on the assignments due dates, submitting assignment on blackboard, and also reviewing the assignment to make is done correctly and follows all guidelines. ●

How will the team leader ensure that the team leverages the diversity of its members so as to harness its full potential?

As we begin to form, team leaders will be able to identify member’s strengths and weakness, thus allowing the leader to make decisions based on those guidelines. ● How can the team leader be kept from doing all the work? Team leader will be dividing all the assignments evenly throughout each member. During


meetings we will discuss the weekly assignments to each member which will be distributed equally amongst members.

Closing paragraphs:

Meetings and Attendance Our group meetings will be conducted on Mondays at 1pm, other times will may be added on the ongoing basis when necessary and agreed upon between members. Our meetings will run for roughly one to two hours max, and will be led by the week’s leader. During meetings we will be discussing about the materials on the case, assignment of tasks and any other topics related to the case. All members will be expected to attend and participate during the meeting, and to show up on time. If a member will be running late or unable to attendant the meeting, he or she must communicate in advance. For any member that knows in advance that they may be missing a meeting due to any past obligation, we expect that member to provide us with the best time to communicate with us about to exchanged information on the missed meeting. Missing a meeting due to emergencies or illness are acceptable and asked for it to simply be communicated when possible. If any member reaches an unreasonable amount of missed meetings or excessive tardiness, that member will notified by the rest of the group and forwarded to the professor. We will provide a positive environment for each other where each member will have a chance to provide input and express their opinions.

Communications and Attendance Communication and attendance will be enforced by the group leader. During any discussions a professional tone will always be used. For a meetings, attendance will be kept track of by the group leader. There will be scheduled meetings, so full attendance will always be expected unless there is 24 hours notice. In order for a member to talk, he must raise his hand first so that the person speaking can

8 acknowledge that someone wants to express their opinion. There will be no tolerance for aggressive or personal statements. Positive connotation will be enforced by all members. If a member is uncomfortable at any moment he will express it to the group leader which will announce it during a meeting.

Tasks and Decisions When discussing the group’s tasks and decisions the group will hold a weekly agenda which will be conducted by a leader. The leader will be responsible for distributing each member’s task, gathering all the parts and submitting the complete week work to the professor on the proper deadline. There will be a rotation of leaders every week. This will happen so that every member has the chance to lead and all be equally involved. The tasks will be allocated according to each group member’s academic strength. The group will have a very structured communication so that work could be handed in on time and standards could be met. If there is any problem the group will discuss and reach the best solution. Tasks and decisions will be taken seriously so that the outcome of the project could be the best possible....

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