MGT430 Individual assgm Stress Management PDF

Title MGT430 Individual assgm Stress Management
Author Faridah Jamaludin
Course Organizational Behaviour
Institution Universiti Teknologi MARA
Pages 8
File Size 462.5 KB
File Type PDF
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INTRODUCTION TO ORGANISATIONALBEHAVIOURMGTMAC –AUG 2021Stress Management ReportStudents are required to write a reflection report on students’ stressmanagement.Due to current Covid-19 situation in Malaysia, student should be able to identifythe stressors , their stress level and the approach they ta...



Students are required to write a reflection report on students’ stress management. Due to current Covid-19 situation in Malaysia, student should be able to identify the stressors, their stress level and the approach they take to manage their stress. Range pages of content are 2-3 pages (not include front page, table of content and references). The report should consist: • Cover page • Introduction • Contents – Stressors, stress level, approach manage the stress • References Format for this report: Font & size: Arial (11) or Times New Roman (12) Please make a creative and interesting report Due date: Week 10

Students are expected to adhere to the institution’s policy on plagiarism and cheating as articulated in the Code of Student Conduct. Any form of plagiarism will result in a zero for the plagiarized assignment.


STRESS MANAGEMENT -Stressor KNOW the source 33

-Stage of Stress DISCOVER your stress condition

-Approach effective WAY to overtake stress

MGT430 Introduction to Organisational Behaviour Sir Mohd Najmie Osman

Faridah Binti Jamaludin 2020-----KAC2205A

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT In the accomplishment of this assignment successfully, many people have best owned upon me their blessings and the heart pledged support, this time I am utilizing to thank all the people who have been concerned with this project. First of all, I am grateful as I am able to complete this assignment with success. Then, I would like to convey my sincere gratitude to my lecturer subject, Sir Mohd Najmie Osman for giving me direction and proper guidance in order to complete this assignment. He also gave me moral support and guided in different matters regarding this assignment. I also want to thank my classmates that is willing to help and share their information. They also give me a lot of moral support and wisdom to go through the assignment amidst of the pandemic. Lastly, I am also thankful to everyone who supported me, for that I have completed my assignment effectively and moreover on time. They gave me many helpful comments which helped me a lot in preparing this assignment.

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INTRODUCTION Due to current outbreak Covid-19 in Malaysia, many people and organization are affected of this situation. Since infected people in Malaysia keep doing numbers, second total lockdown is carried and even now the period has been extending. To avoid more movement, various sectors are practicing working from home including education sector. As a result, most of students study in online platform and there are several of research study found a statistic of student stressed are increasing drastically than before.

Stress is one of the things that we faced in daily life. It is a part of our daily routine that we have to deal with. Consequently, it is a sign to prepare us to adapt to hostile environmental conditions. We have a perception that stress is a negative thought and it will give a detrimental impact in our lives and we will tend to eliminate those thoughts. Despite so, stressed may be beneficial for us and some people found that being under stress did actually motivates them to work on certain task productively. It depends on how individual perceived and approach to manage the stress. Thus, it is important to know the stressor and level of stress we experienced, so an effective action can be taken to overcome this circumstances. STRESSOR Stressor is defined as a subject that may cause an individual a state on tension or strained. Since Covid-19 hits, it affect a lot of people in various way. As for me, I had a hard time in managing financial and studies. In my first year degree, I didn’t get into residential college, so I had to rent house in the university area but then the transportation provided is limited. Thus, I got a motorcycle and before I could use it, Covid-19 surges. As a result, most of my study loan goes to motorcycle monthly instalment yet I could not fully utilize it as I wish. There are lot of cost I need to bear as the Covid19 situation unknown, I am bounded to house-rent contract and even not staying there I have to pay for monthly rental. I am aware relying on study loan would not be enough, so I am getting a part time job on the semester break. Under Covid-19 circumstance, I could not being a picky in choosing job as it is very hard to get hired


foremost as a part timer. So, the pay I got for working eight hours in six days a week is not really worth it. For the education, I only relying in mobile data connection so I had to get into two different mobile telecommunication as my house didn’t have that stable internet connection. Subscribing to different mobile plan is money consuming but it is the best choice I had. Furthermore, some subject require extra effort in study especially core subject to accounting. Being a slow learner, it is tough for me as I had to take some amount of time to understand, do revision and homework. Without realizing, there are a lot of stuff left to be catch up and it’s stressing when I am at home as we had other roles to be fulfilled as a child. LEVEL OF STRESS Dr. Hans Selye, a medical doctor and researcher came up with the concept of physiological stress response.






Adaptation Syndrome is a three-stage process that describes the physiological changes the body goes through when an individual is under stress. Resistance is the second stage of the GAS. During this stage, the body has increased capacity to respond to the stressor. Due to high energetic costs, the body cannot maintain high levels of resistance to stress forever, and if the stressor persists the body may advance into exhaustion. As financial constraints is my main problem, it become so stressful and unbearable to think about it every day. Even so I carry on and online class run as usual. There are times my line bad and time I could not concentrate, so I would need extra time to make up for the class. Hence, as a slow learner I need to spend extra time and effort on doing revision. Without realizing there are a lot of subjects and chapter to catch up and the homework and assignment are piling up. This circumstances cause me to suffer frequents headache and there are some time the pain did not even subside for weeks. There are some day I had to skip class because it is worsening, and again it caused the task to addends. It makes me so irritates to myself and I started to throw temper to my family. It makes me feel bad later and this caused me to frustrate even more as I could not 2|Page

control myself most of times. I find every day is so stressing, and it makes me lose concentrate in everything I do. Up to this point, I realized things will get stressed if I did not work on something, hence I started to take action working things in right way. APPROACH TO STRESS MANAGEMENT If we are living with high levels of stress, we are actually putting our entire well-being at risk. So it is important for us to manage the stress, more important, effectively, so it helps us to break the hold stress we have on our life. As for me, I started to talk to my family and friends about it and it made me realize that I am not the only one struggling, everyone was forced to deal with online class as it is not easy for anyone. Just because people did not talk about it, it does not mean the burden is not heavy. I joined several groups and communities in hunting job. I would apply early as two months so there are some offer I got caught on and I can make choice for job that is worth as the pay. First step I made for education is, I make a slow pace study timetable. I also make a list every time lecturer announce the test or assignment date so that I can prioritize the subject that are due first without neglecting my health. There are a lot understanding lecturers too, who keep asking student progress and even make a consideration to extend the task submission. As I find it is a hassle to connect to people every time, I find a time to do 15 minutes exercise because it is proven that any form of physical activity can help burn away tension and stress . Since I found that pull allnighters every night is not a good idea and it actually even affects my health, so I used my weekend and national holiday by doing revision. However, I also make sure that there are time left for myself to doing my hobby. By doing so, I feel more energetic to spend my day and I become even more productive than before.


REFERENCES S. (2021, June 14). Test Your Stress | Learn to Control Your Level of Stress. Be Mindful. Higuera, V. (2018, October 6). What Is General Adaptation Syndrome? Healthline. B. (n.d.). Stress | Boundless Anatomy and Physiology. Lumen Learning. Retrieved June 17, 2021, from Yusoff, Muhamad Saiful Bahri & Fuad, Ahmad & Yaacob, Mohd Jamil. (2010). Prevalence and Sources of Stress among Universiti Sains Malaysia Medical Students. The Malaysian journal of medical sciences: MJMS. 17. 30-7.



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