MGNT sub outline PDF

Title MGNT sub outline
Course Introduction To Management
Institution University of Wollongong
Pages 24
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School of Management, Operations and Marketing MGNT110: Introduction to Management Subject Outline 6 credit points

Subject Information Spring, 2020, Wollongong On Campus (delivered under Remote Study Mode**) ** Remote Study Support Site: In addition to the Subject Moodle site, the Remote Study Support Moodle site (TCHR054_20) is accessible to support your studies from remote locations around the globe until you can return to on campus study. This site will appear as an additional site on your list of active Moodle subject sites. This site contains comprehensive information with a range of resources related to teaching and learning as well as other student support information Lecture Information: Tuesdays, 13:30 - 15:30, Pre-requisites: Nil Co-requisites: Nil Restrictions: None Contact Hours: Not specified Online Subject Material: The MGNT110 Moodle (e-learning) website is designed to help you learn. Visit this Moodle site regularly for lecture, tutorial and assessment information and/or resources. Announcements will also be posted here. The Cengage website (MindTap) will be very beneficial for pre-Lecture activities and assessment based activities.

Faculty Vision, Mission and PRME The Mission of the Faculty is to promote responsible leadership and sustainable business practice, and contribute to a stronger economy and a more just society. The Faculty Vision, Mission and Values statements can be found at The Faculty is also a signatory to the Principles of Responsible Management Education (PRME) and supports the realisation of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. More information on PRME can be found at

MGNT110 Subject Outline

Spring, 2020, Wollongong

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Teaching Staff Teaching Role



Coordinator and Lecturer

Dr Shamika Almeida

Tuesday 11:00 - 13:30 (Online via ZOOM*) Wednesday 11:30 - 13:30 +61242215688 [email protected] 40g.12a (please make an appointment through email 1 day before for an online consultation)

Head Tutor

Ms Geraldine Hardie

[email protected]


Dr Hui-Ling Wang

[email protected]


Ms Allison Clode

[email protected]


Ms Kanchana Wijayawardena

[email protected]


Mr Theo Tagoe

[email protected]


Ms Afshan Rauf

[email protected]

MGNT110 Subject Outline


Spring, 2020, Wollongong


Consultation Times

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Email Etiquette: Consultation with your subject coordinator and/or teachers via email Your teachers receive many emails each day. In order to enable them to respond to your emails appropriately and in a timely fashion, students are asked to observe basic requirements of professional communication: Consider what the communication is about • • •

Is your question addressed elsewhere (e.g. in this subject outline or, where applicable, on the subject's eLearning site)? Is it something that is better discussed in person or by telephone? This may be the case if your query requires a lengthy response or a dialogue in order to address. If so, see consultation times above and/or schedule an appointment. Are you addressing your request to the most appropriate person?

Specific email title/ header to enable easy identification of subject related/ student emails •

Identify the subject code of the subject you are enquiring about (as your teacher may be involved in more than one subject) in the email header. Add a brief, specific header after the subject code where appropriate.

Professional courtesy • • • • •

Address your teacher appropriately by name (and formal title if you do not yet know them). Use full words (avoid 'text-speak' abbreviations), correct grammar and correct spelling. Be respectful and courteous. Academics will normally respond within 1-2 business days. If the matter is urgent, you may wish to telephone the teaching staff whose contact details are given in this subject outline or contact the School. Please ensure that you include your full name and identify your seminar or tutorial group in your email so that your teachers know who they are communicating with and can follow-up personally where appropriate.

Cyber Bullying The University is committed to providing a safe, respectful, equitable and orderly environment for the University community, and expects each member of that community to behave responsibly and ethically. Students must comply with the University's Student Conduct Rules and related policies including the IT Acceptable Use Policy and Bullying Prevention Policy, whether undertaking their studies face-to-face, online or remotely. For more information on appropriate communication and etiquette in the online environment please refer to the guide Online and Email Etiquette.

Copyright Commonwealth of Australia Copyright Regulations 1969 © 2020 University of Wollongong The original material prepared for this guide is covered by copyright. Apart from fair dealing for the purposes of private study, research, criticism or review, as permitted under the Copyright Act, no part may be reproduced by any process without written permission.

MGNT110 Subject Outline

Spring, 2020, Wollongong

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Table of Contents Section A: General Information .......................................................................................................................... 5 Learning Outcomes ............................................................................................................................................ 5 Student Learning Outcomes .......................................................................................................................... 5 Subject Description ....................................................................................................................................... 5 Course Learning Outcomes ........................................................................................................................... 5 eLearning, Readings, References and Materials ................................................................................................ 5 Subject eLearning ......................................................................................................................................... 5 Key References ............................................................................................................................................. 6 Additional Materials ..................................................................................................................................... 7 Lectures, Tutorials and Attendance Requirements ............................................................................................ 7 Lecture Times * ............................................................................................................................................ 7 Lecture Recording.............................................................................................................................................. 9 Your Privacy - Lecture Recording ..................................................................................................................... 9 Additional Lecture Comments ...................................................................................................................... 9 Tutorial/Seminar/Workshop Program ......................................................................................................... 10 Additional Tutorial/Seminar/Workshop Comments ................................................................................... 11 Attendance Requirements - Participation/Contribution to Lectures/Tutorials/Seminars/Workshops.............. 12 Recent Improvements to Subject ..................................................................................................................... 12 Extraordinary Changes to the Subject Outline ................................................................................................. 12 Peer Assisted Study Sessions (PASS) Program ............................................................................................... 12 Learning Analytics ........................................................................................................................................... 12 Section B: Assessment ........................................................................................................................................ 13 Assessment Summary ...................................................................................................................................... 13 Additional Assessment Information................................................................................................................. 19 UOW Grade Descriptors ............................................................................................................................. 19 Minimum Performance Requirements ............................................................................................................. 20 Submission, Retention and Collection of Written Assessment ........................................................................ 21 Submitting Assessment Tasks ..................................................................................................................... 21 Extensions ................................................................................................................................................... 21 Late Submission of Assessment Tasks........................................................................................................ 22 Collection .................................................................................................................................................... 22 Retention ..................................................................................................................................................... 22 Scaling ............................................................................................................................................................. 22 Supplementary Assessment ............................................................................................................................. 22 Review and Appeal of Academic Decisions .................................................................................................... 22 Assurance of Learning (What will students learn in their degree?) ................................................................. 23 Academic Integrity .......................................................................................................................................... 23 Plagiarism Prevention ................................................................................................................................. 23 Why do you need to reference?................................................................................................................... 24 The Harvard System of Referencing ........................................................................................................... 24 Section C: General Advice for Students - Policies and Procedures................................................................ 24

MGNT110 Subject Outline

Spring, 2020, Wollongong

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Section A: General Information Learning Outcomes Student Learning Outcomes On successful completion of this subject, students will be able to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Describe and analyse the workplace environment and its major influences in the business world. Explain various managerial roles and challenges in contemporary profit, not-for-profit and government organisations. Describe and compare a range of major perspectives in management theory and practice. Analyse management theory through reflection on simulations and case studies. Explain the role management and other stakeholders have to play in developing competitive, productive, rewarding and socially responsible organisations. Demonstrate an understanding of the use of specified information and communication technologies.

Subject Description Wherever organisations exist, a manager's role emerges. Organisations rely on managers and the management function for the efficient and effective running of their operations. This subject will introduce students to the various functions involved in managing, as well as the context of management: the organisation. Students will learn key management theories and concepts including organisational culture, social responsibility and ethics, managing groups, motivating employees, planning, managing human resources and employment relations, strategic management, decision-making, supply chain and operations management, leadership and foundations of management control. Students will learn how the different interests between organisational stakeholders affect various management processes, and the implications of managerial decisions on the internal and external environments. Course Learning Outcomes Course Learning Outcomes can be found in the Course Handbook

eLearning, Readings, References and Materials Subject eLearning The University uses the eLearning system Moodle to support all coursework subjects. The subject Moodle site can be accessed via: IN ADDITION TO THE UOW ONLINE WOLLONGONG DISTANCE MOODLE SITE YOU WILL ALSO HAVE ACCESS TO THE REMOTE STUDY SUPPORT SITE. Remote Study Support Moodle site (TCHR054_20) is accessible to support your studies from remote locations around the globe until you can return to on campus study. This site will appear as an additional site on your list of active Moodle subject sites. This site contains comprehensive information with a range of resources related to teaching and learning as well as other student support information.

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Spring, 2020, Wollongong

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Major Text(s) Samson, D. Donnet, T. & Daft, R. 2017, Management, 6th Asia-Pacific edn, Cengage Learning Australia, South Melbourne, VIC. Your prescribed resource for this course is MindTap – Samson, Management, 6th edition (by Cengage). MindTap is an interactive eLearning resource designed to help you master this subject. It includes the eBook version of the major text and other helpful online study tools such as videos, practice quizzes with instant feedback, flashcards and much more. You will need MindTap to complete the pre-lecture and in-lecture activities which run throughout the semester. Please note: all your assessments are linked to the online resources (MindTap), therefore we strongly encourage you to purchase access to MindTap. Students enrolled in MGNT110 can also receive 10% off. Use the discount code SAVING10 at the checkout. Cost (including 10% student discount): 1. 2.

MindTap only - approx. $71.95 OR Bundle pack (printed textbook and MindTap) - approx. $170.95

Links to MindTap are found on the UOW Moodle site together with instructions on how to access your MindTap learning materials. When you first click on the link you will be asked to create a Cengage Brain account or login with an existing account. Once you have an account you will have the option to buy now or get temporary access. Temporary access will be made available for the first 2 weeks of the semester. Please ensure you finalise your access before Assessment 1 due date. A limited number of licenses are provided free of charge by Cengage to students who are facing financial difficulties. Please contact Dr Shamika Almeida during consultation hours and submit an application to be considered to receive free access to the e-book and resources. You must apply before the Week 3 lecture to be considered. Priority will be given to students who apply by the first week of the semester and meet the criteria. Textbook details are available online from the University Bookshop at Key References Almeida, S, Waxin, M, & Paradies, Y 2019, ‘Cultural capital of recruitment decision makers and its influence on their perception of person-organisation fit of skilled migrants’, International Migration, vol. 57, no.1, pp. 318-334. Almeida, S & Fernando, M 2017, ‘Making the cut: Occupation-specific factors influencing employers in their recruitment and selection of immigrant professionals in the information technology and accounting occupations in regional Australia’, International Journal of Human Resource Management, vol. 28, no. 6, pp. 880-912. Bhasin, S 2013, ‘Impact of corporate culture on the adoption of the Lean principles’, International Journal of Lean Six Sigma, vol.4, no. 2, pp. 118-140. Clegg, S Kornberger, M & Pitsis, T 2016, Managing and Organizations: An Introduction to Theory and Practice, 4th edn, Sage, London. Cooke, F 2011, ‘Social responsibility, sustainability and diversity of human resources’, in A. Harzing & A.H. Pinnington (eds), International Human Resource Management, 3rd edn, Sage, London, pp. 583-619. Demuijnck, G 2009, ‘Non-Discrimination in Human Resources Management as a Moral Obligation’, Journal of Business Ethics, vol. 88, no. 1, pp. 83-101. Doh, J, Stumpf, S & Tymon Jr, W 2011, ‘Responsible Leadership Helps Retain Talent in India’, Journal of Business Ethics, vol. 98, no. 1, pp. 85-100. Dyer, J, Gregersen, H & Christensen, C 2009, ‘The innovator’s DNA’, Harvard Business Review, vol. 87, no. 12, pp. 60-67. Jackson, R, Wood, C & Zboja, J 2013, ‘The Dissolution of Ethical Decision-Making in Organizations: A Comprehensive Review and Model’, Journal of Business Ethics, vol. 116, no. 2, pp. 233-250. Kinicki A & Fugate M 2018, Organizational Behaviour- A Practical, Problem-Solving Approach, 2nd edn, McGraw-Hill Education. Koch, T & Windsperger, J 2017 ‘Seeing through the network: Competitive advantage in the digital economy’, Journal of Organization Design, vol.6, no.6, pp. 1-30.

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Spring, 2020, Wollongong

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Maak, T, Pless, N & Voegtlin, C 2016, ‘Business Statesman or Shareholder Advocate? CEO Responsible Leadership Styles and the Micro Foundations of Political CSR’, Journal of Management Studies, vol. 53, no. 3, pp. 463-493. McDonnell, A, Boyle, B, Stanton, P, Bartram, T, & Burgess, J 2016, ‘Delineating human resource management practice in domestic and foreign-owned multinational enterprises in Australia. Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, vol. 54, no. 2, pp.165-187. McGrath, R. G 2013, ‘The End of Competitive Advantage: How to Keep Your Strategy Moving as Fast as Your Business’, Harvard Business Review, vol. 91, no. 11. Nankervis, A, Compton, R, Baird, M & Coffey, J 2017, Human Resource Management: Strategy and Practice, 9th edn, Cengage Learning, Melbourne. Pless, N, Maak, T & Stahl, G 2011, ‘Developing responsible global leaders through international servicelearning programs: the Ulysses experience’, Academy of Management Learning & Education, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 237-260. Pugh, D & Hickson, D 1976, Organizational Structure in its Context: The Aston Programme I. London: Saxon House. Reeves, M & Deimler, M 2011, ‘Adaptability: The New Competitive Advantage’, Harvard Business Review, vol. 89, no. 7, pp. 135–141. Ridderstråle , J., and Wilcox, M. (2008). Re-energizing the corporation: how leaders make change happen. Chichester: Jossey-Bass. Taylor, F 1911, The Principles of Scientific Management, New York: Harper. Teece, D. 2010, ‘Business models, business strategy and innovation’, Long Range Plan...

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