Stress Management Report assignment 3 Updated.docx PDF

Title Stress Management Report assignment 3 Updated.docx
Course Organizational Behaviour
Institution Universiti Teknologi MARA
Pages 17
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1.0 INTRODUCTION Stress is one of the things that we faced in daily life. It stems from our daily efforts and desire to achieve what is being targeted, adapting to the new norms or environment and also to adjust to the demands of living in this world. We have a perception that stress is a negative thought and it will give a detrimental impact in our lives and we will tend to eliminate those thoughts. However, according to Dr. Hans Selye (1978) , who is an expert in the stress management stated that “ Our aim should not be to completely avoid stress which at any rate would be impossible, but to learn how to recognize our typical responses to stress and then try to modulate ourselves accordance with it”. Selye determine that people have a fairly consistent and automatic physiological response to stressful situations, which helps them cope with environment demand.[ CITATION Ste18 \l 1033 ] Stress is they of how human beings or people reacts on physically and mentally to the changes that happens in their daily lives in the form of an event, situations or occurrence, experiences that they faced or incidents that is happening in their world and life. We do experience in this type of reactions. But, we can see people experiencing their stress in different manners and for many types of reasons. We also can see the reaction of stress is based upon the perception of an event or situation. The way the individual making his mindset, regards to the kind of manner he or she views the stress. A person can be so stress, too overwhelmed and sometimes cannot control his actions if the sees the stress in a negative way. Where as if the person is keen and views the situation in a positive way, it is a sign that the person manage the stress properly or known as eustress. As an analogy, some people experience the public speaking or in the airplane flights as a very stressful situation. This could lead to the physical reactions such as the person’s heart beating too fast and a loss of appetite for food. Some people think that the situation is interesting and curious, which means that for some people, these are negative stressors and positive once. This is depending on the perception of an individual.


2.0 DISCUSSION In the month March 2020, our country being hit by an enemy that cannot be seen in our eyes. They were known as the coronavirus disease or scientifically called COVID-19. The World Health Organization (WHO) declared this virus as a pandemic due to the rate of spreading is too fast and it is affected by the whole country. Due to this pandemic, the Malaysian Government has implemented the partial lockdown or Movement Control Order (MCO) for the first time ever on 18 th March 2020. It has been more than forty (40) days up until now. From this MCO, we can see all of the sellers need to closed down their shops. The organization company of every states have been closed down, effecting the workers cannot have their money or salary due to the pandemic. Private sector facing bad days and also in the state of breakdown because of this virus and government’s order. In the perspective of students, we can see students also have to go back to their hometown in order to stop the spread of the COVID-19 viruses. But some are unlucky and they cannot go back after police decides to close down and tightens the security in every border in the country. From here, we can see our front liners, includes The Malaysian Royal Police (PDRM), army forces, doctors and nurses having so much stress in handling the cases which sometimes spiking up during the bad days. Students also facing stress on the online classes. Sometimes, they need to face the challenges of the coverage, limited data and many more. Students also sometimes felt that they want to give up because of too stressful and they think it is hard to implement the online classes. Stress is like a basic to the human being existence. The way of the individuals develops and managing their stress are matters the most. As a result of certain experiences, situations or any events that takes place in their life of an individual, and how individuals perceive their stress. Understanding and perceiving a stressful situation may varies and depending on how they think of the problem and also the mindset of every individual thoughts. Stress can be the positive ones or to be negative once. For example, if a person receives the good news like being mark from the lecturers as “good job” in their work, he obviously and so certain that he feels the stress as well as be more satisfy. This is known to be a positive stress. On the other hand, some people may undergo some kind of negative experience too. They could be the big once (major) or to be a small once(minor). As an analogy, if we feel sick and can not do the job, we could be stress as we want to pursue the deadline of the task. It somehow to bring more stressful to the person. This kind of situations can take form of negative stress.


3.0 FINDINGS Stress is unavoidable, situations takes place within the life of an individual that he cannot avoiding and run from the stress, but he can cope up with a stressful situation if he learns effectively how to manage the stress[CITATION DrR08 \l 1033 ]. During this outbreak of COVID-19, we can see many people are so stressed for all types of profession such as the doctors, army, police, students and so many more. They are known as the front liners. An individual should possess the knowledge within him about how to interpret and react in the situations. Students also facing so many types of stress such as tests, assignments and many more. Sometimes, they do not have enough sleep. Students also have the knowledge of managing and handling the stress wisely. 3.0.1 TYPES OF STRESS LEVEL: Stress can be divided into 3 types of stress level. According to the American Psychological Association, stress can divide into 3 which is the first is an acute stress. It is the most common form of stress and it is resulting of recent or anticipated stressors. This type of stress can be both, either positive or negative. As an analogy, the excitement before a fun event is a type of positive acute stress. On the other hand, if a person involved in the car accident is one of the negative acute stress. As long as the acute stress does not last for extended period or too frequently, there is nothing wrong with suffering the stress. It happens within us and it will pass with time. The second level of stress is episodic acute. This is where a person’s stress happened too frequently. This kind of stress that continuously pops up, sometimes in a pattern. Alongside of it, it is accompanied by warry and angst about things that happening around an individual. We might be especially prone to this stress as we have a “type A” personality, as we can have a sense of urgency and a need get things done actually become overwhelming. Episodic acute stress is a recurring type of stress, happening again and again. The third level of stress is chronic acute stress. Chronic acute stress can be said that as a neverending stress that relentlessly wears down a person. If we don’t see an end in sight, or if we facing something that has no way out, we are likely to begin suffering this stress. This type of stress eventually begins to effect to a person’s health, and it could leads to heart problems, strokes, high blood pressure are issues that arisen in this stress context. This type of stress requires reaching out for help.


3.0.1 THE SOURCE OF STRESS There are four forms of experience that people face the experience with regards to the stress: [CITATION Per20 \l 1033 ] The first form of the source comes from the environment itself. Sometimes their environment can contribute of an individual behavior with strong, extreme, severe and competing the demands that need to be adapt with. Examples of environment stressors in the perspective of a students are people around him or her, the behavior of their friends and how they are socializing in the community. With regards to the pandemic of COVID-19, their environment changes from where they are study, which in the campus to the online distance learning. Some students could feel its hard to adapt the situation because of the environmental factors. Thus, they could be more stressful and find it hard to adapt the situation nowadays. The second form of the source comes from social stressors. This kind of form always happening in our daily lives. An individual facing myriad stressors arising from the demand of the social roles that he or she occupies. For workers, the demand from their top management contributing the factors of stress. In the perspective of students view, students felt tension and stressful enough from the stressors like lecturers and many more. They need to chase sometimes five to seven assignments that needs to be done before the upcoming deadlines. This kind of stress sometimes makes the student to drink some caffeine in order to stay awake and alert and increasing their heartbeats to work hardly. This could affect the students health. The third form of the source is from their own thoughts. Students or individual could experience many situations in their life that stress is being too provoking, but it is the thoughts of the persons that determine how that he perceives it. The person’s brains play a crucial part where on how it perceives the situation as stressful, too much on workload or painful. It is the way how the individual formulates his thoughts and perceptions with regards of the environment and the way he or she determines whether they are positive ones or a negative once. The last form of the sources comes from the physiological of the persons condition. Circumstances of an individual affecting one’s body, physically and mentally can be said as physiological stressors. For example, a student could face insomnia because of late night tasks, eating disorders, lack of exercises and activities, health issues could lead to the physiological stressors. Sometimes, if the person involves in an accident, they felt hard to settle the jobs and could leads to stress. This could lead to unhealthy situations and also might have problems with the student’s health. They should know how to manage the stress if this kind of stress occurs in their life.


3.0.2 THE TYPES OF STRESSORS If we dig deeper about the stressors, we can see that this kind of reaction, or known as stress are not always being viewed as negative once. It is about how the person respond to the situation or circumstances physically and mentally towards the heaviest and tremendous demand that they faced. In other words, circumstances that are considered stress provoking may take the account as stressors. The types of stressors can be divided into four types: [CITATION Per20 \l 1033 ] The first type of stressors is the positive stress. Positive stress brings good effect on the person such as they felt so motivated and energize a person, in a short term, is perceived within our adaptation abilities, it could lead to a person to feel livelier and stimulating and improving individual’s performance. For example, due to pandemic COVID-19, students have to learn and take their courses via online. For some students, they take it as a positive way, as online classes could bring them to experience a new thing and could bring advantage to them. They could feel more motivated as the students have their family members to support them. Hence, this situation could enhance student performances. The second type of stressors is the negative stress. This type of stress can cause anxiety or concern and it could be in a short or a long term. Most cases involving negative stress in a person finds that they cannot cope up with it, and it subsequently makes an individual feels unpleasant and depressed. For even worse, it could lead to decrease performance in all activities and it automatically undertaken and effects a person physically and mentally. For example, due to COVID-19 pandemic, some students have to learn via online. Some student felt that, for some courses it is hard to learn online. Some students thought it too negative and this contributes the negative stress inside of the students. Another category that falls in this negative stress for human beings includes torture, pain, sexual harassments, death, sleeping disorders, lost of interest, making presentations, conflicts and so much more. This type of stress needs to be avoided. The third type of stressors comes from internal sources about the stress. There are few internal sources in the stress. For example, public speaking, communicating with the strangers, fears or phobia, or fears of heights. Having repetitive thought patterns such as hallucinations or upsetting thoughts could leads to these internal sources of stress. For example, some student feels so tense about the future events such as tests or examination, they expect everything to be on a perfect way and they are willing to do those things which we think that the thoughts are not so realistic.


The last part of types of stressors includes the habitual behavior patterns. There are some of the habitual behavior patterns that can lead to stress or which can lead to stress. For example, if we look in the perspective of a student, they could be too over worked, over scheduling, failing to be assertive, getting to tense or nervous on trivial issues, getting too aggressive in the task given and also procrastinating works. This type of stress is not good for students and it could affect the behavior of the students. 3.0.3 SYMPTOMS OF STRESS There are a few symptoms of stress which we can classified into four main areas, which includes physical symptoms, behaviors, moods and thoughts [ CITATION Per20 \l 1033 ] : The first symptoms are physical symptoms. The physical symptoms are how a person feel when they are stress. These includes their palms are too sweaty, they feel a slight headache, muscle tensions, their hearts start to beat at a faster rate, facial expressions become too tension and for some cases, their hand starts to shake. These are the most symptoms that we experience within the physical body. The second symptoms include a change in an individual behavior. There are some cases where an individual behavior patterns being formed as the result of stress. When individual perceives the stress in the positive way, they will feel calm, composed and having a good mood or peaceful behavior pattern. On the other hand, if someone perceives the stress negatively, we can see the person will behave too aggressive, irritation, anger, feeling in the blue, annoyance, frustration, impatience and too worried. The third symptoms that obviously takes place in our daily lives is our mood. Sometimes, as a result of stress, an individual fails to manage their emotions and takes it too far. In some cases, an individual mood can be anxious, nervous without any reasons, irritable and being too panic. A stressful situation may go too far until the person could become hysterical and become too aggressive. The last one is the part of our brain, which is thoughts. Sometimes, if the person fails to manage their stress, they could being too overthink and many ridiculous thoughts can occupy in the mindset of the person in the event of too stressful enough. Some cases also include delusions, hallucinations, depressive, negative or overthink, unconstructive thoughts, capabilities and intelligence of the students also plays effect on the form of negativity thoughts. Hence, as a student, we have to be alert in the situation and we have to get some consultation if we fail to manage the stress.



3.0.4 STUDENT RELATED STRESS Human beings undergo and facing stressful situations in all walks of life. The same as a university student. Students also face stressful situations not only inside the campus, but also outside of the campus. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, students are forced to learn at home or online learning distance. There are so many challenges that the student face until some student thinks that it is too hard for them to learn online because of their circumstances. In fact, some students also find that online learning is too tiring for them. Recently, in Twitter, a user makes a tweet that “online learning is too tiring and stressful”. The tweet gains more than 10,000 retweets as a sign that they agree with the statement. For them, there are some reasons that they are too stressful with this online classes. The first reason why they are stress is because of the coverage and also the data plan. In recent development made by Telco operators like Celcom, Maxis, Digi and also U mobile, in order to achieve the status as 4G LTE or 5G they expand their coverage throughout the country and also people can easily access to the information and internet. Unfortunately, there are some area that is too rural and makes it limited to access the internet, especially students who lives in Sabah or Sarawak. They find that it is too hard to access the internet. In social medias, we can see students have to go through the forest in order for the online classes. Some students felt that it is too stressful and sometimes makes them become in the state of “mental breakdown”. It is true that government gives a Gigabytes (1Gb) of data every day, but it is not enough for students because streaming the class requires more than 1Gb and also depending on the speed of the transfer rate of data. Therefore, we can see that students face this situation are stressful. The second reason why students are too stressful in attending online class recently is that they are lack of learning materials. Let us reflect back the detriment of the pandemic COVID-19 disease to everybody in the country. Most students are in shock and they are unprepared for the government planned actions in order to prevent the spread of the deadly disease. Some of students needs to go to the nearest police station to get the approval to across the state borders. They did not know what will happen next. Because of that, they left all the materials at the campus. The Movement Control Order that has been implemented by the government restricted the students to get back to the campus in order to get the learning material after they get the order to go back to hometown immediately. After the campus decides to make the online learning class, the student feels too tense because in every subject, they left the material at their campus. It is too hard for them to learn without any reference. In addition, they felt demotivated and they become stressful every time they attend the online classes. This is not good for students, because it could affect their mental and also their academic performance too.


The third reason why students are feeling burdened and leads to stress is that some of them may not a gadget for attending the class. In this generation, even kids have their own gadgets. But for some people they do not have money and they can’t afford any kinds of the high-tech gadget. The effect of this pandemic is that we can see all students needs to attend the class virtually and for some student, they cannot attend the class due to the absentees of gadget. Hence for some student, they need to spend their time on cybercafe or have to stay in the college for the sake of ...

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