Midterm 2 Fall 2012 - 9jdqonqbfclEQ PDF

Title Midterm 2 Fall 2012 - 9jdqonqbfclEQ
Author Anonymous User
Course Intro to American Government
Institution Stony Brook University
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Name______________________________________________ Political Science 102: Introduction to American Government Midterm 2, Version 1

ID#:______________________________ December 6, 2012 Instructor: J. Rose

For extra credit, please write the 5 rights of the First Amendment on the last page of this test. Each correct answer is 1 pt. Select the best answer for each question (each worth 2 points).

1. In the Texas v. Johnson (1989), flag burning case, the Supreme Court ruled that a. flag burning is protected as symbolic speech under the 1rst Amendment b. flag burning should be the one action prohibited by the Constitution c. flag desecration is not an expression of free speech d. flag burning us unconstitutional due to the Flag Burning Amendment e. Americans hate flag-burners 2. Nonpreferentialists contend that a. church and state should be separate and have no contact whatsoever b. Jefferson’s letter to the Danbury Baptist Association is irrelevant c. the state should accommodate religion so long and there is no preference given to any one religion over another d. the state should establish a religion such as the Anglican Church in Great Britain e. there should be no preference for either separating church and state or entangling as outlined in the establishment clause 3. The Engle v. Vitale (1962) Supreme Court ruling a. stated that school prayer is an issue to be handled by the states b. made school prayer constitutional c. made school prayer unconstitutional d. made a moment of silence constitutional e. stated that any law must be one that inhibits religion in order to be constitutional 4. In Griswold v. Connecticut (1965), the Supreme Court ruled that the 1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 9th Amendments to the Constitution create a “penumbra” or spirit for, and therefore establish a fundamental right. This implied right is the a. right to an abortion b. right to privacy c. right to contraception d. right to free speech e. right to wiretap so long as there is no physical penetration of space

5. In Roe v. Wade (1973) the Supreme Court ruled a. That the right to privacy extends to an abortion b. women have a right to an abortion at any time during a pregnancy c. to legalized abortion with regulations to consider the interests of the mother, the state and the unborn child d. only a and b e. only a and c 1

6. In Roe v. Wade (1973) the Supreme Court ruled a. That the right to privacy extends to an abortion b. women have a right to an abortion at any time during a pregnancy c. to legalized abortion with regulations to consider the interests of the mother, the state and the unborn child d. only a and b e. only a and c 7. Discrimination arising from, or supported by law is a. De facto discrimination b. constitutional under right to privacy c. De jure discrimination d. constitutional under Brown v. Board of Education (1954) e. allowed under the 14th Amendment 8. Which of the following Jim Crow Laws were employed to stop discrimination against poor whites while still discriminating against blacks? a. Poll taxes b. Literacy Tests c. Grandfather clauses d. Black primaries e. Primary fees 9. In Brown v. Board of Education (1954) the U.S. Supreme Court a. ruled that separate but equal is unconstitutional b. overturned Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) c. ruled that separate is inherently unequal d. all of the above e. only a and c 10. A standing committee in the U.S. Congress is a committee that is a. permanent b. temporary c. contains members of both houses d. regulates marijuana e. only found in the U.S. Senate

11. No taxation bill passes the House of Representatives without first being assigned to a. the Rules Committee b. the Small Business Committee c. the Ways and Means Committee d. the Senate Finance Committee e. both a and c


12. The practice of unlimited debate in the Senate in order to prevent or delay a vote on a bill is a a. quorum b. filibuster c. cloture d. reapportionment e. gerrymander 13. The practice of unlimited debate in the Senate in order to prevent or delay a vote on a bill is a a. quorum b. filibuster c. cloture d. reapportionment e. gerrymander 14. Every 10 years the Census is conducted to determine the population changes nationally and within each state. The change in the allocation of congressional seats based on changes in the population is called a. redistricting b. reapportionment c. gerrymandering d. coattailing e. logrolling 15. The power of the President as Commander-in-Chief is checked by a. War Powers Resolution of 1973 b. Congress’ power to declare war c. Congress’ power to appropriate funds d. All of the above e. Only a and b 16. An organization characterized by hierarchical structure, worker specialization, explicit rules and advancement by merit refers to a. The bureaucracy b. Non-Cabinet Agencies c. The White House Office d. The Court System e. The Department of Defense

17. The authority of a chief executive to delete part of a bill passed by the legislature by removing individual appropriations refers to a. Pocket Veto b. Line Item Veto c. a power that the president does not currently have d. a power of the president that has been declared constitutional e. both b and c BOTH ANSWERS ARE VALID


18. The authority of a chief executive to delete part of a bill passed by the legislature by removing individual appropriations refers to a. Pocket Veto b. Line Item Veto c. a power that the president does not currently have d. a power of the president that has been declared constitutional e. both b and c BOTH ANSWERS ARE VALID 19. The theory of Presidential Power which advocates expansive Presidential powers in extraordinary circumstances, exemplified by FDR is the a. Constitutional Theory b. Stewardship Theory c. Prerogative Theory d. Judicial Restraint Theory e. Strict Constructionism 20. When hearing a case on racial discrimination the U.S. Supreme Court employs which standard of review? a. Rational Basis b. Strict Scrutiny c. Intermediate scrutiny d. Racial Quotas e. The Harvard Admissions policy 21. In Scott v. Sanford (1856) the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that a. Dred Scott is not a U.S. Citizen b. Dred Scott could go free c. slaves are property d. slaves moving to free states are free e. both a and c 22. The government must take action under the Constitution to guarantee equal protection of all citizens in order to protect a citizen’s a. civil liberties b. civil rights c. liberty of contract d. government rights e. natural rights

23. Suspect, Quasisuspect and Nonsuspect classification by the U.S. Supreme Court refers to a. the three different levels of race discrimination b. the Court’s standard to review obscenity cases c. the three classifications of Laws that discriminate d. strict scrutiny of gender discrimination e. the Harvard Admissions policy 4

24. The agreement in 1820, of the U.S. federal government to allow Maine into the Union as a free state and Missouri into the Union as a slave state, with all future states admitted north of the Missouri southern border to be free and south of that border to be slave states is known as the a. Missouri Compromise b. Three-Fifths Compromise c. Great Compromise d. Louisiana Compromise e. Dred Scott decision 25. The legislation that abolished slavery was the a. Civil Rights Act of 1856 b. 13th Amendment c. 14th Amendment d. 15th Amendment e. Article IV of the U.S. Constitution

26. In Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that a. segregation was constitutional b. segregation was unconstitutional c. desegregation must be implemented “with all deliberate speed” d. desegregation was unconstitutional e. “separate but unequal” is constitutional

27. Each member of Congress has a dual obligation between a. the interests of their local constituency and the interests of the nation as a whole b. the interests of their political party and the interests of the president c. their self interest and the interest of their constituents d. the interests of Democrats and the interests of Republicans e. national priorities and global priorities

28. Which of the following is not an example of how the House of Representatives differs with the Senate. a. The House impeaches the President, the Senate tries the case b. The House has popular representation, the Senate has equal representation c. The House appoints the President’s cabinet heads, the Senate approves them d. The House has a powerful Rules Committee, the Senate has a much less powerful Rules and Administration Committee e. The House has limited debate, the Senate has unlimited debate and a filibuster

29. The Committee System in Congress a. divides the legislative work up among the members b. allows bills to be killed while in committee c. encourages issue specialization of members d. scrutinizes bills and holds investigations 5

e. all of the above 30. A quorum is a. a combined House-Senate committee formed to coordinate activities and expedite legislation in a certain policy area b. usually permanent c. the practice of unlimited debate in the Senate in order to prevent or delay a vote d. the minimum number of members that must be present in order to make the House and Senate proceedings valid. e. A temporary committee appointed to deal with an issue or problem not suited to a standing committee 31. The vote to end a Senate filibuster a. is called cloture b. is called a quorum c. requires 60 senators d. all of the above e. only a and c

32. How many U.S. Senate seats are up for reelection every two years? a. half b. one-third c. three-fifths d. 100% e. None, they run for reelection every 6 years. 33. The process of dividing states into new CDs after the population has been counted in the Census is a. redistricting b. reapportionment c. gerrymandering d. cottailing e. logrolling 34. How many Congressional Districts are there in the United States? a. 535 b. 435 c. 100 d. nine e. 50

35. After the Census CDs are redrawn to reflect the changing population. Who redraws the new districts? a. Congress b. The Executive Branch as a check on the legislature c. The State legislatures d. The Supreme Court to avoid party politics e. Federal agencies established for this specific task 6

36. Redistricting to benefit a particular group is called a. reapportionment b. gerrymandering c. logrolling d. coattailing e. pork barreling 37. The electoral edge afforded to those already in office refers to a. franking privileges b. incumbency advantage c. logrolling d. coattailing e. gerrymandering 38. When a congressman fights for legislation that benefits his/her district only, usually in the form of public works projects and grants paid for by the federal government, this legislation is referred to as a. pork barrel legislation b. logrolling legislation c. coattail legislation d. administrative legislation e. district legislation 39. The highest leadership post in the U.S. House of Representatives is the a. Majority leader b. Majority whip c. Congressional Campaign Committee Chair d. Speaker of the House e. President Pro Tempore

40. The model of representation that refers to decisions being made by a member – even if they are against the will of their constituents – because they are policy experts and know better than the constituents is called the a. Delegate Model of representation b. Trustee Model of Representation c. District Model of Representation d. Policy Model of Representation e. Committee Model of Representation

41. The President’s power as Commander-in-Chief a. allows him/her to send military forces into another area of the world without Congressional approval b. allows him/her to pass legislation on the military without Congressional approval c. gives him/her power over all NATO forces d. increase the defense budget for national security purposes 7

e. the power to declare war

42. The President has to power to do all but which of the following? a. introduce legislation in Congress b. propose legislation to Congress c. passed by Congress d. declare war e. a and d only

43. Congress’ delegation of certain lawmaking powers to the Executive Branch departments and agencies refers to a. Administrative law b. Statutory Delegation c. Statutes defining the power of the administrative agencies of the U.S. government d. lawmaking authority delegated to the Executive Branch e. all of the above

44. When congressional candidates of a winning presidential party receive added votes because the presidential candidate is overwhelmingly popular, this is referred to as a. coattail effect b. pork barreling c. gerrymandering d. reapportionment e. redistricting 45. A bill can die a. in committee b. in subcommittee c. on the House or Senate floor d. in conference committee e. all of the above 46. A temporary joint committee formed to reconcile the differences in the House and Senate versions of a bill is called a a. select committee b. rules committee c. conference committee d. standing committee e. caucus


47. The War Powers Resolution of 1973 a. requires that the President notify Congress within 48 hours of committing armed forces to hostile military action b. sets a time on deployment of forces at 60 days, after which the President must obtain congressional approval c. has been controversial d. has been argued to be unconstitutional e. all of the above 48. Amtrak is a company created by Congress to provide train service to the public because private enterprise cannot or will not profitably provide this service. Amtrak is a(n) a. cabinet department b. independent government corporation c. independent regulatory commission d. independent executive agency e. private company 49. A government organization that regulates various businesses, industries or economic sectors refers to a. the cabinet-level bureaucracy b. independent government corporations c. independent regulatory commissions d. independent executive agencies e. Amtrak 50. There are 15 Executive Departments that comprise the cabinet level bureaucracy. Non-cabinet level agencies differ from these because of which of the following? a. Non-cabinet agencies must maintain their independence from the executive to avoid political pressure. b. Non-cabinet agencies are formed to accomplish specific tasks or goals. c. Non-cabinet agencies tend to move quicker than executive departments. d. Non-cabinet agencies are independent of the executive and congress so that they can regulate business and industry without political pressure. e. all of the above 51. If a bill is submitted to the president within 10 days of the end of the congressional session and he/she takes no action on the bill – he neither signs the bill nor vetoes it… a. this is referred to as a pocket veto b. the bill does not become law c. the bill becomes law d. congress extends the session until action is taken e. only a and b 52. In the historic Supreme Court case of Marbury v. Madison (1803), Chief Justice John Marshall a. established judicial review for the SCOTUS b. saved the institutional integrity of the Court by avoiding the appearance of impotence c. ruled that statutory law cannot change constitutional law d. ruled an act of Congress unconstitutional for the first time e. all of the above 9

53. The authority of a court to hear a case first is called a. original jurisdiction b. appellate jurisdiction c. district jurisdiction d. constitutional jurisdiction e. jurisprudence 54. The authority of a court to review decisions made by lower courts is called a. Original jurisdiction b. Appellate jurisdiction c. District jurisdiction d. Constitutional jurisdiction e. Jurisprudence 55. Statutory Law is subordinate to a. Fundamental Law b. Constitutional Law c. Administrative Law d. State Law e. both a and b 56. The Supreme Court has the power to decide which cases it wants to hear. This power refers to a. judicial review b. judicial restraint c. docket discretion d. judicial activism e. judicial rights 57. The President’s executive role as the primary shaper of relations with other nations refers to his role as a. Chief Foreign Policy Maker b. Head Diplomat c. Commander in Chief d. Chief Administrator e. both a and b 58. To maintain the separation and independence of the judiciary from the other branches of government the SCOTUS justices a. are appointed for life b. cannot have their pay decreased c. have the power of docket discretion d. strive to avoid political cases e. all of the above 59. The lowest level in the federal court system are the a. Circuit Courts b. District Courts c. Courts of Appeal d. Supreme Courts e. Military Courts 10

60. a. have two sets of trial courts, one for limited jurisdiction (such as family court and traffic court) and another for general jurisdiction b. do not have an appeals court c. are not hierarchically structured similar to the federal system d. do not fall under the jurisdiction of the SCOTUS e. do not have a state supreme court 61. When scholars and justices interpret the Constitution with the view that the courts should reject any active lawmaking functions and follow precedent, refers to a. Judicial Activism b. Strict Activism c. Judicial Restraint d. Broad Constructionsim e. Jurisprudence 62. When scholars and justices interpret the Constitution with the view that the courts should reject any active lawmaking functions and follow precedent, refers to a. Judicial Activism b. Strict Activism c. Judicial Restraint d. Broad Constructionsim e. Jurisprudence 63. During the Watergate investigation, President Nixon claimed that he had the power as president to withhold information from the legislative and judicial branches including the right to resist subpoenas and congressional investigations. By doing so, Nixon was claiming a. Executive Privilege b. Executive Agreement c. Executive Orders d. Executive Agency e. Executive Branch 64. The intermediate level Courts in the federal system are the a. Circuit Courts b. District Courts c. Courts of Appeal d. Supreme Courts e. both a and c


65. The view that the courts should be lawmaking, policymaking bodies is referred to as a. judicial restraint b. judicial activism c. strict constructionsim d. literal interpretation e. judicial review


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